Battery Hill

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Reisende an diesem Ort
    • Tag 7

      12 Apostels

      6. Februar 2020 in Australien ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Nach zwei interessanten Tagen mit vielen Tierbegegnungen in der Ecolodge bei Cape Otway fahren wir nun weiter entlang der Great Ocean Road bis nach Port Fairy. Auf dieser Strecke befinden sich die 12 Apostels. Das sind Gesteinsformationen, die in tausenden von Jahren an der Steilküste abgebrochen sind und nun nach und nach vom wilden Meer unterspült werden bis sie irgend einmal einstürzen. Die Fotos zeigen diese eindrückliche Kulisse! Am späten Nachmittag sind wir in Port Fairy angekommen im wunderschönen Drift-House. Schade, dass wir hier nur einmal übernachten. Das ist unsere bisher luxuriöseste Unterkunft. Morgen geht es weiter in den Grampians Nationalpark.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 54

      Skal til Tower Hill igen igen👍

      9. April 2023 in Australien ⋅ 🌬 14 °C

      Vi vågner op og skulle have lidt morgenmad🥞 inden vi skal på farten igen🚐💨. Idag skal vi igen til Tower Hill🗼 og vandre🥾 en 6km lang tur😮‍💨 men først skal vi ind til byen i Hamilton🏙️ og prøve og se om vi kan få en kikkert🔭. Efter vi havde købt kikkerten skulle afsted🚐💨 mod Tower Hill🗼. Da vi kom frem spiste vi frokost🥪 og så skulle vi ud og vandre🥾 men så ville vi lige se om vi kunne se nogle koalaer🐨. Vi fik set et par koalaer🐨 men så skulle vi afsted på turen. Da vi havde gået knap 3km gik mor forkert🤦‍♂️ Nr 1 gang men så vendte vi os om og gik tilbage↩️. Nu sker der endelig noget rigtig spændende😨 da vi havde gået 4,5km så jeg en lille SLANGE🐍 inde i et hul og den slange er livsfarlig☠️😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 den slange vi så hed en CopperHead og er ret venemous☠️ men den var ikke sur😡 eller noget så vi kunne få et par billeder og så vandrede🥾 vi videre😁. Så skete det igen mor gik forkert❌ for Nr 2 gang🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️jeg begynder helt seriøst at tro hun skal have et nyt ssd kort💳😅 og også lidt en software opdate og en genstart🔄. Alle sammen nogen der vil donere penge🥺 så min mor kan få et ssd kort💳 for nu gjorde hun det igen hun gik forkert for Nr 3 gang🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. Men nu endelig er vi tilbage til bilen sådan mor hun kan få en Update🔄. Men nu skal vi køre til vores nye campingplads🏕️ i Port Fairy. Men nu er vi ved vores camp⛺️ og jeg skal lige tømme lort så ses om lidt… FY for helvede mor jeg har fået lort i håret 💩
      🙎‍♂️ jeg skal have et bad lige nu og det er IKKE til diskution. Men nu der heller ikke sket mere idag så see,ya🥱.

    • Tag 55

      Tur til griffiths island🏝️

      10. April 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Vi vågner op og skal forlade vores camp🏕️ i Port Fairy⛴️. Men først morgenmad🥞 nam nam men så afsted🚐💨. Først skulle vi til Griffiths Island🏝️ som er et slags reservat til nogle fugle🐦 da vi kom derud og havde gået lidt stødte jeg på en Wallaby🦘 som ikke var bange eller noget og jeg var sådan 5m fra den🤯 og den var vildt nusser🥺 mens den bare sad og spiste😛 men nu blev den forskrækket😨 af et eller andet så nu hoppede↗️↘️ den væk. Udover det var det en rigtig skøn tur👍. Da vi kom tilbage skulle vi have frokost🥪 men det sted vi gerne ville have spist🍽️ fra var lukket😢 men så fandt vi et andet sted🥳 som havde ok mad🍔🥗. Efter det gik vi og kiggede butikker🛍️ og fik en is🍧😋. Men nu skal vi vider🚐💨 hen til vores nye camp🏕️ som ligger ved
      Mt. Gambier. Da vi kom dertil legede🛝 vi lidt og så skulle vi hjem🚐 og have aftensmad🍗. Men nu er det ved at blive sent så vi ses imorgen✌️

    • Tag 8

      Regen, Wind & Sturm in Port Fairy ⚓

      24. Oktober 2022 in Australien ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Wir haben dem Ort hier echt lange Zeit gegeben, aber es wollte einfach nicht aufhören zu regnen und war superwindig draußen. Wir haben heute den ganzen Tag im Camper abgewartet, gekocht, gegessen, gespielt... Jetzt sind wir nach Portland weitergezogen, ohne dass wir uns Port Fairy und die Umgebung genauer angeschaut haben. Schade, wurde uns nämlich sowohl von Nandan als auch von dem netten Elektriker empfohlen, der uns unser Adapterkabel maßgeschneidert hat. 🤷😉 Da müssen wir wohl irgendwann noch einmal wiederkommen. 😋
      Es gibt hier leider keine Thermen, die wir ja in Deutschland gerne mal besuchen, um solche Regentage überbrücken. 🤷 Unser Highlight hier war heute also wahrscheinlich die wie ein Perpetuum mobile auf dem Elektrobarbecuegrill rollende Bratwurst. 😅
      Auf dem Weg nach Portland sind wir 70 Kilometer lang an endlosen Viehweiden vorbeigefahren. Die Schafe und Rinder hier haben so viel Platz, denen kann es nur gutgehen. 🐑 Manchmal sieht man auf einem ganzen Hektar Weide nur eine Kuh stehen. 🐄 😇

    • Tag 247

      Cape Bridgwater & Port Fairy

      5. Dezember 2017 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Despite waking up at 4:30am needing a wee, our first night in our El Cheapo was surprisingly comfy. After rustling ourselves up some porridge, we headed into Portland to find a shower. By the looks of things, we are going to be having to brave cold outdoor showers for this week. You'd think that wouldn't be so bad in the hot Australian climate however the climate better resembles the UK at the moment. Somehow this morning though, we managed to stumble across free hot showers (yes free!). The ladies did have rather a large amount of poo smothered across various walls so I had to be extremely careful not to touch anything. That's the price you pay for a hot shower apparently.

      Feeling a bit fresher, we drove further West to Cape Bridgwater for a nice 2 hour stroll to see the largest seal colony on the Australian mainland. It was an absolutely beautiful walk along part of the Great South West Walk. The path wrapped itself around the coastland and the views were incredible. Unfortunately there appeared to be some worldwide fly convention as we were pestered by flies the entire walk and had to constantly bat them away. The viewing platform for the seals was pretty high up so they were quite difficult to see without binoculars. We did however see a couple of playful seals close up playing in the water on the way back which was good.

      Back at the car, we headed 10 minutes down the road to the Blowhole and the Petrified Forest. Despite the windy weather, the Blowhole gave us another perfect example of what a Blowhole looks like when the tide is out. As for The Petrified Forest, I didn't really know what to expect. We have seen lots of bare trees on our travels where they have conducted controlled burnings to prevent forest fires so I was perhaps expecting something like that. Instead The Petrified Forest wasn't actually a forest at all. It's name came from an early theory that sand engulfed an ancient forest of coastal trees, petrifying them for all time. What it actually is however is a collection of hollow tubes of limestone called 'solution pipes', eroded by millions of years of rainfall. It reminded us a lot of Valle de La Luna in Chile.

      Our next stop on the itinerary was Port Fairy, with a quick little pit stop at The Crags and Dreaming Island. The Crags offers views of some very spectacular craggy rock formations whilst Dreaming Island is a very important part of Aboriginal culture. It's similar in some ways to the Maori culture and the tree at Cape Reinga and plays a pivotal part in there creation story.

      Port Fairy is a quaint seaside town. We didn't really explore the town as it was already gone 4pm so most of the shops were already shut and instead pulled up by Griffiths Island for a walk. It's an absolutely gorgeous island boasting magnificent views as well as a cute little lighthouse.

      Our campsite this evening was a roadside spot so was in no means as picturesque as last night. After cooking up some pasta and about 50 games of cards, we tucked into bed.

    • Tag 17

      Port Fairy - Great Ocean Road

      25. April 2018 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We set the alarm to 5 in the morning so we have time to drive to the nearby Lake Elizabeth, walk some kilometers and hopefully watch Platypus in the dawn. After watching out for them unsuccessfully for half an hour we decided to walk a bit around the lake. Just as we intended to go back to the car and have breakfast we spotted one of the elusive animals just three meters away from us... After a few seconds it dove down and reappeared a minute later. We watched it completely enchanted until it didn't reappear.
      Happyily we made our way back to have a well deserved breakfast and plan our day. A short drive later we were on the Great Ocean Road again and drove in direction of Cape Otway with the "most important Lighthouse in Australia". At 19.50$ it is most probably the most expensive one... There were some walks nearby which sounded more appealing to us. So we just did a walk along the coastal cliffs nearby in hope of finding some koalas unfortunately without any luck.
      But back on the Great Ocean Road we saw some people who had stopped at a viewpoint and were looking up some trees. We guessed right that there was a koala. He just climbed up a think three and looked a bit scared but probably was just fine as he was eating :)
      The "main attraction" despite the road itself are the 12 Apostels, a series of distinctive limestone formations. Actually there are just 8 of them because one broke down in 2003 :D But it was very touristy and crowded. Therefore we enjoyed the "Wreck Beach" more, a hard to access parking about ten kilometers off the main road. It's also a climb down somewhat 500 stairs and only accessible in low tide. So we were almost alone there with parts of shipwrecks, perfectly rounded stones and magnificent shells.

    • Tag 23 Bundesstaat Victoria gelandet

      17. Februar in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Nach einem gemühtlichen Beachday in Port Elliot Beach und Übernachtung in Victor Harbor...nochmals ein langer Fahrtag(700km) nach Port Fairy.. 💙-iges Küsten-Stätdchen...

    • Tag 18

      Port Fairy and The Great Ocean Road

      23. Oktober 2023 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Today is a brown sign day and tomorrow will be similar if something catches our attention we'll stop off. The first stop was The Crags, we got pup out and went for a short wander to the lookout. The coastline is similar to what we saw on the Great Ocean Road 6 years ago (so my google maps tells me). We pulled into Port Fairy not long later, we had a bit of a wander around and found the Star of the West pub for a feed, schitty and fish and chips. Had a look around at battery hill and the beach, and we think this would be another good spot to stay. Another quick stop at Tower Hill lookout, where there were 2 emus just walking next to the road, as you do. We didn't realise how big Warrnambool was, took forever to get through the city and it wasn't like it was traffic holding us up. Kept cruising through to the western end of the Great Ocean Road, stopping at many spots along the way. People were irritating us, walking 5 in a line across a pathway or taking forever to take their photos while people waited patiently. Get your photos, I absolutely get that, but honestly, some people were taking their sweet time and clearly had no consideration for others who are trying to do the same. At the bay of Islands, an older lady dropped her sunnies over the viewpoint, and there was a cliff to stand on, she carried on a bit so her husband went around the fence to get them, stumbling along. Now when I say older, they seemed to get around as confidently as someone who could probably do with a walking stick, if that makes sense? Anyway, he got the sunnies and struggled to climb back over. Then she had a good laugh with her friend about how he retrieved her old, $25 sunnies for her. Could've easily fallen off the edge, but no worries 🤦‍♀️ We stopped off at most lookouts along the way, taking turns with Pup staying in the car, he was very comfortable and not overly concerned. We also saw 2 echidna, one shuffling next to the road and another in a bush, that was exciting! Our last stop before our campsite was The Twelve Apostles. Stunning as always and still super busy considering it was getting quite late. It looks like a cantilever viewing platform is being built, good idea to give more space and options for the many visitors.Weiterlesen

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