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    • Dag 46

      Journey to Mon Repos

      26. november 2019, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Mon Repos is the home for a newly refurbished turtle sanctuary and education centre - they educate the public, not the turtles. It’s currently breeding and nesting season so turtles are coming up to the beach to lay eggs. We thought we’d go there to watch this.

      The journey was 641km, not far shy of 400 miles. Bertha is a 1995 truck with a Winnebago accommodation unit on her back. She runs really well and is delightful to drive in a rather old fashioned way, akin to driving my old 1965 Hillman Minx. Manual gears, gear changes to go up hill, no cruise control, a/c that cools rather than chills the air; coupled with the fact that she is not aerodynamic, she is subject to crosswinds and the funny areas of turbulence that spring from nowhere, driving her requires a lot of concentration. We started at 9:00 and arrived at 6:35 having stopped twice for fuel and a very brief shop to get some dinner. By the time we arrived at Mon Repos, we knew we’d been driving all day.

      The creeks we had driven over two days before, now had water in them. We also had to go across a shallow river ford. We passed a memorial to the crew and passengers of a plane that crashed in the war.
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    • Dag 61

      Ab zum Job

      3. marts, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Mit meinem Super Subi machte ich mich auf den Weg zu meinem Job. Die strecke geht ca 11 Stunden. Ich nahm einen Deutschen mit denn sein Jib liegt auf halber Strecke meines Weges. 4 stunden durch Australien, das erste mal richtig auf der Strasse unterwegs. Es gieng endlos gerade aus. Ich lieber mensch wollte ihn dann nicht eifsch im Dorf sondern auf der Farm abliefern. Naja die "Strasse" wurde wegen dem Regen eger zum Hinderniss. Fazit. Der Subaru überlebt vieles aber nicht alles. Die Radkastenverkleidung und 1 Reiffen sind zu verkraften. Aber das hintere Differential ist das KO für meinen Roadtrip. Dann musste ich halt eine Nacht drüber schlafen. Mein neuer alter überlass ich dem alten Mechaniker und setzte meine Reise mit dem Bus weiter.
      Helfen ja.....aber!
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    • Dag 206

      Carnarvon Gorge

      25. marts 2023, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Letzter Stopp: Outback Queensland. Da wir unseren Mini LKW bald wieder in Brisbane abgeben müssen und nicht die gleiche Route an der Küste zurückfahren wollen, entscheiden wir uns über Emerald in den Carnavon Nationalpark zu fahren. Eine kleine Erkundung des Hinterlandes, wenn man es so nennen möchte. Der Carnarvon Gorge Nationalpark ist einer der schönsten Nationalparks in Queensland und wir entdecken ihn mehr oder weniger durch Zufall. Er wird von hohen Felswänden aus hellem Sandstein geprägt. Während im Schutz der engen Seitenschluchten Überreste von Regenwald existieren, dominieren in der Hauptschlucht Eukalyptusbäume, Fächerpalmen, Palmenfarn und verschiedene andere Farne, Farne und Farne.  Der Hauptwanderweg führt 9.7 km tief in die Carnarvon Gorge und schlängelt sich entlang des Carnarvon Creeks bis zum Big Bend. Auf dem Weg muss dieser Carnarvon Fluss ein paar mal überquert werden. Brücken gibt es keine. Bei manchen Flussüberquerungen muss man von Stein zu Stein springen. Das macht Spaß. Und auf unserem Weg zurück laufe ich sogar Barfuß... jedoch nur, weil meine Füße seit 3 Monaten ausschließlich Flip Flops gewöhnt sind und diese beim erstmaligen Tragen von festem Schuhwerk direkt anschwellen & sich Blasen bilden. Meine Füße brüllen: Wir sind Stars, hol uns hier raus! Na gut, zack - Freiheit. Dschungelprüfung im Outback überstanden.

      Über Injune, Roma, Chinchilla & Toowoomba geht es zurück nach Brisbane. 3.000km und 14 Tage später verabschieden wir uns von unserem Camper. Adiööö!
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    • Dag 71

      Emerald, Yarrawonga Rd QLD

      18. januar 2016, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C


      Day 1 - Monday 18th January

      -wake up at 06:30am (first night completly allone... Done !!! So proud)
      -be ready at 07:00am
      -jump in the "oldschool-oldschool truck" & drive to the cattle & horse paddock at the farm to feed them time
      -clean the garage (giant garage) next to Colins house
      ...lunch time
      -drive with the other "oldschool-oldschool truck" to the cattle yard (15min trip on hisb property) at the "Black Down Tablelands"
      -sort 100 cattles to diffrent paddocks (you have to walk them up & open the gate for another paddock
      ...dinner time

      Day 2 - Tuesday 19th January

      -wake up same time day before (second night really allone !)
      -be ready same time day before
      -jump in the truck & feed the cattles & horses like.. Day before
      -help Matthew (Colins Son) some cementing at the new fences around his house time
      -continue cementing work
      ...lunch time
      -first time horse riding in Australia
      = we drived to the cattle yard with the horses in the big transporter
      -Collin starts to cut the ears of the cattles.. To identify them & cuts the horns
      Than we were started up to walk up a group of cattles (like 30) back to the farm to another paddock. That needed 3 hours time.. One calve was very tricky & wanted to challenge me it runs away from the others & I started galopping ?! I think I needed 10 minutes to catch the calve to bring it back. Thats so difficult to explain, you can't imagine ! It was like = forward - backward - to the right - to the left (repeat that 20 times) Maybe you can imagine now
      damn it ! I am done
      Best job I've done at the farm !
      -good good good job for today
      ...dinner time

      Day 3 - Wednesday 20th January

      -I will let "wake up" & "be ready" out if you're okay with that
      -get in the truck..... You know the story
      -have a look for dingos at the fields.. No dingos found
      -drive to the cattle yard & sort a group of cattles
      -Collin drives the big transporter from yesterday (remember we came with the horses) & I drived the "oldschool-oldschool truck" back to the farm time
      -help Matthew to continue the cementing (without me, he was lost)
      ...lunch time
      -continue cementing
      ...dinner time

      Day 4 - Thursday 21st January

      - sooo wake up, be ready..... Blabla
      - look for the cattles if some are hire (you can notice that if one cattle is jumping on the other)
      - found a dingo in a trab.. it is so mean.. He tryed to get out of it but it hurts itself more and more.. time
      - continue some cementing
      - a guy cames to the farm to shot the dingo.. R.I.P
      ...lunch time
      - cattle work withe the horses
      ...dinner time

      Day 5 - Friday 22nd January

      - wake up again
      - cattle work at the yard (AI = artificial insemination)
      - it was very exhausting & yeh... Collin has to put his "arm" in the bum off the cattle & I had to help to put a little pipe in the "gender" so yeah fun - smells good...
      - after the AI some cattles get a tag in the ear time
      - finish the cementing work
      - collect the rest of the dry cementing (like stones) which was lying around the fences
      ...lunch time
      - looking for the cattles
      - saw a dead big cattle.. Which was getting a calve.. (Both of them were dead) horrible..
      - AI again at 4 cattles down the yard
      - feeding the cattles & the horses at the farm
      - I heard a dingo !! when a dingo starts shouting all the dogs are starting the same !
      Sounds so great - but a bit scary
      ... dinner time

      Day 6 - Saturday 23rd January

      - get up a bit earlier because of the heat
      - AI by some cattles down the yard
      - feeding the bulls and horses
      - look after the cattles at the fields
      ... lunch time
      - some cattle work
      - let the bulls out
      - mash up for Matthews plants at the house
      - gave the puppie a bath
      ...dinner time
      - talking to Colin that I don't wanna stay
      - that was all fine. Actually he whished that I stay one more week but I don't felt that comfortable there so right decision :)
      - packed all my stuff

      Day 7 - Sunday 24th January

      - get up normal
      - helping Collin to feed the cattles & horses
      - left at 11am
      - Collin gave me a lift to the Emerald airport - so happy
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    • Dag 7

      Judd's Lagoon

      15. august 2021, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Another day on the road to Judd's Lagoon free camp near Yuleba. Good reviews in Wikicamps but the lagoon is looking a bit sad with not a lot of water. There were plenty of birds to keep us amused however. A nice campfire rounded off the day.
      The next morning was bright and clear so I decided to use the drone to get an overview of the campsite. Everyone who has ever owned a drone says it is inevitable that you will crash it, eventually. Well I decided I wasn't going to waste time waiting for it to happen so I took this opportunity. The video on Facebook shows the results. Luckily no damage done so I think I was lucky to get away with it. Time will tell if I've learned a lesson from it.
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    • Dag 70

      Emerald, Yarrawonga Rd QLD

      17. januar 2016, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Colins Cattlefarm

      I had my own little house, were I was searching for a bathroom first.. Couldn't find one.. After asking Colin.. It wasn't that difficult to find it. It was just behind the house.

      Colin has got 6000 cattles, 100 horses, 12 dogs & three puppies & a few birds.
      The farm is giant !!! You can have a ride in the car for (I think) nearly 3 or 4 ours !!! Only on the property !!!
      The view is amazing ! There are the 'Black down Tablelands' & only a blue sky !
      Don't ask me for the degrees ! It was toooooo hot !!
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    • Dag 597

      Carvarvon Great Walk

      27. april 2015, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      After I tryed to gather some information about the "Great Walk" along the 700km into the Queensland outback.
      Finally I got there in the moning and once I had picked up the map. I got ready, so stuffed the last things in a pre packed Pack.
      Let's go on the 88km 6day hike.
      On the first day you walk along the gorgeous gorge. With unbelievable colours, the withe of the sandstone cliffs, the green of the trees, and of couse the blue sky. So all together a pretty laid back day. This is what most people do here.
      Which changed the next moning. You have to climb out of the gorge up on the Tabelland. Which is very, very steep. But you earn amazing view over the withe sandstone gorge winds through the green valley!
      The next days were nothing really exciting. You just fight your way thru, the man's hight, tall grass and try not to run into one of the million spiderwebs.
      I got a bit sick end of the third day. Therefore I started early on the fourth , so I could take a big lunch brake and smach the next smaler section as well. The last day I started just on first light to get back before the heat comes. Again very high grass. Good views while ascending the tabelland. But then it came, a small river crossing and the path vanished! Not that I didn't lose the way befor, but this time I couldn't find it at all! I went back to the last marker. I had a close look at the map and compass, all seemed to be on track. I looked around for 2h and it warmed up. Eventually you go thru a bottle of water as well. So I needed a solution!
      There it was, I remembered (you need to know the area got a lot of wild pigs, which dig around a lot) a little path going away, which I didn't give much attention as it looked like a pig track. And I followed the a good path. After another kilometer, a couple of junctions, there was the next marker! Anyway while this was so irritating is because the rivercrossing in the map and turns ect. Is exactly the same a short time after where I stucked!
      The rest was fairly easygoing, lost a couple time more the way, nothing major. You still have a few awesome view, but i just wanted to get back to the van, because my condition got a little worse.
      I was pretty much done at the lookout before you descend into the Gorge, but finally after four days I saw some people!

      Nachdem ich, mit eher mäßigem Erfolg, versucht habe, ein paar Informationen über die 700 km zum National Park, zu bekommen. Daraufhin habe ich mir morgens eine Karte aus der dort ansässigen "Ranger Station" geholt.
      Noch schnell die letzten Sachen in Rucksack gestopft, dann ging es los. Der Weg führte entlang der prächtigen Schlucht. Die weiße Sandstein Klippe bildet einen guten Kontrast zu dem blauen Himmel und dem Grün der Bäume! So war es ein recht ansehnlicher und gemütlicher Start.
      Doch das änderte sich mit dem nächsten Morgen, die nächste Etappe führte sehr, sehr steil aus der Schlucht, oben an das Plateau. Oben angekommen hatte man einen unglaublichen Blick über, die sich aus dem Tabelland schlängelte, Weisse Schlucht.
      Die nächsten Tage waren unspektakulär man versucht seinen Weg durch das hohe Gras zu bahnen und nicht in eines der zahlreichen Spinnweben zu laufen. So kam ich gut voran.
      Zum Ende des dritten Tages bin ich dann etwas krank geworden, sodass ich einen früh am Morgen wach war. Dadurch konnte ich eine sehr ausgedehnte Pause über Mittag (die wärmste Zeit des Tages) machen. Danach habe ich mich sogar entschlossen die nächste kleinere Etappe gegen Abend auch noch in Angriff zu nehmen.
      So der letzte Tag war da! Ich startete noch früher, mit dem ersten Tageslicht, um der Hitze zu entgegen. Als man durch das mannshohe Grass etwas von dem Hochplateau hinabsteigt, hat man eine recht gute Aussicht.
      Die guten Aussichten änderten sich schnell für mich! Als ich, nach einer Bachüberquerung, den Weg nicht mehr finden konnte! Also zurück zur letzten Wegmarkierung (es wäre ja nicht gerade so, als hätte ich in dem Gras nicht schon gefühlte 100 mal den Weg verloren). Auch ein guter Blick auf Karte und Kompass konnten nicht helfen. Nach zwei Stunden suchen, wurde es dann endlich warm, und die Wasserflasche neigt sich auch langsam dem Ende.
      Also brauchte ich eine Lösung (vom zurück laufen, war alles dabei). Doch dann - habe ich mich erinnert irgendwo einen kleinen Pfad gesehen zu haben (hier sei angemerkt, dass in der Region sehr viele Wildschweine leben und den Boden umgraben!), deswegen habe ich ihn für einen Wildschwein Pfad gehalten und keine rechte Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt und stattdessen dem GUTEN Weg entlang gefolgt bin, bis zum Bach! Doch 1 km später, entlang der Schweinestrecke und ein, zwei weiteren Kreuzungen, war dann die heißersehnte Wegmarkierung!
      Wieso das ganze so irreführend war, ist: der Abstieg, die Bachüberquerung, sogar wie der Weg, der eine Kurve macht, kommt alles genau in einer etwas größeren Ausführung 1,5 km später! Unmöglich das in der Karte zu lesen.
      Jedenfalls zurück auf dem Weg, gab es noch ein paar gute Aussichten. Jedoch wollte ich nur zurück zum Van, Auch wegen meiner körperlichen Verfassung (Kränklich). Sodass ich dem ganzen relativ wenig Aufmerksamkeit schenkte. Am letzten Aussichtspunkt war ich ziemlich fertig, bevor es die 300 m steil runter, zurück in die Schlucht ging.
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    • Dag 3

      Roma - Charleville

      16. juli 2023, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Nice warm comfy night at The Overlander Motel, we forgot to book in brekky so set off in search of food. No sooner than we get started we come upon a large park full of scrap metal sculptures which looked interesting so we stopped and browsed. All were part of a show called Sculptures Out Back, prizes given by judges and pride of place forever in the park for Open Show winner. Sculptures were all for sale, and sold, the most expensive was $18,000, the least expensive just $2,000.

      Next stop The Big Rig. This is a park displaying Charleville's oil, gas and water drilling history. A great interactive and static display, fully informative with great facilities. Brekky at the Cafe there before tackling the display. We got to the top of the display tower which imitates the height of The Big Rig drill tower giving us great 360 deg views of the district and walked amongst the treetops beside Bungil Creek. This Creek runs from The Great Divide thru to Roma, a distance of 233km. Tweed River is 80km....

      Before heading west we went shopping for some minor supplies (not alcohol, we have plenty of that still), felt lucky to find anything open, just the cheap shop and they had the essentials in stock. Finally set off sticking to the Warrego Hwy.

      Through Mitchell and Morven towards Charleville. Dodged a lot of road kill, mainly Red Kangaroo, but also Emu and wild Pig. Road Trains in abundance. A roadside stop for snack and cuppa about 35km East of Charleville at the cleanest rest area toilets we've ever seen.

      We hit Charleville about 3.30pm, fuelled up, hunted around for lodgings, more difficult than expected, one place had rooms but they hadn't cleaned them because they couldn't find the keys...yep, don't ask, we just thought it best to get out asap.

      We plan to check out the Bilbys, Distant Education (Radio), the largest classroom in the world, the Planetarium and WWII Camp Museum before continuing on towards Quilpie. But before we do, it's a quiet relaxed drink at our digs, the Warrego Motel before dinner. Cheers
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    • Dag 3

      Injune to Carnarvon Gorge

      3. august 2022, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We had a much quieter night last night, set up, cooked dinner and watched TV. Hockey for me and netflix for Ben. We had a bit of a chat with the bloke camped next to us, he said Thursday Island up north is well worth the visit and that once we're at the Cape, we should just follow our maps/hema. Apparently the local Injunes and Bamagas like to play silly buggers and spin the signs around for fun. Pack up this morning was pretty quick, we fueled up and grabbed the truckers breakfast at Injune Roadhouse. We had a quick look at the old Injune railway station and train, before going on a search for the dog fence. The longest man made structure at over 2500km, we think we saw it? I mean, there were a lot of fences, a sign would have helped, but one of them had mesh and chicken wire along it, so we assume that was it. Only 150km on the road today to Carnarvon Gorge. Day 3 and we've already had to dig a hole on the side of the road and seen number plates from every state except NT. On the way into the gorge we made a quick stop at a plane crash memorial then continued on our way. Made it to Carnarvon Gorge, popped into the visitor centre then did the Nature walk, just over a km, and we SAW A FREAKING PLATYPUS! There were signs everywhere saying they could be around but you never actually expect to see one! We went and checked out the Rock Pool before parking to do the Mickey Creek walk, about 3km return, it was nice, mostly flat. We're chatting to so many nomads, it's really sweet, they have a lot of suggestions and are so friendly. We checked into our new accommodation, Breeze Big4, we're here for 2 nights. Bumped into the couple we were set up next to last night at Injune and had a good chat. Set up was quick and easy as always. We want for a wander along the creek, the lady at reception noted 3 spots on park map where platypus sometimes are. We saw another one at the spot closest to us! I was startled by seeing it so clearly, having a swim and paddling about. A bunch of noisy oldies were coming down to the creek having a laugh and the platypus disappeared. Poor buggers missed it. We lapped around the creek but didn't see another. We're now sitting at the Taka Bushbar near reception, having a drink and usins the limited wifi, they're only open for 2 hours and we're about to watch a presentation about.. well we're assuming it's about Carnarvon gorge. Only annoying this is, the gorge is about 4kms away and they don't have shuttle, which means we have to pack the tent up to do our big walk tomorrow, then set up again in the arvo at the same spot. Ah well, you live and learn, or something like that.Læs mere

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