Chasing Northern Lights

dicembre 2023 - gennaio 2024
Our spontaneous holiday trip through Sweden and Norway onto the Lofoten Leggi altro
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  • Giorno 6

    Lofoten, Day 2

    28 dicembre 2023, Norvegia ⋅ ☁️ -1 °C

    A quick recap from this day with beautiful weather, frosty temperatures and a short trip to Svolvear for quick shopping and a little „downtown“ sightseeing.
    At night we took a longer walk to look for our friend Aurora Borealis, the boys were hunting those big ice sticks which grew over the last days due to temperature fluctuations.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 6

    Aurora Borealis

    28 dicembre 2023, Norvegia ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

    Here some impressions from our „hunt“ and the daily look up into the sky with expectation to see something green.
    On day 2 we were watching the app and in turns went out to observe the sky to find something exciting. The forecasts showed low chances on 28.12., however we insisted to keep looking and got rewarded with a small show!
    On 29.12. the sights were more difficult with clouds and other factors, forecasts looked much better but reality brought us a small show. We try to wake the kids (on their order), without success and by the time we were back out the show was already over. The activity is too low, the visibility index going towards zero.
    Today (30.12.) the skies are perfect, clear, however little activity has not shown us anything tonight. Supposedly on 1.1.24 there is high activity with high viewing index, we will keep observing the skies looking north wherever we go.
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  • Giorno 7

    Day 3 Lofoten, Spa Day

    29 dicembre 2023, Norvegia ⋅ ☁️ -3 °C

    Today, we leave the car where it is, except for one little trip to the Spa. The spa includes a heated whirlpool, a sauna and access to the fjord by ladder. It offers drinks service and all kinds of options, however the best part being THE VIEW!
    The experience was quite unique. The afternoon was filled with play time and coziness with the kids, before the adults prepared for another night of „Aurora Hunting“, not knowing it will be without success this time.
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  • Giorno 8

    Day 4 Lofoten / Hauckland Stranda

    30 dicembre 2023, Norvegia ⋅ ⛅ -3 °C

    Our trip to a known and loved place from the summer 2022 - Haukland Stranda. Not quite the weather for a swim this time, but still a breathtaking place, a bit hidden, and with great views. We were here to also see whether or not we get a good shot for northern lights at Uttakleiv Beach, which is „next door“ though a tunnel, facing partially north and with very little light surrounding.
    We had a great trip including time at the beach, drone flying for the kids, and a lot of ice to play with. Knut had fun running around as well.
    The hunt for northern lights was not successful in the end, but a quick stop in Leknes around the corner and a dinner at home, cooked with the kids rounded up the day.
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  • Giorno 9

    New Years Eve / Hennigsvaer

    31 dicembre 2023, Norvegia ⋅ 🌙 -5 °C

    The last day of the year will be celebrated with a party at night. Before that we decided for a small trip to Hennigsvaer as it was a tip from a local. The sights you see on the way there as well as on site are beautiful. We keep saying it in all places we visit here, because we feel like that’s the case everywhere around on the Lofoten.
    Hennigsvaer has a soccer field right by the shore, known and famous on pictures. Well, in the winter you don’t see much of a soccer field but more a big ice plate. Still, the place by the shore brings new and interesting views. The drive here was less than 30 min, so it was a perfect small trip for the day.
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  • Giorno 9

    New Years Eve & Hello 2024

    31 dicembre 2023, Norvegia ⋅ 🌫 -5 °C

    A special offer from the Host made us decide for a special night in Norwegian and international company.
    The restaurant offered a New Year’s Eve dinner for all ages, including drinks, buffet and a firework in the end. While there weren’t many kids, the event was cozy and suited for all ages. Neighbor tables were occupied with all kinds of nationalities, including some others from Germany.
    The boys slept a bit in the afternoon so midnight-attendance could be secured. The babyphone shall help everyone getting their fair share of the night.
    The night was paired with a light show of the Aurora Borealis, early enough and clearly visible by the naked eye for everyone. The kids got their share of finally watching polar lights live themselves. Something they’ve been wanting for the entire time. It was a perfect evening with a good time to reflect on things and get into the new year.
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  • Giorno 10

    New Year Beauty / Areal shots

    1 gennaio, Norvegia ⋅ ⛅ -4 °C

    On January 1st we all took a chill day and enjoying no agenda on schedule. As all were in bed late on NYE, we slept in on Jan 1st ! 🥱☕️
    Christopher decided to tour to the opposite side of the bay as weather conditions were perfect yet again.
    The boys did not want to join, so Ruby also stayed with Janine at the house. The very heavy Aurora show on the same evening is already put in a separate footprint, they were truly stunning on New Years Day!
    However the area and the timing with the sun posed great views for interesting pictures.
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  • Giorno 10

    New Year Aurora Magic

    1 gennaio, Norvegia ⋅ ⛅ -5 °C

    On January 1st all of us got a great show presented by nature. No further words needed, especially the kids were happy as the adults were stunned to see how intense, how colorful and how long today‘s show of the Aurora Borealis impressed all viewers including the locals.

    A perfect start into 2024!

    (This is a down selection of roughly 250 pics we have made just of the Aurora tonight 😅 - upload of more than 20 per footprint not possible)
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  • Giorno 11

    Day 7 Lofoten / Final Day before return

    2 gennaio, Norvegia ⋅ 🌙 -5 °C

    January 2nd was the last full day on Lofoten, completing a full week up here. We wanted to go to the 3D Golf on site, but it was booked out all day with no slot available. The ice sculptures in Svolvær or Hennigsvær for souvenir shopping were the options on the table for the day.
    The kids wanted to go to Hennigsvær and this time take their soccer ball to kick it on the infamous field. Janine wanted to get some souvenir shopping done so we decided to tour there on our last day before packing up the car at night.
    The weather treated us so well, our eyes and cameras could not stand still and take in beautiful moments on the last day. Temperatures have been dropping over the past days, some even more icy days are ahead. 🥶

    As we brought a lot of water and food with us on the way up, packing the car was significantly lighter and easier for the return. We realized that we still took way too many things, especially too many toys and clothes. On the next trip we can even go lighter. We used the same red box system as we did on our 6-week tour in 2022 and it works well, especially in the boxy trunk of the Ford and with Knuts „home“ with us this time.
    We even took full blankets & pillows for the kids, which turned out not to be needed in the accommodation but showed useful during the trips for the kids to rest and sleep.

    Our idea to go up north for the winter holidays came early, our decision to take it as far as the Lofoten came late. We were all happy we did take on this massive tour as we were all flashed by the sights and experiences up here during this winter week.
    Leaving was with a heavy heart, although the kids looked forward to home again by now. We see you again, Lofoten ⛰️🖖
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  • Giorno 12

    Drive Home 1/3 - Luleå via Kiruna Pass

    3 gennaio, Svezia ⋅ 🌙 -19 °C

    Day 1 of 3 of our tour back takes the same route as we took up. Reason 1 is simply that this is the fastest route to get back to Germany, the alternative route through Norway would have taken 4 days of intensive driving at least. Reason 2 is that the kids preferred it that way, on the way up there was a Pool discovered at checkout in Luleå which was at that time too late to use. So their idea was to get there early this time and jump into the water. This driving option gave us one full extra day on Lofoten so everyone agreed. We started at 5:00a, so we get time in Luleå.
    The drive through the Kiruna Pass has impressive views to offer, however road conditions were difficult on the way up, with roads mostly icy and almost no visibility. This was bound to be different on the way back as clear skies were forecasted.
    As temperatures have been falling over the last days, even more cold temperatures were forecasted for our travel day. Temps as low as -32C in Kiruna were forecasted the day before departure, a few days earlier it was still forecasted at -22C. We didn’t know until after that we were about to travel to Swedish Lapland on one of the coldest days in 25 years…oops!
    We prepped the car before our trip to Norway, changing fluids and filters to withstand up to -32C. This is all Ford could „officially“ sign the car up to. Everything below to be at our own risk, so the statement from the dealer. We expected to be fine.
    Christopher organized diesel additives to add to the tank, enabling diesel to remain fully fluid up to -35C. So the forecasted temperatures made us increasingly nervous, not knowing how much colder it would get and how well the car would actually do.
    As we left the Lofoten area, temps were already down to -25C, as we reached the border to Sweden and the Kiruna pass, temps fell to -39C!!! Nervs were blank, at this point the windows were frozen from the inside, all of them. The clutch pedal started to become hard to move. Significant cold started to come through the floor of the car. All kids were in blankets and winter cloths, we had our winter cloths on, including snow boots and pants. The kids were warm, we were freezing 🥶 . The engine did not generate much heat anymore, the motor was knocking. Christopher kept the gears low and revs high to generate a little more heat. We turned off the inside fans to a minimum to keep the front windows clear of ice. The front window kept clear of ice only through the heater, however even there ice started to build there. Once we were in the zone it was clear we had to try and just get through.
    We drove roughly 90 min through -38, before temperatures rose to -25C - the car did it! It was clear, stranding up there would be a very bad spot, on a mountain pass, early in the morning, away from significant civilization. It would take hours to get help. So we knew the only option is to keep going until temperatures relief. If you think about it afterwards, it may have been a risk not to take. Although it would have been 3-4 days to let the extreme cold temperatures relief - this was no option either.
    On the further drive and in between it went up to -20C, giving us and the car relief and chance to stop for gas and food, while the motor kept running (as all locals do here). However the closer we moved to Luleå the more the temperatures fell again to -38C and they stayed that low, despite weather reports indicating max -22C in Luleå. So as we arrived at these much lower temperatures we knew we had two options. Either drive further down to southern Sweden, out of the extreme low temp zone, or find a garage for the bus to overnight. It was clear that once we turn the engine off the car will freeze over and we will be stranded. Janine was checking with local car dealers to see if they offer any option to park at their shops. No success, only reaffirmation that our car won’t make the night unless we leave it running or we have a motor heater as all locals have it in their car. Well, we don’t! Possibly a feature to be added.
    One car shop had a hint to a parking garage. We were checking online for location and availability. Christopher had meanwhile checked all of us into the Scandic hotel, knowing that if we don’t find a parking solution we won’t stay the night. As he conveyed that message for the lady at the reception, she started placing some phone calls, then gave hopeful signs of a solution. She would know a person who could pick Christopher up, drive to a garage in downtown several kilometers away with him where he could park our bus overnight. This person would bring Christopher back to the hotel and pick him back up in the morning again. We were excited and skeptic at the same time. The bus is over 2M high, many of the garages have 1,9M limits. Due to the lack of options we agreed, brought the kids & Knut to the hotel room with all essential things needed for the night, Christopher took off with bus to follow the guy in the Volvo (stereotypical 😅) to the garage. Janine prepped the kids that if the garage option would not work, we all would return to the car and continue the drive to Stockholm. This was not preferred by anyone, needless to say, we just had a 10 hour drive behind us and Stockholm is another 11 hours away… 😬
    Long story short, good news for the night. Garage fits! Car can warm up, kids can pool while the adults come down with their nerves. 😉😂
    Christopher warmed up his feet in the hotel room, with a local beer from the bar and with Knut in the room. The kids had fun in the pool with mom and we all enjoyed a nice dinner at the hotel.
    The temps outside were so extreme, fingers would freeze within minutes, even Knut wanted to go back inside instantly after going out. Breathing was hard, the cold air would creap into the nose, it was by no means comfortable.
    This was for sure a real nerve wrecking adventure driving day! We’ve done some stuff before, this was a scary one though, if you think of all the „what if‘s“ afterwards!
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