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  • Dag 168

    Hello Bali!

    15 maart 2020, Indonesië ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

    A very hot night under no covers. But still both got off to sleep ok.
    Had a nice omelette brekkie then walked down the the beach. Instantly hired some surfboards and went out for 2 hours. I helped Hannah with learning some tips, she caught a few good long waves on a foamie.
    Chilled out having some lunch overlooking the surf. I then hired a small board and went back in. Had a great time and caught some good lefts. (All lefts on the beach).
    Made our way back to the accommodation for a beer by the pool, whilst keeping an eye on the latest boarder closing updates.
    Going to need to keep on top of the planning I think to ensure we dont end up having to go into self isolation between visiting countries.
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  • Dag 167

    Bye bye Tassie. Hi Philippines. OR NOT!

    14 maart 2020, Australië ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

    4.30am start to get to the airport on time. First leg to Sydney with a 2 hour stop.
    Then onwards to the Philippines with Cebu Pacific Airlines.
    Got to Sydney, was in the line for about 40 mins to check in, only to be told out flight was cancelled. They brought in the Coronavirus lockdown in a day early! Bugger!
    Hopefully will be able to get a refund 😫.
    Soooooo then we had no plan. What to do or where to go. Or even if to go at all.
    Ideas of Venuatu or Samoa, or even going all the way across to south america.
    Ideally wanted to get somewhere today, so flight choices were narrowing fast. Eventually settled on Bali as they had a low virus level, and with a bit of luck they wont close the boarders like the rest of the world.
    Made it into the country, with no issues. After a bit of taxi faff and downloading the local Uber equivalent, we made it to our accommodation. Hot hot hot! With the advertised air con being a fan.
    23 hours of travelling done! Bed time.
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  • Dag 166

    Admin rainy day. Last day in Tassie

    13 maart 2020, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Got up outside Auntie Jan's house. Joined for some breakfast then started on the days admin.
    We needed to book an onward flight from the Philippines otherwise we would not be allowed in.
    Sounds simple huh.... however we saw a news article saying that the country would be in lockdown for 30 days from the 15th of March, to limit the Coronavirus outbreak. We were landing on the evening of the 14th. But the visa only lasts 30 days.
    A few hours of going round in circles of what to do and other locations brought us back round to just going anyway, as they have good healthcare, have very few cases compared to the rest of the world, and are taking good steps to stop the spread. Plus potentially being in a hot country with sailing, surfing and diving probably wont be that bad.
    So booked a changeable flight to Kuala Lumpur for early April.
    That faff done we set off towards Richmond. Didnt end up doing anything apart from lunch as it was raining hard and we tried calling airlines and embassies for extra advice.
    I tried calling the police to get a report number from the number plate incident. Cant do it over the phone. Drove to one place... closed. Drove to another, 30 mins of statements later I had a incident number for potential insurance claims.
    Then drove to the van rental to show the damage. He said it was only minor and not to worry. 😃
    Cleaned out the van and went for an early night.
    Faff and admin day done.
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  • Dag 165


    12 maart 2020, Australië ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Drove to MONA, a massive underground cellar door, brewery and art museum.
    Started with a bit of wine tasting and a pie and beer. Then started walking around the 3 levels. Some amazing pieces of art work. I obviously loved the glowing light room, a massive white room which changes colour to make the front of the room blend in with the sides. Followed by 20 seconds of strobe light. Very trippy.
    Other interesting art was a man who is tattooed and just sits there for 6 months of the year! Also a pencil that is controlled by the wind outside, and continually draws patterns of the weather.
    We spent about 4.5 hours there in total then left to go see Auntie Jan for dinner.
    Finished the evening with some star gazing, spotting Elon Musks starlink satellites.
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  • Dag 164

    Lake St Clair, The Wall and 3 Falls walk

    11 maart 2020, Australië ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Cold start to the morning outside the pub. Layered up and drove a short way to Lake St Clair. Walked along the side of the lake for an hour and a half. Lots of massive felled trees and saw one black venomous snake. It warmed up so quickly that Hannah took of 4 layers in 30 mins.
    Next stop The Wall. I had been looking forward to this all holiday. A huge wall of hand carved Huon pine. Amazing detail, some awesome craftsmanship, no idea how the guy does it. It is all done by carving down and making the 3D relief shapes. Must see if you visit Tassie.
    We finished the day by doing the 3 falls walk. A series of 3 waterfalls with massive eucalyptus trees all around.
    Stayed right next to the walk in the National park for only 16 dollars. Bargain.
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  • Dag 163

    Gordon river and Sarah Island boat tour.

    10 maart 2020, Indian Ocean ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Last bit of my birthday prezzie was Hannah treating us to a boat cruise.
    Got up at 7 to get to the dock. Managed to sneak some last min discounted window tickets, setting off in only 10 mins time. Whooo.
    Glassy smooth fast catamaran ride up the river with a brief stop off to look round the world heritage Woodlands.
    Had a tour around Sarah island, a very nasty place back in the day, where second offending convicts were sent to do hard labour, including boat building.
    Back at the port we saw a saw mill in action and some lovely bits of Huon pine slabs which would make a fantastic table, only 2000 dollars a pop....
    Driving East towards Lake St Clair we saw some old mining towns with some impressive coloured landscapes.

    So there we were... driving along, when suddenly a huge metal plate with a number plate detached from a trailer passing in the opposite direction. Did a very quick jerk to the left but it still skimmed the side of the van. Only a 15cm scratch, but could have been way worse, as it had bounced pretty damm high.
    The other car didnt stop, so I retrieved the number plate from the road and went onwards. Knowing lots of insurance based faff was to come. 😫

    Stopped in a nice wood pub for the evening, where they let you stay in the car park if you have a pint. We had a curry.
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  • Dag 162

    Cradle mountain

    9 maart 2020, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    Arrived at Cradle mountain visitor center and took the shuttle to the start of the overland track. Meant to take 8 to 9 hours, but by the time we got there, we needed to finish within 7.5 hours in order to get down in time for the last bus.
    Nice and steady first 2 hours, until we got to the summit track. A very steep rocky scramble. A few sketchy bits requiring a bit of the climbing knowledge to come back. Certainly would not want to slip. Got to the top with glorious views of the countryside all around. Took it all in whilst having some lunch. The way down was just as tricky, with the knees feeling pretty tired by the time we got to the face track. This went just below the main rocks of the peak with views over dove lake.
    Made it to a sign saying it was 2 hours back to the pickup point and we only had 1.45 to get there before the bus left.
    A bit of jogging to ensure we got there and made it with plenty of time to spare. No need to worry after all.
    Made our way south west for 2 hours to Strahan. Where we would be catching a boat cruise from in the morning.
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  • Dag 161

    Happy Birthday to me!

    8 maart 2020, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Wow, 34 today. Getting well old now!
    Called the drunked family staying in Herm. Got given some wine and chocolates from Hannah. Good start to the day.
    We nipped to the Devonport lighthouse followed by a tiny market for a coffee.
    Then to the Anvers chocolate makers for some freebies, then to La Villa winery for some fancy wine tasting. All not bad, but not quite good enough to buy one.
    Then onwards to the Sheffield food and wine festival, where we listened to some great music and had some bacon beer - actually pretty tasty.
    We walked around the town to see some wall painting and a marble shop with mechanised thingies.
    Final activity was a place with loads of Mazes. Completed the main one in 12 mins flat. Much better time than the one I did with Andrew and the boys a few weeks back. Took us hours!
    Set off towards the campsite for the night. Nice place on a hill over looking lake Barrington. Full of people on jet skis and wake boats.
    Chilled out with some wine roundfings pasta.
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  • Dag 160

    From Devonport to Devonport.

    7 maart 2020, Australië ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    A cold night, with the hot water bottles definitely required!
    I had set my alarm for 7.45, but my phone died overnight, and with my head ducked under the blanket to keep warm, I didnt realise it was 10.30 until Hannah told me. Bit of a waste of a morning.
    Drove to Launceston, stopped into Coles for some food and booze and headed to a cellar door in a quarry called Penny Royal. The wine was from Relbia estate, the reds were so bad that Hannah tipped hers out.
    Cool place with loads of pirate themed stuff.
    Drove round the corner to a gorge with a full river and bridge running over the top.
    After much back and forth decided on heading to Devonport. As we had to really being that was were I used to work.
    Checked into a campsite and had a very posh birthday meal out at Drift. Thank you Hannah.
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  • Dag 159

    Bay of Fires. What a van spot.

    6 maart 2020, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Woke up to glorious sunshine right on the beach. Such a change from yesterday. I got into the swimmer and went for a dip straight into the dumping surf. There is my wash done for a few days 😃.
    We drove up and down the coast a bit, finding some great views and doing some drone time on the beach.
    From there we headed to a dairy / ice cream farm for some cheese tasting and a lime sorbet. Great views down the valley with big trees and grass fields.
    Then we drove a short distance to St Columbia falls. A very impressive waterfall. I imagine the rain from yesterday helped.
    Then decided to head to Ben Lomond. A 1500m high peak which you can drive up to. They use it as a ski resort in winter. The top was freezing in the wind, but spectacular views. We stayed around as the sun went down. Then drove back down the steep twisty road to the campsite 15mins down.
    Going to be a cold night, so I boiled up some water, put it into some bottles and put socks over the top. Instant hot water bottles. Toasty toasty.
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