Just a 2 week holiday…we meet Carole and John Petrich and walk the Abel Tasman walk on the north coast of the South Island, then spend a few days with Rae and Jim Henderson, old neighbours from Kiparra Street. Baca lagi
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  • Hari 11

    Lovely day in Waikanae

    16 Oktober 2023, New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    This is going to be brief as it is 11pm and just realised I haven’t written today as I was going to sleep…! We have had a great day with Rae and Jim…Jim was up early watching the rugby World Cup, joined by Amr and Rae…I joined at leisure, sleeping in a bit longer! After being disappointed that France was beaten, we had breakfast and headed off for a walk through the streets and along the beach…just lovely, ending up at a cafe and discovering that it was already lunchtime had a bit to eat as well as coffee.

    Relaxed for a bit - we walked almost 10kms - joined by chance by Scott’s father in law who dropped in and had an animated chat and rant about the world, then went to a movie at their local cinema which shows good movies and we’d heard often about it…great movie The Tasting (La Dégustation) about wine but very people-y in a French way, right up our alley!

    Back for delicious dinner and chat ..many years of catching up..lots of fun and relaxed! Off to sleep.
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  • Hari 12

    Rather lazy lovely day

    17 Oktober 2023, New Zealand ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

    It rained a lot in the night and this morning was wet and grey. Amr of course, undaunted, went for a walk…I slept in a little, and we in general had a leisurely start. Just comfortable to relax and chat with Rae and Jim, catch up with emails, wordle etc! Went out to another beachside cafe for coffee, and Amr and Jim ended up having a seafood chowder which did look and taste delicious…! Anyway, it was that sort of very comfortable day…Rae called Margy and we had a lovely 3 way conversation for about an hour…so good…and then we visited Scott who lives in the next town (suburb?) and saw him, his 2 gorgeous children (12 and 15) …Liz was out at a class…lovely catching up with Scott who has just turned 50!!! So long since we saw him…decades ago. Then Rae and I had a short but brisk walk to have had at least a little exercise (not enough for my Apple Watch..don’t think it was satisfied!)..before we went out to dinner, at the very nice place where we had lunch yesterday…home and happy!Baca lagi

  • Hari 13

    Back in Queenstown

    18 Oktober 2023, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    Today was a bit of a travel day. We persuaded Rae and Jim that we would get the train and bus back to the airport, having found that there is a train station in Waikanae straight to Wellington, and a connecting bus on to the airport…it’s a long drive to the airport and so easy by PT…we did have a bit of a flurry at the station when we discovered that they no longer sell tickets there, you use an opal equivalent card or buy a ticket on the train, but they will only take cash…we have been tapping everywhere happily and didn’t have NZ cash, but Jim came to the rescue and we swapped for Oz dollars which Rae can use when visiting her sister!

    So we said fond farewells - R and J have been perfect hosts, and we have tried to be perfect guests and it has been a fun and comfortable few days. But it is also very relaxing to now just do our own thing! Our flight back to Queenstown left on time (2pm) and no dramas…it is today a beautiful day, the rain and wind have subsided which is good for flying in and out of both Wellington and Queenstown, which both have tricky airports. It was amazing seeing the snow dusted mountains so close to us as we descended into Q…not a lot of margin for error!

    So we made our way back to our little hotel and were again very happy…I think we have the best room - on the top (4th) floor, with an expansive view over the lake and mountains…perfect. After dropping our bags, we set off for a walk…I really needed some exercise, after a sluggish day yesterday, so we set off along the lake..in just under 2 weeks I think the leaves have grown since their spring green beginnings, so pretty…Today we went further than last time, and found there was a path that turned into a bush track, and didn’t stay at water level but rose way up above the lake giving fantastic views…quite energetic, but it was like being back on the Abel Tasman, and I think our legs were very happy and I was also happy to find it was no effort! And the circles on my Apple Watch were satisfied (which they weren’t yesterday!).

    I also have to mention that again Amr was complimented on his purple outfit! He often gets compliments at home and everywhere with his colourful clothes….but was particularly happy today when a woman said he was the most elegantly dressed person! His purple pants and purple jumper have been his only non walking outfit for this holiday so they have served him well!

    By the time we returned we just had time for a glass of beautiful Central Otago Pinot noir before we went for dinner at Madam Woo where we had booked on the way past earlier…delicious Malaysian food. Now back, washed and settled in our little nest!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 14

    A perfect day in Queenstown

    19 Oktober 2023, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    It was really cold this morning…about 3° and felt it! So we put on many layers and went for breakfast - just coffee and croissants and had mandies in the room. Saving appetite for special dinner tonight!

    Headed out for another lakeside walk, in the other direction from yesterday afternoon. We found there was an official path, not a bush track, and it would go on for many kms. It was just so beautiful with the sun filtering through the trees with their new spring greenery mixing in with the native evergreens, and all surrounded by the jagged mountains still with their dusting of snow. Not to mention the cherry blossoms, looking gorgeous and with excited Japanese tourists posing under them taking photos!

    We walked for about 10 kms (there and back) and went to a noodle bar that Amr had found for some sustenance. After returning to our room, we set off again and went to the beautiful Queenstown Gardens where we found a bench to sit and read…so peaceful - a rotunda, tulips, more cherry blossoms…gorgeous! Back to the room to catch up some wifi (me) and to get ready for our special dinner at a lovely restaurant - Cathy’s 70th birthday present to Amr!

    We had found where it was, tucked up a little alley…such a lovely vibe - fine dining, but casual, calm, comfortable and delicious food! I didn’t have fancy dining clothes, but found that almost everyone also was wearing sneakers! This is a town full of active people doing all the offered activities! When walking peacefully around the lake there were people paragliding, parasailing, jet boating etc…Amr again was the man in purple and was complimented several times on his attire!!

    So we had this wonderful meal at Rata…really great food and wine, and are now tucked back in our cosy room ready for our departure tomorrow. Easy bus back to the airport, flight at 2.25pm so no rush in the morning. And forecast is for good weather so flights should not be delayed…!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 15

    Back in Manly

    20 Oktober 2023, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Just writing today so that the blog will locate us back in Oz! A good flight - we left early and arrived early amazingly…got through the passport rigmarole and to the train in 20 minutes ….no photos, good to be home after a wonderful trip!Baca lagi