Italy Summer 2019

Jun - Julai 2019
25th Anniversary of my parents Baca lagi
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  • Hari 1


    30 Jun 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    We are stranded in the KC airport. Our flight is delayed because of thunderstorms in Chicago. However, the plane we fly on to Venice is stranded in Indianapolis, so we hopefully won’t miss our connection. Uhh........Baca lagi

  • Hari 1

    Finally on the plane!

    30 Jun 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    Almost 3 hours later then we planned, but we are finally on our plane to Chicago to (hopefully!) connect to Venice without missing our flight!

  • Hari 1

    Chicago Connect

    30 Jun 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    We’ve landed!!

    We are currently pulling up to the airport, where we have a fairly quick walk to the next boarding area. Our next flight isn’t supposed to leave until 7:50, so we should (hopefully!) be ok.Baca lagi

  • Hari 1


    30 Jun 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    As we arrived in Chicago airport, we were perplexed by how long we had to wait to get off of the plane. We simply sat for about 15 minutes. Once we got off the plane, we raced out of our terminal, flying through the airport in an effort to get to our plane. I was even in heels! We then found out that our flight had been delayed until 8:30, and it had all been for nothing....

    Although, at least I got a banana for my troubles. The airport brought out free food, which was immediately hounded by the people of the airport. It was like a nature documentary where the hyenas advance on corpses, desperate for nutrition. Tbh, I don’t love the Chicago airport.
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  • Hari 2

    Venice Day 1

    1 Julai 2019, Itali ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    After arriving at the airport, going through customs, and getting our luggage, we headed to our pre-booked private water taxi, which brought us on a scenic ride into Venice, and onto the loading station of our hotel, The Hotel Ala. We were led up to our room, a triple, though while a little small, very cutely decorated. We immediately began to explore the city, specifically looking for a pasta shop called Dal Moro’s. We got lost, and gave up on finding it, heading to the next stop on our list, the Libreria Aqua Alta. Upon heading there though, I noticed the pasta place we had been looking for was right around the block. We headed over there. This is a to go pasta place, with personal sized boxes with your choice of sauce and toppings. We got two with pesto and bacon, which we were amazed at how good they were. After finishing, we went back to the Libreria Aqua Alta bookstore, which includes books on a gondola (in case of flooding), and a staircase made of books. We walked the RIva Degli Schiavoni, getting gelato along the way. I ordered a flavor called susina, which was plum. It was amazing! We walked around for a while, the headed back to the hotel restaurant, the Giglio for a light dinner. We each ordered an appetizer (I ordered a melon and prosciutto plate, which had the best prosciutto I’ve ever tasted) and split a gnocchi, which were very good. Overall, the meal was only ok, but we were very tired and, it was close to the hotel. We got in several hours late, but it was still a really good day!Baca lagi

  • Hari 3

    Venice Day 2

    2 Julai 2019, Itali ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    This was expected, but the time zone was rough. I woke up at 2:30, then fell back asleep, later waking up at 7. It didn’t help that the AC in the room wasn’t working correctly, so the room was hot all night! We started the next day with breakfast at the hotel, complete with cookies, cakes, Parmesan cheese, and ham. We had a tour of Doge’s Palace booked for 9:55, but got there early. As we were wandering St. Marks Square, we noticed the bell tower was open, and had no line. We had been planning on visiting a less crowded bell tower later in the day, and were delighted by this update. We got lots of gorgeous pictures of the city from high up. We then proceeded to our Secret Itineraries tour of Doge’s Palace. This tour took us through the prison cells, which are not open to the general public. While the tour was cool, I don’t know how worth it is was, thought advanced tickets are absolutely necessary. After the tour, we strolled through the artfully decorated rooms of the palace, complete with a walk through the Bridge of Sighs. This is a bridge connecting Doge’s Palace, in which prisoners were led to see their last view of this beautiful city.

    After Doge’s Palace, we took a vaporetto, the public transportation boats, to the Chiesa di San Barnaba Church. We didn’t go inside, but just looked around it. The appeal of this was that it was in a Indiana Jones movie (it’s actually a library in the movie). After this, we strolled around look inside various shops, including the Ca’ Macana mask shop. We got lunch at a little place, where I got a lemon chicken dish, and my parents got pizza. After our lunch, we had a Traghettò bring us across the Grande Canal. These are large gondolas, in which it is custom to stand. We walked around for a while, just taking in the beauty of the city. We decided to take a vaporetto on a ‘cruise’, just riding it through the stops. We eventually got to a more industrial part, in which we got off and took another boat back to Venice proper. We stopped at the Rialto Bridge, and market. I was a little disappointed in the market, as it was kind off a tourist trap, and very commercialized. After this, we took another vaporetto back to the Giglio stop, just a few feet walk from the hotel, where we relaxed for an hour or so.

    We got cocktails at the hotel bar, and headed off to dinner. We had a place in mind, but it ended up being closed. We ended up going to the hotel recommended restaurant, Ristorante di Rafael. This ended up being AMAZING! I got a mixed salad (with wonderful tomatoes) and fettuccine bolognese. I was surprised how much I liked the salad without dressing, just drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. The fettuccine bolognese was the best I’ve ever had, exploding with flavor in my mouth. My mom had tomato basil gnocchi, which rivaled my meal for the most delicious. My dad tried cuttlefish ink pasta, a Venetian classic, which he did not care for. We don’t love very fishy flavors, so it makes sense we wouldn’t love this. It was also very hard to eat, as it stained your mouth black. For dessert, I had a ricotta apple cheesecake, which was very tasty. Overall, this was an amazing 2nd day, and excited for what come next!
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  • Hari 4

    Venice Day 3

    3 Julai 2019, Itali

    Started off our day with the wonderful breakfast at Hotel Ala!

    We headed off to the fish market, just to look at the fish for sale. There were some very cool things there!

    We then caught the vaporetto to Burano, where we took lots of pictures at the beautiful multi-colored houses! We looked through the lace shops, bakeries, and a balsamic vinegar stand, with cool painted bottles. We got lunch at a place called Primo, which was very good (Recommended to us by the vinegar guy). I got a crab pasta, even though it was pretty hot, and my parents just go small plates, prosciutto & melon and a caprese salad. We ended up buying a lace table runner for the dining room, and a cool silver fan with Burano stitched onto it. We also got some Burano cookies at a small bakery.

    We caught the next vaporetto to Murano. We explored the island for a little while, and got gelato at this cute little place called Cioccolato & Crema. My dad got this really good flavor that was some citrus type of mix (no one could remember the flavor). Almost ready to leave, we stopped into NAME glass factory to watch the masters blow glass, unaware of what was about to happen.

    Watching glass being blown and shaped is an amazing experience. We watched him carefully shape the molten glass, blowing it out into beautiful shapes. We watched him make vases, horses, and even blow out a big bubble just to shatter it, for dramatic effect, of course. I even got to help him create a spiral design on a vase. We then headed up to the gallery, where our guide, Fabrizio, showed us around, telling us about the glass trade. He said that unless they have very specific labeling, all of the glass is made in China, and the rest, made in a vague ‘Italy’. Unless it specifically says made in Murano, it is not made there (and even sometimes this isn’t true). We ended up buying to glass vases there, and got to take a picture with the master who made them, with the pieces. We ended up with a free glass horse, and pendant too. After all, it was very expensive. Along with this, since Fabrizio had to go home at the same time as us, we got a free private taxi ride, along with him and his daughter.

    As we were headed down to Cafe we heard the family behind us say something about Whitney from Dancing With The Stars. We turned around, and they told us she was waking with her husband up ahead. We followed them until the end of the block, and eventually gave up, only to realize that they were coming back our way, so I said her name, and asked for a picture. So, now I have a picture with Whitney Carson from DWTS!

    We then headed to the historic Cafe Florián for a snack. We got some Florian sandwiches, which while pretty basic, were very good. We got a cool looking strawberry and white chocolate cake! It was very cool and fancy to eat there, although everything was ridiculously overpriced.

    For dinner, at the same place as last night, the Ristorante Rafael, I had a pesto and seafood pasta dish, which was amazing. My dad had a truffle dish, which was the best out of three. My mom got the amazing gnocchi she had the night before again.

    Today was the best day so far. I got to help make glass, with a free water taxi back to Venice proper, along with getting a picture with Whitney from DWTS!
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  • Hari 5

    Florence Day 4

    4 Julai 2019, Itali

    We spent only one day in Florence, simply seeing the main sights. We left Venice that morning, after breakfast at the Hotel Ala. We took the Italo train, which while very comfortable, with spacious seats, was not especially scenic. Everyone fell asleep. The Venice train station was especially nice, with lots of shops (I got a t-shirt!), whereas the Florence train station was basic.

    Hotel Alba Palace was only two blocks from the train station, so was a very easy walk. We had a triple room, which instead of squeezing two beds into one room, it actually had a cool spiral staircase leading to the second floor, with my bed. It even had a tv! Although, not much help since it was in Italian. We were then very ahead of schedule, since we did not plan on walking right out of the train station, and for getting to the hotel to be so quick.

    We first went over to Santa Maria Novella, which was right next to the hotel. It is a store that sells perfumes, candles, home fragrance, skincare, and similar things, only using old recipes used by the monks many years ago. We got a wax fragrance closet hanger for my grandmother, and my mom and I both got a perfume, at the recommendations of the assistant helping us, after listening to our preferences. Florence is not the only location, but this particular Santa Maria Novella is in a beautiful old building, complete with even some frescoes.

    We headed over the Florence’s Mercato Centrale for lunch. The first floor has lots of little shops, where you assemble a cheap meal with fresh ingredients, or buy little things to take home (I’ll get to that later). On the second floor they have restaurant stands where you can buy a meal. They have a wide variety of things: pasta dishes, supleé, wine stands, dessert stands, sushi stands, etc. We ended up getting two plates with meats, cheeses (pecorino and buffalo mozzarella) tomatoes, olives, among other things (the picture is posted below). My parents got some wine from a little stand. We ended getting cannolis for dessert, where we watched the lady pipe the cream filling into the outer shell (so it doesn’t get soggy). The had to have been the best cannolis I’ve ever eaten!

    After this, we had planned to see Accademia, for the Statue of David, but our timed tickets were not for several hours. We went ahead with the rest of our plans.

    Next up was The Duomo. While it was under restoration, I was able to get pictures without scaffolding. We also saw the Gates of Paradise while we were there. While very cool, to me, they were just pretty doors.

    Next up was gelato, and then off to Accademia. We were 30 minutes early for our entrance, but we got in anyways. I was so happy I didn’t have to wait in the huge line! David is very cool, but the rest of the museum is small, and very hot. I am appalled that all of the paintings are not kept climate controlled!

    We were next off to the BOAR STATUES NAME?, which was cool because we have one back at home. Next was the short walk to the Ponte Vecchio, where we walked along the expensive shops. We walked to Piazza Della Signoria and looked at everything there. I recognized one of the statues as Perseus and Medusa from Greek mythology.

    With our day complete, we headed to a dinner at PLACE, which was on the same block as the hotel, after realizing Mercato Centrale was not open (we headed back to buy a couple of little souvenirs, like a painted bottle of olive oil. This restaurant was absolutely wonderful, and was on the same street as the hotel. I got a ravioli was a bolognese, my dad got a wild boar pasta, and my mom got a truffle pasta, which she said was the best meal of the trip so far! For dessert I got Crema Catalana, which is very similar to Creme Brûlée, but so much better! It is much creamier, and more yellow (more egg yolk?). Overall, it was a really good day!
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