My sister asked me why I waited till now to do something like this. I have always been grateful for his grace and mercy. This is my attempt to show him how much. Read more Dumfries, Virginia
  • Day 38


    September 23, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 46 °F

    Left for Pedrouzo at 8:30 AM. Approximately 24 km's. Very festive on the trails this morning. Alot of the new people are out in force. Very rocky terrain today, but the up and down wasn't severe at all. Made it in a good time. Only 20 km's to go. Don't know what to think, don't know how or what to feel. Guess I will know for sure tomorrow. Buen CaminoRead more

  • Day 37

    Palas de rei to Ribadiso (Arzua)

    September 22, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

    Left for Ribadiso at 8:30 AM. Approximately 27 km's. Light rain and a little chilly. Was surprised and vibe of this little town. Didn't expect the spirit, but it was there. The rain slowed things up a little but made it in safely. Did my wash, had some good pizza, all is well. The little guy and his wife turned there house into an Albergue, pretty nice. He is super accommodating, very pleasant. Remind me to tell you about an image of Dora The Explorer today. I will have nightmares for a few days. Not real ones, but kinda funny. Hike was long and had some tough spots. Reached three milestones today. 50 km's, under 50, under 40. Very good day. Buen Camino.Read more

  • Day 36

    Portomarin to Palas de Rei

    September 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

    Left for Palas de Rei at 8 :30 AM. Approximately 25 Km's. Although a little misty rain, teamed up with a wonderful couple from Iowa, Lyle and Clara and we made it through the challenging up and down mountains in this part of Galatia in good time. Checked into the Albergue, the host was great. Awesome personality. Had a great lunch at his restaurant. Got cleaned up and crashed big time. Got up just in time for a glass of wine and a snack. Under 75 Km's left. Really enjoying these last few days. Looking forward to an easier day tomorrow.Read more

  • Day 35

    Sarria to Portomarin

    September 20, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

    Left for Portomarin at 8:30 AM. Very tired, feet and ankles a little sore. But off I go. Sarria was a circus this morning. Everybody and their brother showed up to do the last 100 k. I know the albergues are going to be full the rest of the way. Three older Spanish guys checked into the Albergue right before me, obviously very old friends, because they fussed at each other from then, and at 4 AM this morning they got up in the same mode. Some folks were a little irritated, for me, it was enjoyable seeing old friends carrying on like that. Portomarin is up in the mountains. It has a seaside resort flavor without the sea. About 10 km's from town I could hear the sound of bagpipes being played. This one guy was off the road just playing. Sounded pretty good. Small dinner then bed for me. Buen Camino.Read more

  • Day 35

    Triacastela to SARRIA

    September 20, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

    Left for Sarria at 8:30 AM. Approximately 20 km's. First of all the coziest Albergue in a while. Very warm, every amenity in a comfortable place. The manager was such a nice gentleman. Didn't do laundry at O'cebreiro because that place was "The Animal House". But in a fun busy way. So in Triacastela I asked where was the laundry room. He said follow me. The washer and dryer was in use, so I said I would sit and wait. He said no, put your clothes in this basket. (Regular clothes basket). So i sat down to wait. He said no, go and have dinner. This dude washed and dried my clothes, folded them up and had them on my bunk when I returned from dinner. Tried to give him 20 euro, he only took 5. The climb down the mountain was very hard on my feet. Today I will walk with less intensity. Under 100 km's. Buen CaminoRead more

  • Day 33

    O'cebreiro to Triacastela

    September 18, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

    AYUDAME. "Help." Why is the Camino putting all these very tall mountains in my path. Another day of The Rain in Spain, and climbing mountains. Left for Triacastela at 8 AM. Approximately 30 km's mostly in the mountains. Felt good, no aches or pains, so it was a tough day but productive. The sights were extraordinary. To be so high and go from walking in a mist to some beautiful countryside was amazing. Ran into Wennie again today. He was happy and smiling as before, he was singing some African tunes as he hiked, sounded good until he put some distance between us. We are in the part of Spain known as Galatia. This part of Spain was first inhabited by Celtics around 410 AD. Triacastela is a mountain town, small, quaint but very beautiful. I am really feeling good today. Will tell you why in the morning. Going now to find some of that good cabbage soup. Buen Camino.Read more

  • Day 32

    Ponferrada to Villafranco del Bierzo

    September 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

    Left for Villafranco at 8:30 AM. Approximately 24 km's. The beginning portion of this stage was uphill. After it leveled out, maybe around 10 km's in the road was very pleasant. When I reached Pieros, I started going downhill. So that means tomorrow will a little diffi ult because we go up from the jump. Milestone day. Went under 200 km's to go today. Cause to celebrate. The town had their patron saint fiesta. Put a part of it on film. Hope it posts. Albergue is small but nice. Buen Camino. 😊Read more

  • Day 32

    Villafranca to O'cebreiro

    September 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

    Left for O'cebreiro at 8 AM. Approximately 29 km's. Cold and rainy day. First 20 km's were small up and down roads. Very narrow paths or on actual roads for the first 20 km's. When we reached the town of La faba I was in bit of a shock. There was this giant mountain, Laguna de Castilla blocking the road. So that meant we had to climb all the way over it to get to our objective. Rain and mud straight up this mountain. Beautiful views, but extremely treacherous climb. Being in good condition, and being hydrated was the only answer. So we climb, we slip and slide on horse poop while going into the clouds. O'cebreiro sits on a ridge line atop this mountain. Simply beautiful. Like a Christmas Card. Saw several pilgrims I have come to know on this journey, that was pretty nice. Albergue is crowded but manageable. Will prepare for tomorrow early because I will be resting soon. Buen Camino.Read more

  • Day 30

    Rabanal del Camino to Ponferrada

    September 15, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

    Left for Ponferrada at 9 AM. Had to wait for the rain to stop. Approximately 30 km's mostly downhill. Still a little tired from yesterday, but out the door when the rain ceased. Walked through a couple of little but nice towns on the way. Molinaseca had quite a few nice places to stop and shop or get a café. The little town of Campo was a sleep except for the guy gave out a few pears and the little old lady who just wanted to chat. Ponferrada seems pretty nice, already did my walk around while looking for a bank after getting into town. Albergue is very nice.Read more

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