Travels 2.0

november 2023 - maart 2024
The adventures continue Meer informatie
  • 57Footprints
  • 6landen
  • 131dagen
  • 923foto’s
  • 60video’s
  • 54,1kkilometer
  • 43,2kkilometer
  • 6,7kkilometer
  • 1,9kkilometer
  • 436nautische mijlen
  • 136kilometer
  • 129kilometer
  • 59nautische mijlen
  • 57nautische mijlen
  • 29kilometer
  • 12kilometer
  • 11kilometer
  • 8kilometer
  • 4kilometer
  • 4kilometer
  • 1kilometer
  • Staycation: Acreage Fun

    2 november 2023, Canada ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

    Stellar skies morning, day, evening and night! Our area of the planet never ceases to impress 🤗

    Enjoying the late-season mild weather we decided to do some garden cleanup. Weeds had impressively grown up, so we put a little heat into them 🔥😎 It was also a great time to harvest horseradish, as frost had occurred to sweeten up the root. Oh, man its aroma is powerful when grinding in the blender 🥹

    After over a year of poor water quality in our town we were able to give a satisfying clean out of our cistern. Never in the handful of years was it ever that grubby! As expected the taste was highly improved and less minerals now that the source is once again from the river 💦.

    Many months of travelling inspired A to resume roasting our own coffee at home. It doesn't take much time and you can't beat the fresh flavour ☕🤪
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  • Dag 1–13

    Tootle to Terrace

    15 november 2023, Canada ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

    Some sleuthing on Trusted House Sitters found us a dog sit in Terrace, where J's parents live. The roads were horrible from Chetwynd to PowderKing 😱. Packed snow and super ice. We even got to do a little fish tail despite going 30% below the posted speed! Weeeee! Our plan to split the long drive over two days was a good one due to our slower speed. We stayed in Smithers.

    In Hazelton we zigged over to Hagwilget for a walk across the bridge. It's an impressive feat to see how the early bridges crossed such a high space. 😲

    The week was filled with relaxing time at the hosts' Lakelse Lake property for a few nights before staying in town. We had many dinners with the parents, walks, a couple runs between the constant drizzle of rain drops, and of course caring for sweet Millie and Cinder. J ventured on plan his own to the school band performance and endured the sounds of young folks learning how to find their tune. 🙉

    On our return drive we stopped by the parents' Francois Lake property for a night. BBQ burgers and a fun night of darts around the woodstove.

    One night's rest in Prince George was an experience. The Coast Hotel used to be comfortable, but is now showing its age 😔 We enjoyed a lazy night-in with takeout pizza and wings while watching a movie 📺🍕😜 The final drive home had much better roads over the Pine Pass.
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  • Dag 23

    Onwards to PHX

    7 december 2023, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Super early departure from the house at 345am! Not our preference, but inexpensive flight costs and a short travel duration swayed us. The quick transfer at YVR also included rescreening at security/customs. Wee! Journey was smooth and some great views of the country below us, including The Grand Canyon 😊. Seeing the Phoenix area from the sky revealed how sprawling of patchwork-quilted urban reality it is. Similar to a video game building a city to include all the right aspects.

    The car rental line moved quickly. They offered an upgrade for an additional 60% of what I paid, so I declined. I misunderstood the agent's insurance question and had to get him to adjust it after the receipt was printed 🙃 To our surprise when we exited to the parking lot they didn't have our category of car and "upgraded" us anyway to anything in the Intermediate row. It will cost a bit more in fuel, but those are the breaks. The Toyota we considered could not link to our phone for navigation, so we switched to a Malibu before checking out of the parking lot. It should be enjoyable enough for the week.

    Lunch was at a nearby Mexican restaurant. Nothing fancy, but delicious for our empty stomachs. Before getting to our accommodation we did a quick grocery shop at Fry's. It reminded us of the Superstore chain back home.

    Roads are nice and easy to navigate to Goodyear where we were staying at J's Aunt's place for two nights. Dinner was a massive BBQ T-bone steak to share with salad, mushroom caps, and corn 🌽🥗🍄😜
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  • Dag 24–26

    Good 'n Goodyear

    8 december 2023, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Two restful nights in Goodyear. We did a trail run each morning right outside our door on the Corgett Trail. The dirt path was in great condition and we had it all to ourselves. Mild temperatures around 20C made it very enjoyable.

    Quail and woodpeckers entertained us. The group of young adult neighbors and their immature conversations about alcohol consumption and their social lives made us laugh. 🤣 It's the authentic experience of living in a postage-stamp subdivision with neighbours just on the other side of the cinder block wall.

    The air was cool/warm, but sunbeams roasty like being under a broiler 🔥. The weather UV report it said a Low rating, which was hard to believe. We read some digital books poolside and just took it easy.

    An afternoon hike in the Estrella Mountain Regional Park was perfect. We crossed paths with a few others, but had the trails all to ourselves most of the time. Little birds fluttered amongst the desert foliage. Cactus stood vigilant. Shrubs pretended to be soft while hiding their thorns.
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  • Dag 30

    🌵Desert Botanical Garden 🏜️

    14 december 2023, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Today's adventure took us across town to our second botanical garden of the year. Atlanta's was amazing, but so is this one! Founded around 1939, it's apparent the hours, love and thought that has gone into sharing this experience with visitors. There are plants from many desert areas near and far.

    Slowly exploring more than 4.5km of paths for almost 4 hours was a great way to spend the afternoon. It was a treat to not be visiting on a busy crowded day too.

    Afterwards we even got to experience afternoon rush hour on the Interstate 10 freeway. A lot of cars all heading to their after work destinations. Thankfully the HOV lane got us there a bit quicker 🚗 💨
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  • Dag 31

    White Tank & Petroglyphs

    15 december 2023, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    The usual start to the day with Russell and his walk before heading off to meet with P&G for a hike in White Tank Park. We thought to take him along, but as we learned the old boy powers out after 3km.

    Decided on a loop hike starting at the Black Rock trail up to the dry waterfall, and found Petroglyphs along the way. The indigenous Hohokam people lived in the area between 500-1100 AD.…

    Going at a leasurely pace we enjoyed the gorgeous warm afternoon. We walked all the way to where water falls during the rainy season, and enjoyed a rest in the cool shaded dry Canyon. It must be impressive to see when the water is flowing! Not getting sun exposure the rock in the Canyon was cool to the touch too 🧊

    Realising that the chosen hike wasn't as long as we originally thought, decided to detour to another trail back to the car.

    Later we drove back south to Goodyear and had a social evening with P&G at thier place in Estrella. Russell joined us for the car ride and visit 🐕. A took him for his evening walk. Never having been in the area, he impressively remembered the off trail route back to the house 🤓
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  • Dag 32–37

    Return to the North

    16 december 2023, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

    We wrapped up our stay in Surprise, AZ. Rental car return was easy. Airport was pretty busy but we got our citrus baggage dropped off and through security without issue. The flight was enjoyable, especially with the extra room due to the empty seat between us. Lots of great views along the flight. During the layover in YVR we enjoyed another complimentary visit to a lounge thanks to our travel credit card.

    A few days later we picked up our cats from their temporary home. They were well cared for, but happy to be back home after the usual uncertainty of travel in car.

    We enjoyed relaxing at home with them and spending time with some friends.
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  • Dag 38–43

    Cariboo Christmas

    22 december 2023, Canada ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

    Road trip to spend the holidays with family in the Miocene area of BC. Lots of visiting, games, and delicious meals. Christmas eve dinner was a ham. Christmas dinner was a 20 lbs turkey feast! Even met up with a friend that recently moved to the area.

    Like most areas of the Province it was unseasonably warm and lacking snow. We saw many a lake on our southbound drive with wet surfaces ontop of ice due to warm breezes, or even never having frozen!

    We assisted to setup and decorate the Christmas. Unfortunately it was leaning a bit forwards and tipped over! We secured it with a string to the furniture and didn't have a repeat event 🤓

    Acreage living always has a few things that need tending to, so we spend some time being handy.
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  • Dag 58–66

    ❄️ Chilling in Victoria ☃️

    11 januari, Canada ⋅ ☁️ -1 °C

    Before heading oversees, decided to spend a week in the Victoria, BC area. Although regular winter had arrived at home, we were hoping to enjoy some mild island weather. As our luck would have it, Arctic outflows descend into Southern BC causing snow, and the usual havoc at YVR. Luckily we only suffered a couple of minor delays, and arrived at YYJ an hour later than expected.

    We were greeted with -10C in Victoria, and a few days later the region was blanketed in a heavy layer of slush-snow. We did go up island to visit friends before the snow fall. Sadly we missed seeing one friend due to after-hours repair work for failed heaters.

    All in all, a relaxing start to the trip, and many visits with friends and family. It was be to do some last-minute shopping for additional travel items for our trip to Vietnam 🇻🇳 and Thailand 🇹🇭 !
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  • Dag 69–70

    Viet Nhat: Tour Day 1

    22 januari, Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    An early start to the day due to jet lag; A was up around 2am,and J roused by 5am. The time was used productively to get the bags packed for the day ahead. After a quick breakfast at the hotel and final checks we were off to the motorcycle office.

    It was a wet morning with light rain as we walked a few blocks over to the tour company for 830am. They have a TINY office in a side alley 😯 After the paper worked was signed and the bikes loaded with our one duffle strapped to the rear seat, we were off. The private 16-day tour on Honda XR150L will be an adventure! Glad to have our guide navigate us out of Hanoi, a sprawling city of 10 million. We followed the Red River in a Northwest direction. We immediately learned that the concept of lanes, passing and traffic lights do not exist, only a suggestion! Eyes on a swivel, toot the horn often to let others know you are there and just go for it!

    The rain continued, so we stopped mid-morning for a coffee before continuing on. Eventually we took our route off road, and followed the dykes, and zig-zagged along narrow paths through rice fields. The most slippery sections being mushy muddy puddles recently torn up from heavy equipment construction trucks. This route didn't have many other travellers, though we crossed over main streets here and there.

    We eventually came to the mountains, and rode along a narrow (single track) concrete road through mountain villages. The vegetative landscape with the rock spires seemed magical in the low clouds. Sections of this mountain area had sugarcane fields. Friendly locals, especially the kids, had big smiles and waves.

    Before long we came upon a busy highway, and continues to climb in to the clouds, and over a pass, stopping for a hot lunch on the other side. We were completing drenched; feet hands saturated in our "waterproof" gear. A found his shirt drenched from the zipper despite the waterproof liner. 🫤

    The simple lunch spread of sauted greens, Fried salted pork belly, pork ribs, and tomato egg soup was very appreciated.

    Our route took us further west, only stopping for fuel, before arriving at the homestay (like a hostel B&B). On the way the high mountain pass was thick with cloud and very low visibility. Thank goodness for windscreen wiper 🧤😉

    Homestay No 9 Pom Coong

    Today's ride route

    The hot shower and change to dry clothes was very welcome. A short walk in the area before dark to stretch our legs. Though sheltered, the wind continued to blow and chill the valley.
    Our hosts provided a fabulous meal, including very strong rice wine. We all retired shortly after to huddle under double blankets in our private unheated wooden room to keep warm for a much needed sleep. The forget temperature over was 5C. Felt like camping wearing night-pants, socks, sweater and a toque in bed 🏕️🙃
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