Cerro Chaltén

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    • Day 116

      Laguna De Los Tres

      March 23, 2016 in Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      We set the alarm for 3 am as the view of Fitz Roy with the sunrise is supposed to be spectacular. I reluctantly got out of bed and made my way outside to find the wind howling and even though it was only a shower the rain hit hard against my face. There was no way i was going to climb a mountain in that. We all agreed we would reset the alarm for 6 and head out then regardless. Luckily when we awoke the weather had changed for the better and it was actually quite warm. Prepared for the worst we carry additional layers and set off with our headlamps on and make our way to the start of the trek. It is still really dark and the first part of the trek is really steep. I have struggled with this part and really worry that i am holding Aaron and Sue up but they assure me i am doing ok so we continue . After 2 hours of full on trekking we reach a Mirador (viewingpoint) and directly in front of us is the range . The sun has started to come up and you can see it rising behind us , but hasnt quite hit the range yet. There are two other girls here from Geneva, and are very kind sharing their hot tea with us. We are all greatful for this as when you are on the move you are warm, but once you stop and the wind catches hold of you its bitter. The tea is shared and we layer up including hats gloves and stormproof jackets and knuckle down for the hour ahead as we have decided this is going to be the best place to view it, There are a few clouds over the range but we are really lucky the weather has changed for the better.Aaron sets his camera to do a time lapse and we sit and watch the clouds roll over until eventually the sun rises onto the peak. The beauty and size of it leave me speechless and we decide that we have to push on as we want to reach the summit of the trek sooner rather than later. At 7km we come into a vast open landscape and the wind is enough to blow you away, ask we walk past the stream a sudden gust of wind blows my sunglasses off sraight into the stream. We stand looking but they are swept downstream in seconds. Im more concerned at the fact ive pollutedbthe water than losingbmy sunnies.When you have stopped for any amount of time your limbs struggle to move again , but after half and hour i am back in the swing of it. We stop alittle while later for a toilet break. There are two on this route. I thought festival toilets were bad , but this takes things to a new limit , its a portaloo cubicle laced over a wooden pit in the ground with a hole cut out of the plywood floor. This task is generally a lot easier for guys than girls and because i have trousers on you have to make sure for a clear passage. Eseentials executed and its onwards and pwards. We arrive to the 8 km point where there is a campsite and by all accounts the guys and girls here have had a pretty rough night, talking about there tents floating and the wind blowing them around like leaves. The next km is really pretty with varying landscapes rivers and beautiful views . I am really apprehensive about the final km as even the young fit people on their way down say its tough but worth it. My god is it hard i can barely catch my breath . There is no path its just loose rock that are really uncomfartable on your feet and keep moving and rolling down hill. I keep looking at my watch and cant believe how slowly time is passing, and really doubt that i can pull this off, but the guys push me on and as we near the top i am so breathless i could cry. When we reach the summiit i actually do cry and Aaron ans Sue leave me to have my moment. I dont know whether im crying because of how i feel or for what my eyes can actually see, a mixture of both I think. I gather myself and we head down to the lake a beautiful turquoise colour that just lays at the Base of this awesome piece of natural wonder. We share our lunches and the mount the small peak in front of us to find another lake that is fed by this one via a trickle of a waterfall. We take an hour in our own places and I sit at the Base listening to the water trickling down into the other lake below. I don't know how to put into words and no pictures can describe this spectacle it is one of those things that if you are lucky enough in your lifetime you must see. The trek back is a lot easier, but still hard going and we see things we never saw on the way up as it was dark. The last km semi like 3 but when we reach the bottom I feel so proud and blessed to have done what I did, and we were certainly blessed with the weather. We arrive back at the hostel and I order a coke and steak egg and chips and eat every moral, a hot shower to bath my aching muscles and straight to bed as I want to try and get one more mini trek in tomorrow with mark if he feels up for it.Read more

    • Day 22

      Fitz Roy

      March 12, 2017 in Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      After an amble down to town to try and see flamingos (they stayed away from shore and a few pink blobs were seen a few hundred meters away), onward we went to El Chalten. A small town full of little restaurants and hostels, it's picturesque with each building a different primary colour. Our hostel here has a colourful host who likes to call everyone motherfuckers. We arrived to cloud and rain and after a run to an almost bare supermarket, we sat down for dinner and wine. We shared stories with couples from the Netherlands and Australia hoping for good weather the next day.

      Our wishes were answered as I drew the curtain back the next morning and we had crystal clear skies, no wind and the top of Mount Fitz Roy was just visible behind a hill. After a quick breakfast we headed off down the 20km trail. After 4 km we had our first view of the mountain, a lone cloud lingering by the lake. Truly gigantic against the horizon. We wandered on stopping frequently as we stared at the granite formation in front of us. The last 1.2km goes very steep, up 400m to the laguna below the mountain that stands at 1200m. All I can say is that James has the patience of a saint as I turtled my way up. The views were definitely worth it, no words can describe seeing mount Fitz Roy towering above you at 3400m in the sun.

      We celebrated by treating ourselves to beer and pizza in a small place called La Cervisaria. Their Hawaiian not only has pineapples but cherries too! After a deep sleep I awoke to an achey right knee, with the wind howling and rain drumming against the window I passed on any further hiking this week. James set off to laguna torres while I explored town and stayed in the cozy hostel. Puerto Natales and W trek await....if the trails are open.

      Hostel: £28 pounds for three nights in a 6 person dorm. Worth every penny just for the host, who must have learnt english from listening to Blink 182 etc.
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    • Day 216

      Rund um Cerro Fitz Roy 🏔

      March 8, 2022 in Argentina ⋅ ❄️ 1 °C

      S‘Wetter esch leider wiiterhin wechselhaft, aber mer hend zom Glöck die schönste Täg för Tageswanderige chönne nütze. Im Mittelpunkt esch bi beidne Wanderige de „Monte Fitz Roy“ gstande: 3405 Meter hoch ond zimmli beiidruckend, vor allem zmittst ide relativ lange ond mega zackige Bergchetti. 🤩

      Höt started mer e euse vermuetli letzti Mehrtages-Trek in Patagonie. Mitem Cerro Huemul warted es usefordernds, aber wohl atemberaubends Abentüür of eus! Mer freued eus riesig, hoffed no es letzts Mol of chli Wetterglück & meldet eus weder, wenn mer zrogg send. 😘
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    • Day 49

      Fitz Roy

      November 19, 2016 in Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Tageswanderung zur Laguna de los tres mit wunderschönem Ausblick auf den Fitz Roy. Der ursprüngliche Name des Berges heisst El Chaltén, rauchender Berg, da er meistens in Wolken gehüllt ist. Wir haben einen dieser seltenen wolkenlosen Tage erwischt :-)))

      Day hike to the Laguna de los tres with the beautiful view to the Fitz Roy. The original name is El Chaltén, smoking mountain, because it's usually covered by clouds. We were lucky to go there on one of the seldom days without any clouds.
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    • Day 29

      A blue jacket @FitzRoy

      February 11, 2018 in Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      We woke up at 5:00 am to walk up to the Laguna de los Tres to watch (& photograph!) the sunrise at the bottom of the Mount Fitz Roy lake. The sky seemed cloud-free, stars were still shinning and there was no wind. Sounded like the perfect conditions for this one hour hike, uphill, steep, trekking around 750m (height) in 1,5 kms.

      Micha and I only trek together when it´s flat. As soon as it starts going uphill, my speed is dramatically reduced. I keep going, “sin prisa pero sin pausa” until my pace automatically adjusts to the terrain once more. This is what happened here too, so Micha went ahead.

      We were not alone, half of the Poincenot Camp had also woken up and made their way up! Still dark, and with a couple of layers less I slowly made my way up. I even overtook a couple of hikers, but after climbing the last flight of rock-stairs before a flatter terrain, I realise that I don´t have the jacket around my hips anymore. As I realise, I freeze: should I continue climbing, or should I go down to get it? Maybe someone has seen it and kindly brought it up!?

      I decided to make my way down once more, asking all the hikers if they had seen my turquoise jacket… around 50m meters later, a girl kindly responds that she saw it on the trek path, and hang it on one of the poles and that I should not go down. I think about it, and decide to keep descending and after some meters I am literally the only person that is walking down. I´m not sure how long I descended, I just know that it was 6am as I found my jacket, just behind the last hikers. This was the approximate time that I should have reached the top.

      It is still dark, but I still look up, wondering how much I have descended and consequently how much I have to climb up again. At 6:45 I reached the top, and was happy to see a worried Micha. Nobody had told him about the crazy turquoise jacket lady!

      This was the start to my day, with some extra 600m hike, and a 12km trekking route to the next camp to see the Cerro Torre ahead.

      The day could have started a little better, but it was definitely the day´s highlight. The “connection hike” to the Laguna Torre was not really enjoyable.
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    • Day 67

      Fitz Roy Tag 3

      November 30, 2018 in Argentina

      Es ging wieder früh los. Wir sind um halb 5 aufgestanden, um den Sonnenaufgang oben an der Laguna de los tres mit Blick auf den Fitz Roy zu erleben. Da die Sonne sehr früh aufgeht, haben wir uns ein Wettrennen mit ihr auf dem steilen Pfad vom Camping-Platz zur Lagune geliefert und sind gerade rechtzeitig oben gewesen. Es war sehr windig und eiskalt, aber der Anblick war magisch, da vergisst man alles. Wirklich alles. Und die Zutaten dafür sind wenige: ein 3400m hoher Stein, etwas Sonne, zwei Beine und mindestens ein Auge.Read more

    • Day 98

      Fitz Roy (Laguna de los Tres)

      March 10, 2020 in Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Gestartet hat dieser wunderschöne Tag erstmal mit einem sehr erfreulichen Wiedersehen mit Luca, den ich in Pucón kennengelernt und mit dem ich eine super Zeit dort hatte. Er hatte noch einen Ami aus seinem Hostel mitgebracht und so starteten wir unsere Wanderung zu dritt zur Laguna de los Tres.

      Das Wetter war heute einfach perfekt! Am ersten Aussichtspunkt macht wir erstmal ein kleines Photoshoting mit meinem Patagonia T-Shirt, da das Logo dem Gebirgszugs des Fitz Roys nachempfunden ist.

      Weiter gingen wir dann entlang an wunderschönen klaren Bächen, durch kleine Wälder und immer mit dem Fitz im Blick stetig weiter. Ein wahrer Traum hier zu wandern! Der letzte Kilometer war der härteste und es ging nochmals 400hm bis zur Lagune nach oben, aber das hatte sich aber sowas von gelohnt! Dieses wunderschöne Türkis des Wassers dahinter das Weiß des noch am Berg liegende Schnee und natürlich der Berg weswegen ich erst nach Patagonien gegangen bin, der Fitz Roy! Wenn ich hier nicht baden gegangen wäre, hätte ich mich wahrscheinlich unten so geärgert. Leider hatte ich nichts dazu dabei, aber Wurscht. Ich wäre ja nicht ich wenn ich trotzdem einfach in Boxershorts reingehen würde. Also entschieden wir drei uns zusammen ins kalte Nass zu stürzen und das Wasser mit Panorama zu genießen, und was soll ich sagen, es hat sich gelohnt!

      An der Laguna hab ich zufälligerweise eine aus Deutschland getroffen und mal wieder meinen Job als Fotograf angegangen. Nach weiterem Gespräch stellte sich heraus, dass sie in Buenos Aires ein Auslandssemester macht und zu dem Zeitpunkt in dem ich da bin das Lulapalooza Festival stattfindet mit mega nicen Headlinern, Guns N Roses und Lana del Ray, und einem sonst auch sehr nicen Lineup. Spontan entschied mich dazu am Abend auch ein Ticket hierzu zu kaufen und freue mich jetzt auf einen musikreichen Festivaltag in Buenos Aires. Ich hoffe, dass nicht auch noch diese Veranstaltung durch das, Auto gerade der ganzen Welt zu schaffen machende, Coronavirus abgesagt wird. Mal abwarten.

      Der Weg zurück nach El Chaltén war fast genau so schön wie in die andere Richtung, nur das man die Berge leider immer im Rücken hatte. Kurz machten wir noch eine kleine Pause an der Laguna Capri und genossen nochmal für ein letztes Mal den Ausblick auf den Fitz Roy. Den Abend rundeten wir alle gemeinsam mit einem Bier auf der Dachterrasse meines Hostels ab und vielen nach etwas kochen und singen müde ins Bett.
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    • Day 74

      El Fitz Roy

      February 16, 2022 in Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

      J72-74 (du 14 au 16 février) : Et oui, c'est bien le jour de la Saint-Valentin 💕 que nous passerons la frontière Chili/Argentine, enthousiastes à l'idée de parcourir ce si vaste pays. A peine les douanes passées 🛂, nous filons vers El Chaltén, notre première destination. Sur la route, les guanacos nous accompagnent et nous faisons connaissance avec les nandous, une sorte d'autruche locale . Globalement, c'est à peu près tout ce qu'il y a à voir sur ces routes interminables au milieu de... rien !

      Malheureusement pour nous, le vent s'est levé sur le village 💨, impossible donc de déplier la tente de toit dans les prochains jours. Contraints et forcés (non, contents de retrouver la douche chaude 🚿 et le chauffage), nous prenons une chambre pour les fraîches nuits à venir. Nous profiterons de la journée du 15 février pour nous reposer 💤 et planifier la suite de la semaine.

      Le 16 au matin, nous sommes en super forme pour attaquer nos 22 premiers kilomètres en Argentine🚶‍♀️ ! Nous empruntons le sentier du Fitz Roy, au cœur du parque nacional Los Glaciares. Dans ce parc de 2600km carrés, on compte pas moins de 47 glaciers différents, des chiffres qui donnent le vertige 😳!

      3h de randonnée en passant par la laguna Capri (non, ce n'était pas fini), entourés des montagnes aux sommets enneigés 🏔️, un régal pour les yeux. Dernier effort et non des moindres, gravir le dernier kilomètre de pente raide.

      Ça y est, nous y sommes ! Du haut de ses 3400 mètres d'altitude, le Fitz Roy est majestueux. Nous prendrons le temps de contempler les sommets et la lagune pendant la pause dej' 🥑. Le paysage nous rappelle celui du Cerró Castillo au Chili. En repartant, nous tombons nez à nez avec un petit zorro venu chercher les restes des sandwich 🥪. Une petite séance photo 📷 s'est alors imposée !

      Nous redescendons enchantés de cette rando, vivement la prochaine qui ne devrait pas tarder 😉...

      #roadtrip #2021 #2022 #voyage #trip #travel #travelcouple #voyagerloin #tourismeholidays #traveltheworld #instavoyage #globetrotter #ameriquedusud #southamerica #Argentina #Argentine #4x4 #overlanders #vanlife #campervan #rooftent #nomadlife #liveoutdoor #aventure #ontheroad #liveyourdream #elChaltén #FitzRoy #randonnée #trekking #nature #mountains #patagonie #patagonia
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    • Day 10

      Encantado! Somos Verena y Manuel.

      January 28, 2022 in Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Hello my name is Fitz! What is your name?

      Verena and Manuel.
      Nice to meet you!
      Do you want to be friends?

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Cerro Fitzroy, Fitz Roy, Cerro Chaltén, Monte Fitz Roy, Ficrojus, Cerro Fitz Roy

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