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december 2019
Een 18-daags avontuur van Nadine Meer informatie
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  • Dag 13

    Train strike is real

    23 december 2019, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    We woke up without an alarm and it was amazing. We slowly dragged our asses out of bed and the flat and went for breakfast at Benedict. They had amazing eggs benedicts. Mine was a mushroom truffle delight.

    The afternoon was spent seeing the sights. We went to the Louvre, took our picture and walked around the outside. To actually do the Louvre properly you need a while day and we did not have the time.

    We then decided to see the Arc de Triomphe. The plan was simple take the train to the the closest stop and walk 5 minutes. We went down to the metro station, it was busy with people and seemed normal. We each purchased a 10 pack of tickets and got on the train.

    The train whizzed by our stop and a few others. We got off and thought maybe we got on an express train. Nope. There were just stops we could not get to. So we abandoned that plan and went to find Cafe de Flore, an old cafe that Picasso used to go to that is not frequented by instagrammers. The best part was getting there as we took a train and did not need tickets as all gates were open. At this point we were like why did we buy tickets?

    Anyways we had few glasses of wine and cheese at the cafe and laughed at instagrammers. We were just getting ready to head back home to get ready for the ballet when Lynds checked her email. The ballet was being cancelled due to the union strikes. Seriously. We were like WTF and sad. Not knowing what to do next we had another glass of wine. We then walked to a department store with a really cool display.

    We deduced we needed onion soup and more wine. Google found a highly rated restaurant close to us so we went to it. It was closed for the holiday season. So we went for a glass of wine and googled another spot. We decided to take the metro to the new spot. Nope that was not happening as the entrance was closed shut. Bah! We finally sucked it up and got a taxi.

    We finally ended up finding a place with great soup and snails. It is not the day we had planned but can you really have a bad day in Paris?
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  • Dag 14

    Christmas Eve

    24 december 2019, Frankrijk ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    We started Christmas Eve off with a walking food tour which was amazing. The first stop was at a bread shop that has been making bread the same way for hundreds of years. It was delightful. Then we were off to a chocolate and macrons shop. Followed by Moroccan food, which we had a laugh at, but it was legit. There was a Jewish meat bun, an Israeli French dessert, French onion soup and finished off with wine. It was perhaps the best 4 hours of my life.

    Then Ty and I were off to find a chrome cast so we could watch Christmas movies. We have several of them at home but forgot to bring them. We found a mall with an electronics store with ease.

    For Christmas Eve we went up to the Montmartre area for dinner and Christmas music at Sacré-Cœur Basilica. This would have been an easy journey If the trains were all running. We ran to the metro station in hopes to make it before 6:30 as the google told us the line was open. Well it was not. Then we tried getting an Uber only to have one cancel on us. By the time we got to the restaurant we felt pretty defeated.

    Thankfully the restaurant was warm and cozy. We had a 3 course meal which contain all yummy French food. The Christmas music at the church was moving and the church itself was amazing. We then head back to the flat for a night cap.
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  • Dag 15

    Christmas in Paris

    25 december 2019, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

    Christmas morning was off to a slow start. We rolled out of bed at 10am to the couch to watch all things Christmas. Ty needed some clean clothes so he headed out to do laundry. We finally came alive at 3pm and headed to the Eiffel Tower. The plan was to catch it in day light and at night.

    We also scratched making a Christmas dinner and decided a picnic at the tower would best suit the situation. Lynds had bought me a bottle of Moët and Chandon champagne for my birthday which obviously had to be drank some where special.

    To our surprise the metro was running and stopping at all the stops. It was a Christmas miracle. We made it to the Champs-Élysées and walked to the Arc de Triomphe which is pretty impressive.

    We then made our way to the Eiffel Tower where we had a photo shoot with our rams and then ate cheese and drank champagne. I think it is the most French day you can have in Paris.

    After eating our last bowl of onion soup in France we went back to the flat where we drank wine, listen to Christmas songs and watch Holiday SNL clips.

    Christmas in Paris did not disappoint.
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  • Dag 16

    One last croissant

    26 december 2019, Frankrijk ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

    With check out at noon Ty and I decided to walk around our super cute neighbourhood for a coffee and a croissant. Croissants here are amazing. All bread products are amazing here. The French have mastered bread like no body else.Meer informatie

  • Dag 16

    Under the sea

    26 december 2019, Frankrijk ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

    We decided to switch up our travel and train back to London from Paris. This meant going through the Chunnel! The engineering feat that links the UK to mainland Europe via a tunnel under the sea. The whole thing is mind boggling.

    Train trail is better than flying except for packing your luggage onto the car. It is better for the snacks you can bring. We had a lot of left over cheese from yesterday that we took on the train with us and had a train picnic! Complete with Bordeaux wine.
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  • Dag 16

    Back in London

    26 december 2019, Engeland ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    We made it back our into London at 5pm. We found our hotel with ease and settled into our very small room. This was a regular size London room which was about the same size as our bathroom in the last one. The Best Western really brought us back to reality.

    There were a few stores I wanted to go to before we left London so we headed off to Harrods...on Boxing Day. It was a bit crazy but not as crazy as I thought. We found the last Paddington Bear and to find mulled wine. I love mulled wine but there is something about mulled wine in London that gives me all the feels. Then it was off to find dinner. This was a bit tough as a lot of places were closed for Boxing Day. We finally found a place that was open and served fish and chips. Which were delightful.
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  • Dag 17

    24 Hours in London

    27 december 2019, Engeland ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    We woke up early as I wanted to got to Fortnum and Mason to pick up tea. We figured the earlier the better. After getting coffee there was still 10 minutes before the store opened so we stood in the line that was forming. The funny thing was that they did not have good Boxing Day deals. I was only stocking up on tea but people who stood in line for the sale should be disappointed.

    One thing we did not do last time we were in London was Churchill’s War room. The basement of White Hall were WWII operations happened. Since we really had nothing to do we went. The line up to get in was about a 45 minute wait and it was worth it. It was very interesting and educational. I recommend anyone visiting London to go.

    We then found a pub and had one last British snack. After dropping off the tea at the hotel we had 2 hours to kill before dinner and the play. I had wanted to London LEGO kit so we made our way to the LEGO store. We passed by it the previous day and there was a line. We thought the line was just a Boxing Day thing. Nope. Refusing to stand in line we made our way to Hamleys then massive toy store.

    Both of these places are in the major shopping district in London and CRAZY busy. Like thousands and thousands of people busy. We took side streets to the toy store, pushed over children and finally got to the LEGO section. Only to find that the set was 62 GBP!!! WTF. I was crazy but not that crazy so we left without it.

    By this time it was time to find the tube station to get to dinner. This meant walking down Regent Street at 4:30pm on a Saturday during December. This is a full contact sport. Elbows out, head up, and walk strategically if you want to get to your destination.

    Dinner was at the OXBO which I would not recommend. The duck was not very good. Also not very good is Christmas pudding that is warm fruit cake. Icky.

    What I would recommend is seeing Agatha Christie’s Witness for Prosecution. The play is about a trial and instead of a theatre it is held in an old court room. This added to the mood of the play. The Brit’s do plays well.

    Since it was our last night we walked over the bridge near Parliament that goes by Big Ben. Big Ben is currently having a face lift so not as pretty as he usually is but the waterfront at night is. It was a good end to an epic vacation.
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  • Dag 18

    The long way home

    28 december 2019, Engeland ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    This time we gave ourselves enough time to get to the Gatwick Express in case they had train issues. We do not want to be scolded again. Also there is an Shack Shake at the airport. What is more healthier than a custard shake at 10am?Meer informatie

  • Dag 18

    Sucker for Shake Shack

    28 december 2019, Engeland ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    We gave ourselves enough time get to Gatwick and with time to spare we had Shake Shack burgers. Now when you do the conversation Shake Shack burgers in London are so expensive. But we are addicted and we were hungry so we had burgers at 9:30am. No shame in our burger game.

    We then headed to boarding and timed it very well as our wait was minimal. Again I am loving the service on the Dreamliner. Also loving the Prosecco in the premium seats
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  • Dag 18

    The premium life part 2

    28 december 2019, North Atlantic Ocean ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

    On the way home we experienced the non bulkhead premium seat and I must say they are a lot more comfy than the bulkhead ones. If you have long legs you might have a different experience but for shorties it works. It is almost like being in a recliner in your living room.

    The service was great. As was the food. Most airline food is meh but WJ is hitting it out of the park. The braised beef with onions I had was great. The nice touch was the thank you card note I got. The fact that they wrote my name on it and signed it means something. Now if only they can fix my name tags.

    Happy with the Dreamliner experience. Not happy that the direct flight from London to Calgary was cancelled. Come on we need to get home. Benny misses us.
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