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    • Dia 216

      Besuch aus Deutschland

      12 de abril de 2019, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Nachdem wir Heike und Christoph ja bereits am Montag gesehen hatten, kamen die beiden gestern Nachmittag wieder in Sydney an. Wir waren dann eine Zeit lang zu viert in unserer Airbnb Wohnung in Mascot (1 Church Ave, im vierten Stockwerk) , bis am Abend dann auch Birgit und Frank (Kathi's Mutter + Mann) am Flughafen eintrafen. Später am Abend gab es noch leckere, selbstgemachte Burger mit Kartoffelspalten, was Heike sehr schön als Buffet aufgebaut hatte und dazu das ein oder andere Bier. 😁

      Heute Morgen bereitete ich das Frühstück vor, während die anderen noch etwas länger schliefen aufgrund ihrer anstrengenden Flüge. Vormittags ging es dann zur fünf Minuten entfernten Bahnstation Mascot, von der aus wir zur Station Circular Quay fuhren. Dort spazierten wir links am Fährhafen vorbei, unter der Brücke lang und schließlich über besagter Sydney Harbour Bridge auf die andere Seite des Flusses. Von dort aus nahmen wir eine Fähre, die uns zwei Stationen zurück auf die andere Seite fuhr, wo wir erst durch einen Park am Wasser und dann zum Rock Park liefen.
      Beim Munich Bierhaus gab es dann noch lecker Essen und Bier, danach sahen wir noch ein Kreuzfahrtschiff den Hafen verlassen und erkundeten das Opernhaus.
      Wieder zuhause angekommen gab es noch ein paar Drinks.
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    • Dia 218

      Der Besuch ist da

      14 de abril de 2019, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Am Donnerstag (11. 04) sind Patrick und ich gegen 2 Uhr an der Airbnb Wohnung in Mascot in der Nähe vom Sydney Flughafen angekommen. Die Fahrt im Großstadtverkehr war ganz schön stressig. Christoph und Heike kamen am Nachmittag aus Cairns zurück und am Abend sind dann auch endlich Mama und Frank Deutschland angekommen. 🎉😊

      Übers Wochenende haben wir dann wieder alle typischen Touristen Aktivitäten rund um Sydney bei strahlendem Sonnenschein abgegrast.

      Freitag: Hafen, Harbour Bridge, Fährfahrt, Spaziergang durch The Rocks und das Opera House im Dunkeln
      Samstag: Bondi Beach, Stadt, Sydney Tower Eye
      Sonntag: botanischer Garten (mit Kakadus) , Queen Victoria Building, Fährfahrt zu Watsons Bay mit Sonnenuntergang und Skyline im Dunkeln

      Morgen geht's dann endlich los mit den Roadtrip bis nach Melbourne und Adelaide. 😊
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    • Dia 15

      David's Sydney six

      19 de outubro de 2017, Austrália ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Here's a rundown of my top (and bottom) six for the Sydney area.

      Let's go with good stuff first :-)

      #1 - Just being on the trip to begin with!!!

      With all the flight issues and such that we had at the start, I feel very fortunate that Brenda and I actually got to be on the same plane, in the seat class we were supposed to have, and actually sit together. Made for a much better delayed start to our trip than flying on two different planes or two different groups (first and coach) or waiting until Saturday to fly out.

      #2 - Opal Sunday

      Getting the Opal card for using the public transit was great. Having the entire day of Sunday to travel for no more than $2.60 for the day, even better!! We made great use of that day by taking multiple train rides and ferry rides too. Nice way to travel and got some great pictures that day too.

      #3 - Wildlife

      Overall, the critters are so different than what we are used to. Haven't seen a bird that I have seen back home. Plus the zoos / wildlife parks give you a nice chance to get up close to them. Feeding a Roo was fun and giving him a few pets in between was nice too. Beats the petting zoos we have back here :-)

      #4 - Pie Face.

      The savory pies really are super yummy.

      Haven't had a bad one yet.

      Steak with bacon and cheese, fantastic
      Butter Chicken and Veggies, scrummy
      Ground beef with gravy and onions, yes please!

      #5 - The Bondi Beach walk

      Such a scenic route. Plus, it was super cool that the art exhibits were going in, so we got to see some unique sculptures to go with the views. Lots of super tan people soaking up the rays too.

      #6 - Blue Mountain Tour guide. Robert made the day lots of fun and had so many excellent suggestions. Plus, with his experience we were able to do things that others might not normally be able to do.

      A great example was at the Wildlife park. We saw the Kookaburra birds. Honestly, they are cute, but nothing all that special. Well, Robert pulled out an app, and said, "Let's see if we can get them to laugh."

      He pushed a button and bird sounds came out of his phone. It wasn't long until the other birds responded. Their's "laugh" call is super impressive. especially being that close to them.

      So, overall, some really amazing and wonderful exeriences and I could not have picked a better travelling companion than Brenda! Love you Honey!!!

      Gotta go board a plane, so I'll do the bottom 6 while in transit. :-)
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    • Dia 3

      Frühstück vor dem Paradies

      20 de dezembro de 2019, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Noch 1x ab ins Flugzeug ✈️ dann ist es geschafft 😁

    • Dia 15

      Brenda's Sydney 6

      19 de outubro de 2017, Austrália ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      As I am about to leave Sydney, I get to look back on some moments of this part of our trip that made me very happy, and also those that did not.

      Starting w/ LOWLIGHTS:
      1. Our flight delays causing us to miss our Sydney connection on original departure day—consequently missing a full day of our trip, and some money at lodging.

      2. When I found out my 350,000 point frequent flyer business class seat to Sydney was broken and wouldn’t recline to a bed. 😖

      3. Forgetting the Sydney map 🗺 on our first trip into city. We got a bit off course and frustrated.

      4. Not keeping up with drinking enough water. 💧Sometimes it is because I can’t take enough with me on our daily trips. Other times it’s because I don’t want to have to pee at inopportune times of the trip.

      5. Schnitzel is huge here so had to try it. Hugely disappointing.

      6. Not eating great or getting regular workouts. Despite us getting well over 10,000 steps each day, I still feel like I could sometimes do better to eat better.

      Ending on HIGHLIGHTS:
      1. Just being able to be privileged enough to come on this trip at all, and to come with my best friend (David 💑...not Beber). So many people never get such an opportunity!

      2. Jacques, United flight rep who worked with us on Wed to get us BOTH on same flight to Sydney the next day, rather than separately or on Sat.

      3. Our tour to Blue Mountains ⛰. I really enjoyed our tour guide, Robert. He remembered everyone’s name, and was very funny and knowledgeable. I Loved ❤️ the animals at Featherdale Wildlife Park. The baby koala 🐨 on mom’s back was the highlight. I could have stayed there another hour or two.

      4. The birds. 🐦 The sounds of the different birds just out and about are cool. You definitely feel like you are in a different country. Didn’t get any pics of the huge cockatoos flying freely. They sound so loud and massive, like pterodactyls. This is their magpie, which are everywhere and very striking, also they have some interesting calls.

      5. The Taronga Zoo. 🐅🦍 🐊🐘Had a great time here seeing a live platypus for the first time. They are smaller than I thought. The best of the zoo was the Bird Show 🦉 and the surreal view of the city from the seating area. Rather cool to have birds flying through the audience— really got a good look at them. The whole experience rather moved me and got me a little teary-eyed.

      6. Just soaking up the culture. Been enjoying people watching and looking at stores and tv. Interesting to me is that I think I see more smokers here; many people jay walk; and there are of course great local terms for things like ‘Brekkie’ for breakfast and ‘Dunny’ for toilet. My fav bit of Aussie culture by far is Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, if you haven’t yet...go to that specific day when we blogged about him and watch the You Tube link.
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    • Dia 175

      Flying to Hobart, Tasmania

      25 de novembro de 2018, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      Yesterday's walk in Sydney was terrific. We took the ferry through Sydney Harbour to Manly, where we had kebabs for lunch (and we're subsequently attacked by seagulls lol), then back to The Rocks.

      After taking the bus and train back to her car, Jayne drove us to Bondi Beach of TV show fame. And yes, I did see one of the lifeguards from the show. Beautiful. Lol. Not him, I meant the beach. 😉

      Now, she's driving me to the airport to catch a flight to Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. I can't wait.

      So long [for now] and thanks for all the fish. ✌️
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    • Dia 10

      Ibis Hotel O'Riordan

      14 de novembro de 2018, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      In Sydney angekommen, buchten wir gleich den Shuttlebus zum Ibis Flughafenhotel. AUD 7 je. Die Angestellte wollte uns gleich die Rückfahrt verkaufen, was wir nicht wollten und recht waren mit unserer Entscheidung, wie sich später herausstellte. Im Ibis angekommen, meinte die Angestellte, dass wir eine Tagesbuchung hatten, von 9 bis 17 Uhr. Unsere Buchung war vom 14. auf den 15., wie wir ihr bewiesen. Sie wollte nichts davon wissen. Unser Preis wäre für die Tagesbuchung, sie hätten keine Zimmer mehr verfügbar, und sowieso wäre der Preis AUD 357. Wir riefen EBookers an, brauchten für die drei Telefonate beinahe CHF 100, und schafften nur gerade, dass uns wenigstens das gebuchte Zimmer nicht belastet wurde. Wir buchten ein günstiges Hotel in 6 km Entfernung. Der Taxifahrer, der uns dann zum Alisha Hotel brachte, verlangte AUD 25 für die Fahrt. Das günstige Hotel befand sich in einem schönen Garten mit blühenden Jacarandabäumen. Es war sauber und wirkte ruhig und gemütlich. Nachteil: das letzte ergatterte ZImmer hatte kein eigenes Bad, so mussten wir das Gemeinschaftsbad auf dem Korridor benutzen.
      Nach einer beinahe schlaflosen Nacht nahmen wir das bestellte Taxi morgens um 5 Uhr zum Flughafen. Der Fahrer aus Indien war schlecht gelaunt und bekam meine ehrlich gemeinte Bemerkung, dass er sehr pünktlich wäre, in den falschen Hals. Als ich dann noch, fragte, ob dies der beste Weg zum Flughafen sei, rastete er aus, und ich befürchtete schon, dass er uns irgendwo unterwegs stehenlassen wollte. Zum Schluss bezahlten wir dann die AUD 37, obwohl er gesagt hatte, sein Preis wäre halb so teuer wie die Konkurrenz.
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    • Dia 2

      It's business time

      22 de setembro de 2018, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      We were the first in the queue for our China Airlines flight from Sydney to Taipei, and because we were flying business class we were invited to the lounge and even given an express pass through customs and security. This all went smooth as butter, as we got through the line and full body scanner in no time and had almost made it to the promised land of the departure lounge. But then I must have emitted another Pablo Escobar vibe, because the guy with the magic wand zeroed in on me like I a fat girl at a buffet spotting free shrimp. A quick swipey swipey, rubby rubby later and the machine flashed up green, of course!

      Eventually free of Australia's wily border force we sauntered down to the business class lounge, where I proceeded to eat one of everything. Not because I'm greedy, but because I felt I was representing New Zealand and it was my patriotic duty to join cultures through food.

      Three house later I waddled out and made the taxing 100 metre walk to our gate, where we were waved past the plebs and wafted into the sanctuary of the business class section of our A350-900. Time to stress test my lie flat bed. Taipei is 9 hours and 7000km's away, what a hardship.
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    • Dia 5


      6 de outubro de 2023, Austrália ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      A bit drizzly this morning but not unpleasant - the wind has dropped. Pick up was on time and (despite my street pic where I caught a gap!) into the Friday morning traffic. Narrow streets and lots of vans and big lorrys. Made the airport in plenty of time. Security makes a meal of things here - everybody checks in their baggage but then has to take it to a security table where all bags are basically unpacked, everything felt and then 'repacked'. Not quite how I would re pack so looking forward to opening the case at the other end. No chillies to be worried about! A VERY basic terminal but luckily they took a c card for a water and a beer. I sold all my vatu earlier and only had about 300vt left. I can't imagine coming back soon and needing to keep some. Koh Samui is SO much nicer on every level. Having said that - I have very much enjoyed my short visit. My Telstra connection has disappeared so I will finish this post in SYD. The aircraft was 30 mins late leaving but I am closer to the front this time (6A)...... and, no Kerry - with two big boys in shorts next to me - a window seat is NOT best! This is a very ordinary airline experience - Jetstar without the service! (haha) It's a shame this is the only codeshare option for Qantas to Vanuatu.Leia mais

    • Dia 1–3

      Chiang Mai

      4 de outubro de 2023, Austrália ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Hop skip & jump to get here. Flew to Sydney the night before -- perhaps presciently as many domestic flights were cancelled the next day due to strong winds. Flew to Singas for another overnight. Then the 3 hr flight today to Chiang Mai. It's Thailand's second biggest city but much smaller than Bangkok. Humid. You don't have to go far if you want a coffee shop, a tailored suit, a temple, a massage parlour or a currency exchange. The travel group seems pretty good -- so far at least.Leia mais

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