Adventure mine

Juli - Oktober 2016
Petualangan 94-sehari oleh Adventure mine Baca selengkapnya
  • 40footprint
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  • Hari 63

    Practice ride

    16 September 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

    Today I decided to take my loaded bike on the 22 mile trek to my daughters. Google Maps lead me on some crazy bike trail that ended up kicking my already sore booty. I didn't eat right and I ran out of water , (something I WILL NEVER do again).

    The elevation was an insane challenge which should have taken me about three hours took me closer to six. Two miles from my daughter's house i completely ran out of energy. Admitting defeat. (On the road I would have simply set up camp )I called her to come pick me up.

    It was an extremely discouraging day. But at the end of it, I had to realize my accomplishments. ( with the help of many kind words from my husband and my son) This was some crazy elevation, I rode for about 28 miles, and it was my first time with all that weight on my bike. I will be okay...
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  • Hari 66

    Day 1

    19 September 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

    52.4 miles. I am impressed with myself :)

    Today was cloudy and chilly.

    Didn't really have to climb much.
    This is what I am most worried about with the weight on my bike.

    Locus maps took me to a road that was closed, so I had to back track. Lost about 12 miles ( that's about an hour of biking). No biggie in the grand scheme of this trip. It's amazing how that didn't upset me. What's 12 miles when I am looking at another 2800 ahead of me.

    I found a spot to camp outside of Carlton,OR. Kind of scary cuz I'm just off the side of the road.

    Overall a really good start, but I am exhausted and can't wait to close my eyes.
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  • Hari 67

    Day 2:

    20 September 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ 🌙 57 °F

    Today was not a particularly good day. I rode 58 miles with an extremely sore rear end, and constant pain in my left knee.

    My route today had a lot more elevation. Not too bad, but the weight on my bike makes it excruciating. Although I CAN feel myself getting stronger.

    When I was passing through Grand Ronde an older man told me I could camp in his yard, but on my way there I chickened out. I've seen too many scary movies! That was about 20 miles before I got to the coast . I probably should have taken my chances.

    I almost got hit by a truck. It was my fault . I just didn't look well enough and didn't see him before I cross the street. All day long I've been scared of logging trucks passing me on winding roads with no shoulder, and I do something so stupid as not stop before I cross the street.

    By the time I arrived in Neskowin my knee (and arse) was killing me, it was getting late ,and I was running out of water, so I decided on a motel for the night.

    Also got a pretty bad sunburn on the bottom half of my legs.

    Tomorrow I may bike a short 11 miles to a state park ,spend another night there, and let my body heal. Part of that 11 Mile track is a crazy hill that I'm going to have to climb. I'm extremely scared of it.

    Highlight : I did make it to the Pacific Ocean!!!

    P.S. I'm having Phantom pains( I guess that's what you call them) I just tried to take my helmet off while in lying in bed. So weird. My husband tells me that's going to get worse
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  • Hari 68

    Day 3 :

    21 September 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

    Conquered my first big hill today. It was 754 feet in elevation. Not sure what the grade was but it was hard!!! It took me an hour and a half with many breaks .

    When I finally got to the top a guy in a truck driving the opposite direction stuck his head out the window and yelled "woohoo , good job "it made me smile insanely big , . . and cry. I couldn't stop for about half way down that huge ass hill.

    I didn't have much more left in me after that. I continued the short distance to Devil's Lake and made camp for the night.
    Btw why would they make the biker Campground UP a steep hill???

    After I had the tent set up I walked a short distance to grab a bite to eat and finally made my way to the beach. I couldn't do that last night I was on a cliff. I finally got to stick my feet in the sand, and walk in the extremely frigid Waters of the Pacific ocean.

    For me the beach always brings peace and healing. There's something about the combination of the crashing waves, the sand, the wind, and the Sun that works miracles. And for the second time today I cried. For absolutely no reason at all.

    I am figuring out what this trip is all about . t's about finding myself, it's about letting go, it's about healing ,and it's about growing.

    When I got back to camp I had my first conversation with other bikers. I especially liked a young couple named Rachel and Daniel from Arkansas who are biking from Spokane to San Fransisco. They gave me their contact info so I can stay with them when I go through.
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  • Hari 69

    Day 4:

    22 September 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

    Overcast and chilly today.

    Had another large hill to conquer. Not quite as bad as the first one, but still pretty tough. I can't imagine ever being able to get all of the way up without stopping for a break. I did have a spectacular view when I got to the top!

    I got to see a whale for the first time today!! They were all over the coast I saw a few every stop, but one time I was so close that I got to hear his blow hole. Pretty awesome!

    I only did about 21 miles. The Sun came out around 3, so I stopped at Beverly Beach State Park. Pretty nice campground really close access to the beach. Had a few hours to spend hanging out by the ocean.

    Also came across a great fort somebody had built out of driftwood.

    In bed early tonight. I have a longer day ahead of me tomorrow
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  • Hari 70

    Day 5:

    23 September 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ 🌧 54 °F

    Today was a really great day!

    Woke up early to rain, so I layed around in my tent for a while thinking how wet I was going be all day, and how wet my stuff would be that night.
    I waited for the rain to slack off a bit then I got everything together and got on the road.

    It started pouring, and when an 18-wheeler or RV flew past me I'd get a fine, misty spray of lovely Oregon road water in my face,

    But I felt a-m-a-z-i-n-g!

    Today I had that feeling of euphoria I've been waiting for. It made me feel alive and extremely happy to be doing what I was doing. I have never felt anything like it. I am actually doing something that I've always wanted to do. Something big. Something I would have never thought I would get to experience. But I am

    I stopped for breakfast at a small diner right before I got to the Yaquina lighthouse. I met a really nice couple Marissa and Scott. They are biking on a motorcycle around the country. I've already met so many great people doing the same thing that I'm doing.

    Meeting couples doing this trip together makes me realize how much I miss my husband. I can't wait till we do this together, but I am so grateful he understands why I need to do this alone..

    Today I realized how much I want to complete this journey. I realize that my life will never be the same after this.

    The day stayed cool and rainy. I rode about 25 miles. Stopped at the Marine Research Center in Newport. Rode across the crazy Newport Bridge. Biking on bridges without shoulders scares me. So I walked my bike down the sidewalk. Those were my choices. I choose Safety First :-)

    I'm glad I did though ,because the wind up there was crazy!

    Speaking of wind. I got to experience the headwind everybody was talking about. Geez, the hills weren't enough?

    There weren't any crazy huge hills, but there were tons of little ones. I handled then well. My legs are definitely getting stronger.

    Because South Beach State Campground was full, I ended getting stuck at a KOA. Ugh they are terrible. And expensive . $32 for a little square of ground surrounded by road noise, bright lights, and RVs. But at least I had hot water to make soup (my stove is broke right now) and had a great conversation with a guy named Daniel who was also on a motorcycle across country. He gave me his bear spray said he didn't need it any more. Yay! I don't have to spend $50 on bear spray!

    I need to get better at this wilderness camping thing. I think I'll be better at it when there's not so many people around. I'm scared of The Crazies!
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  • Hari 72

    Day 6:

    25 September 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ 🌙 54 °F

    Woke up this morning to a beautiful day! Most of my 35 mile ride down the 101 ran right next to the water giving me a spectacular view. Even the constant hills could not damper the day.

    I took a long lunch at the top of a mountain. Eating what was left of my summer sausage and cheese while looking down at waves crashing on the rocks and the Hecta head lighthouse in the distance.

    An older man stopped to take a picture (of the view) and told me he didn't envy me. I am assuming he was talking about the crazy hills I had to climb. I responded by saying it was pretty awesome, but awesome didn't even begin to describe what I felt after working so hard to get to that spot.

    Went through my first tunnel. Thankfully it wasn't too long. Even though there is a button bikers push before entering, it is still scary.

    My view from the top of a hill showed a much flatter terrain for my ride tomorrow. That will be extremely nice!

    Before I got to my campsite near hecta beach. I stopped at a convenient store and the owner, a nice asian lady, used to live near my mother in Dover, TN. What a small world.

    Tonight I get to fall asleep under a beautiful night sky listening to the faint sound of ocean waves and tug boats tooting their horns on the harbor.

    I also passed the 200 mile mark!!!!
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  • Hari 72

    Day 7 :

    25 September 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ 🌙 66 °F

    Another pretty day! Right where I camped the 101 starts to turn inland, so all that flat land that I thought was ahead of me was really to the west. I got to spend another day taking on small mountains. They were kicking my butt today.

    I didn't get to see the ocean.

    After I was on the road for a few miles I came across three or four cars parked on the shouler, and several people on their phones. Very odd for the middle of nowhere. As I was biking by I saw a bear cub had been hit by a car. He was lying down, but still breathing. The guy told me that they were worried about where it's mom was. That was all I needed to hear! I took off as fast as I could and didn't slow down for a couple of miles. I did not want to be anywhere around a hurt, angry mother bear.

    I couldn't stop thinking about that poor bear cub for a while.

    I biked 33 miles before I was ready to call it a day. Found a campground at Elk Creek. It's really pretty and quiet out here. Just wish they had showers. It was really hot today!
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  • Hari 73

    Day 8 :

    26 September 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

    The weather is definitely cooperating. Clear skies again.

    Had a fairly easy ride the first half of the day. Then I took the seven devils road to Bandon. In hindsight I should have realized devil means Hills !!! I am getting so much better at the slow inclines, but the steep hills are impossible!

    I stopped and had a tuna melt for lunch in Charleston. Tuna comes right off the boat there. It was good, but maybe covered in mayo and cheese wasn't the best way to go.

    I rode almost 48 miles before I stopped for the night at Bullards beach state park. They have a nice hiker/biker campground with a bike repair rack and lockers with a charging station. And showers!!!

    After I had everything unloaded and set up I biked the 3 miles to the Coquille river lighthouse to unwind. (Biking without weight is awesome!) For the first time in almost 2 days I got to see the ocean again.

    It's an early night tonight. In bed before 8.
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