Ladies Bay

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    • Day 83

      Port Arthur 🕵️‍ & Cape Raoul Lookout 🌳

      November 22, 2022 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      🇩🇪 Heute sind wir östlich von Hobart auf eine Halbinsel gefahren, um zwei Sachen zu entdecken: Port Arthur Historic Site🏛️ und eine kurze Wanderung zum Cape Raoul Lookout🌊.

      🏛️🚓Port Arthur ist ein ehemaliges britisches Gefängnis in der Sträflingskolonie Australien und ist heute eine der bedeutendsten Touristenattraktionen der Insel. Ursprünglich befand sich an der Stelle von Port Arthur seit 1830 eine Holzfällersiedlung🛖. Von 1833 bis in die 1850er Jahre war es der Ort an den Grossbritannien diejenigen Sträflinge mit den höchsten Strafen schickte. Durch den Besuch lernten wir viel über die Entwicklung des Gefängnisses wie auch über die Änderungen an den Methoden, wie die Briten ihre Gefangenen behandelten. Port Arthur ist aber nicht nur deswegen bekannt, sondern leider auch aufgrund eines tragischen Ereignissesder jüngeren Geschichte, wobei 1996 bei einem Massaker 35 Menschen getötet und weitere verletzt wurde.
      Last but not least: Seit August 2010 ist Port Arthur in die Liste des UNESCO-Welterbes aufgenommen, was wiederum den Erhalt wie auch den Unterhalt der Stätte fördert.

      🌊Die Wanderung zum Cape Raoul Lookout ging ca. 1.5 Stunden (hin und zurück) und führte uns durch einen Eukalyptuswald🌳🍃🥰. Am Aussichtspunkt wurden wir mit einer tollen Aussicht über die Klippen belohnt, eindrucksvoll und etwas beänstigend zugleich🌊🤩. Kurz nach dem Lookout Point haben wir auch gleich schon unsere erste Bekanntschaft mit einer tasmanischen Schlange gemacht, welche gerade ins Gebüsch verschwand als wir in die Nähe kamen🐍😱. In Tasmanien und Australien generell ist es auf Wanderwegen stets ratsam❗etwas mir den Füssen zu "stampfen" und einen Wanderstock zu verwenden, damit Schlagen🐍, welche auf dem Wanderweg ein Sonnenbad geniessen, die Vibration der Schritte spüren und entsprechend den Wanderweg verlassen. Während der Heimfahrt haben wir noch verschiedene Vögel gesehen sowie einen kleinen Ameisenigel, der gerade vor unserem Auto die Strasse überquert hat🦔.

      🇮🇹 Oggi abbiamo guidato da Hobart verso est fino ad una penisola per scoprire due cose: Port Arthur Historic Site🏛️ e una breve escursione a Cape Raoul Lookout🌊.

      🏛️🚓Port Arthur è un'ex prigione britannica nella colonia di detenuti dell'Australia ed oggi è una delle principali attrazioni turistiche dell'isola. In origine a partire dal 1830, sul sito di Port Arthur si trovava un insediamento di boscaioli🛖. Dal 1833 fino agli anni Cinquanta del XIX secolo, è stato il luogo in cui la Gran Bretagna ha inviato i detenuti con le pene più elevate. Durante la visita abbiamo imparato molto sullo sviluppo della prigione e sui cambiamenti nel modo in cui gli inglesi trattavano i loro prigionieri. Port Arthur non è nota solo per questo, ma purtroppo anche per un tragico evento della storia recente, in cui 35 persone sono state uccise e altre ferite in un massacro nel 1996.
      Ultimo ma non meno importante: dall'agosto 2010, Port Arthur è stata inserita nella Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dell'UNESCO, che a sua volta promuove la conservazione e la manutenzione del sito.

      L'escursione a Cape Raoul Lookout è durata circa 1,5 ore (andata e ritorno) e ci ha condotto attraverso una foresta di eucalipti🌳🍃🥰. Al punto di osservazione siamo stati ricompensati con una splendida vista sulle scogliere, impressionante e un po' spaventosa allo stesso tempo🌊🤩 . Poco dopo il punto di osservazione, abbiamo fatto la nostra prima conoscenza con un serpente della Tasmania, che è scomparso tra i cespugli mentre ci avvicinavamo🐍😱. In Tasmania e in Australia in generale, è sempre consigliabile "pestare" un po' i piedi sui sentieri escursionistici e usare un bastone da passeggio, in modo che i serpenti🐍 che si godono il sole sul sentiero escursionistico sentano la vibrazione dei vostri passi e lascino il sentiero di conseguenza. Sulla via del ritorno abbiamo visto vari uccelli e una piccolo riccio che stava attraversando la strada davanti alla nostra auto🦔.
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    • Day 45

      Experiencing history at Port Arthur 🏛

      January 31 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Got up early this morning as I had to bring my car to the rental agency in Hobart, because it made weird, squeezy noises since a couple of days. Yep, looks like me & car issues seem to be a thing once again 😂💩
      After I got another car, I made my way down to Port Arthur, which is a former convict site. 😬
      It consits of 11 penal sites that were built during the 18th and 19th century and served as penal colony from 1833 to 1877. During that time, criminals that were considered to be most dangerous were sent there.
      It was one of the first prisons, where inmates were not only punished physically but also psychologically. They were for example not allowed to speak (exept when directly adressed by a guard), look at each other or touch each other.
      It was considered as one of the most safe prisons at this time, since the colony was located at a peninsula and the only street connecting it to the mainland was heavily guarded. 😶
      It was super interesting to walk through the ruins and read the storys of inmates and officials working on site. Fun fact: one prisoner tried to escape dressed up as a kangaroo. 🦘 his diguise was so good, that the guards wanted to shoot the "kangaroo" in order to have it for dinner 😂 that's when the convict gave up and showed himself. 🤷🏼‍♀️
      Afterwards I went for an extended walk at Pirates bay, with stunning views at the cliffs 🤩🤩
      Had to change hostels tonight and am now at a capsule hostel 😅 very different...but really nice somehow 😆

      Soundtrack of the day:
      Prison Song - System of a Down…
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    • Day 37

      Der Unzoo

      January 5 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Weil es am Vorabend so schön war, ging es heute gleich nochmal zu der hiesigen Tierwelt in den berühmten Tasmanian Devil Unzoo - einer Auffangstation, die sich eben gerade nicht als Zoo bezeichnen möchte.
      Auch hier gab es wieder viel zu lernen. Bspw. isst der Tasmanische Teufel seine eigenen Jungtiere auf, wenn sie nicht kräftig genug sind...
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    • Day 348

      🚌 Port Arthur, Ghost Tour 👻

      February 3, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      We literally just came to this spot to do a ghost tour that a random costumer from my bar in Sydney recommended me (she said one of her ancestors haunted that place or something like that). Port Arthur was a historical site that used to be a prison of dangerous prisoners from the UK, so they would be isolated and unable to escape since they where in a remote and isolated island. Honestly it wasn't the best tour ever (was expecting to get scared or concerned), but we still had fun and stopped at some nice spots on the way.Read more

    • Day 48

      “Grind rogues into honest men”

      February 24, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      One of my main reasons to visit Tasmania was to learn about the history of it being a penal colony. So I booked a van shuttle to the Port Arthur Historic Site which was a 1 1/2 hour drive from Hobart. Tour companies use the tourist office just down the street from me as the main pick-up point so it was convenient. Tasmania is seeing strong growth in tourism which supports 17% of total employment. One day there were nearly 5,000 cruise passengers in town from two cruise ships. The place was hopping. I think because of the demand the tour companies are charging a lot for their tours. This company charged $60 for the shuttle ride to and from the historic site. There was no commentary as the driver’s microphone wasn’t working. Petrol averages $1.50 AUD a litre but I still saw this fare as excessive.

      The route to the site was on a narrow, two-lane winding road but our young driver, Maddie, seemed to have good driving skills. As we left the Hobart area the landscape changed to rolling hills, forests, and so many lakes....huge lakes. I saw cattle, horses, goats, llamas and two echidnas, but no kangaroos. We drove through the Tasman National Park which is popular for recreational activities like camping, hiking, boating and fishing. There is a well-known hike in this area called the Three Capes Track, a one-way 46 km track with overnight huts. The coastal area is rocky and rugged and looks beautiful in the photos. Two couples my age had just completed the track and were in our van returning to Hobart. They were loud and boisterous as they relived the experience. It was something I would have enjoyed doing.

      We arrived at Port Arthur at noon. The admission fee was $40 AUD and there was no discount for seniors unless you could prove AU or NZ residency. This included a 40 minute guided walking tour and a 30 minute harbour cruise to the Isle of the Dead cemetery and the boys prison. Our tour guide was a man from California and he was very entertaining, not the usual dry, fact-laden talk. The site was chosen because it was at the south point of the Tasman Peninsula making it difficult to escape from. It was established in 1830 and initially used male convicts to produce logs for government projects. In 1833 it became a punishment station for repeat offenders from all the colonies, including Canada. The youngest prisoner was 9 years old and one of the boys that Oliver Twist was based on was a resident at the Boys Prison. By 1840 more than 2000 convicts, soldiers and civil staff lived here. It all ended in 1853 and Port Arthur became an institution for aging and physically and mentally ill convicts. Some of the administrators believed in hard labour and punishment but later they introduced solitary confinement which broke a lot of the men. The settlement closed in 1877 and tourism began, becoming a World Heritage site in 2010. In 1996 a gunman took the lives of 35 people, wounding 19 others in and around the site, adding to the tragic history of Port Arthur. There are 11 sites across Australia that show the world’s first conscious attempt to build a new society on the labour of convicted prisoners. What a concept! Most Tasmanians today are descendants of these convicts.

      We had to return to the city at 4 o’clock so that really only allowed about 2 hours to independently tour the buildings. I made it to most of them but not all. It was a pricey but fascinating day.
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    • Day 92

      Tassie tour: Day 1

      March 18, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      -- Richmond to Swansea via Port Arthur -- 250km

      We're beginning our tour of Tasmania! We will try to see as much as we can in the ten days we have, with the help of our little Hyundai.

      We started day one in the quaint town of Richmond with a hearty breakfast and a visit to the old Gaol (jail) house. A small affair by Australian jail standards which was only meant to hold a dozen or so inmates at a time. The records had details of at least one Cowling taking up residence in the jail during its operation between 1835 and 1879, no Huitric were found in the records.

      We then drove out onto the Tasman peninsula to visit Port Arthur, nearly an island save for a spot of land about 10 meters across, it was the site of a much bigger penitentiary complex that housed thousands of inmates from Britain and Europe as well as being home to the first British run juvenile detention center. Australia was the go to place to lock up prisoners in the mid 1800s and Tassie was the go to place for the worst offenders as it is even more remote. We learnt that children as young as 9 were sent on boats to Port Arthur for committing a crime of pickpocketing in London!

      After all this hard history we enjoyed a lavender ice cream from a lavender farm, we may not try it again, and stoped by some of the coastal walks to take in the stunning and brutal coast line. We also got to test our rain jackets (after 3 months at the bottom of our bag) as the southernly winds brought in some cold rain. As we started back up the coast, to end the day good note, the sun showed up a little and we enjoyed seeing some nice cliffs on our way to Swansea.
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    • Day 28

      Port Arthur

      October 30, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Another day in Port Arthur as we took advantage of the Stay 4 nights Pay for 3 deal. We went and checked out the Blowhole, Tasman Arch, Devil's Kitchen and the Dog Line at Eaglehawk Neck. All very interesting. We took the long way back to the park by driving the west coast of the Tasman Peninsular through Tarana and Nubeena. A stop at the appropriately named Remarkable Cave on the way back was worth all 120 steps down and 120 steps back up again. It really is a stunning coastline.Read more

    • Day 371

      Port Arthur

      January 3, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Port Arthur war ein ehemaliges Gefängnis der englischen Krone in Tasmanien. Hier wurden vor allem Wiederholungstäter hingeschickt, gleich welchen Alters.

      Dieser Ort diente der Bestrafung, wenn man sich nicht an die Regeln hielt. Andererseits hatte dieser Ort etliche Menschen hervorgebracht, die noch als Sträflinge, zb an Bauvorhaben im ganzen Land beteiligt waren. Auch die Glocken der zugehörigen Kirche, ganz besonders in der Art der Herstellung, wurden von einem Gefangenen gegossen.

      Zum deportierten Gefangenen wurde man schnell. Wiederholt ein paar Kleidungsstücke gestohlen... zack und schon hatte man eine 5qm Zelle auf der anderen Seite der Welt ganz für sich. Lt einer Infotafel, hatte sich ein Mann damals sogar das Blaumachen von der Arbeit zu Schulde kommen lassen.

      Wir haben an einer sehr interessanten Führung und auch an einer kurzen Bootsfahrt teilgenommen.

      Auch haben wir die Remarkable Cave besucht und einen unfassbaren Ausblick gehabt.
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    • Day 26

      Port Arthur - Tasman Island

      October 28, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Off this morning on the Pennicott Wilderness Journey Tasman Island Cruise. The weather has been kind and it was a sunny calm day but still quite cold. We rugged up for the trip. This is a fantastic cruise and well worth it if you can score a nice day. I'm not sure I would like to do it in crappy weather though.
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    • Port Arthur

      January 10, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      A great few days staying at Port Arthur Caravan Park. Lots of seafood caught and eaten. A trip to the Port Arthur Convict site and another day trip to Fortescue Bay which was very busy.
      Finished the trip with 100 fish. Luca 48, Philo 27, Roger 18, Mischa 5, Deon 2.Read more

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