Bali Honeymoon

januar - februar 2019
Et 15-dagers eventyr av Danielle Les mer
  • 11fotspor
  • 1land
  • 15dager
  • 45bilder
  • 0videoer
  • 287kilometer
  • Dag 3

    Arriving in Bali

    23. januar 2019, Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    We arrived at the airport. Security was simple to get through. While leaving the airport, there were hundreds of people waiting with signs to drive people. Our ride was easy to find and really accommodating. He was with a young boy who insisted he carry our bag for us. He was quite friendly, calling us handsome and beautiful, but he was obviously looking for tips. Our drive was a short trip to the hotel and we didnt have to travel through any villages to get there. Security checked the back of the car for bombs and we were in very quickly. We checked into our villa, had a driver take us there in a golf cart. We had intentions to walk through the resort but fell asleep before 5pm Bali time and woke up the next morning.Les mer

  • Dag 4

    Exploring the Resort

    24. januar 2019, Indonesia ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

    We woke up early (about 5am Bali time) to a cloudy and windy day. We started to explore the resort - there is a floating lounge close to our room (which wasnt open - but we could walk in to see it). The spa was not a far walk from that and within a few minutes we were at the lobby where we eat breakfast. There is a lot of different food there, Indonesian, Japanese, western, etc. Most of the other guests in the hotel are eating rice for breakfast - obviously popular in other parts of the world (something I'm not used to).
    We finished breakfast and walked around the resort again. The pool is very beautiful and the beach was very dirty (apparently a wind storm brought all the garbage in from other islands). This would explain why the floating lounge and pool bar were closed. That being said, there were a lot of people cleaning the beach. We decided to go play chess in the gazebo by the pool. After a few games we went for a swim. Because it was so cloudy, we didn't put on sunscreen. Whoops (big mistake!). We laid in the heat to take in our first day. After a nap we went for supper in the main restaurant at our resort. We ordered the Bali Megabowl. It was a huge platter with a lot of dishes traditional to Bali. Calimari, fried duck, spicy dishes and a coconut drink for dessert. We didnt enjoy very much of it. Although it was nice to be out of winter, it wasnt great weather day in Bali.
    Les mer

  • Dag 5

    The Beauty of Kintamani

    25. januar 2019, Indonesia ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

    I woke up around 5am (still not used to the time difference) and started to get ready for the day. We had breakfast at the resort, took a quick stroll by the pool where the blue sky was out and the day looked very beautiful (despite the wind). By 8am we were picked up for our first tour. This was the first taste of real Bali. The traffic was nuts. It reminds me of the intro to Whose Line is it Anyways. Instead, its Welcome to Bali Traffic where the laws are made up and the traffic lanes dont matter. There are hundreds of scooters and motorcycles. Cars everywhere, and very little room to change lanes. I'm very impressed with all of our drivers knowledge to know just how much time you have to pass another vehicle because according to our standards there have been plenty of close calls. The drivers don't have road rage, a lot of the time they just honk their horn to let other know they are there. After picking up another couple we went to our tour place to wait for the others and the tour to start. We were accompanied by 4 other couples. One from South Africa, one from Hungary, one from Montreal and onr from Saskatoon. Our Tour guide Witana was very knowledgable, liked to talk and even knew the capital of Saskatchewan.
    We started our tour and the first stop was in Batubulan for a traditional Balinese Barong dance. It was a complicated story with a beast, a monkey, a witch, a queen and a king. It was very beautiful. After that we continued to our next destination, Mas. There, we saw where they do wood carvings they are done in beautiful wood with very intricate details. We continued to Tampaksiring and visited the Tirta Empul Temple. This is the Holy spring water temple. After following a procedure, you can bathe in the waters (each fountain provides different benefits) and continue through the temple for prayers. We continued to Kintamani for lunch overlooking Mt Batur. Lunch was buffet with Indonesian style food and was very good. 100,000 ($10) for all you can eat and they encourage you to eat a lot.
    We started our trek home and stopped for coffee. We got to see a lot of the fruit grown and the luwaks (civet). The animal is strictly fed arabica beans and when it poops, the faeces have coffee beans in them. They are cleaned grinded down to make coffee. Compared to the Balinese coffee it is much sweeter and more mild. But very expensive to buy. They had a big swing to swing over the edge, we didnt try it but a few from our group did. After we finished there, we headed back to our hotel. We had Italian food that night. It was really good but it was quite windy which was a problem since the restaurant is outside.
    Les mer

  • Dag 6

    The Eastern Bali Mystic

    26. januar 2019, Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Another early morning. We went for breakfast at the hotel and quickly went to our tour. We were accompanied with the same couple from South Africa, a couple from Denmark and a woman from Toronto. Our tour guides name was Dika. He was more soft spoken than Witana.
    We started off by travelling to Batu Bulan and learned how the local people make and design their cloth by using the Batik process. The women make designs on the cloth with wax and when the material is dyed, the wax resists it, creating the design. They were also weaving cloth as well. We continued to Penglipuran to visit the traditional Balinese village. All houses have a gate to the entrance and on the east or north east side of the property is a temple with shrines. This is where families will give their offerings. Many houses include a separate building for a kitchen. They are full of sut and very dark to be in as they don't use power, but fire to cook. Many kitchens also include a bed for the women to sleep on. The bed is a hard board woven with bamboo. Generations of families all live together on the same property. In this village in particular, since it is a tourist attraction, everh house includes a shop where they sell a lot of trinkets, sarongs, purses, etc.
    After the stop there, we continued near the base of Mt Agung to visit the Besikah Temple also known as the Mother Temple. This is the biggest temple in Bali. This year, in April, the temple will have a big 10 year celebration. Every Hindu Balinese person is required to visit the temple on this day. With 4 million Balinese people and 80% being Hindu, that is a lot of people!
    As many students dont have school in the afternoon, the temple was filled with young kids trying to sell post cards. They guilt you by saying things like 'open your heart and open your wallet' and although it's hard for us Canadians, all we can do is ignore them until they walk away, or else they will not stop.
    We then continued on a lot of winding roads that took us for lunch near the base of Mt. Agung. This is the largest volcano in Bali. It reaches over 3000m above sea level. We travelled on a lot of switch backs through the mountainous parts of Bali. Driving on these roads was not easy as it was only wide enough for 1 car (and maybe a scooter) to maneuver on a switchback.
    When we finished lunch we went to our next stop. This was in Klungkung to see the Kerta Gosa (or the Hall of Justice) which is the court system used during the Dutch colonization. This site included a large bale used for events and ceremonies. A bale (pronounced like Bali) is an open air hut. Usually consists of 4 or 6 poles, a roof and a low floor or plinth. The other building in Kerta Gosa was used during the actual court. The chairs with Dragons were used for the judges and the chairs with cattle were for the lawyers and suspect. Both building ceilings were painted with designs. The one used for court had pictures of punishments that would be dealt in the after life for certain crimes - so basically, Karma.
    While visiting this site, we were approached by s group of students looking for some pictures including tourists. Luckily they wanted me to do it. I got to make trinkets out of clay and try the traditional Barong dance. I was not any good at it, but they were very kind about it. The student go to school 6 days a week with Sunday off. They attend primary, junior high and senior high. After this stop we continued back to our hotel. We had Japanese for supper at the hotel and opted for Tapenyaki. It wasnt as showboaty as what we were expecting. He basically cooked our food for use and we ate. However, even though it wasnt very exciting, the food was very good.
    Les mer

  • Dag 7

    The Unforgettable Sunset

    27. januar 2019, Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    We had the morning off before our tour, so we woke up late to go for breakfast. Much to our surprise, the restaurant was full. This was surprising since we had only seen maybe 5 other groups at the resort since se have been here. We walked out to the beach which had been cleaned from the garbagevand there were people out swimming, fishing and enjoying the beautiful hot weather. We changed into our swimsuits and went for a swim in the pool. This was also the first day that we had a chance to go to the sunken bar at the pool.
    At 1pm we were picked up for our first half day tour. We were only with one other couple. The two from Hungary. It was good as they were close to our age and the man spoke very good english. Our tour guide, Yadana spoke a lot about the tourism in Bali and about the romantasicsm the province holds. We went to our first stop, another temple, Taman Ayun in Mengwi. It means flower garden.
    We then continued to Alas Kedaton to one of the money forests. Our tour guide carried a stick incase the monkeys became aggresive. She called the monkeys, instructed them to sit on our shoulders and we fed them peanuts. Although it was a lot of fun, they were a bit frightening. When we were done seeing the monkeys, the tour guide would wave the stick at the monkeys and they would run away. We continued through the forrest until we reached a tourist attraction. We could dress up ad hold a giant bat. Chris obviously didnt want to pass up the option to do this.
    On our way out our tour guide led us to a small shop which she owned. The couple from Hungary picked out some items and we observed them bargain. They first picked out a little packet of bali trinkets. She wanted 150.000 IDR which is about $15.00 (way too much!!) He then bargained for 100.000 (still too high), they ended up getting the trinkets and an ashtray for 200.000 (still way too much) and left. We didnt buy anything. It's true when they say the economy thrives on tourism. The average income is 3mil IDR/month. This is about $300 CAD. WOW!
    Our next stop was Tanah Lot. This was a bit north of Kuta, where we stayed. We watched the sunset here and had drinks and food on a patio. This was our first taste of more Balinese style food. The fear is 'Bali Belly' and I think I got a mild case of it because my stomach was quite gurgly that night. Tanah Lot was filled with hundreds of people! It was hard to get anywhere to take a nice picture. The sunset was amazing over the Tanah Lot temple. It is known as the floating temple as it is surrounded by water. It's hard not to be in awe of how spectacular it looks over the ocean. The traffic was heavy on the way back through Kuta. As we waited for our shuttle we chatted with our tour guide. This was a really amazing day!
    Les mer

  • Dag 8

    A Day to Relax

    28. januar 2019, Indonesia ⋅ 🌧 30 °C

    This was our first day off where it was nice enough to sit by the pool, swim and drink so we spent a lot of our time doing just that. We met a couple from Boston at the sunken bar at the pool. Although it was a bit cloudy, the weather was warm and looking on Facebook at the weather home, we sure are glad to be here. We decided to get a taxi and we went to dinner.
    Our driver Gede (pronounced G'day like Australians would say) recommended to go to Jimbaran as they have the best seafood in Bali. We got a seat on the beach and watched the sunset as they brought our food out. There were a lot of people on the beach and unfortunately they didnt clean the garbage from this one like they did ours. We watched people take pictures in from of the sunset, swim and one guy fighting the waves (literally kicking and punching towards the waves).
    As our food came, so did a travelling band. They sang and we danced. Our supper consisted of loberster, fish, crab, prawns, clams, calamari. This really was the best seafood we have ever had. It was finished with fresh fruit like we have never tasted before. Our driver took us back to our hotel, and as he drove he tried to book more trips with us for future days.
    What I have learned, since tourism is the biggest form of income for the people of Bali, every one here is a salesman. This ranges from the women outside the resort on the beach selling hats and offering massages, to the man flies kites above the resort. You cant go anywhere with a lot of tourists without being followed by someone with tshirts or motorcycles made out of wood. You just have to politely say no and walk away (emphasis on the walking away part because they will follow you).
    We were very happy to get off the resort for supper. It was a wonderful evening!
    Les mer

  • Dag 9

    The Magic of Northern Bali

    29. januar 2019, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    We are starting on our last half of our tours. Our tour guide was Dika again. We had 9 people on this tour. The woman from toronto and her husband, a couple from Belgium and a group from Lethbridge. We took a long drive to the village of Pupuan to see the rice fields. All of the fields are built into terraces. We made a few different stops to see them from different views and different slopes. I'm amazing by how much work would have to go into keeping those rice fields as they dont use machinery to work in the fields, yet they are free of weeds, laid out perfectly and huge. After a few stops through Pupuan we travelled to Lovina for lunch.
    The restaurant was near the beach on the north coast of Bali. The sand is all black from the volcano eruption. I was craving some Noth American food, so we got burgers. After we ate, we walked out to the beach and dodged a lot of sales people. Its spectacular just how black the sand is on the beach. On our way off of the north coast we stopped near Gitgit where more monkeys hang out. This was not a monkey forest and they were not as controlled as they were in Alas Kedaton but they were tame and we could still feed them. There was one large monkey that intimidated the rest. He ate most of the food. The drive from Lovina to Gitgit was longer than I expected, and due to my small bladder, I was quite uncomfortable. When we got to the monkeys, it was just a stop on the side of the road but I couldn't wait any longer. They showed me a spot that was secluded and I went to do my business. I looked up and staring down at me was a monkey. The eye contact we made caused him to become quite vocal. This was not the situation I wanted to be in when I had a monkey encounter. Luckily, he left me alone.
    We travelled a bit further and went to a fruit market. We tried snake skin fruit, rambutan, mangosteen, dragon fruit, pineapple and one fruit we did not catch the name of (my guess is sapodilla) - ****edit* it's a longan**** We bought some to take with us. They asked 120.000 ($12) and Chris obliged. Obviously this was a chance to bargain as the girls giggled and offered us two bananas as well. Our last stop was Lake Bratan to see Ulan Danu Beratan (temple on lake). This temple is recognized as the temple in which they pray to the God of prosperity as the lake provides the water for the rice fields. When we finished there, we began our long 2 hour journey back to Denpasar.
    Supper was a buffet at the hotel. It was tradition Balinese food. I found it spicier than the other buffets. We sat outside and watched a Barong dance. One of the girls went around sh the end and invited some people to try the dance with her. Again, I did. And again, I was not my good!
    Les mer

  • Dag 10

    Elephants at Mason Park

    30. januar 2019, Indonesia ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    We spent the morning going to see the elephant park in Taro which is part of Ubud. The interesting thing is that elephants are not native to Bali. They are specifically transferred here from places like Sumatra for tourism. Now that being said, we still wanted to experience it, since we are in Asia.
    The trip started out with a long drive to Taro. The roads are narrow, making it hard to pass scooters and parked vehicles. Again, driving here is not for the faint of heart. We got to the elephant park and after setting situated, we went to feed the elephants. The elephants here are Sumatra elephants - the smallest breed of elephants. You can feed them bamboo sticks for free but if you really wanted some attention you had to cough up the big bucks and buy a basket of mixed fruits and vegatables. This was well worth it because they loved it and would come to you when they saw the treats. After we finished our basket, we were called for our elephant ride. Our elephant was Lady Gigi (not Lady Gaga). She was about 35 years old. Each elephant has an owner, or a Mahout. They have created a special bond together and have a lot of trust in each other. The other elephants seemed to listen well but our seemed a bit more rebellious and more interested in eating.
    We took a drive back to the hotel with a quick stop at a chocolate factory. Our drive was long and our driver was less than impressive (we agreed that it was the worst drive yet). We had no intention of sitting in a car any longer so we hopped in the pool for a few hours. When the sun started to get low, we ventured a bit further to the beach for the sunset. Again, not wanting to drive anywhere, we went for Italian at the resort. The food there has been very delicious. We are now awaiting one more tour (shopping in Ubud tomorrow - which we are looking forward to), and then a few days off.
    Les mer

  • Dag 11


    31. januar 2019, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    We woke up to rain today. However, by the time we convinced ourselves to go get breakfast, the rain had back off a bit to a constant light drizzle. We had breakfast and came back to our room to relax. At 1pm we were picked up for our last tour. This tour was guided by Dika. He is less soft spoken than our first encounter, I think he was beginning to like us.
    This tour was easy compared to all of the rest. Again, there were 3 couples from Canada, us, two women from Ontairo and the same couple from Saskatoon. The last was a new couple from Denmark.
    Our tour started our with a short drive to Batu Bulan to visit a local stone carving shop. Unfortunately, we didnt get to see anybody actually carving the stones since there was a cremation today (which is quite a large ceremony that most in the village attend). The carvings are made out of a few different stones ans each one takes a few months to create. Most of the stones are made out of limestone. It was neat to see the difference in the freshly carved sculptures to the ones with moss and plants growing on then. We continued to our next stop, Celuk.
    Here we visited a gold and silver shop. We watched the people make the jewelry and learned the extensive process it takes to create them. We then shopped in the store. I have come to learn that bargaining is not an easy task. But we did it anyways and were quite happy with what we spent. We then visited Batuan to see local painters.
    The shop, Dewa Putu Toris has people painting in the front and the gallery in the back. The artwork is amazing and has so much detail. Although we didn't end up purchasing anything, when inquiring, the price wasnt even bad before we would start to bargain.
    Finally, we were off to Ubud. Here, Dika gave us some free to to eat/shop/wander etc. We started out trying local cuisine- Babi Guling (or suckling pig). The pork was very tender and we would definitely eat it again. We started to walk the market. The shop owners weren't quite as invasive as some we have encountered but if you look at anything, they will be on you try to sell you anything they can. Here, we really got to practice our bargaining. We ended up leaving mostly happy with all of our purchases, with most articles of clothing costing $10 or less. After our time ran our quickly, we headed back to meet with our group.
    We drove back to Batu Bulan to watch a Kecap and Fire dance. Different than the barong dance, they dont use instruments to make sound. Instead the stage is filled will men who chant the whole time. Again, the story was a bit confusing, but easier to follow this time. It ended with a large pile of dried coconuts, lit on fire as one man danced over them. This was quite spectacular.
    We drove back to our hotel and are now looking forward to a few days off to relax before we head home.
    Les mer

  • Dag 12

    Our Lazy Day

    1. februar 2019, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    The day started off with rain again. We talked ourselves out of going for breakfast and ate some of our fruit from the market instead. While we hung out un our room, Chris went out to the balcony. As he went out, one of the many geckos came in. When I realized, i quickly called Chris in and he chased it until it ran back outside. Close call!
    We decided since the weather was rainy, that we would book our free massages that we got with our package. Finally we were hungry enough to go for lunch so we went to he lounge.
    Low and behold, the weather got nice and we regretted booking our massages for this day. We went for a swim for an hour and then went for our massages. Obviously, their standards are not as high as they are in North America. Now that being said, it felt great and was very relaxing, despite a few weird techniques! They drove us back to our hotel and after a quick rest, we walked along the beach until we came to Ma Joly.
    This restaurant has appeared a few times on web searches so we thought we would try it. The food was extremely tasty. Since we have been here, we have come to notice that Balinese people don't have nearly the same indulgent desserts that we enjoy. We have had a hard time finding a dessert that we have been impressed by. Finally we got creme brulee and panna cotta and we were satisfied. While eating supper, the sun set over the ocean, and although we've gotten to enjoy the sunsets for a few nights, this was the best one yet. We walked back to our hotel (just a short 10 minute walk) and that was it for our lazy day.
    Les mer