Name: Stewart Jardine Born: 11th March
Eyes: Blue Height: 6'3" Weight: 240 lb.
Service: GE, seven and a half years; mustered out
Last Known Address: Unknown
Major malfunction: thinks he is Jack reacher
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  • Day 48

    just getting the map right

    October 6, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Nothing exciting, just making sure the map route is right. Nashville post coming soon though

    Although, little bonus, here's a link to my holiday video's:…
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  • Day 37

    Charleston South Carolina's

    September 25, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    What a beautiful town, I'd like to thank Lauren for suggesting a little road trip down to the coast and south Carolina for my last weekend, it is a beautiful southern town with so much history and a great vibe.

    Friday morning we did the drive down here, pretty straightforward interstate driving, nothing much to report, it's been a tough few days for Charlotte after the police shooting on Thursday and despite Lauren and clay living 15 miles outside and us not really being directly impacted, Clay's office was closed Friday and there was a decent enough amount of concern around that you could sense it. Charlotte is a beautiful, inclusive, peaceful town and I think the main feeling was shock.

    Friday night after checking into our airbnb condo we headed out to dinner and got into some awesome southern food, my dinner involved fried green tomatoes, hush puppies shared starter and a deep South spin on paella for main....God I love good southern cooking.

    After dinner it was time for girls night again, me and Lauren headed off to the Charleston music hall to see the soggy bottom boys while clay took greyson back to the condo. despite the fact we were up in the cheap seats, we both thoroughly enjoyed the music and it was a great venue, there was an issue though, we were both completely and utterly distracted by the guy one row in front and three seats over, why?? Oh, just cos it was Bill freaking Murray!!! Apparently he is a big fan of the soggy bottom boys (someone saw him sneaking in and convinced him to go on stage to introduce the band and then he came and sat down near us) and loves Charleston because despite being obviously recognisable he gets to wander round here fairly anonymously. How do I know all of this you may ask? Well we were sat right in the middle of a big group that Bill....yea we're on a first name basis.... came in and I ended up chatting to my new best friend, who's dad is best friends with Bill Murray's best friend...I know right? I'm basically friends with a celebrity!!

    Saturday we got out early and met Al our carriage driver and Don...Our horse, for a carriage tour around this beautiful city, they really have done things right here with architecture laws in place since the early 1900's that state that any building that's been standing for over 70 years can't be torn down by anyone but God, this combined with the fact that the city was built out into the harbour by dumping the garbage and ballast from the ships that came over into the water and letting it settle for 100 years and the fact that Charleston was settled by a combination of the English, French and Germans over the years has lead to some beautiful
    And very varied architecture. Interesting little tid bit, they have doors to their outside porches before their front door because it gets so hot here the whole family used to sleep outside.
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  • Day 32

    cowboys, country music and more fish

    September 20, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

    So it's been a while since my last post, mainly because I've just been hanging with my awesome peeps here, drinking beer with clay, chatting, chilling and shopping with Lauren and playing in the sprinkler and swimming with the boy Grayson.

    Last weekend was awesome, Friday was boys night, I took the train uptown to meet clay after he got done with work, couple beers and a bite to eat at whiskey river and it was time to head off to the bull riding at time Warner cable arena...unfortunately clay is a right gangster and we had to get out of line to go drop his bad ass knife back in the car so it wouldn't get confiscated...sounds better that way than to explain it was his dad's pen knife he carries to cut stray threads off his shirts.... After a quick walk three blocks we were back in the queue and with a plan for once we got in... Men's room, beer, seats...simple, effective.

    After a statement about why America was the best country in the world and a moment of respect for those serving abroad and the national anthem...sure...if that's how you do it in your was time for the cowboys to step up, it was awesome, including some surprises like a kiwi rider ending up #4 and some crazy fools hanging on for the 8 second ride a local boy won and the place went nuts...thoroughly enjoyable spectacle.

    Saturday night was ladies night for me and Lauren out at PNC music pavilion for some awesome country music, the night was kicked off by the always impressive Maddie and Tae, who must be 2 of the most well travelled and hard working young ladies in country (I've seen then play in the UK twice in the last year). Next up was an act best forgotten, but did mean me and Lauren could have a laugh coming up with some bitchy comments. Then it was time for the main event Brad freaking Paisley!! I love this guy, every one of his songs seems to be a hit and he is just the nicest guy, he stopped after an acoustic song to sign his guitar and hand it to a young fan and tell him he would see him up on that stage in 10 years. He interrupted one of his slower more romantic songs by saying he had been planning something on Twitter the last few days and brought out a young couple with the guy proposing on stage and later pulling a young fan up on stage for a selfie...tie that in with an awesome set for an hour or so to which I knew every word and I had a absolute blast!

    Sunday was a cool day with a trip to the local pool in the morning and a couple bars in the afternoon.

    Interspersed with that was watching an awesome all blacks game (at 3 am Saturday), Singapore grand prix, and qualifying, the titans game in a local bar, far too many beers and a general lack of sleep and Monday was a complete write off, the highlight of which was opening the door to the pizza delivery guy.

    Today I took Laurens car out to concord mall to see the fishes...not overly exciting and only worth about assign hour of my time but still had fun and got a few good photos.

    This road trip to Charleston!! Whoop whoop
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  • Day 25

    Being a tourist again

    September 13, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

    After spending the last few days catching up with my favorite American couple and getting to know little greyson, last night I decided today would be a good day to make it up in time to bum a lift with clay uptown and go do alllll the touristy things Charlotte had to offer....I love Charlotte, I could and would love tiki live is not a tourist town.

    I woke up just in time to make the school run and after a quick lap of's really not that big, I stopped for a decent southern breakfast, eggs, sausage, grits and biscuit....God I miss grits...for the English, picture a buttery, salty, sweet mess of porridge consistency goodness.

    Thought I would go check out discovery place, charlottes science museum, I enjoyed the natural world stuff, cool fish and frogs and stuff but I was about 25 years too old for the target demographic and skipped most of it except the rain forest talk.

    Met up with clay for lunch...just cos you know I didn't want him to feel left out.

    I thought in the afternoon it would be a good idea to go check out the NASCAR hall of fame...why...I'm not sure, never seen a NASCAR race in my life but, when in Rome...

    I actually thoroughly enjoyed the hall of fame, they had a ton of good exhibits, the cars were pretty cool and I had a really fun afternoon....

    So touristy stuff done, I'm back to hanging out with my peeps and chilling with the world's cutest puppy
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  • Day 20

    a lovely warm welcome

    September 8, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    Yesterday I left the hustle and bustle of New York behind with a big smile on my face knowing that I was heading to see some of my dearest friends, heading for some good old fashion southern hospitality and one of my favorite parts of the world.

    I flew in to Charlotte with a big smile on my face and got an awesome welcome from Lauren but first from little Grayson, who, having never met me before, came straight up to me and said hello uncle Stewart and gave me a big hug. (I am under no illusions that he was well trained for this, but without promoting when we were walking to the car he asked if he could hold uncle Stewart's hand... Awwww).

    Lauren and Clay's new house is nothing short of spectacular and the pooch (Connor) , seemed very excited to see me...I like to think he remembers me from my last visit.

    Super exciting day my laundry done, played with Connor, dried my laundry, played with Connor, unpacked, played with Connor, thought about taking a walk...realised it was 36 degrees...played with Connor, read my book in the sun for an hour....yup, played with Connor....God I miss having a dog lol
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  • Day 18


    September 6, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Postcards on Staten island is one of the most poignant places I've ever been, from a distance it looks like a nice looking statute, it is not surrounded by information points or security or anything really to tell you what it is. No signs to tell you to treat the place with respect or remove your hat (although something inside made me feel I should).

    When you step between the two large wings you find 274 marble plaques, with 274 names, 274 dates of birth and 274 job titles. Each plaque has a silhouette looking straight out across the water towards the city, the centre line of postcards points straight to ground zero where in one single act of hatred 274 people's lives were extinguished.

    I took the time to read every name on the two large "postcards to loved ones", and I shed some tears but that's nothing compared to what people must feel every day who lost someone that horrendous day. I cannot and hopefully will not ever be able to comprehend that pain.

    On my last full day in New York, I have to say, I'm not the city's biggest fan...but in a similar way to London on 7/7 these amazing people have pulled back together, memorialized, never forgotten and stood together you say, you will not change us. And that is something that demands respect.
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  • Day 18

    sports sports sports....aaand cheap beer

    September 6, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Labour day was a full day of sport for me here in NYC.

    I went out to yankee stadium to go watch my newly adopted Toronto blue jays play. Yankee stadium is cool, it's pretty huge and once again my cheap seats were up in the gods, but I had a great view, had a traditional foot long hot dog, drank some beer and enjoyed the game...despite the heart break of seeing a team I've been supporting for upwards of a week lose.

    Yesterday evening was all about watching the ole miss game, I needed a bar, with cold beer, big tv's, warm/hot food and non New York level prices (I don't mean to keep going on about it bit if you voted out in the EU're killing me).

    Putting all of my googling skills to work I found a bar across town in Greenwich village called "off the wagon"...we won't dwell on the game, or the fact that the rebels threw away a 22 point lead...we don't even need to talk about the bland chicken sandwich that had a bone in it... What we do need to talk about is that after paying for 1 beer on the way in (happy hour until 8, everything half price) I decided to stretch my dollars and switch to bud can hear you judging me...stick with me... I was feeling pretty buzzed by the end of the game having drunk my way through 9 (whatever size they were...less than a pint, more than a half)... I went to settle my tab and grab one for the road and the pretty little bar maid said that this one was on her...soooo I take my bill from her...I'm moving around to get more light, I'm rubbing my eyes...I'm wondering if she has given me the wrong tab...but no... What I wasn't aware of, was that after happy hour, domestic beer...$2 all night!!!
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  • Day 16

    bottomless brunch... offer/challenge

    September 4, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    I've heard a lot about the concept of a bottomless brunch, I think for most it's a cool gimic that allows you to pay a set price for breakfast and a couple hours worth of mimosas....unfortunately my traditional British "get every pennies worth" mentality combined with my 50% Geordie "booze hound" mentality and the fact I was hot and thirsty and caused the perfect storm... I'm not gonna go into too much detail about what I did on Saturday, not least of all because it's fairly hazy or dwell on the fact that Sunday was a complete write off, only venturing out of the apartment to buy greasy chicken, let's just say I've learned from the experience.Read more

  • Day 15

    strawberry fields forever

    September 3, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    After the craziness of Thursday I had to wonder what yesterday would bring, based on what I had seen through airport transfer bus Windows, on subway cars and at the game, all I had to look forward to were bustling crowds of people with no time for anyone outside their current life and high prices....back in London so soon??? 😝

    I set out with not so high hopes, but having had a pep talk from Rach about why New York is amazing and a shortlist of things to do I was gonna give it a shot. Jumped on the E train into town and got out at port authority bus station where I had been dropped by the airport transfer the day before and went for a semi structured wander around. First impressions where essentially... London with taller buildings and more neon (I realise how cynical and grumpy I'm coming off here but stick with it, I untwist my knickers pretty soon). Made my way over to times square, as I posted on Facebook...don't get it, lots of adverts and....i hate to be the one to tell them...not even square.

    I decided I would head north and find the park, maybe some trees and grass would sort me out.... Boy did it, wow, central park is amazing, if I decide I like nothing else in New York(which I think is massively unlikely), central park in the sunshine makes the whole trip worth while. I walked down past some old guys doing batting practice like they thought they still might get a try out for the Yankees, a young kid being taught to pitch like he might one day play for the Metz, an all welcome kickball game that was in the process of teaching some Japanese tourists the fundamentals, a couple of volleyball games with an atmosphere dead centre between top gun and family fun day out, horse and carriage rides through the park with chatty drivers and a ton of smiling faces and beautiful scenery....and just like that New York began to sell itself to me.

    I spent most of the rest of the day in the park, with a brief exit to find some lunch (fish tacos and a couple of beers) and won't bore you with every minute of it but my highlights have to be sitting on a secluded bench next to the pond, alternating between reading and staring out over the water and the recommendation from Rach to go to strawberry fields... For those of you like me before yesterday, that have no idea what strawberry fields is, it's a small memorial garden for John Lennon on the edge of the park right next to the Dakota where he was assassinated. I ... Like pretty much everyone I've ever met... Love the Beatles and have specific memories from growing up triggered by some of their songs, so to wander round with their music playing in my ears and imagine coming on in between was actually quite emotional. All up, yesterday Google tells me I walked just shy of ten miles.

    The evening was pretty chilled, met my airbnb host and she drove us out to a new park area in queens for a beer and one Hell of a view and after a quick stop off at the local market I decided to chill with a couple beers and some chips and cheese salsa and watch some tv... It was on the sofa drinking said beer and eating, and I kid you not, "maple bacon" flavour crisps (designed rather successfully to taste like bacon with maple syrup) and giggling to Jeff Foxworthy stand up, that I fell asleep.
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  • Day 14

    Mad dash to New York

    September 2, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Yesterday was loooooooooong, I woke up at 3am(for some crazy reason) in Elmira knowing that I had to leave at 6 to fight my way through Toronto rush hour and catch my flight...I managed to get back to 5 am, approx 15 mins before my first alarm went off 😤 , Bev sorted me a nice strong coffee and after a quick shower I was on the road again.

    The drive down to Toronto started off fine, pleasant even with a beautiful sunrise with country music soundtrack and I was making awesome time, at one point Google had me getting in to Toronto at 7.15. At this point I should make clear this is offline Google with no traffic info... Then I got to about 20km outside the city and everything just stopped, crawling through rush hour traffic on foreign roads with multiple exits on either side, Sun directly in your eyes and a bladder full of coffee and red bull it's enough to make you forget about beautiful sun rises...never mind though, got to Toronto with an hour spare, filled up the car with petrol and dropped it off, I hustled to the nearest cafe for breakfast and much more importantly to relieve myself.

    Made the decision to do the 25 min walk out to the airport 25th my bags as some sort of exercise, once again forgetting how heavy they are and how Crap I am with any sort of heat....needless to say once again Mr Stewart "sweaty mess" Jardine showed up as I arrived at the airport. Got checked in, got through security (no beeps for the metal in my arm.. Tsk tsk Toronto city airport, someone needs stronger metal detectors) and was shortly thereafter told of 20 minute delay to my flight which wouldn't have caused any issues except that by the time we took off it was closer to an hour and twenty.

    After a very rigorous grilling from American immigration (I think the dude was totes jel of my trip) they let me into America, the fools, mwhahaha...i needed to make a mad dash from Jersey into queens, find my airbnb, shower and get back out to jersey for the football 🏈 🏈 . I owe a big thanks to 2 lovely ladies from home who I was frantically texting as I stressed out and tried I figure out a plan for keeping me calm in a city I didn't know but they do very well...Big love

    I made it out to MetLife, just as the game was kicking off and found my seat up in the gods...I'd love to say it was an exciting action packed game...buuuuuut it wasn't, still great experience (not just paying £18 for a pint and what appeared to be a chicken and chips school dinner and tasted about as good) but I think it was worth it... The trip and stress not the food.
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