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    • Dia 37

      Carrington Falls

      26 de dezembro de 2022, Austrália ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      Es ist heiß geworden... schon als ich in Canberra angekommen bin, gab es einen Temperaturanstieg von fast zehn Grad. Und das scheint sich zu halten, was die Laut für längere Wanderaufflüge stark sinken lässt.

      Ich habe mir für heute einen Ausflug zum Carrington Falls und den Blue Pools vorgenommen. Da beim Wasserfall der Parkplatz voll ist, gehts für mich erstmal zu den Blue Pools. Der Weg vom Parkplatz, wo sich auch ein kleiner selfcontained Campingplatz befindet, ist nicht besonders lang. Die Pools selber sind ein kleiner Wasserlauf, schön über Steine. Blau ist hier allerdings nichts, durch die Steine wirkt eher dreckig braun. Trotzdem ein schöner Ort zum Entspannen.

      Danach gehts nochmal zum Carrington Falls, dieses Mal mit Platz auf dem kleinen Parkplatz. Der Carrington Falls ist ein ca. 50 Meter hoher Wasserfall über dem Kangaroo River. Der Loop ist nur etwa 600 Meter lang, mit ein paar Aussichtspunkten und dem Zugang zum Fluss, bevor er hinunterfällt. Auch hier kann man ins kühle Nass eintauchen, muss sich aber vor den Steinen in Acht nehmen. Nahe dem Wasserfall gibt es nur wenig tiefe Stellen. Zur Erfrischung reichts, insbesondere bei den über 30 °C.
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    • Dia 29

      Illawara Tree Top Fly

      28 de fevereiro de 2019, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Die Challenge heute hieß höchste Zippline Australiens fahren. Das war ein cooles Abenteuer. Erst eine entspannte Anfahrt durch den Regenwald den Berg hoch. Dann haben wir Feen im Wald gesucht und und waghalsig auf den Aussichtsturm gewagt. Tja und zu guter letzt waren dann die Zipplines und Stege auf 30m Höhe dran.Leia mais

    • Dia 18

      Wollongong und Umgebung

      9 de outubro de 2018, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Heute waren wir erst beim Blowhole in Kiama. Auch wenn es ziemlich windstill war, ist immer mal wieder eine hohe Fontäne hochgespritzt.
      Danach sind wir in den Budderoo Nationalpark gefahren und waren dort auf dem Tree Top Walk und beim Fitzroy Fall. Dieser sah mit seinen 81 Metern sehr imposant aus über man hatte eine super Sicht!
      Auf dem Rückweg ins Hostel sind wir dann noch beim Bombo Headland vorbeigefahren, wo wir erst Surfern zugeschaut haben und dann bei den Felsen waren und zum Abschluss noch zwei Wale gesehen haben.
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    • Dia 4

      Mittagong Day 2

      16 de maio, Austrália ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      The reviews for the park had mentioned noise from the road and train line. Overnight, the road noise was minimal, but there were lots of trains, some very long, but it was not too bad.

      overnight, but we were warm with the heater on and snuggled under the doona.

      Today, we are being tourists. We decided that we couldn't come here without visiting the Don Bradman Museum since Bowral is only 5 minutes down the road. So off we went and Bowral is a pretty little town, again with plenty of shops and cafes. We found a French patisserie, so that was a no-brainer for morning coffee. The chocolate eclair was delicious!

      Then, off to the Bradman Museum. This is in a building built right beside the Bradman oval and pavilion. The museum is very well done - if you are a big cricket fan you could spend hours.... It is also the International Cricket Hall of Fame and so goes through the history of cricket as well as many of the legends' lives. About half the building is about Bradman and his life with many displays and much memorabilia. It was well worth the visit.

      Lunch time sees us return to the patisserie for a chicken and leek pie and a lamb and rosemary pie, both excellent.

      We drove up to the Mount Gibraltar lookouts, but they were working on the access roads, so only one lookout was available, and it was not easy to see much.

      Next, we visited Lake Alexandra back in Mittagong. This is just a small lake but quite pretty, especially with the autumn leaves.

      Finally we stopped at the local boutique brewery for an afternoon bevy. Was very pleasant sipping nice beers whilst the sun streamed in through the windows....
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    • Dia 8

      Milburn Creek Stud

      19 de abril de 2022, Austrália ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Bien arrivé à Wildes Meadows sur la propriété de john, une nursery pour chevaux de course, y en a pour un paquet d'argent dans le pré. J'ai beaucoup à apprendre mais ça commence à venir, je suis en colloque avec Chyv et Amber, elles ont l'air cool ça devrait bien se passer. Je vais pas trop bouger avant la fin de semaine prochaine, je bosse un we sur deux. Petites photos de la propriété et d'un poulain sympatoche. Bref ça va bien je m'acclimate.Leia mais

    • Dia 3–5


      15 de maio, Austrália ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      David and Sheila picked us up from the caravan park and we went and had coffee in a little cafe around the corner. Was really nice to catch up again before we left.

      Then finish packing up and off we went to battle the Sydney traffic again. We got through without too much stress, but boy are we glad to be over that!

      David had suggested that we spend a couple nights in the Southern Highlands around Bowral and since we have never stopped there, we decided to try it. Not a lot of caravan parks in the area... Moss Vale did not get good reviews; and the showgrounds there are currently closed because they are too wet. There were mixed reviews on the park at Mittagong, so we thought we would call in and see what it was like.

      It was only a little over an hour drive to get there, and the park looks good. It is only 11am and we go in the office and they only have one site left which is small and hard to get in to. They usually keep it for small motor homes. They said to go and look at it first. It is small and not a lot of room to manoeuvre but we think we can fit. They then said to try getting our van in and make sure it is OK before booking in. So we did! Slow and steady, but first try, and the van is in. Almost touching the fence at the back and the site slopes forward, so needed to use a combination of the jack and the jockey wheel to get level but all is good.

      Then off to find lunch. Mittagong is much bigger than we thought with many shops including Aldi, BCF, Bunnings etc. We found a cafe in the main street and the staff were wonderful and lunch was delicious and plentiful...

      A visit to Super Cheap Auto, and we now have wheel chocks and another power lead.

      Then a stop at the local hand craft shop which has a huge range. Liz wandered around trying to be inspired about a project for her to do on the trip. With some help from the lady owner, she chose some sort of sewing, tapestry, stitching thing.

      Back home to put the heater on, have showers and a light dinner.
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    • Dia 26

      Milburn Creek stud

      7 de maio de 2022, Austrália ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Toujours le travail à la ferme de luxe, je m'y fais bien l'ambiance et le travail sont sympas, je m'occupe pas mal de la nourriture, du nettoyage et des chevaux. C'est l'hiver ici il fait bien froid le matin, je suis passé d'un hiver à l'autre. On a des supers couchés et levés de soleil ;) je bougerai de la ferme pendant certains week-end, l'occasion de vous faure d'autres photos.Leia mais

    • Dia 42

      shitty weather day, and 1st Surfboard!

      28 de outubro de 2016, Austrália ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Today when I woke up, there where clouds and very light rain. And you can jump only with b license or higher. So no jumping for me.

      I started to replace my belts of my car. When I replaced them I started the car. Again smoke and lots of noise. So I dismounted the powersteering belt. And I found the main issue. The pump itself was broken. So pretty shit beginning of the day.

      I had a nice warm shower, ate something and got my car ready to drive. I drove to an mechanic. And he said. O no not for that car.. He made some calls and he probably could fix it for $900. Ai that's a lot of money. He directed me to an other shop. They had an used pump for me. It I'll cost me $530. I went to another shop. And he could do it maybe for 300 a 400 so that's a better price. But I have to come back on Tuesday.

      Afterwards I went to the mall to get some straps to strap the Surfboard on the roof racks. And o went to a friend. He had a great coloured Surfboard for me. So I got my first Surfboard! Can't wait to surf on it! :D I only need some wax for it.

      Tomorrow heading to the blue Mountains. (sorry I didn't washed my car yet...) I found something for you Berry, 1m toblerone!

      New video of surfcamp!
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    • Dia 244

      Wingello State Forest Camping Area

      11 de setembro de 2019, Austrália ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      Wir beschlossen noch zwei weitere, ruhige Tage im „Wingello Nationalforest“ zu bleiben und Kräfte zu sammeln, bevor es endlich nach Sydney geht. Unser Lager schlugen wir direkt neben einem verlassenen Wombatbau auf.

      Durch die frühe Trockenperiode ist es in weiten Teilen von New South Wales nun nicht mehr erlaubt ein Lagerfeuer anzuzünden. Also hieß es abends früh ins Bett gehen und sich gegenseitig wärmen.

      Leider war es am zweiten Tag aber mit der Ruhe endgültig vorbei, denn es platzierte sich direkt vor uns eine große Gruppe mit Zelten und vielen Hunden, um für ein am Wochenende anstehendes Treffen für Laufhunde zu trainieren. Sibirian Huskies waren aber nicht darunter, sondern eher nur „Mischlinge“ aus allem möglichen. Das war aber noch nicht mal so dramatisch, denn Hunde werden irgendwann müde und sind still, aber die Gruppe ließ bis spät abends einen Generator laufen.
      Wir waren froh, als wir am nächsten Morgen unsere Sachen einpackten und nach Sydney weiterziehen konnten. :)
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    • Dia 40

      good skydive day

      26 de outubro de 2016, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Today was a perfect day to skydive! 30 degrees and almost no wind.

      I started with my stage 4. Jump out of the plane with 1 JM. Then just assuming box position and watching alti. Landing was also good, I only had to walk a bit far becouse I landed behind the target.

      Next was stage 5. Also 1 JM on the side and he came up front and I had to do a 360 turn. Then docking (touch the JM). Another 360 and docking. But I didn't had time for docking. So I turned 180 degrees and deployed my Parachute. The flying with canopy was also good and landing good

      Next stage 6. Because of traffic control we couldn't get any higher than 8000 feet (normal 13500) so that's pretty low. This was my first solo exit!. I stabilized and did one 360 turn. And then I had to deploy my Parachute. Also good canopy control and good landing.

      Video of stage 6:

      Next stage 7. Also solo exit. After exit stabilize and do a backflip. The main reason is to become unstable and stable again. I did the backflip and then was a bit wobbly and stabilized. After that I had to do some tracking. So arms backwards and move forwards. Then be In a box position and I had to deploy my Parachute directly. I had to turn @ 5000 ft and deploy @ 4500ft. And when I watched my alti I was already @ 4500ft. Then thesame as the stages before, good canopy control and good landing.

      With 4 jumps and all stages completed it was a very good day!

      Afterwards I ate some noodles and watched with some other guys some cartoons. It was Rick and morty, what a awsome cartoon, completely insane Haha. Next me and a few other guys went for a hike and walked over a closed half burned bridge and did some chilling. There was also a big bee hive. Really cool to see.
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