Thailand 2019

helmikuuta 2019
8-päiväinen seikkaillu — Bec Lue lisää
  • 8jalanjäljet
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  • Päivä 1

    Day 1 - Travel day

    19. helmikuuta 2019, Australia ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

    Today is the day!
    We found out last night that our flight is delayed from an 1130am to a 1pm departure. I was more than okay with that, always happy for more sleep. Nan and pop dropped us at the train station this morning and we headed for the airport. Nice and easy trip, checked in and went through security. Ben and I ended up in different lines and I had to wait a bit for him. So you're not allowed to travel with certain things in your carry on, gel included. Ben got stuck behind a couple because of this restriction, the guy had a stress ball full of gel.. one that's shaped like a boob, nipple and all. The security man is waving it around while the woman is going bright red, haha! They chucked it in the bin and everyone got to keep moving. Our flight has been delayed a little bit again, boarding is around 1pm then off to Singapore with a slight layover before heading to Koh Samui. Talk soon xLue lisää

  • Päivä 2

    Made it to Koh Samui

    20. helmikuuta 2019, Thaimaa ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Tried to do a quick post last night, but the Wi-Fi was playing up.
    The flights were good, food too actually. Just watched a bunch of movies and did some puzzles on the way over. With the delay we weren't in Singapore very long at all, barely looked around with the timing. It was kinda perfect really, not rushed at all but we didn't get bored killing time either. We got another feed on the flight to Koh Samui and I was pretty tired and cranky by this point so luckily it was quick and easy getting through security, it seemed weirdly quick to be honest, maybe 10 minutes if that? Headed up to the meeting point where the resort staff were waiting for us with our name on their iPad. Jumped in the mini van and DAMN it was fancy, aircon was pumping and the chairs were like massage chairs, amazing. It only took 5 minutes to get to the resort where we filled out a few forms and had our welcome drink. The resort is very beautiful from what we could see last night, we checked in around 9:30pm local time. The Wi-Fi is a bit dodgy in our room, which is a bugger but I don't think we'll bother getting a SIM card. Had a big sleep last night, Ben has actually gone back to sleep this morning which I might too for a bit before we go have a look around the resort. Mum is due in today and some cousins tonight, there are also welcome drinks with the wedding people tonight at the resort, that should be nice.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 2

    Resort day

    20. helmikuuta 2019, Thaimaa ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

    So we eventually got ourselves up and moving. It's hard to get hold of everyone with the dodgy Wi-Fi so that is a little annoying. We went for a wander through the resort, now it's on quite a hill, so beautiful! But a damn hill. So we worked our way down past the few pools, restaurants, spa, gym etc, right down to the big restaurant and beach just to get a feel of things. The way back up was not so fun, but we did find out later that you can call for a golf buggy and they'll take you back up, wish we knew that earlier.
    We popped our swimmers on and headed for the pool. It was amazing! Had some lunch and took advantage of their 1pm happy hour.. for a few hours. I flogged Ben in connect 4 at the pool bar, at the start at least, we won't talk about the last few games. We're both a little pink but no major sunburn. Back to the room to freshen up and head down to the welcome cocktail party that the resort puts on on Wednesdays. Had some free, delicious cocktails and canapes while listening to some music. When the bride came down she told us that the groom had a little mishap on his bucks today, he tried to do a flip off a boat but instead smashed his head on the edge and needed stitches. Uncle Steve (the father in law), went with him in the 'ambulance', it had sirens absolutely blaring and the lights going, but they were basically in the back of a ute that had a canopy on the tray. They got back after dinner, so we'll see how he's going tomorrow. Dinner was great, pad Thai for Ben and massaman curry for me. They had a fire show on which was also amazing. Pretty tired again tonight, heading into Chawang tomorrow morning for a bit, it's meant to be all hustle and bustle, should be interesting!
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  • Päivä 4


    22. helmikuuta 2019, Thaimaa ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    We woke up before our alarms today and headed down to breakfast, met up with Mum, Mark, Andrew and Vicky and their 2 little ones. The buffet breakfast has your typical stuff but also a bunch of curries and stir fries, so weird to think of that for breakfast.
    We then got ourselves ready and headed to the lobby, Mum went with Mark to the dentist, he had an appointment yesterday and back today to possibly have some teeth pulled. The other 6 of us headed for Chaweng, got ourselves and cab in and made sure we agreed on the price before we left. Chaweng is so full on! You can tell it's the main strip from all of the wires overhead haha. The Thai people are so genuinely lovely, they all asked if we wanted to go in for a massage or cab or whatever they sell, but when you say 'no thanks', they're so nice about it. They're also really interested in the kids, so sweet with them and giving them highfives. We wandered down the main road popping in and out of shops, then we found a shopping centre which is clearly for tourists, open air but westfield style. We were in there for a bit and the kids had a play then we headed back up the street for a truly Thai inspired lunch.. at Hardrock cafe. It was hot okay! And it had amazing aircon. Haha! Anyway, we had burgers and some cocktails. Heard from mum who said Mark had 7 teeth out! Insane!
    We went for another wander, had a few drinks at the Irish pub before heading back to the resort. More cocktails in the pool and a swim for a few hours. We were meant to be heading out with all of the wedding guests for dinner but with the groom's sore head and apparently a lot of other sore heads from the night before we just stayed at the resort. Freshened up before going to the lobby bar for more drinks and a feed.
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  • Päivä 4

    Wedding Day!

    22. helmikuuta 2019, Thaimaa ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Went exploring again today after breakfast, into Fisherman's Village in Bophut, headed in around 10 with our taxi man from yesterday. Much cleaner and a bit more relaxed than Chaweng. We weaved through markets and stopped off to do a Fish spa, such a weird feeling but glad I did it. While waiting, Ben found a pub for a cheap drink, we all made our way there and had a couple before moving on.
    Had to head back a little earlier than we would have liked so we had time to get ourselves organised for the wedding. When we got to the resort we split off to get ready, Ben and I had a quick swim to cool off beforehand. Everyone met in the lobby then wandered down to the ceremony, such a beautiful spot. The wedding was amazing, so much food and booze, oh my goodness! There were people fire spinning and fireworks to wrap up the night around midnight. Some of us weren't ready to leave so we chilled on the beach with drink, 100 proof vodka being some of it, oh lordy it was potent. Then all of a sudden it was 4am. Sooooo yes! Massive night!
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  • Päivä 5

    Post wedding

    23. helmikuuta 2019, Thaimaa ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    We had a big sleep in after last night's shenanigans. Got up just before lunch and we chilled in the aircon for a bit. Ben and I headed down to the pool for a quick feed and a swim around to cool off. The post wedding lunch was meant to be 1pm but got pushed back so we called up our taxi mate 'Best' who picked us up to head back into Bophut/Fisherman's Village for more exploring and a late lunch at Coco Tams. Absolutely amazing spot on the water. Stayed there for a bit then wandered down the street through the markets and stopped at the little pub we popped into yesterday. Happy hour was for about 6 hours, so that was perfect! Left not long after happy hour, grabbed some food and an early night. Amazing.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 6

    Jungle Tour

    24. helmikuuta 2019, Thaimaa ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

    Happy Birthday Dad!
    We were booked in for day tour today. Got up for breakfast before heading to the lobby to wait for our ride. A big land rover showed up and off we went. We cruised around the island and had our first stop near Lamai at grandmother and grandfather rocks. There were a bunch of local shops around, tried some of the food and got some coconut ice cream, so tasty. There were 5 utes that were crusing around together.
    We jumped back in with our driver, Palm, and headed to a temple where there is a mummified monk, but when the kids asked, it was just a statue ;) very interesting. If ladies were wearing singlets we were given a wrap to cover our shoulders, this one woman who was wearing a strapless top, just wrapped it around her waist like a towel or sarong. They were trying to explain to her why, she understood, she was just being a dick, didn't want to ruin her outfit for pictures apparently, ugh! They sorted her out though.
    Next was a waterfall, we had a quick stop before heading up the mountain to see if anyone wanted to ride on top of the Ute, Ben and I were straight up there, it was so much fun! The waterfall was beautiful and there was a giant waterslide into one of the pools, we were thinking about it until one girl flew down and absolutely smashed herself into the water, at the end of the slide it was about a meter and half drop and the slide itself was very sleep. She was red raw and after Palm told us ladies to 'be careful of your bottom' and the men to 'be careful of your baby elephant', we decided not to do the slide.
    More cruising around before stopping off at a zipline, we were umming and ahhing, well, I was, Ben definitely wasn't haha. I figured bugger it, let's do it! Because we were on a tour, it was just a quick one with 4 legs and a wobble bridge at the end. As I was getting ready, little Christopher really wanted to do it too, so Vicky tried to call his bluff and told him to go ask the man (he is 5 and petrified of heights, but Luke is 3 and has no fear). Well, the fella started strapping him up ready to go, then Luke saw and couldn't miss out. They were so brave! So impressed with them! They got to do 2 legs and they looooved it. I did too of course, but going with them for a bit and seeing how excited they were, was the absolute highlight.
    Lunch was next on top of the mountain, we weren't really sure what they were saying, but the food was amazing and the view was unreal! Got a bunch of photos and went through some more 4wding tracks through the mountains before our stop at the Magic Buddha Garden. It was created over one man's life and represents the Buddhist way and beliefs, it was really beautiful and interesting.
    Finally we were off to a rubber plantation and the Big Buddha on the mountain with a few more temples. Palm gave us a demonstration of how the rubber plantations works and how they get it off the trees, it was so bizarre. He threw in a few jokes about condoms of course, such a funny bloke. More looking around, there was Durian to try, as they put it, smells like hell but tastes like heaven. It's the stinkiest food item there is apparently, sooo bad. There are so many signs around the island saying that people will be fined if they bring it into populated areas. One of the other drivers was hassling ladies with 'something', he came up to me expecting a scream I think and he had a big spider in his hands, I took it and had a hold, he said something about 'must be Aussie', haha!
    We wrapped up the day there with some group photos and cruised back down to town. Got back later than expected but that was okay, went for a swim and had a few cocktails before grabbing a feed. Vicky and I are heading to the Elephant Sanctuary in the morning tomorrow, while Andrew and Ben have the kids. Thinking we'll go to the Jungle Club tomorrow night before heading home on Tuesday, it's meant to be amazing at sunset. Will let you know x
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