Travelling NSW

September 2020 - Juni 2024
Currently travelling NSW 🇦🇺🐨🦘 Baca selengkapnya
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  • Hari 32


    23 Oktober 2020, Australia ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    We woke up and went to an oval and done our run. It was really tough and both our legs were killing us. After we drove back to where we slept and had out showers as we were sweatinggg!
    We drove to the beach at Pottspoint. First we got down the suitcases and I repierced my ears and we got down the fan because we possibly will stay in a campsite at some stage over the next few days because the weather is to get bad.
    We layout on the beach for a while there was clouds out the whole time we were there but it was a really nice temperature and breeze.
    After we went to a pool in Brunswick to wash and swim. Two people came in when we were there and m they were the splashiest swimmers we have ever seen 😅. In the pool was just old ladies kind of exercising and a woman with 2 kids so no one was moving around to much. Then the couple came in and we all got pinned to the sides as they started doing lengths and announced it before they got in basically saying out of the way. They were a hazard 😆 the man was splashing so much I don't think he could see where we was going and he took out a little boy 😆
    It was good to get showers. We were so hungry then and we were going to go get bits for dinner but Jake was dreaming about the Thai we shared the other night as it was so nice and it's hard to find one as nice. So we got it and it was delish.
    We went to the shops then to get bananas etc for the morning as we parked up for the night at Brunswick.
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  • Hari 33

    Brunswick to Byron Bay

    24 Oktober 2020, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    We woke at Brusnwick at the oval. Two vans parked so close beside us which was annoying and ment very little wind was going through the van even though we had 2 doors open.
    We left there and drove back to the bathrooms and where we slept the other nights. The weather was spitting the odd bit or rain and it was given. So we done our workout and just got it done before it started to lash. Then we had our fruit and just people watched and watched things on our phone. The rain stopped so we decided to walk around the town of Brunswick and we had a look around the shops and got a coffee.
    We just got back to the car when it started to rain again. We drove to Byron and up to the lighthouse to have a look. There is some really nice views but the weather was wrecking views some so we will have to go back up when it's nice again.
    The weather was non stop so we decided to go into a campsite for the night as it ment we could have the fan on, as we prob wouldn't be able to leave doors open with the rain. We eventually signed in and drove to our patch. Its a really nice campsite. We drove back into the town as the rain was so heavy and we food. We had a laugh getting up the awning again as it was bucketing down and it seemed like each time Jake took out the hammer to put the things in the ground it got heavier 😆. We eventually had it all sorted and it was so handy. Jake went to get his shower first and then I had mine. The showers were so warm and lovely it was the cleanest I have felt in a while. Then we put on a wash and dried and we watched SAS Australia. We woke during the night needing a wee but other than that we had a great sleep and it was so nice to know we didn't have to move on because a ranger was coming or we shouldn't have been there.
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  • Hari 34

    Byron Bay

    25 Oktober 2020, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    We woke at the campsite. We had breakfast and had look around the shops in Byron Bay.
    It was rainy in the evening so we went back to the van and cooked at the campsite.

  • Hari 35

    Byron Bay

    26 Oktober 2020, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    We woke at the campsite and done our run. We came back and had our showers etc.
    We went for a walk around Byron. We were wrecked by lunch time 😅
    We went back and took it easy at the campsite.

  • Hari 36

    Byron Bay

    27 Oktober 2020, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    We woke at the campsite and done our run. After we cooked a nice breakfast and took it easy for the day. There was bad rain and thunder etc. So we were stuck in the van for a good while.

  • Hari 37

    Byron Bay

    28 Oktober 2020, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    We woke at the campsite. It is so nice knowing waking up that there is a toilet near you if you are bursting to go. When I woke Jake was spreading reading, he wants to read as much as he can before the year is over. Jake went for a shower and I finished the video of photos/videos for Dylan's 18th b day in November.
    Then I went for my shower. We were planning on making breakfast/lunch in the campsite but then realised we were out of Ketchup. We set off for Woolworths to get more but then when we were out there we decided to just eat out and cook what we had in tomorrow instead. It was delicious and I saw Tasha from home and away. She is as stunning in real life. They are also filming a movie with Nicole Kidman in Byron at the moment and they must have been filming in the town today as there was big trucks everywhere. It was cool too see and some vintage cars. Then Jake went to get his hair cut and we had a look around the shops. Then we went to Woolworths and got bits for a curry for dinner.
    When we got back to the camp we chatted with our neighbours a bit and read our books. He is from Cananda and she is from New Zealand and he was telling us how we made a rainforest on his property and trained the fish in the river at his house with dog nuts. There was crazy thunder and lightening and as soon as there was a break in the rain we ran to the communal area to cook.
    We were talking to a guy called Michael McDonald from Louth and his girlfriend Britney. He moved here when he was 13 with his family to Perth and now he is living in Coogee and plays for Waratahs (rugby) they were both really nice.
    We went back to our van after and shared a bottle of wine and read. We put candles to stop the mosquitos too our neighbours thought it was us trying to be romantic 😆
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  • Hari 38

    Byron Bay

    29 Oktober 2020, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    We woke at Byron and done our exercises and had our lovely warm showers.
    We took it easy for the day and it rained for most of it so we were stuck in the van.
    Then that evening it stopped so we decided to go for a run. I ran 4.74k which was my furthest to date but I think I have done in my hip which is not ideal 🙃
    We went back to the campsite and stopped at Woolworths on the way and cooked dinner.
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  • Hari 39

    Byron Bay

    30 Oktober 2020, Australia ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

    We woke and had a banana. I am like an old woman moving around, the issue with my hip is back 🙃. Maybe I didn't stretch enough but also it was the closest to 5k I had ever got yesterday so maybe it was just all a bit much. I was raging. So I rang around and all the physios in Byron were booked up and then I managed to get a appointment with an oestopath at 11.50 am as they do dry needling. The only bad thing is it was almost an hours way away so we had to take down the awning to drive. We got there and Jake waited outside and I went in. The girl was called Eliza. She checked everything and was really good. She done dry needling down my thigh and massaged it and then in my hip and massaged there. She also gave me a few exercises to do.
    After we drove back to Byron and we went to the campsite. We left the van there rather than driving into the town as parking is dear. Jake got a burrito and I got a toasted cheese sandwich for lunch it was so nice.
    We had a walk around the town and sat on the grass near the sea for a while. We walked back to the campsite and read our books. After we got showers and decided to go out for food. We got a take away burger and it was so nice. We walked about around the town after and then went back to the campsite. We sat outside for a bit and then went into bed. We were quite tired but new people moved in all around us and the lads next door were so loud. Jake had to wack on the van to get them to shut up as they were playing music and were so loud. They stopped thank God.
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  • Hari 40

    Byron Bay

    31 Oktober 2020, Australia ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

    We woke at the campsite. We were a bit tired as we had woke a few times. I went and had a shower. We done our stretches and Jake went for a run but I couldn't go. I put all our clothes on for a wash. We haven't been over wearing the same clothes much as we have a washer and dryer on site. It costs a fiver extra but it's not too much and we have been enjoying wearing fresh clothes especially with our warm showers.
    When he came back we tidied up the van a bit and sorted things out. Then we sat and read our books. There is big rain due. I done more of my exercises and Jake done more of his. He went to have a shower and then we made chicken sandwiches for lunch which were lovely. Then the rain started and we got all the bits from lunch cleaned and put away.
    The rain, thunder, lightening and hailstones was mad! We were stuck in the van for a good while. It eventually stopped and we went to go look for the night markets which were cancelled last week because of the rain. And of course they werent on again! We were going to go back and cook food but there was so many people out and about we decided to get some wine and pizza and eat at the park beside the beach as there was so many people out and about because of Halloween. We went back to the campsite and drank a bit more. I decided to get my shower and then Jake went out and got some more wine. And we didn't even finish it all before we went to bed. Can't handle the session anymore after being off it for so long we think.
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  • Hari 41

    Byron Bay

    1 November 2020, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    We woke up and we were quite hungover. I think our main issue was that we didn't have water. I don't know we ran out but it was quite a mistake. We had showers. Jake went to the disability shower so he could sit down in it 😅 he was being quite the drama queen all day.
    We got ourselves together and set off for the market in the main beach. We stopped in Aldi on the way and got some water.
    The market was so big and so warm! We got some gifts at it which was good but we weren't in the best state for it 😆 we ended up spending most of the day there though.
    We were going to go home and cook but we decided we were moving to slow so we got a burger for dinner and it was so nice. We went back to the site and took it easy, we had our showers and went to bed early.
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