traveled in 12 countries Read more Edmonds, Washington
  • Day 64

    Feb 23. Great Barrier Reef, Cairns Aust

    February 23 ⋅ 🌧 81 °F

    Bucket list day! Today, our catamaran took us 1 1/2 hours from the city of Cairns to the Great Barrier Reef and a moored pontoon station. The Great Barrier Reef stretches for 1,400 miles and is the largest continuous coral reef system on Earth. The Queensland Government is committing large-scale funds and working closely with scientists & other naturalist partners to safeguard the Reef. On our submersible trip, we witnessed areas of the reef where restoration and reef planting were taking place. It was encouraging to see.

    We donned our stinger suits (jelly fish are fierce this time of year) and snorkeled in rough waters (2' high tides). I took a few photos and a short video but it took all of my strength to keep inside the protected area due to the current. I was exhausted! Julie (my little Wonder Woman), was out for quite a while and saw a lot of marine wildlife! We had a catered lunch and then went on a submersible craft where we got close to the reef and many varieties of fish, a green sea turtle and Black Tip Sharks. I was ready for a rest and coffee while Julie road in a glass bottom boat. We listened to lectures from the on-board Marine Biologists and were then entertained by members of three different Aboriginal tribes who sang, played a Didjerridoo & danced . It was a long & great day!!
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  • Day 63

    Feb 22. Whitsunday Islands, Australia

    February 22 ⋅ ☁️ 82 °F

    The 74 Whitsunday Islands lie between the northeast coast of Queensland, Australia, and the Great Barrier Reef, a massive stretch of coral teeming with marine life. Most of the islands are uninhabited. They're characterized by dense rainforest, hiking trails and white sand beaches. The town of Airlie Beach on the mainland is the region's central hub.

    Today, we sailed the Whitsundays, taking a
    panoramic journey through stunning island waters. It was a cloudy day, but never rained on us. The beauty of the area and its waters is astonishing!

    Tonight, we joined Beth & Terri for dinner. They live in Scottsdale Arizona, where Beth owns a pool construction & landscape company. Cheryl & Dennis also joined our party. Their dauther owns a donkey sanctuary in AZ!!! Guess what we talked about all night?! It was great getting to know everyone better.

    Tomorrow, we snorkle at the Great Barrier Reef!!
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  • Day 60

    Feb 21. Coral Sea, Australia

    February 19, Coral Sea ⋅ ☁️ 79 °F

    A sea day, Julie & I ate breakfast in our room, read the news and basically decided to be lazy. Catherine visited us to plan Tom's birthday celebration next week. It's a secret, so mums the word.

    We attended another art session celebrating aboriginal dot art. Julie's doing quite good on her kangaroo art. I'm not so sure that dot art is my calling. But it's always fun. Women tend to be the most critical of their art work and there is often a lot of laughing, which tends to disrupt the whole zen thing that our instructor is trying to bring to her unruly students 🤣

    After tonight's lecture (I've stopped listing them on Penquin as there are so many but suffice it to say that all are exceptional), we met Jane & Andy for dinner at Manfredi's. I just love these two beautiful people. Their life as Britains has been very interesting & quite exciting! Jane once had to be a stand in for Qween Elizabeth! She demonstrated the royal wave! It's always great fun being in their company and hearing Andy's stories when he served in the Queens military.

    Tonight, I'm doing the laundry while most of the passengers are in bed. I can use two machines at a time and be finished luckily split!!

    I made a birthday card for Tom, who celebrates his birthday next Monday. Tom is a muscian and has written many songs for famous people. He has the sweetest, most gentle soul. ❤️

    Tomorrow, we dock in the beautiful Whitsunday Island. Feeling loved and blessed❤️❤️
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  • Day 60

    Feb 20. Brisbane, Queensland Australia

    February 19, Coral Sea ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

    Jul & I totally fell in love with Brisbane. The capital of Queensland, Brisbane is situated on its namesake river and spreads over picturesque hills rising from Morton Bay. One of the oldest cities in Australia, its first European settlers were the secondary offenders from the Sydney penal colony. It served as one as Douglas MacArthur's Pacific headquarters during World War II. Along with the riverside skyscrapers, (many are beautiful works of art), the city also has quaint historic homes called "Queenslanders". They reminded us of the homes along the east coast in the US. Raised on stilts and having large covered front porches and often only one floor, the front doors open to a long hall, meeting to the back door to better enable the breeze to come through.

    We toured the city and went up to Mt. Coot-Tha, which gave us a beautiful view of the city and surrounding areas. Brisbane is a youthful city, offering wonderful pedestrian and biking paths. Some bridges were built strickly for bikes and pedestrians! We were very impressed with its progressive, alternative vehicle infrastructure!

    We had lunch at Jumbo Thai, which was fabulous!! We shared a meal of Shrimp & Ginger Dumplings and Tofu & Vegetable Pad See Ew. So delish!

    Before heading back to the ship, we walked through the Brisbane City Botanic Gardens. This beautiful oasis is in the heart of the city. We saw many folks having their lunch breaks here. I bet they go back to work much calmer!

    We had a few minutes to spare and happened upon a Krispy Kreme Donuts! Founded in Winston Salem, NC, we couldn't resist paying homage to Julie's childhood😋
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  • Day 60

    Feb 19: At sea

    February 19, Coral Sea ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

    Today was a nice, relaxing day with deep tissue massages, aboriginal dot art, and dinner with an old school mate! Sharlene & I attended Northern High School in Baltimore. We were 4 years apart & and didn't know one another, but it was fun to reminisce together! That we are on a world cruise together, proves that our world is very small indeed!

    Tomorrow, we say hello to Brisbane ❤️
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  • Day 59

    Feb 18. Sydney, Australia

    February 18 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

    Julie and I ventured on different excursions; Julie climbed the Sydney Bridge & I cuddled Koalas & Wallabys! Predictable?

    Julie, Catherine, Tom, Michelle & Jim dressed in climbing suits and walked to the outer arch of the bridge to the summit. The spectacular height gave them a 360° view of the Sydney Opera House, the Harbor, and the Blue Mountains in all its glory.

    As for me, I was in my glory at the Featherdale Wildlife Park just outside Sydney. The Park is home to over 2000 Australian native animals, including over 60 threatened native species, which are carefully protected to help secure these species for future generations.

    I beelined it to the Koala area in order to have an opportunity to hold one. Koala's are more active after meals, and I knew I'd have the chance in the morning. I met 8 year old Paddington, who was pretty sleepy but cooperative as long as there was a eucalyptus leaf at the ready! I could hardly stand it! This boy was so cute and completely calm!! I was also able to feed & pet a Wallaby, several cows, goats & sheep! The smile hasn't left my face!! (I got bitten by an Australian Bustard. I'm sure it was a love bite!)

    We said goodbye to Sydney tonight. We really loved this town!
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  • Day 58

    Feb 17. Sydney, Australia

    February 17 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

    We set our alarm early this morning to view the entry into Sydney Harbor from our ships upper deck. It was a pretty special event! The iconic Opera House and Bridge did not disappoint!

    This is an absolutely beautiful town! Full of history, amazing old & new architecture, and youthful energy! Celebrated for its magnificent natural Harbor, the world's largest, Sydney was founded as a penal colony in 1788. Since then, it has grown into the major cultural center of Australia, beloved for its all embracing, free spirited nature. Sydney is very progressive, offering free health checks to sex workers and free needle exchange safe centers that offer addiction counseling and nursing care for the drug addicted.

    After breakfast, we toured Sydney and the surrounding areas. Our tour included a visit to Bondi Beach, which is just about perfect! Today was the first day of Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras, an annual event in Sydney, and attended by hundreds of thousands of people from around Australia and overseas. The night ended with a spectacular show of fireworks from the Sydney Opera House! Walked 9 miles!

    Fun info:
    ▪︎A common acroynm: MAMILS "Middle Age Men in Lycra Shorts" Translation: There are a lot of older men in the city who ride bikes!
    ▪︎Chuck-a-Youie = make a u turn
    ▪︎Taylor Swift..Tyla Sweeft
    ▪︎Canippers =kidnappers
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  • Day 52

    Feb 16. Eden, Australia

    February 11, Tasman Sea ⋅ 🌬 66 °F

    Eden is a coastal town in the South Coast region of New South Wales, Australia. The town has a population of 3,000. It was an important port for Australia's powerful whaling industry for more than a century. In many ways, this quiet little seaport town reminds Julie and me of Edmonds. We toured the country and saw some wildlife, including the Grey-Headed Flying Fox Bats, which were sooooo spectacular!!! (see pics & video!!!) We ended the trip at the Eden Killer Whale Museum. The museum displayed the written history, photographs, and tools used to hunt and slaughter hundreds of thousands of Baleen Whales, over the course of 120 years. Eden is obviously very proud of their museum, but the experience left us both feeling sad and heavy hearted.

    Tomorrow, we'll get up early to view Sydney Harbor as we sail into port!
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  • Day 52–53

    Feb 14 & 15. Phillip Island & Sea Day

    February 11, Tasman Sea ⋅ 🌬 68 °F

    Phillip Island lies just off Australia’s southern coast. We tendered in early this morning only to find that the island was completely out of power due to a fierce storm last night. They said it was the worst storm they've experienced in a long, long time. We stayed awhile on the island, and it was fun to experience the area and walk around its very quaint and lovely town. We walked back with Catherine and Tom, thinking that we would take a beautiful coastal hike to our tender location. However, we ended up spending 1 1/2 hours lost in the Australian bush!! I exaggerate, of course, but we were lost a few times. The old-fashioned maps that were posted can't be compared to my Google Map app! We were tore and hungry, found the highway, and flagged down a bus! The lovely bus driver stopped for us, and we made it back to our tender site! 5.7 miles total 🤣

    Later, we took the tender back to the Island to Summerland Beach to watch the Penguin Parade, where little Blue Penguins come ashore in groups. (No photography is allowed. The Penguin photos attached are from the National Parks website). The photo of the 7 week old chick, (taken before sunset) was shot by fellow passenger, Sally Corte. In approximately one more week, this chicks' parents will leave & s/he will be on its own and off to sea to fend for itself. We bought a knitted Penguin jacket! These jackets/jumpers are knitted by volunteers from all over the world and used to save the lives of little penguins affected by oil spills.

    Fun facts: they are the only blue penguins in the world; they have around 10,000 feathers; their poop looks like fairy dust because of the oily seafood they eat. They're adorable!! It was a wonderful day and evening! When we returned to our ship, close to midnight, we were welcomed back with hot chocolate, warm soup, and tasty sandwiches! This Viking crew is unbelievably gracious!

    Feb 15. Jul & I took another Needle Felting class today where we made tiny Penguins! Tomorrow, we dock in Eden, Australia,
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  • Day 52

    Feb 13. Healesville Sanctuary, Victoria

    February 11 ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

    Today, we traveled to the Australian bush to the Healsville Sanctuary, 1 1/2 hours outside Melbourne. The sanctuary is one of only two places in Australia to have successfully bred a platypus and has a well-established breeding program. The Sanctuarys mission is to conserve some of Australia’s most endangered wildlife.

    It was very hot today (95°), and many of the animals were hiding in their homes to keep cool. Koala's sleep 20 hours a day, so it was a real treat to be able to see the Koala's being fed. We watched as a 5 year old Momma & her 10 month old baby, climbed to a special branch where the keepers just placed some fresh eucalyptus. In the video, check out how the baby works her bum to get her seat just right! It was a great day!
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