Huon Valley

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Huon Valley
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    • Day 609

      Bruny Island

      December 20, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Bruny Island is a full day adventure. We drove from one end to the other stopping everywhere. The very south has the lighthouse (which we didn't climb). We had lunch at the Bruny tavern and afternoon tea of oysters at Oysterbay. Unfortunately the cheese company was closed for the day.
      We then went over to Adventure Bay by a very dubious road/track. A quick stop at the chocolate shop and then onto the Neck Game Reserve then up to Denned Point before getting the ferry back.
      We have not seen a bad view in Tasmania.
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    • Bruny Island

      January 5, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      A day trip over to Bruny Island. A quick 15min ferry across then we drove to the far end of the Island to the lighthouse with a stop on the narrow neck which was pretty spectacular. We had a nice lunch at the Bruny Hotel with Uno while we waited. After that Susie and Roger went for a walk on the cliffs at Adventure Bay while the rest of us collected bait and fished. The bait collecting was the most exciting with nippers, sand crabs and worms all collected. Apart from a few bites no fish caught. We enjoyed some nice local sour dough bread and cherries on the way back.Read more

    • Day 1,840

      Bruny Island

      February 23, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Heute waren wir wieder total Touri und machten uns mit der Autofähre nach Bruny Island.
      Nach der Fährüberfahrt machten wir Stopp beim The Neck Lookout, der wohl most pictured Aussichtspunkt der Insel.
      Weiter geht's die Inselenge entlang zum südlichsten Punkt der Insel, Cape Bruny Lighthouse :D
      Der Leuchtturm wurde 1838 fertiggestellt und ist der zweitälteste noch stehende Lighthouse in Australien. Ganze 158 Jahre war er im Dienst bis er durch ein solar-powered automatic light ersetzt wurde das nebenan auf einem Hügel 24h Signal von sich gibt. Von hier kann man auch ganz weit am Horizont einen Felsen sehen, der einige Kilometer weit vom Festland bzw. Tasmanien entfernt aus dem Ozean ragt. Funfact: Dieser Felsen ist nur von Vögeln bewohnt und ist offiziell der südlichste Punkt Australiens.
      Nach meiner Lighthouse time ging es wieder den ganzen Weg zurück und wir machten Halt bei der Winery/Brewery/Cheese Factory. Natürlich mussten wir einige Sachen probieren bevor es wieder zurück aufs Tasmanische Festland ging.
      Ach hab ich euch schon erzählt, dass unser Airbnb eine eigene Sauna hatte, die wir nutzen konnten. Living the best life.
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    • Day 186

      Hastings Caves and Thermal Springs

      December 6, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

      Picking up from yesterday's post, after Donagys Hill, I visited The Wall, an artist's rendering of Tazzy life carved in wood. His best pieces are those of clothing, like trench coats, overalls, and gloves. They look so real, like you could pick them up and wear them. It was hard not to touch them. Oh, the entry road is where I came across the echidna in the video. So cute!

      Then, it was on to Mt. Fields National Park with Russell Falls (pic) and Horseshoe Falls, both excellent. I finally saw my first black cockatoos, the yellow-tailed variety! After four nights in the car and despite my best efforts with baby wipes, I was a little ripe, so I used the Park's campground showers to clean up. They even had hot water! It's the little things in life 😉.

      There was still plenty of daylight, so I began driving to Hastings Caves and Thermal Springs in the pretty deep south, but only made it to Huonville before stopping for night. I'm just finishing up the cave tour and heading to the hot springs and swimming pool for a little while. This was a nice stop so far. And the weather turned out great despite a very foggy and misty morning! Now that I'm at lower altitude, it's beginning to feel like summer. Finally!

      So long [for now] and thanks for all the fish. ✌️
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    • Day 14

      Hartz Mountain National Park

      October 20, 2015 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Tak jsem si nejak pamatovala z cesty na jih, ze do Hartz Mountains je to kousek. Bylo to daleko, asi tak 70 km z Hobartu, poslednich 20 po nezpevnene ceste.
      Kdyz jsem vyrazela, trochu prselo, ale jaksi se to ponure pocasi ke krajine mokradu a skal hodilo. Cesta na Hartz Peak z 850 do 1253 m trvala asi hodinu a rozhodne to nebyl tezky trek, jak se tu tvrdilo. Nicmene velmi exponovany a nahore bylo tak vetrno, ze se tu pomalu nedalo stat. Ale hezke vyhledy.
      Po ceste zpet jsem se podivala na jezero Esperance a udelala 20minutovou prochazku k Arvo Falls. Zajimava krajina. Moje zatim v Tasmanii asi nejoblibenejsi.
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    • Day 541

      Hartz Mountains NP

      March 2, 2015 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      After a frosty night, I was ready to attack the next NP on the list. The NP is named after the "Harz" in Germany! It gots basically everything, from Rainforest to alpine woodland, alpine lakes and Peaks (it is by the way also listed as world heritage area). Exatly I was heading for the "Hartz Peak"(1255m). The frosty bit made the little boulder scrambling in the end a bit more interesting as it got a bit slipery.
      I treated myself afterwards with an the skywalk nearby!

      Nach frost am Morgen, ging es Heute in den "Hartz Mountains" NP. Der ist nach dem "Harz" in Deutschland benannt ist! Dort findet man so ziemlich alles von Regenwald über Bergseen bis hin zu Gipfeln. Auch ist er NP als Weltkulturerbe aufgelistet. Aber ich wollte natürlich genau auf den "Hartz Peak"(1255m) hinauf. Durch den Frost hat sich das letzte Stück etwas rutschig gestaltet, da man dort über ein Geröllfeld musste.
      Als Belonung habe ich mir Abends noch einen Skywalk, ganz in der Nähe, gegönnt!
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    • Day 32


      November 3, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Leaving Bruny Island there seemed to be some problem with the loading ramp for the ferry. We sat in line waiting for around 20 minutes while they tried to lower the ramp. After finally fixing it and a quick trip back over the bay, we headed towards the Huon Valley following the Southern Edge scenic drive. This passed through such quaint towns as Snug (and Lower Snug), Flowerpot, Cygnet, Woodstock (and Upper Woodstock) finishing up at Geeveston. This is the town where the TV show Rosehaven was mostly filmed and it was fun exploring the town and identifying landmarks from the show. The town is also known for its wood sculptures that are dotted around the streets.
      We camped in the grounds of the Ex-Servicemen's and Women's Club on a grassy riverbank site. Again we were the only ones there.
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    • Day 33


      November 4, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      The weather was again being difficult so today was spent mostly exploring the town during the occasional non-rain periods. We had a family of ducks keeping us company at the site. Mother Duck was most protective of her 9 ducklings as they wandered around the area.Read more

    • Day 20

      Tahune Air Walk

      November 8, 2023 in Australia

      Having driven all the sealed roads on Bruny Island I headed for the ferry. Like yesterday I saw it leaving as I arrived and was once again first in line. Unlike yesterday the wait was only about 10 minutes.

      I’d been undecided about what to do today and ended up heading to Huonville. There actually wasn’t a lot in Huonville and I had plenty of time so I made the drive out to the Tahune Air Walk which is on the Huon river. The drive from Huonville along the Huon river was very picturesque.

      I got there in time for a guided walk through the Huon pines. I’ve heard a lot about these trees throughout this trip and for such a remarkable tree it looks extremely unremarkable. A fire went through the area in 2019 and while the visitor centre and the area surrounding it was spared there was a lot of evidence of damage.
      The walk took about an hour, longer than I had expected. From there I did the actual air walk. I was the only person on each part of the the walk while I was there. There were others two sections ahead. I’m glad there weren’t a lot of other people, it was bouncy enough with just me. It has been cloudy most of the morning and rained a bit while I did the Huon pine walk. Just as I got to the beginning of the air walk it started to rain big fat heavy drops. It was still quite warm though so I started the walk. It stopped about half way round. Towards the end there is a part that sticks out (counter lever) and that was extra bouncy. As I walked out there I heard a voice yell “jump” and looked down to see a couple who had already done the walk. I couldn’t resist giving a little jump and the whole section did move quite a bit.
      As I walk the last section I could hear thunder. I wasn’t anxious to be on a metal structure in a thunderstorm so hurried to the end. I was met by a staff member who was there to lock the gate to the structure do the danger of lightning. Apparently the structure has been hit by lightning in the past. They had a golf buggy and offered me a lift down. There was a couple there who had walked all the way to the top to start the walk only to have it shut when they got there. They are staying in the area for a couple of days so will go back tomorrow for another go.

      The storm hit as I was driving back to Huonville, lots of lightning and heavy rain. It only got heavier as I headed towards Hobart. That was a long drive as I hit peak hour traffic. I’m staying near the airport so had to come through the centre of Hobart.
      Tomorrow I fly to Melbourne for a few days. Catching up with family and friends.
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    • Day 8


      October 14, 2015 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Cesta z Hobartu na jih Tasmanie vede nadhetnym udolim majestatni reky Huon. V urodne nizine tu pestuji vino a hlavne jablka. Prave tato oblast dala Tasmanii nazev "Apple Isle".
      Pred mestem Huonville asi 25 km od Hobartu je ve stylovem "shedu" Cider House a Apple Museum. Zajimave dobove artefakty, pribehy mistnich (Don Smith, jehoz rodina vlastni nejvic jablecnych sadu v oblasti, prezil 2. svetovou valku a z armady se vratil zpet k jablonim) a dobre kafco.Read more

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