Wongaling Beach

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Los 10 mejores destinos de viaje Wongaling Beach
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    • Día 39

      First day back in reality

      2 de noviembre de 2022, Australia ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      I started my first shift at work at 12 today. So woke up, did my NaNo and some stretches for a bit then headed off to work.

      As always, being the newbie sucks. I know what I'm doing, but not in this bar. I don't know where anything is, I dont know how to till works or the procedure with the tables. I hate being the newbie.

      But everyone was super nice and welcoming. I think I annoyed them a little but all newbies annoy people so hopefully it's all good. There is another newbie aswell, Sarah. She has clearly been doing this longer, and it was her second shift, so she was a bit intimidating but there we go.

      The job its self is pretty easy. There is no floor team just bar, so we do a bit of everything which is nice. There are three bars, bistro, gaming and sports. I will be stationed in bistro this week as that is my experience. It is essentially a restaurant with a bar in it, nothing special but it's the only place in an hours drive that's any good so it can get very busy. We had two functions on last night but as I'm new I didn't have to deal with them which is a plus. The gaming bar has all the machines and things in it, as well as the ticket lottery machine I think. As I have zero experience there, I tried to steer clear of it. The sports bar is essentially a pub. They have the same food as bistro, but have various games and races playing as well as a betting till. Again, zero experience so I only ran food for that section. Their events rooms are practically none existent, there is one. So that's a plus as the same team does that aswell.

      Overall it was a good shift. A little stressful for the others because it was busy and I couldn't do much except run food and clean, but ok. We also get a 30min break, and 50% off food from the kitchen which is lovely. We also get a discount card for Woolworths so will be getting that asap as it's the only food place locally and I'll take a 5% discount any day.

      I have been scheduled in 12-9 until sunday which will be interesting. Two months of not working then 5 back to back 9hr shifts. I will be dead by monday but it's so I can learn asap and stop being a pain to the others. And hopefully understand more of the slang. I few times I had to ask them to repeat because I had genuinely no clue what they had said. I also now have to learn the sizes of all the glasses and different uses. UK is simple, pint or half. Here, confusing. Bottle, pot, scooner, pint, jug. There is also little and talls for spirits and soft drinks. Why do they need so many!

      Walked back to my room and spotted the moon again. It's a really bad photo but it is now half full, and rotated clockwise so now sits half way between sideways and upside down.
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    • Día 56


      19 de noviembre de 2022, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      After being woken up a thousand times, I finally got up at 11am. Probably ended up having only like 5 or 6 hrs sleep which is not enough but there we go. I had to decide last night which was more important, sleep or food. I chose sleep and as a result was starving so made myself a lunch and breakfast at the same time. Top tier, highly recommend.

      Tried not to fall asleep before heading to work again for 3pm. When I arrived found out the guy who threw the hissy fit wsnt coming in again. So instead of covering him, they just switched one of the people already on to close. This would have been an issue even if we weren't already a person down. One of the other quit this week with no warning so we were down 3 members of staff. 4 people to run three bars on a saturday night. Who thought this was a good idea.

      Anyways, I worked both sports and gaming bars while the other three dealt with the bomb site that was bistro and the kitchen. It had been busy all day, and chefs can be fairly temperamental on a good day so was very glad I was away from all that drama. All in all a pretty good shift. Busy, but not chaotic for me and I got to close down early cause it died at 9,30 which is a plus.
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    • Día 49


      12 de noviembre de 2022, Australia ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      So it turns out working behind a bar is the same in whatever country you are in.

      I have been stationed in the public/sports bar the last two days and believe me when I say it is the easiest thing. Everyone is ordering schooners for the most part, or cocktails. So get easy pouring beer and fun cocktails to make.

      It was super busy on Friday. I arrived and didn't stop for about 3hrs, then it went dead for the next two, but at 9pm it seriously picked up. Everywhere else locally (I say locally, within a 30min drive), closes around 9pm/10pm. But not us, we close at 4am. So anyone out for the night calls it then or comes to us for the remainder. Great as it kept us busy and the time went fast. Not great as I was supposed to finish at 12 and didn't clock out till 1.

      Today however was dead all day. Well it was sort of busy between 3pm and 5pm, but then it went dead. At 6pm they asked me to work Bistro, so I was cleaning tables and running food for 3hrs until I was finally allowed on break. My supervisor had the never to ask me why I wasnt on break, while I was doing two things and there was a queue at the bar. Genuinely don't understand some people.

      Later on when Bistro closed, I went back to Sports and was reay bored again. A few people came in later and I had them make me look like and idiot infront of the same supervisor as earlier. After I had to explain that I did know why I was doing, I was trying to test them as they came in drunk and I wasn't sure if I should serve them. Apparently the supervisor wouldn't have served them except for the fact that one of the group worked with us. I still think they shouldn't have been served, but it's not my call so there we go.

      I finally was allowed to begin closing at 11,30 and was out by 11,45 which is lovely. I felt bad for my colleague as he was covering a shift and a large group arrived just as I was leaving. He is in for a long night, a shift I hope I never have to do.

      I realised I had some eggs left so made myself a nice breakky this morning and dinner was what I got from the function. The food from that was inedible so I made food when I got back. It is astounding how often the function food is beyond vile. But it is free so it's not too bad. I also tried to capture the sky again. The moon lights the edges of the clouds beautifully but I am unable to capture the full effect with my phone camera.
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    • Día 45

      Mission & Wongaling Beach 🌴🌧️

      30 de noviembre de 2022, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Heute Morgen sind wir noch vor dem Frühstück zum Mission Beach gefahren, weil es dort Stromanschluss geben sollte und wir dringend mal unseren Camper ein bisschen aufladen wollten, damit unser Kühlschrank wieder ein bisschen kühlt. ✔️
      Wir haben die Ladezeit genutzt, uns ein bisschen in der Gegend umzusehen, unsere Weiterreise zu planen und künftige Touren zu buchen. Man glaubt es nicht, aber das Planen ist immer wieder ziemlich langwierig und nervig, gehört aber halt dazu. 🤷😉 Zwei gebuchte Tagestrips, einen reservierten Campingplatz und einen kurzen Mittagssnack später hat es an unserem Camper geklopft und wir wurden von einem netten deutschen Pärchen auf einen Instantkaffee eingeladen. 🙃 Als Sebastian und Annemarie kurze Zeit vorher neben uns auf den Parkplatz gerollt sind, mussten Marco und ich erstmal lachen. Die beiden hatten den gleichen Campervan wie wir, ihre Schuhe genau so blockierend in der Eingangstűr verstaut wie wir, hatten die gleiche Stromschnorridee und sogar den gleichen 2 Liter Saftkanister wie wir. 😂
      Wir saßen letztlich den ganzen Nachmittag mit den beiden draußen zusammen am Picknicktisch und haben uns übers Reisen unterhalten, während rings um uns die Welt unterging. 🌧️
      Es war echt schön, einfach mal wieder mit anderen zu quatschen und ich bin froh, dass die zwei so mutig waren und uns einfach angesprochen haben. 😊
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    • Día 56


      19 de noviembre de 2022, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Yes that is my only photo of today. But today has not been great so theres that.

      I woke up at 7am and could not get back to sleep. So got up and went for a walk in a direction I haven't gone yet. Discovered a fish and chip shop so might get a chippy next week. Then headed back to find woolies which doesn't open till 8am so grabbed myself an iced coffee and a muffin for breakfast and waited. Because it was so early it was only 28° so was nice to sit outside in the shade and not melt.

      Then did my shopping and headed back to my air conditioned room. Genuinely not sure what I did now. Just vibed in the cool air and rested.

      I started work at 3pm and honestly why. Fridays are seriously busy between 2 and 6 so have only one person on the sports bar, sure why not. Anyways was not pleased. Come 6pm Eloise arrived to help and it was so dead. Was bored again for a bit before helping bistro. Then went to the function to help there.

      No clue what happened while I was at the function but I came back and there are had been a huge argument between two of the staff. As a result the guy closing had walked out. So guess who got to work until 4am to cover him. Yep, me. Started at 3pm finsihed at 4,30am. Was not fun, genuinely thought I was going to fall asleep at 2am but made it.
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    • Día 38

      Tag 38 - Magnetic Island—> Mission Beach

      23 de enero de 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Heute gibt es nicht viel zu erzählen. Wir haben um 11 Uhr ausgecheckt sind mit Sack und Pack zur Fähre gefahren, haben die Fähre nach Townsville genommen und von dort aus den Bus nach Mission Beach. Dort angekommen haben wir nur noch die Zimmer bezogen und den Abend in Ruhe ausklingen lasse .Leer más

    • Día 82

      Mission Beach

      1 de mayo de 2019, Australia ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Nach Fotostops bei der Mission Beach und der Wongaling Beach, haben wir bei der South Mission Beach angehalten. Jeder Strand schöner wie der andere! 😍 Beim letzten assen wir Zmittag. Das Wetter war toll und wir picknickten. Ausser einer netten Lady mit spanischen Akzent war niemand dort. Sie brachte unseren Jungs Schoggi zum Dessert. 🍫 Die verstanden ja überhaupt nichts, aber die Freude war auch ohne Worte riesig 😃

      Kaum hatten wir alles ins Wohnmobil zurück gepackt, begann es wie aus dem Nichts zu regnen. So stark, dass wir froh waren, weiterfahren zu können. Wieder einmal der Sonne entgegen...☀️
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    • Día 45

      Mission Beach

      5 de noviembre de 2018, Australia ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Heute sind wir 500km gefahren und sind jetzt nicht mal mehr 200km von Cairns entfernt! Unsere Mittagspause haben wir in den TYTO Wetlands gemacht. Das war eine Art Naturreservoire, wo wir spazieren waren. In einem See waren ganz viele kleine Schildkröten, die sofort rausgekommen sind, als wir am Wasser standen. Die dachten wohl, wir hätten Futter dabei 😬
      In Mission Beach bleiben wir jetzt erstmal mindestens 2 Nächte.
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    • Día 22

      11 • Wasserfälle und Regenschauer

      7 de agosto de 2016, Australia ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Ein verregneter Sonntag. Es war immerhin lange genug trocken um sich ein paar große Wasserfälle anzuschauen. Dann ging es durch schöne, leider regengraue Landschaft vom 800m hohen Tafelland zurück auf Meereshöhe nach Mission Beach, wo es gleich wieder deutlich wärmer ist.
      Da Mia tagsüber etwas die Bewegung gefehlt hat, hat unser kleines Energiebündel nach dem Abendessen noch einige Krabbelkilometer im Bus zurückgelegt ;-)
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    • Día 40

      Détente au camping

      13 de diciembre de 2019, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Ce fut la dernière journée farniente à Mission Beach avant de reprendre la route du nord demain 🚌

      Ce matin au programme : rien
      Cette aprem au programme : rien 😂

      Non, plus sérieusement, nous avons rien fait de particulier aujourd'hui, ce matin j'ai fait un peu de sport dans la salle de musculation puis fais quelques longueurs dans la piscine 🏊‍♀️ Dylan lui faisait le point sur les vêtements et objets qu'il souhaitait commander (il veut refaire complètement sa garde robe 👚🧦👖👕).

      En fin de matinée direction Woolie pour acheter le nécessaire pour notre dernière journée à Mission Beach 🛒

      Dès que nous sommes revenus nous avons mangé, Dylan a encore mangé, pour la je ne sais combien de fois, pain, beurre, viande tandis que moi je me suis achetée un beau quart de choux rouge 😍 avec un avocat 🥑 J'ai vraiment apprécié de manger quelque chose de différent 😂 surtout que j'avais envie de choux rouge depuis très longtemps !!

      Après manger je me suis endormi sur le fameux canapé 😴 cette nuit pourtant j'avais bien dormi !!

      J'ai ensuite fait un tour dans la piscine pendant que Dylan commençait à faire son sport, puis bonne douche 🚿

      En sortant de la douche Dylan s'entraînait toujours à boxer 🥊 alors j'ai admiré le spectacle et il m'a encore demandé de lui mettre quelques claques pour l'entraîner ! Lui il se défend juste et pourtant j'ai gagné 3 bleus (pas vilains du tout) sur l'avant-bras depuis hier 😂

      Puis est venu le moment du dîner, j'avais tellement faim !! Nous nous sommes grillés des crevettes surgelées et à côté j'ai coupé des tomates et la fin du choux rouge. C'était bon même si les crevettes n'avaient pas de goût 🦐

      Après ça nous avons regardé quelques vidéos dans la tente avant de dormir 😴⛺

      PS : vous trouverez dans les photos une photo de Mcnounettas qui a souhaité participé à la journée canapé organisée par maman (voir dans le dernier post sur la photo du canapé) 🛋️
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