In 2017 Harry finally admitted that yes, he did want to travel for months in a very small trailer with his wife, Renee, and two dog pals, Jack and Sam. This blog recounts their trials (many) and their tribulations (even more!) もっと詳しく Ashfield, United States
  • 日28

    Berkeley IS the Center of the Universe

    2017年12月23日, アメリカ ⋅ 🌙 -1 °C

    Hello out there! We had another uneventful trip (PTL) from the San Luis Obispo (Nipomo) area of California on upward to Trianda and Gunther's house in El Cerrito. We left Nipomo on Sunday, December 17 and arrived some 8 short hours later in time for a very lovely Sunday holiday dinner of chicken and squash and a beautiful grain salad prepared by T & G and my dear friend Jocelyn joined us.

    El Cerrito butts right up to the San Francisco Bay and next to the San Francisco Bay is the world's best dog park. It's acres and acres with lots of places for dogs to jump into the bay and swim if they are that kind of dog - we put in 2 miles with the dogs every morning we were there.

    The other great thing about this dog park -- its called Point Isabel Dog Park by the way -- is that right in the parking lot there is a dog grooming shop and a cafe where not only can your dog go but they are off leash! It was fun and Jack and Sam were in dogs' heaven.

    This was a lovely three-day stay where we got to catch up with Trianda and Gunther (who we hope is doing amazingly well after his surgery) and Jocelyn and Vince, and a few Christmas tasks. Our recommendations for Christmas shopping are the 4th Street Shops in Berkeley and the El Cerrito Plaza, and the food at Tacubaya is the best - do not pass up the fish tacos.

    Getting close to Christmas!

  • 日23

    And more!

    2017年12月18日, アメリカ ⋅ 🌙 10 °C
  • 日23

    More Nipomo Pictures

    2017年12月18日, アメリカ ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C
  • 日23

    3 Days in Nipomo, 12/14-16

    2017年12月18日, アメリカ ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    I know many of you will have no idea where Nipomo is but it's worth a peek at your California maps - it's in the area of Santa Maria (as in Santa Maria bbq), near Guadaloupe. Our friends Casey and Susan Case live there with their two horses, Shamrock and Will, and they are at present down to one dog, Raleigh. We spent three perfect days there, along with their brother-in-law, Maurice, who was a refugee from the Carpinteria fires. He was pretty stressed out but still managed to make us fabulous Yorkshire pudding, guacamole and bread pudding out of panettone. The first pictures below are of scorched earth and smoke on our way up the coast.

    The dogs could not have been happier - Sammie tried to make friends with Shamrock, not so successful, and both Jack and Sam got to run and romp with Raleigh and Maurice's dog, Lily. I got to take 10,000 step walks with Susan, and Harry got to catch up with his dear dear friends from his Peace Corp and grad school days. sweet.

    The next two posts have more Nipomo pictures. xoxoxo to all

  • 日18

    Malibu, Oh Malibu, tis of you I sing ...

    2017年12月13日, アメリカ ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    I love Malibu and Topanga Canyon. For me this is the quintessential California experience. I don't mean the tony Malibu Colony parts, but the surfers off the side of Pacific Coast Highway, the coastline stretching out in front of you, the impossibly blue sky, the scrub, the fauna (right now parched,) the local restaurants.

    We are in an RV park about 20 miles from Topanga Canyon, on a ridge, so that when we pulled into our spot we had a view of the Pacific and could hear the waves. Delicious. This is the most expensive RV park we've been in at about $80.00 a night but the view alone makes it worthwhile. But it's also a nice park - wide spaces, nice bathrooms (I'll spare you pictures of the bathroom this time), a laundry facility with the best view of any laundry facility in the country. When you stay someplace like this, you have to resist the temptation to pop into Santa Monica or LA because you will get caught up in traffic and spoil this experience.

    We went to my favorite LA restaurant on Monday afternoon - Inn of the Seventh Ray - with our dear friend Hollis who introduced us and her son Ethan. Very Topanga Canyon, my food was infused with special elevating vibrations, etc. etc. and lunch was many hours. It's beautiful and well worth a visit if you come.

    Our time here is devoted to visiting people so not anything too interesting for you but I do have some nice pictures to show you with more to come. Hope you are well! xoxo

  • 日17

    San Diego and LA, 12/8 & 12/9

    2017年12月12日, アメリカ ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Did I mention in my last post that I was reluctant to leave Tucson? but we did, and were in the car for about 7 hours as we travelled to San Diego. Our campground is in Bonita, California, called Sweetwater. Another State Park and nice but not great. Of course the big thing being about the San Diego-area is the near perfect weather. At first I was not that excited about being in SoCal - I was not happy about the traffic and having the camper in 7-lanes of freeway traffic. But Harry has been fearless in his driving and he arranged our free day in San Diego (Dec. 9) so my spirits picked up.

    We went to Balboa Park which is 1200 acres smack dab in the middle of San Diego that has the Zoo and 17 museums (dinosaurs, the study of humankind, photographs, and automobiles to name a few) so enormous and we were there on a Saturday. Pretty much everything we do is dictated by Jack and Sam (thus the name of this blog) because museums, for example, are not yet pet-friendly. We would have liked to see an exhibit about cannabilism but had to content ourselves with taking pictures of the gruesome poster (see below) and except doggie treats from the docent.

    Saturday was also dictated by finding dog parks for Jack and Sam which we try to do often to compensate to them for their many hours of confinement in the car. We found an off leash park within Balboa but we had our real score when we drove up the coast 20 minutes to Del Mar and found a beach that allowed dogs. Del Mar is gorgeous, tony, and right on the Pacific. It also happens to be the very first place I ever visited in California way back when, so it was interesting to revisit.

    Next morning we did our usual pulling up of stakes and headed further up the coast to LA. I have to admit, I was still out of sorts, and Harry and I experienced our first bout of snipy behavior. In some ways that is not bad after living in each other's pockets for three weeks, but just the same, unpleasant. And that is the mood in which we arrived at Kathy Glasscock's memorial service at 2:30 p.m. in "The Valley." Kathy had many accomplishments, her most recent being as a landscape designer. Her memorial was a Buddhist 49th day after death service and we got to chant. Bayliss had people over to his house after and it was lovely to hang out with some old friends and experience the peace Kathy created in her own backyard.

    We spent this night at Hal and Ricki's back in LA, right next door to where Harry lived for many years. This was the first my mood started to lift because I did not have to pretend I was feeling anything but grumpy and I could solicit advice about how they dealt with being out of sorts with each other. Ricki seemed to think that I am a control freak which of course is not true, I just always know the best way to do something. There's a difference isn't there? What???

    Anyway, enough of this soul searching, you've probably stopped reading anyway. I am all better now and on Monday we moved to an RV place in Malibu for the next three nights, 12/11 through 12/13. Yummy. Don't hate on us although without my knowledge Harry did send a picture of me in the sunshine on a day when Ashfield was getting more snow. That was a low blow.

  • 日14

    Tucson, continued

    2017年12月9日, アメリカ ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C
  • 日13

    Tucson AZ 12/6 & 12/7

    2017年12月8日, アメリカ ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    The ride from El Paso to Tucson was blissfully uneventful. Before heading out we took Jack and Sam to a nearby dog park where they got to romp with some other dogs and get really really muddy with red clay dirt. After the early morning rain and gloom of El Paso, we didn't hit blue sky until we got to Arizona and its been blue skies ever since.

    Our stay is Tucson has been all about natural beauty and deep relaxation.. Our campsite is in Catalina State Park which abuts a state forest (about $25.00 a night with full hookup and a dumping station). It is lovely as you will see from the pics below and the walks we took start from our front door.

    First morning: we set out on a walk with Sam and Jack and did about 3 miles in the Sonoran desert. Beautiful day - wide sky, brilliant sun, light wind, both cool and hot depending where you were. Then we had lunch at a nearby Mexican restaurant. I had a marguerita and Harry had a mojito. With lunch. Middle of the day. We never do that but it seemed like the thing to do for a Thursday in Tucson. As you can imagine, the rest of the day was not very energetic but we did do three loads of laundry in the late afternoon because Jack threw up on our bed. He's better now.

    The night sky here is dramatic and beautiful - purple mountains and a turquoise blue at the horizon when the sun goes down that you can't believe exists.

    We are closing in on our third week of being away and something about this much time on the road is creating a mental sea change. I find I can actually sit at the campsite picnic table and just sit. and look. and not be thinking about the next thing I'm supposed to do.

    My next post will just be a continuation of some Tucson pictures - I can only post 10 pictures with each entry.

  • 日11

    Austin! 12/3 & 12/4

    2017年12月6日, アメリカ ⋅ 🌙 3 °C

    We hit the road to Austin with full stomachs (see previous post about Meche's Donuts) and light hearts. I don't remember too much about the drive from Louisiana into Texas, but I do remember riding into Austin and thinking it looked interesting. And it was! We camped at McKinney Falls State Park and we stayed two nights, and were thinking we might stay a third. It looks like I didn't take picture of our campgrounds (record keeping is getting sloppy!) but it was nice, in the woods and as you will see from the pictures below - a great hiking path.

    Harry was bemoaning that we had travelled through North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, and Louisiana and hadn't eaten any barbecue so I suggested we spend out first night in Austin remedying that. We chose Cooper's on Congress Street in Downtown Austin. Oh wait, I'm forgetting the most important part of this evening. You know how we had the hitching fiasco in Charleston? Well we hadn't unhitched since then - this was going to be the first time. Actually, unhitching is no problem, getting it back on is, but we scrunched up our courage and unhitched and went to dinner.

    Cooper's was awesome! There's a mostly male waitstaff and they are all big characters but very polite and charismatic. I feel like the men in Austin are a kind of type - very polite, very gentlemanly, and kind of charming. Even though they are also sort of characters. We had a law student from Austin and I got to know him over three years and darn if he wasn't just like that. And on Monday when we were eating lunch in Austin a guy pulled his truck over suddenly right in front of us and jumped out. I thought he was crazy, but when I looked behind me I saw a woman had tripped on the curb and fallen and he had jumped out of his truck to help her!

    It also seems that there is money in Austin. When we drove into town that first night to get bbq we pulled into a public parking lot, this is late Sunday night mind you, and the machine wanted $15.00 for parking. Period. Didn't matter if you were staying an hour or 12 hours. I was standing in front of the machine ruminating about how I wasn't about to spend $15.00 when two young couples separately went up to the machine and just handed over their $15.00. I asked them if didn't they think that was expensive for public parking on a Sunday night but they kind of just looked at me like, isn't she cute? The shopping center where we went to Trader Joe's was full even though it was a weekday mid day - and the shopping center had high-end stores like William Sonoma.

    Our car needed its 6000 mile check-up so we got to drive around Austin and pretend we were Austinians doing normal every day tasks, go shopping at Trader Joe's, etc. While our car had its check up in North Austin we walked to a nearby non-touristy place for breakfast/lunch called Wild Chix & Waffles. It was in a big bland shopping center and we weren't holding out much hope for the food but we had to go there because it had an empty outside patio and we had J & S. Wrong on all counts! It had a wild interior that my artist friends would love - very original - and the food was so good! One of the pictures below is Harry eating his waffles and fried chicken. I ordered a salad (no really, I did!). Do you notice the border around Harry's plate? the owners had painted the same pattern on their floor - and there was great art on the walls - so interesting. Check out the menu on line and you get a sense of how original it was. So big surprise to open the door in a blah shopping center and walk into a fantasy.

    We were thinking we would around Austin that afternoon after doing our errands but it was too hot - going up to 85 degrees! - so we decided to take the afternoon off (from what, you ask?) and just hang out around our trailer - which we did - I used the time to get caught up on this blog. And we made dinner "at home" since we had just stocked up at TJs.

    We were uncertain what we were going to do on 12/4 and I'm really glad we were because Harry got up early to look at maps, etc., and realized that bad weather was coming in. The area we would be driving into was going to have below-freezing weather. That's another aspect of having the trailer that we have to be mindful about - we can't be in freezing weather because of the pipes, etc. We had to pack up and leaving kind of quickly because we had to drive west 8 hours to El Paso, the first place where the temps stayed above 32 at night. The good news is that we hitched up with relatively little trouble so we are hopeful we have turned a corner on that particular camper issue.

    We were in the car for about 9 hours and spent the night in a La Quinta that would accept 2 large dogs because we didn't want to have to set up camp. Harry did an amazing job - he's an awesome camper driver. I tried to drive for awhile and I could not do it - I cannot drive the camper when there is wind - the wobbling freaks me out. Our tasks have evolved as follows: Harry drives and I conduct the business of traveling. I figure out where we are going, I find our campsites, book, talk to people, make schedules. When we get to our campsite, Harry sets up (hooks up water hose, electric hose, unhitches, levels the car) and I get the dogs settled which typically means I have to walk them to get the jitters out of their legs, and then I do stuff in the inside of the camper including feeding the dogs, to get us settled in. Fortunately, our evening chores have stayed the same - Harry cooks and I clean up. Yeah!!!

    Wednesday morning, 12/6. El Paso. I took the dogs out at 6:30 am when it was still dark and discovered it had rained over night. No one was up and about yet as I walked the dogs around the La Quinta parking lot. We were right next door to a Krispy Kreme that had one lone car at the take out window, and one lone worker handing over a cup of coffee, with her cap blinking red and green with Christmas lights.

  • 日9

    Lafayette, Louisiana

    2017年12月4日, アメリカ ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

    We actually went from Atlanta to Pensacola Beach in the Florida Panhandle. I don't really have much to say about Pensacola Beach - this was one of the few private campgrounds we stayed at to date. That means it is more expensive (70.00 compared to the 20.00 to 25.00 we spend at State or National Parks), more crowded and just generally not as interesting. I much prefer state and national campgrounds which usually have something educational about them, interesting trails, park rangers, etc.

    This was all true of our one-night campsite in Lafayette Louisiana, where we landed Saturday, December 2nd. Lafayette is smack in the middle of Arcadiana. It was originally called Vermillionville but was renamed for General Lafayette. Our camp ground was in the middle of town, cost $20.00, and was lovely. There was a nature walk on board walks that we were able to do before it got dark, and then we went to a local restaurant called Cafe Vermilionville which is in a landmark building. We shared an appetizer plate that had, inter alia, alligator, louisiana sausage and crawfish beignets. That was awesome although I can't really tell you what alligator tastes like. Then I had a lovely wedge salad with blue cheese dressing and we shared a rib eye steak. I gotta say - I am losing my taste for rib eye steak - I'm pretty sure they do some pretty unhealthy things to the steer to get that flesh so marbled, and I've seen steers in too many cramped stock yards (Coalinga comes to mind) to feel good about eating them. We'll see.

    There were two things we wanted to do in Lafayette before heading off to Texas: one was visit a live oak tree that is supposed to be 500 years old. It's located in front of St. John's Cathedral in Lafayette and I have to tell you, I got goose bumps when I stood in front of it. The other was to visit a donut store in Lafayette called Meche's Donut King. We had never heard about it before but on our way to the Cathedral we went by it and there was a line! A very good sign. We were not disappointed. I made a video on the merits of those donuts which I will post as soon as I figure out how to do that.

    Hope everyone is well and happy! xoxoxo


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