Wongaling Beach

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    • Dzień 47

      Lazy days

      10 listopada 2022, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      I have genuinely no clue what I did all day today.

      I know I put all my washing on so now everything I own I clean. I know I watched some TV and walked along the beach at sunset. But that's all I got.

      A very productive day off, me thinks
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    • Dzień 59

      Damp mornings

      22 listopada 2022, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Woke up. Realised my uniform hadn't dried thanks to the storm. Cried. Took my uniform off the line and did the only think a dumbass like myself could think of at 5,30am when she had work in an hour. Placed my shirt in the microwave and prayed it evaporated off the water. It did not. Cried again. Ate my overnight oats. Put on damp uniform that I was still ringing water from and went to work. 2 and a half hours later I was almost dry.

      Breakfast was super dead until 8 backpackers showed up at exactly 10am. Breakfast finishes at 10am. So of course we let them have a half hour eating before we chucked them out. Made my life more annoying but that's backpackers for you (and I am allowed to day that as I am one) (technically!!).

      I did have a lovely conversation with two gentlemen who came in for breakky. Realised half way through the conversation they were the owners of ALH (the people than own the resort) and were the people we were stressing over the last few days. Sounds like their inspection went well and apparently if I want I am in the ALH system so I can now work in any of there 350 companies across Australia. So I somehow managed to land a job at the Australian equivalent of the Hilton enterprise by accident. Hilton for international, ALH for Australia. Bomb.

      They also said I make a very good coffee and to seriously keep it in mind when I'm travelling around, so that's good. One of the two then spoke to Steve (the big boss of this resort and the guy who hired me) and I am 99.9% sure I came up in the conversation because they kept glancing at me. Unfortunately they were outside so it was impossible for me to eavesdrop. After Steve did ask me a bunch of questions and stuck around watching me for a bit so that was unnerving. The two guys were very nice though so that's good.

      Once I finished work I went and did a food shop. I went with a list (I know, I'm impressed too) and stuck to that list (even more impressed). I got to the till and nearly cried. Like I've got a good week and a bit of food here and if you minus the $30 sim it's not that bad but it hurt handing over that much money. I also paid my rent yesterday so am very glad my pay is coming in tomorrow.

      I am sick of not receiving my messages because optus is really bad out here. So bought a new sim for telstra which is supposed to be better for rural. Most of the guys at work have it so fingers crossed my phone starts connecting because otherwise no one can message or call me and that is a problem.

      Then chilled in my nice air con room and figured out how I am going to store my stuff in only half a room.
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    • Dzień 110

      #working life

      12 stycznia 2023, Australia ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more #theunemployedlife

      I have finished work. Ngl, I'm glad but it's still bitter sweet.

      I won't miss much from Mission Beach, but I have learnt a lot and met some great people.

      Mission Beach will always be the first place I lived away from home. It will be the first place I lived abroad. The first place I had to truly look after myself (jury is still out on if i succeeded with that one). It has healed a part of my soul I lost after everything that happened and it had bosted my ego to scary heights! If you ever feel insecure about yourself, move somewhere remote. I was asked out multiple times a week, the weekends at least 3 times a shift. It has been wild.

      If I could do it again, I think I would. Just maybe try and change the temperature. 30+° daily is inhumane!

      A small collection of photos from work. The time cleaned the fridges for 4hrs and everyone couldn't figure out why I wasnt frozen (it's like 10° in there, they gave me a massive coat and everything). The time a keg exploded, when I went insane a grabbed a load of steak knives. The only nice looking coffee I've managed, the truly amazing 'tattoo' done by my crazy colleague and one of the many chocolate hauls work mum bought me. The random animals everywhere, the insanely good iced coffee and when work mum thought I had forgotten my name so underlined it loads. And finally, the drink made for my bday by one of the girlies.
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    • Dzień 45


      8 listopada 2022, Australia ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      It's been a super busy week but I am so glad I made the choice to come down to mission beach. Work is great, everyone is so nice and the area is beautiful. Hands down the best choice I could have made for me.

      I did a bit of meal prep yesterday so woke up to overnight oats. Not quite as good as the ones at home, but still very nice.

      Work was super chill today. It was busy but we all worked together and it went super fast. As soon as I walked in I was greeted to happy birthdays from everyone which was super nice as well.

      At the end of my shift, one of the girls made me a cocktail to celebrate. It was half way between a sex on the beach and a tequila sunrise, very nice. And free which is top tier. The chefs also gave me a leftover jacket potato and made me some garlic bread. Not very healthy but very nice.

      Overall, it's been a great birthday. Not the one I was expecting, but I knew what would happen when I chose to leave in September. I knew my 21st would be celebrated probably on my own, but the guys at work have been so nice and I dont feel alone at all. As dad would say, I've landed on my feet here and took off running.

      I have two days off now so am going to explore more of this beautiful place I have moved too. A beach day is needed I think!
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    • Dzień 50

      Sunday fundays

      13 listopada 2022, Australia ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      So I didn't realise it at first, but I am clearly addicted to pretty views and food. All I have to offer most days is the great food I am eating and at the moment because it is so clear, the sky.

      I tried to wake up early so I actually did something with my morning, but after still being awake at 3am, I was bloody knackered when my alarm went off at 10.

      Feeling like death, I rolled out of bed and realised the reason why I might be feeling so bad was it was 33° in my room. I am struggling to sleep with the aircon on as it is so loud. I've always got my eye mask and ear plugs in anyway, but it's still there. It also makes the wall vibrate slightly which is super annoying. As a result, I have taken to turning it off at night. This is great for falling asleep until I wake up sweating.

      Anyways, decided to finally check out the onsite pool. Felt a thousand times better after a little swim. I'm not a huge swimmer so it didn't last long but I cooled down which is all I cared about.

      I then needed food so went to the kitchen where I had a lovely conversation with a couple in their 50's. They'd moved from Birmingham 20years ago and had settled in Cairns a few years later. So talking to them was really nice. I like meeting people from different places in the world but it's also nice to talk to a brit every now and then, reminds me off home. They were super nice and had cooked a bunch of food on one of the bbq's and had made too much so guess who got some proper British sausages to add to her own food. Ended up having fried bread, sausages, mushrooms, and eggs. Plus their sausages and bacon, I was living the proper English breakky life. And as mum knows well, it is my favourite of all the breakfasts!

      After speaking with them for a while, I went back and bashed out a good 2,000 words which was top tier. The aircon had also cooled my room so I was actually kinda cold once I finished.

      Then cause it was a sunday, my wifi was not working well at all. The more people that are using it the worse it is, i was getting lockdown flashbacks when mum and H were working so neither dad or I could be online. Was very annoying. So instead I played some spider, officially my favourite card game to play solo. I am surprisingly good at it. I also found a puzzle in the common area, so my steal that tomorrow and make it, cause I'm a weirdo!

      And then it was time to go to work. Work was not fun. I had one family of three in after 5,30pm. I was there on my own until 9,45 when I left 15mins early. It was so dead it is unbelievable. But it was dead in all sections, so we were all bored. It is much better then it's like this cause the supervisors cant go around and tell us to find something to do, because they too, cannot find anything to do.

      We did end my cleaning out the beer drains! I know exciting right. That was truly revolting. The cleaner is usually diluted but they hadn't been done in forever so were almost completely blocked, so we didn't dilute it. It looked like we were pouring blood down the drains. No word of a lie, it was creepy. But one pour and you could see the grime dissolving down the drain, dangerous stuff. We had to clean out hands thoroughly after as it dissolves skin very easily as well. But that was probably the highlight of my shift. Not great.

      I clocked off and was invited for a drink by one of my friends, but then I realised who they were drinking with and choose not too. It is surprising how many of my colleagues have asked me if I smoke weed as though everyone does it. Unfortunately, a large amount of people do. Just to clarify, I dont and dont want to. But that wont stop them asking. So I decided to skip the inevitable and head back.

      Because it was a sunday, everyone was in bed preparing to sleep as most start of at 7am tomorrow morning. This means the wifi was working again properly. It also means that I got sucked into social media which I haven't checked all weekend, and its midnight and I'm still awake. But such is life. I have a day off tomorrow and so can relax then!
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    • Dzień 85

      Nearly Christmas

      18 grudnia 2022, Australia ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Someone took my food. I am not impressed.

      My roommate arrived on sunday evening last week. She went to her job and found out it was only for 10days. Personally I would have still worked those 10days cause its seriously good pay but she chose not too. Left again tuesday morning. I am alone once more.

      I informed my boss i was leaving. It was very funny, he said he was annoyed I was going after all the training he had given me. Tried very hard not to laugh at that. I have learnt next to nothing working there but there we go.

      Booked my flights down to Tasmania. I'm gonna spend a couple nights in Sydney on my way day. So instead of waiting for 7hrs in Sydney airport I'll have a day in the city and another in the blue mountains.

      I've booked a couple nights stay in Hobart when i first arrive but not sure what I'll do after then. I'm still fighting all that out.

      For now I am just biding my time here. I have one shift left today, once that's done I have 10days off and am so excited. Full time work is not a vibe!
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    • Dzień 78


      11 grudnia 2022, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Ok so it's been like 12 days, to be honest not much has happened. Work, sleep, coffee. That's it.

      But I now have an update so I'm back! Yay!!

      I have decided to move on from Mission Beach in January and will be making my way down to Tasmania. I am so excited to go down there!

      I will be leaving mid January. I'm thinking of doing a couple more days in Cairns. Do the great barrier reef and crocodile tour. Them fly down to Tasmania. Unfortunately the direct flights are super expensive so I have to transfer in sydney. Good news, instead of spending 4hrs in Sydney airport bored, I'm gonna spend a few days in the city.

      I want to do the blue mountains tour and I'm going to do some walking tours and things around the city. One of my colleagues used to live in sydney so im going to get some tips from him on what to do.

      I also had a great conversation with some customers yesterday about Tasmaina. One of them grew up there and

      Its fascinating listening to peoples responses when I tell them I'm going to Tassie. Most of the locals just go "why" with a look of disgust, it's hilarious. But the other travelers and people from other parts of Aus, are much more interested.

      I had a great conversation with some customers yesterday about Tasmania, one of them grew up there and loved it. From what they said it sounded like I will love it there aswell. Theres loads of beautiful landscapes and more like a british summer this time of year. They had lived in uk as well, so I trust them on that. They were so nice and one of them handed me $50 for literally no reason. She said to look after myself and have a great time. They were honestly the nicest people ever.

      I'm feeling a bit sad to be leaving Mission. I feel like it's very easy to come here and never leave again. But it's not right for me so I know I have to. I've also gotten settled here and the thought of having to start over with friends and work in a whole new place is daunting. But that's the life I have chosen so I'm glad to be going again.

      I've really begun to miss travelling while being here. The constant moving and meeting new people is exhausting but everything is very stagnant here. Not much is happening and it's kinda dull after a while.

      But now its time to start planning again. I forgot how much effort that was!
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    • Dzień 67

      Nailed it

      30 listopada 2022, Australia ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      Once more I have proved my supremacy by writing 50,000 words in November. Two years running!!

      I was very proud when I realised I'd made it. All written and began the editing. Nailed it!

      I had the breakfast shift which was kinda dead but chill. It continued being dead until 1ish when it began to rain. As a result all the tradies came down. Cause when work gets rained out, hit the bar. Had a few funny convos with them and the regulars. I'm beginning to recognise people and their orders now which is making them all happy. Still have them ripping me apart for being british but nicely rather than rudely.

      I made more chilli beans which was an entire vibe. I added a courgette in, which doesn't add much but was better than it going off. I really love chili beans.

      There was also a frog just giving on the chopping board when I came back. Scared the bejesus out of me. The noise that tiny thing made, insane.
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    • Dzień 38

      Wongaling Beach

      1 listopada 2022, Australia ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Had my first day at Wongaling Beach, was quiet fun.

      I had a lie in which was nice, first time not having roommates waking me up or someone next door. Then made some breakfast and headed down to my new job. Did not manage to meet my new boss but did meet some of the others. Got handed two massive piles of paper work.

      Spent the entire afternoon completing those, not fun. I also did some more of my RSG, read my ARC book and began NaNoWriMo again. It's insane how quickly November comes around.

      I then realised I had done nothing except sit on my but all day, so I did a sunset walk to the beach and back. It wasnt long as the sun was setting pretty quickly and I didn't want to be out in the dark somewhere I didn't know just yet.

      Then attempted to make myself an omlete for dinner. It did not succeed, but tasted pretty good in a pile anyways.
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    • Dzień 43

      The working life

      6 listopada 2022, Australia ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      It's been a few days since I updated and I have literally nothing to show for it.

      I'm really enjoying work which is good. It's easy, simple and everyone is nice and gets on well. The customers are exactly the same as the uk, so most are great, a few arent.

      I feel like I've had a few really busy days but all I've done is work. Which I've actually really liked. It's nice waking up knowing what im going to do, not having to plan anything just showing up and doing simple tasks.

      My room is good aswell. Its basic but has everything I need. I've been surprised by how quickly I've gotten used to it. Small town life is easy and this area is beautiful. I haven't seen much yet but I have days off Wednesday and Thursday so will do some exploring then. Or maybe just spend the entire time down the beach!

      For now, I'm really happy here. Everything g has fallen into place. It's easy, I love easy.
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