gereisd in 7 landen Meer informatie Meisterschwanden, Schweiz
  • Dag 3

    Beautiful Ställplats

    6 september 2023, Zweden ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    We woke up to a beautiful view over the Lake, ate breakfast, went swimming, washed ourselves and fully enjoyed this morning. We drove to Tiveden Nationalpark entrance where we startet a small hike which lead through the woods and along small lakes.
    It looked like an enchanted forest. We drove on small streets until Kållandsö and found another very nice Stellpläts which even had a sauna. We cooked pasta for dinner and checked out the sauna. It was a small wooden hut right at the lake with a breathtaking view. An awesome ending of an adventurous day.
    -> shorter one today, but we‘ve got so much to see it‘s a bummer to spend time on my phone;)
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  • Dag 2

    Friendly, kind and glutenfree Sweden

    5 september 2023, Zweden ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    From the airport we drove to the small town of Nora, which took us about 2 and a half hours. On our way we decided to stop whenever we saw something nice on google maps which was worth checking out. So we went to see a small castle, but the pretty thing about it was actually the lake. The sun was shining. The water was sparkling, to me this was the sweden I had imagined. We also stopped at an ICA Maxi Supermarket and this place, let me tell you, is literally where dreams come true. They have tons of glutenfree products I felt like I had just arrived in paradise. I mean, look at the picture, have you ever seen me this happy;)? We almost emptied half the shelves (just kidding) and went back to our van to finally drive to the small city of Nora. It was already 3 pm so we had a light lunch in our van and then went on a walk. I had seen a coffee place online which looked quite pretty so we walked there. At the café the owners welcomed us warmly and we ordered two cappuccinos. Unfortunately their card machine was broken and we didnt have any cash with us. After trying to make it work for a couple of minutes, they said they would offer us the coffee. We said thank you a thousand times and even offered them swiss francs in case they planned on visiting switzerland one day but they just thanked us and gave us the coffee for free. I stil cant beliebe how kind those people were. We sat down at a table and startet talking to two german people who have been travelling around by hiking from one place to another. Initially they came to sweden by train though. We walked wirh them until the other side of the city and even exchanged phone numbers. Then, Nene and I walked around and went to the „Systembolaget“ the only shops in sweden that sell alcohol. So we bought a bottle of wine and went back to our van. Even though it was already quite late we decided to drive further until the Nationalpark Tiveden. 2 and a half hours and a stunning sunset later we were at the big Vättern lake in the park. It was already quite dark when we arrived at the spot we wanted to stay for the night and since the ground was not even it was rather stressful to park. We did it eventually and went inside the van, where first of all we startet killing hundreds of mosquitos that had come in during our parking trials. We cooked Zuchetti Risotto and opened our wine bottle even though it was already past nine pm. We couldnt see much but we knew our spot was a total jackpot - you‘ll see tomorrow morning:)Meer informatie

  • Dag 2

    Lost and found

    5 september 2023, Zweden ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    After a calm and rather cold night we woke up to a beautiful sunrise. I coulnt resist and ran to the lake, where I admired the rising sun, the bright colours and enjoyed the warm tickles of the sunrays on my skin, before I had to run back to prevent me from being eaten by thousands of mosquitos.
    We ate breakfast, tried out our french press to make coffee and realized that mjölk is not the same as lättfil.
    Unfortunately we had bought the latter, which basically is just yogurt and didnt really taste great in our coffee. I dont quite understand why they put different things in the same packaging. I bet all tourists accidentaly bought this lätter yogurt first.
    When we were done we cleaned our stuff, took a shower and drove back to the airport to pick up my backpack. They had sent me an email saying I could come pick it up.
    Everything went surprisingly well and I got my backpack without any complications. The ROADTRIP could finally start! (And I had clothes again which is also pretty awesome)
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  • Dag 1

    Delayed and lost - perfect start

    4 september 2023, Zweden ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    7.07 am, a weird number, for me a sign to wake up, but today wasnt the same as everyday, today we would finally fly to Stockholm and go on our Roadtrip through Sweden. I had been thinking of this moment for the past 3 months. My big reward after having studied almost 24/7 - okay I am exhagerating a tiny bit but you can imagine what I mean. Anyways I got up, got ready and met Nene in front of our house:)
    We took a five minute train to the Airport (never been at the airport this fast in my whole life) and were perfectly in time. (Keep this sentence in mind - you won‘t hear it anymore in this blog post…)
    So anyways, we checket in & walked to our gate, got coffee and did what people usually do while waiting for the boarding. Then suddendly we noticed the flight got delayed by 50 minutes. We were a bit worried we would miss our connecting flight in Copenhagen but then we said we would just take it as it was and we couldnt change it anyways. 70 minutes later we were sitting in the airplane but had to wait other 40 minutes for it to take off. Even though it made us loose even more time, I got the chance to beat Nene at Quizduell - one of the highlights of the day so far. Let me just point out, this guy is reaaalllyy good at that game (or I am just terribly bad but let‘s pretend it‘s the other option)
    So 11:33 our flight took off. During our flight we talked to a flight attendant and asked her for help. She said the information will follow shortly before the arrival so for now we just had to wait. Later on they told us that we could get on the next flight at 2 pm. WOW we had been lucky! So in the end everything had turned out well. Well… as we arrived in Stockholm after a beautiful flight where we could see all over southern Sweden & recognised cities and lakes below us, we walked to the baggage claim. We were already 1 and a half hours later than we should have arrived but we would still make it to the van rental before 5pm if everything went well. HA HA. At the baggage claim Nene‘s bag arrived but mine didnt, yippie, what now? Maybe it would arrive a little later, should we wait? Nope, I knew it wouldnt. First of all I really had the feeling it wouldnt and second of all in said on the pannel that the last baggages were already out.
    I mean, how much can possibly go wrong in an airline? We went to a desk where a guy was talking to a man about his lost suitcase, so we waited for that conversation to end only to be told that this wasnt the right desk. So we walked on and found another guy who finally told us where my backpack was: in Copenhagen. He told us they would send it here eventually - what an information. Since we really couldnt do anything about it my anger and worry disappeared and we decided to take a taxi to the camper rental. Even though er were 45 mins late, we still got out Camper which to my delight was automatic:)) First we drove to Lidl to get food for the next couple of days. Our shopping trip was quite fun, we laughed a lot and I almost forgot I had just lost my bag somewhere at the airport in Denmark. Until suddenly I got a message: They had found my backpack and would send it to the Airport Stockholm:) Wohoo, just for fun, knowing they wouldnt get a response, I answered them and asked for more info, which made us laugh even more about it. We decided to drive to Björknas Camping next to a lake, 45 mins from the Airport. The drive there was really pretty, the sun was setting and the tiny red houses decorated the scenery - i was quite amazed and again I forgot about the bag. The camp ground was also a total jackpot, we got in easily through an online page which generated a code, so we could get in. There was a lake, gras fields and Forest all around. We went to the lake but had to escape from mosquitos attacking us. (The mosquito spray was still in Copenhagen back then) in the van we prepared a salad for dinner, since it was already late and went to sleep shortly after:) I was really exhausted. What a day!
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  • Dag 7

    Ultima serata, bagno freddo e fuoco

    13 april 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    After our dance session we came down from the top balcony and bumped into Gabriele who provided us with breakfast for tomorrow. He gave us yogurt, fruit, muesli, bisquits and more. We then headed down to the lobby, did the check out and went out for dinner to l‘Osteria where Kai commited blasphemy against one of the central pillars of italian cuisine by putting parmigiano (which was meant for the pasta) on the focaccia with olive oil and salt. Lisa was not amused and one of the waitors even rolled his eyes.
    Dinner was „spettacolare“. Kai composed a list of things one should know when travelling with lisa upon her request. The list got very long - you‘re seeing a short excerpt.
    Back at the hotel we bade a long and sincere goodbye to Gabriele and told him about lisas marriage plans (you‘ll probably get to see that one day) - the hotel‘s booked already. Then we went to our room and unwrapped our lampion which we had bought in Florence. We snuck out of the hotel because we had already said bye to Gabriele and thought it was weird to say bye again and went to the beach. We tried to light the little thingy in the bottom of the paper lamp but set the whole thing on fire. It drifted vertically for three metres before falling into the sea. Kai could barely fish it out again and when he did it looked like an abused elephant condom. (Oh god we‘re having so much fun writing this). Then we had the best idea of the entire week and decided to go swimming. Kai surprisingly was already wearing his bathing suit, Lisa had her underclothes. The water wasnt as cold as expected but the wind was. We dodged the street lights as we walked the 100 metres back to the hotel, said goodnight one last time to Gabriele, made sure not to get too much sand in the hotel but Kai still spilled some „beach“ all over our bathroom floor. After we had both showered, we warmed ourselved up with the hairdrier and wrapped ourselved in our blankets.
    What an evening - and we still have to pack.
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  • Dag 7

    Grande Finale

    13 april 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    As for the grande Finale Kai and I will write the following post together: brace yourselves
    Even though we went to bed early yesterday, we slept in again. After breakfast we noticed a huge, somewhat obscene and grotesque misspelling in the former blog-post which has been duly removed after a short mental breakdown and a trmendous amount of embarassement on Lisas part. Great start of the day!
    We took the train to Corniglia and walked up to the village from the train station, where we debated as to which path would lead us to Volastra.
    Lisa set the pace to our hike by racing up the rather steep slope. We stopped counting the „fellow civilians“ after 40+ (after 15 minutes) and covered 350 vertical meters within a half hour. Drenched in sweat, we collapsed at the top and fortified our position our position with a selfie. A flat stretch through forests and vineyards followed, accompanied by discussions on the lack of magic in today‘s world, evil gnomes and bears ( Lisa is still traumatized by Mordu [see ‚Brave‘] ) and the ether of the universe. Upon arriving in Volastra, our brave heroes turned in at the local focacceria to still their stomachs. A steep descent down to Manarola ensued, where Lisa‘s right knee almost disociated from the Lisa Leg complex.

    We stopped for a drink and were greatly overcharged in a colorful indian bistro with italian staff and a goof balcony with a nice view. We fled from the tourists crowding the town‘s main street by taking any flight of stairs which led in the right direction. Back on the path to Riomaggiore we started playing „nationality guess“, it wasnt that difficult though because most of them were either american or french. The climb was easy for us because we‘re „schwizer Berggeisse“ but the others were struggeling like hell. We wanted to go back with the boat but the waves were too big so we had to take the train one more time. Back in Monterosso, Kai had the most exotic ice cream of the week - 3 scoops of extra dark chocolate, whereas Lisa opted for boring old Pistacchio, Chocolate and Maracuja. At the hotel we started writing the blog in the afternoon sunshine, but ended up dancing to 2000s Pop songs. A Nonna opened her window to applaud us from across the street. After the sun disappeared, our night began…

    Stay tuned for our late night post!
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  • Dag 6

    Highspeed hike and french invasion

    12 april 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Turns out backpacking got us quite exhausted, so today we slept in until 8, which is already pretty late for both of us.
    We had breakfast at our Beautiful hostel and it was wonderful. Gabriele had prepared homemade cakes, spinach tartes and had put fresh strabwerries, kiwis and bananas, nature yogurt and a cheese selection on the buffet for us. There were even Glutenfree Crackers, Müesli, Bread and Cookies. Once again, Bingo! After brekkie we got dressed, left the hotel and went to the beach. It was raining a bit but the atmosphere and the scenery were so breathtaking that the weather didnt bother us at all. We walked from Monterosso to Vernazza, stopped there for a bit, I bought earrings (Mami li vedi nella foto sul balcone;)) and walked on to Corniglia. It took us about 2 hours and 10 minutes for both tracks. We didn’t run but we walked quite fast, at least compared to the people aound us. Kai counted about 167 people, we passed. Again on our hike we had great conversations. I love how I can just simply say everything that comes to my mind without having to overthink even a word, knowing that Kai would accept it or if not, we would have an interesting discussion about it. Another funny thing was that most people we passed or crossed were french, so Kai and I pretended to be french from time to time. Oui, certainement, baguette.
    In Corniglia, after enjoying an ice cream with basil, honey and pistacchio flavour, we jumped on a train, which brought us back to Monterosso, where we took extended showers and sat down on our small balcony. Eventually the sun came out, WOW, so we took our wine glasses from our room and…. filled them with fanta and toasted to us, our amazing holidays and our hike.
    (Little update on Kai‘s italian: I always let him ask for everything, tell him how to spell certain words and teach him how to, you know, „act“ italian;) and even though sometimes he gets people a bit confused because he mixes up the order of words in a sentence or the letters, he‘s making great progress!!)
    Gabriele had recommended us to go to Ristorante da Eraldo and the food was really good. Kai had Pappardelle alla Carbonara and I had Calamarata con verdura grigliata.
    The day had gotten us really tired, when we were home at around 8pm we went straight to bed and after reading a bit we fell asleep.
    (Yes we sound like an old married couple in their 80ies, but we were tired so please dont judge:)
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  • Dag 5

    Waiting for David and finding the sea

    11 april 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Today was mainly walking around, eating and waiting for our time slot at the Academia to finally get to see the real David. After we woke up Kai went downstairs to attack the breakfast buffet while I showered and packed my backpack. By the time I got down he was at the pancakes with nutella AND butter. (I dared to tell him that nutella was already made of butter but he didnt really want to hear it)
    We still had our 3 day pass Tickets for the Dome so before the checkout we went to the Piazza to see if we could get in. The dome only opened at 10 so we went to a shop to buy some postcards and headed back to the hotel for the check-out. At 10 we entered the Dome and were almost the first ones in. We were very impressed by the size and height of the Cathedral. The Cupola with its paintings was breathtaking. Before leaving for the archaeological area, Kai and I both lighted candles for our loved ones.
    When we went outside we went to a juicebar where Kai had his second breakfast and I had a smoothie with a banana bread. From there on we didnt really have a plan, we walked around for a long time and eventually found a nice café where we ordered coffee and wrote our postcards. We wanted to see the national library which unfortunately wasnt open for tourists, so we went to the Via dei Neri where I got Focaccia and Kai pizza. Then it was finally 15:15 and we went to the Academia. We were a bit worried when we saw the humongous line in front of the building. Soon we figured out that since we had bought the tickets in advance we could just jump the line and go directly to the entrance, which we did, and it worked perfectly. A few moments later we were standing in front of the huge statue of David. We both have to admit this guy was absolutely good looking, and crazy hot. We admired this piece of art for a couple of minutes but then left quite fast, since we had to catch out train half an hour later. The train to Pisa was very crowded, therefore I had to squeeze myself between the window and our backpacks. In Pisa we noticed that we could take another train than we had planned and we would be way faster. We ran to the biglietteria, made the seat reservations like Speedy Gonzales, got on the platform and jumped on the train.
    The journey to cinque terre was very nice, we passed pretty landscapes and sceneries until we arrived at the sea. We were both so hyped when we saw the waves crashing on the cliffs, the cute pictoresque village with houses of different colours and the green hills surrounding it all. Our hotel la Stella della Marina did not only meet our expectations, it exceeded them by far. The owner Gabriel, was really friendly and showed us a map of Monterosso, the village, gave us recommendations on restaurants and showed us all the nice hiking trails of the area. The room he gave us had a private bathroom and a even small balcony. I was so incredibly happy. After we had unpacked our stuff and settled down for a moment we went to the village and looked for a restaurant. We walked around for a bit but most of the restaurants that looked nice were already full so we decided to get Pizza. It was a good decision, the Pizza was really good. Poor me had to pay Kai‘s dinner too because I had lost a stupid bet earlier. Kai even wanted to get a Nutella-Chocolate-Calzone for two people as dessert and I am so so thankful he didnt. We went back to the hotel and went to sleep:)
    Excited for the hike tomorrow!
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  • Dag 4

    Fotto on Giotto

    10 april 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Today was the day Apollo and Aphrodite took a Fotto on Giotto. We woke up and had breakfast at our amazing hotel. Kai ate for a family of at least 10 people so it took us a while but when we finished, we were ready to burn all those calories on our way up the Giotto tower, where, as the title of today‘s blog already says, we took a (hundred) photo(s). What we saw from up there was astonishing, we could see the Dome from a perfect perspective and the view over the old city houses was beautiful. We agreed that Florence was way prettier than Milan and that if it werent for the annoying tourist crowds, we would stay here.
    By the way while we were standing in line for the tower, we started writing our own CV‘s vice versa and had a really good time just standing there in the sun, laughing and waiting for us to get closer to the entrance.
    After climbing the 87.4 metres high Campanile di Giotto and admiring the view, we went to the Cathedral Museum. For lunch we had Glutenfree Focaccia. Mine was really good, but unfortunately they gave Kai the wrong one. He got proschutto, which he doesnt like, instead of salami & arugula. So in the end he only had the focaccia bread and wasnt too happy about it. In the afternoon we visited the Uffizi art museum. We managed to see all the 7 „must see“ paintings we had read about. After learning so many new things about art our poor brains needed some calories, so we „diffused“ to the famous Gelateria Santa Trinita where Kai probably had the biggest ice cream in the world. We ate it by the river and stayed there for hours and hours having the best conversations. We figured out that if my man wasnt going to surprise me with a weekend in florence I wouldnt want him, talked a lot about people walking past us, our spirit animals and decided to set a one year goal for both of us. Our original plan was to walk back to the hotel but then we spontanously bought to-go gin tonics, yes non-alcoholic, and toasted to our wonderful afternoon.
    We diffused to the restaurant „Sgrano“, again 100% gf and had wayy to much pasta there. Since they had Cantucci on the menu we ordered some but instead of getting them with wine as recommended by the restaurant I ordered them with an espresso and got laughed at by the entire staff. (At this point I have to admit, life without alcohol is hard) We had arrived at the restaurant as two people but left as a trio. Our foodbaby Leonardo accompanied us home. On our way back we meandered thorugh the streets and eventually got to our hotel still laughing pretty hard, where the receptionist eyed us suspiciously.
    Funny ending of a hilarious day.
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  • Dag 3

    Fake David and sunbathing

    9 april 2023, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    We woke up in the Ostello bello early and tried not to wake up the other 3 people in our room. Considering that they were snoring I think we managed to let them sleep. We had breakfast at the ostello and left for the train station. We hadnt been able to reserve our seats so we had already imagined possible scenarios of a conducteur asking for our tickets and us acting like confused swiss passengers. However at the Milano Centrale Station we went to the biglietteria and asked for seat reservations and it was way easier than expected. A couple of minutes later we were sitting on the train to Florence.
    When we arrived we headed to the Hotel Ginori al Duomo. We couldnt find it at first but we passed a very fancy looking hotel, where we both agreed that if we were going to come back 20 years later with more money, we would definitely stay at that place. The strange thing was that we weren‘t able to find the hotel we had booked and it took us some time to realize that what we had booked was actually the super fancy one we had passed by right before. We went in a bit confused and went to the lobby to ask for our room. The receptionist told us our rooms were ready by 3 pm and took our baggage. Before we left the hotel, we changed our clothes, made sure we looked a bit less like swiss backpackers and more like real „fiorentini“.
    We walked right to the Cathedral and passed all the important monuments of the city until we got to the river and passed the Ponte Vecchio. There were so many tourists on the bridge and Kai and I (mostly I) started to get really annoyed because of the amount of people and everybody pushing around and us getting squeezed. At some point we just wanted to get out of there, so we grabbed an ice cream and walked away from the crowd. We ended up in some cute little streets above the actual city center and walked up there. It was very peaceful and I could have „strolled“ along those streets forever. We went to the Giardino Boboli and mainly sunbathed on the grass with a beautiful view of the city. (Kai just said these were the best 20 mins lf the trip so far - hope that was a bit exhagerated)
    In the evening we went to our hotel room which was right in the attic. Whereas the narrow hotel hallways had carpeted floor, ours was wooden. We had a big modern private bathroom and a skylight. The bed was huge and super comfy. We drank the last bit of Gin Tonic and celebrated Pascua in our room. BIG SURPRISE: Kai‘s parents had bought glutenfree chocolate easter bunnies for us and Kai made me look for mine all over the room:) Finally I found it on the rooftop!!
    We had dinner at Quinoa, a 100% glutenfree restaurant in the city center, where I had delicious Ravioli.
    We walked back home & went to bed.
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