Wongaling Beach

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    • Day 62

      Auf einer Mission in Mission Beach

      June 24, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Der Nächste Stopp hiess Mission Beach. Dieser Ort ist bekannt für seine schönen Strände und den nahegelegenen Regenwald, der tatsächlich bis heute noch bis zur Küste reicht. Mit einer Fahrtzeit von nur knapp 2h also der ideale erste Stopp. Durch unsere Strapazen beim Abholen des Campervans kamen wir leider erst nach Sonnenuntergang dort an, fühlten uns auf dem dortigen Campingplatz jedoch sofort wohl. Besonders war, dass Matthias auf der Fahrt einen riesigen Vogel mit schwarzem Körper und blauem Kopf sehen konnte. Was genau das für ein Vogel war, konnten wir uns aber nicht erklären. Wir (und der Leser) sollten uns bis Townsville gedulden um mehr zu erfahren.

      Schnell stellten wir jedoch fest, dass unser kleiner Campervan doch eher rudimentär ausgestattet war. Der Kühlschrank wurde leider mit Autobatteriestrom betrieben, sodass wir - ohne Solaranlage - gezwungen waren jede Nacht am Strom angesteckt zu sein. Es gab nur 3 kleine Schränke, die mit Besteck und Putzsachen gefüllt waren. An der Decke hingen zwar ein paar Beutel für das Essen und sonstige Utensilien, jedoch wirklich viel Platz war nicht vorhanden. Immerhin gab es Campingstühle und einen Tisch, sodass wir uns aussen etwas ausbreiten konnten. Eine Toilette gab es nicht, dafür aber zumindest ein kleines Spülbecken. Das Bett war aber überraschend bequem und wir waren über die doppelte Anzahl Decken und Kissen sehr erfreut (Anscheinend sollen 4 Leute darin Platz gehabt haben, was wir uns aber sehr schwierig vorgestellt hatten). Alles in allem war unser Campervan mit ca. 800 CHF für 2 Wochen zwar spottbillig, wurde aber auch von den ausgewachsenen Wohnwägen und Wohnmobilen in den Schatten gestellt. Wir machten jedoch das Beste daraus, grillten in der Campingplatzküche und freuten uns auf unsere Mission am nächsten Tag.

      Unsere Mission hiess Dunk Island. Wir kamen zwar durch suboptimales Zeitmanagement nur mit Rennen auf unser Boot, konnten dafür aber noch frühstücken und unsere Brote noch am Hafen schmieren und mitnehmen. Denn Dunk Island hatte ausser einem Campingplatz und einem vor 3 Tagen eröffneten Cafe keine Infrastruktur zu bieten. Es gab dort zwar einmal ein Luxusresort auf der Insel, es wurde jedoch im Jahr 2011 durch den Zyklon Yasi komplett zerstört.

      Mit 4L Wasser und unseren Broten im Gepäck machten wir uns auf den 3.5h Rundweg um die Insel. Es handelte sich dabei um einen Pfad durch den Regenwald, der zu einem wunderschönen Aussichtspunkt neben einer ehemaligen Radarstation aus dem zweiten Weltkrieg führte. Wir trafen da auch vier nette Frauen, die in der Nähe von Cairns Lehrerinnen waren und mit denen wir uns fröhlich unterhielten. Dabei assen wir bereits unseren Proviant und wanderten dann gemütlich abwärts bei hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit durch den Dschungel bis zur Coconut Bay. Dort waren wir ganz alleine und genossen es sehr. Matthias ging natürlich sofort schnorcheln und Sharleen nutzte die Zeit badend. Ein alter Baum diente uns als Kleiderständer. Dies wollten wir ab jetzt immer so machen um möglichst wenig Sand an den Sachen zu haben.
      Nach der Abkühlung liefen wir weiter. Zu unserer linken sahen wir weiterhin das Meer und rechts den dichten Dschungel. Der Weg war sehr gut gemacht und man konnte sich nicht verirren. So kamen wir plötzlich auf einer grossen Wiese mit einzelnen hohen Bäumen aus dem Dschungel raus und waren total überrascht vom Wechsel der Landschaft. Nach ca. 100 Metern kam das letzte Stück, welches am Strand entlang führte bis zum winzigen Hafen, wo wir morgens angekommen waren. Das Strandstück war gesäumt von Palmen und kleinen Bächen, die ins Meer mündeten. Einzelne Mangrovenbäume verzierten den Weg zusätzlich.
      Happy aber müde setzten wir uns noch an den Hafen bevor uns die Fähre wieder entspannt zurück brachte nach Mission Beach.

      Wir hatten nichts mehr vor, ausser leckere Pasta mit Pesto zu kochen und danach zu schlafen. Am nächsten Tag sollte es nämlich bereits weitergehen nach Townsville.
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    • Day 82

      Mission Beach

      May 1, 2019 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Nach Fotostops bei der Mission Beach und der Wongaling Beach, haben wir bei der South Mission Beach angehalten. Jeder Strand schöner wie der andere! 😍 Beim letzten assen wir Zmittag. Das Wetter war toll und wir picknickten. Ausser einer netten Lady mit spanischen Akzent war niemand dort. Sie brachte unseren Jungs Schoggi zum Dessert. 🍫 Die verstanden ja überhaupt nichts, aber die Freude war auch ohne Worte riesig 😃

      Kaum hatten wir alles ins Wohnmobil zurück gepackt, begann es wie aus dem Nichts zu regnen. So stark, dass wir froh waren, weiterfahren zu können. Wieder einmal der Sonne entgegen...☀️
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    • Day 45

      Mission Beach

      November 5, 2018 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Heute sind wir 500km gefahren und sind jetzt nicht mal mehr 200km von Cairns entfernt! Unsere Mittagspause haben wir in den TYTO Wetlands gemacht. Das war eine Art Naturreservoire, wo wir spazieren waren. In einem See waren ganz viele kleine Schildkröten, die sofort rausgekommen sind, als wir am Wasser standen. Die dachten wohl, wir hätten Futter dabei 😬
      In Mission Beach bleiben wir jetzt erstmal mindestens 2 Nächte.
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    • Day 40

      Détente au camping

      December 13, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Ce fut la dernière journée farniente à Mission Beach avant de reprendre la route du nord demain 🚌

      Ce matin au programme : rien
      Cette aprem au programme : rien 😂

      Non, plus sérieusement, nous avons rien fait de particulier aujourd'hui, ce matin j'ai fait un peu de sport dans la salle de musculation puis fais quelques longueurs dans la piscine 🏊‍♀️ Dylan lui faisait le point sur les vêtements et objets qu'il souhaitait commander (il veut refaire complètement sa garde robe 👚🧦👖👕).

      En fin de matinée direction Woolie pour acheter le nécessaire pour notre dernière journée à Mission Beach 🛒

      Dès que nous sommes revenus nous avons mangé, Dylan a encore mangé, pour la je ne sais combien de fois, pain, beurre, viande tandis que moi je me suis achetée un beau quart de choux rouge 😍 avec un avocat 🥑 J'ai vraiment apprécié de manger quelque chose de différent 😂 surtout que j'avais envie de choux rouge depuis très longtemps !!

      Après manger je me suis endormi sur le fameux canapé 😴 cette nuit pourtant j'avais bien dormi !!

      J'ai ensuite fait un tour dans la piscine pendant que Dylan commençait à faire son sport, puis bonne douche 🚿

      En sortant de la douche Dylan s'entraînait toujours à boxer 🥊 alors j'ai admiré le spectacle et il m'a encore demandé de lui mettre quelques claques pour l'entraîner ! Lui il se défend juste et pourtant j'ai gagné 3 bleus (pas vilains du tout) sur l'avant-bras depuis hier 😂

      Puis est venu le moment du dîner, j'avais tellement faim !! Nous nous sommes grillés des crevettes surgelées et à côté j'ai coupé des tomates et la fin du choux rouge. C'était bon même si les crevettes n'avaient pas de goût 🦐

      Après ça nous avons regardé quelques vidéos dans la tente avant de dormir 😴⛺

      PS : vous trouverez dans les photos une photo de Mcnounettas qui a souhaité participé à la journée canapé organisée par maman (voir dans le dernier post sur la photo du canapé) 🛋️
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    • Day 2

      Don't know where we are

      January 13, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Still waiting for the answer 😰😱
      At 5 pm is the bus to cairns leaving... If I haven't an answer than.. I will take the bus.
      If I get an answer before 5pm.. I will stay for on more night here if I get the job & and book a bus back to Airlie Beach and Lea & I must seperate eachother 😩

      03:38 pm
      Had a walk at the beach & a fotoshoot on the palm ☺️ played monkey agaaaain 😍

      I don't get the job 🙄 because the woman has found another person for the position...
      Buuuut I'll keep going 🙌🏼
      At 5pm we take the bus to cairns ! 🙂
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    • Day 38

      Wongaling Beach

      November 1, 2022 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Had my first day at Wongaling Beach, was quiet fun.

      I had a lie in which was nice, first time not having roommates waking me up or someone next door. Then made some breakfast and headed down to my new job. Did not manage to meet my new boss but did meet some of the others. Got handed two massive piles of paper work.

      Spent the entire afternoon completing those, not fun. I also did some more of my RSG, read my ARC book and began NaNoWriMo again. It's insane how quickly November comes around.

      I then realised I had done nothing except sit on my but all day, so I did a sunset walk to the beach and back. It wasnt long as the sun was setting pretty quickly and I didn't want to be out in the dark somewhere I didn't know just yet.

      Then attempted to make myself an omlete for dinner. It did not succeed, but tasted pretty good in a pile anyways.
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    • Day 40


      November 3, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Yes that is correct, we did put the Christmas decor up today. I was very proud of my tree, understated and pretty. It's also really bright so theres that.

      I spent the morning moving into my official room. It is a shared accom so there is two single beds. I surprisingly prefer the single bed, it feels more comfy. There is the same amount of storage but as it is half the price of the double and odds on I wont have to share, I'm happy. The guy who was here before was here for 6months and he never shared in that time. The demand is not high at all and, for me at least, I'd have to wait for another female to come through to share with. I dont think I'd care if it were a dude but we'd have to both sigh off on it and even then the likelihood of someone coming through is super low.

      Work was very slow today. I spent most of it decorating and cleaning. It's kinda funny because a couple of the girls have spent my last two shifts running around d stressed because theres so much to do. But if they stopped for a second they'd realise there really isnt and they are just trying to do everything at once. Perks of working in somewhere twice the size I guess, you learn how to prioritize better and keep things calm for the billionaire guests.

      Today definitely went a lot better than yesterday. Because I wasnt shadowing anyone, I had more freedom to do things my way and figure it all out on my own. Had a couple sticky situations with the till and not understand its layout, but I know now so it won't happen again. I am also getting better with the lingo which is good. I spent the evening dinner shift running the bistro alone with just one other girl. She's underage so I was alone on the bar and taking orders, all she did was run food and clean. So that was super nice, got to learn it all and speak with customer properly which I haven't done in forever.

      Customers still suck obviously. Had one guy inform me and the manager that the food we served them was no better than the 'dogs dinner'. Tbat dog must be living with mum, the ribs were unacceptable apparently. He had to excuse himself and left his wife to deal with it, because it was all too much for him. People are weird.

      Ended up finishing late because the manager instead of showing me how to close decided to go home. She sprouted some bs about full time/ casual pay and clocking out on time. She is also the person who chose not to come in yesterday leaving them short staffed with 3 newbies at dinner. So she is a delight, just going to try and stay on her good side and leave the others too the gossiping. I wont be there long enough to get involved.

      Then headed back home, had some pizza from work. Never going to turn down free food. And had some timtams for dessert. I know, I'm so healthy, but free food!

      I also found a song that encapsulates my NaNo so downloaded that and with listening to it on repeat. It's also a great song that I completely forgot about so yay.
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    • Day 43

      The working life

      November 6, 2022 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      It's been a few days since I updated and I have literally nothing to show for it.

      I'm really enjoying work which is good. It's easy, simple and everyone is nice and gets on well. The customers are exactly the same as the uk, so most are great, a few arent.

      I feel like I've had a few really busy days but all I've done is work. Which I've actually really liked. It's nice waking up knowing what im going to do, not having to plan anything just showing up and doing simple tasks.

      My room is good aswell. Its basic but has everything I need. I've been surprised by how quickly I've gotten used to it. Small town life is easy and this area is beautiful. I haven't seen much yet but I have days off Wednesday and Thursday so will do some exploring then. Or maybe just spend the entire time down the beach!

      For now, I'm really happy here. Everything g has fallen into place. It's easy, I love easy.
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    • Day 45


      November 8, 2022 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      It's been a super busy week but I am so glad I made the choice to come down to mission beach. Work is great, everyone is so nice and the area is beautiful. Hands down the best choice I could have made for me.

      I did a bit of meal prep yesterday so woke up to overnight oats. Not quite as good as the ones at home, but still very nice.

      Work was super chill today. It was busy but we all worked together and it went super fast. As soon as I walked in I was greeted to happy birthdays from everyone which was super nice as well.

      At the end of my shift, one of the girls made me a cocktail to celebrate. It was half way between a sex on the beach and a tequila sunrise, very nice. And free which is top tier. The chefs also gave me a leftover jacket potato and made me some garlic bread. Not very healthy but very nice.

      Overall, it's been a great birthday. Not the one I was expecting, but I knew what would happen when I chose to leave in September. I knew my 21st would be celebrated probably on my own, but the guys at work have been so nice and I dont feel alone at all. As dad would say, I've landed on my feet here and took off running.

      I have two days off now so am going to explore more of this beautiful place I have moved too. A beach day is needed I think!
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    • Day 46

      Days off

      November 9, 2022 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Tried to wake up early, failed. Work up at 7,30 instead. I had a lovely oaty breakfast before hitting the beach.

      This beach is just insane. It is about 9km long so theres no breaks, no rocks, just pure sand right round the headlands on either side. I tired my best to walk some of it, figured after 20mins I must be at least near south mission. Nope, still in Wongaling. It's crazy because its tiny in population but the town extends down one road along the coast so its really long.

      Did a spot of sunbathing before going for a dip. The water was warm and the floor was sandy, it felt all wrong. But was really nice. I didn't go too far as it was high tide so the beach is very flat meaning that to go deep I would have had to go a good hundred meters from shore. Which on my own was not something I was willing to do.

      I then headed back and did some more admin stuff, but I did it beside the pool, so it wasn't too bad. Then just headed back into my aircon room to escape the sun and relaxed.

      At 6 I met Kahan at the resort, we had a schooner (what a stupid size) and got the courtesy bus into north mission. We met James there and I had a surprisingly good night with them. They are chill, older as well so no teenage boy adolescent BS which I was thankful for. They did talk about video games a lot so I got bored a made friends with a local instead. Genuinely no clue what his name was but he'd done some travelling and had some good stories and tips for asia. The more I speak to people over here, the more I want to visit asia. Because it's so much closer here than it is to UK, a lot more people have travelled their. Most of them are extravellers, so have so many stories to tell.

      Gracie then picked us back up in the courtesy bus, which was great. Headed back to the resort and had a few more there. I didn't because I know my limit, Kahan is only just 18 so he did not. He definitely has a headache this morning. Spent some time hanging out there in the gaming room. As employees we arent allowed to gamble on premises at any times so I mostly just tried to figure out how on earth it all worked. Spoiler alert I did not succeed.

      As someone who had never even bought a lottery ticket, all of this stuff is very foreign to me. I think the closest I have even been to gambling is one time we were at an event that overlooked a dog racing ring or something. Mum gave me 20p to bet, if I won I got 40p of I lost, I got nothing. I remember deciding not to gamble because I was happy with my 20p. But I have been placed in gaming and sports this weekend so they are going to throw me in the deep end and let's hope is swim. I fully intend to not do anything without someone present for a while on the first shift. If they win and I give them the wrong money, I am so screwed. But we'll see what happens. One perk is if I mess it up, they'll never make me do nights in gaming!

      Anyways, had a very nice night. Everyone at work is welcoming, just next time I'll try and drag a girl along too so I'm not listening to video games all night. At least I now know the differences between playstation and xbox, and why now is the time to buy an xbox not playstation. As I said before, full of useless knowledge.
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