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    • Dag 3

      Wien Tag 3

      11 september 2022, Oostenrijk ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Heute war ich im Schloss Schönbrunn. Der Park war wirklich unendlich schön. Hätte es nicht geregnet, wäre ich bestimmt auch nach meiner Führung im Schloss nochmal durch die vielen Wege gegangen. Ich hatte nämlich noch lange nicht alles erkundet. Dafür bin ich den Berg Richtung Gloriette hochgestiefelt und habe den Ausblick dort eine Weile genossen.
      Nach meiner Führung bin ich so erneut in die Innenstadt gefahren, um glutenfreien Kaiserschmarren zu essen. Als ich gerade fertig war hat es total angefangen zu gewittern und ich musste erstmal im Restaurant (ich saß draußen) Unterschlupf suchen und den stärksten Regen abwarten.
      Highlights des Tages: der heller werdende Himmel nach dem Regen, wenn alles noch nass ist
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    • Dag 1

      Wien Tag 1 (Ankunft)

      9 september 2022, Oostenrijk ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Ich bin endlich in meiner Jugendherberge in Wien angekommen. Die Fahrt war sehr ereignisreich, aber was sollte man auch anderes bei der Deutschen Bahn erwarten.
      Mein letzter Zug nach Wien hatte erst eine Stunde Verspätung und kam dann mit nur einer offenen Hälfte an. Grund dafür waren wohl fehlgeschlagenen Reparaturen an diesen Abteilen. Dementsprechend voll war dann auch der Rest des Zuges. Ich hab dadurch aber meinen neuen Lieblingssitzplatz am Boden in ICEs gefunden: in der Nische, wo die Fahrräder abgestellt werden sollten.
      Durch dir Nettigkeit eines Mitreisenden konnte ich kurz vor der Ankunft in Österreich mein Handy noch etwas laden. So konnte ich dann noch Google Maps anschmeißen und zur Jugendherberge finden.
      Mal sehen ob heute nochmal das Haus verlasse, oder ob ich einfach hier bleibe und mich von der langen Fahrt erhole 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    • December 7 - Arrival in Vienna

      7 december 2022, Oostenrijk ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      We were a rather bleary-eyed group and not very chatty at breakfast this morning at 6:30 a.m. At least there were no crowds around the coffee machine or the buffet. We hustled into two taxis at 7:30 a.m. that I had ordered the day before at reception. It wasn’t far, as the crow flies, to the train station, but it would have been a chore with suitcases and all our shopping loot over cobblestones. Vicky wisely invested in a second suitcase last night for her shopping acquisitions. Some of us may rent space in that bag as the days go on.

      The Prague train station (the main one – not the outlier one we arrived at on Sunday) is huge and has little or no useful signage. We eventually found the right train, the right car and the right seats and settled in for a 5-hour journey to Vienna. We seem to end up with only a few forward-facing seats. Sue and Vicky get the first two, and we duke it out for the rest of them. Only two on this ride, so I’m getting very little view of the scenery.

      The sun is actually out today for the first time since we arrived in Europe a week ago. We have all had to dig out our sunglasses and have had to pull down the window blind on the train car. You’d have to have a high tolerance for cloudy, overcast days from November to April to live in this part of the world.

      Vienna is the capital, largest city, and one of nine states of Austria. Vienna is Austria's most populous city and its primate city, with about two million inhabitants (2.9 million within the metropolitan area, nearly one third of the country's population), and its cultural, economic, and political center. It is the 6th-largest city proper by population in the European Union and the largest of all cities on the Danube river.

      In 2001, the city center was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In July 2017 it was moved to the list of World Heritage in Danger due a planned high-rise development in the city centre. Additionally, Vienna is known as the "City of Music" due to its musical legacy, as many famous classical musicians such as Beethoven and Mozart called Vienna home. Vienna is also said to be the "City of Dreams" because it was home to the world's first psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud.

      We got into the main train station (which is HUGE) just about 1:00 p.m. I hope we don’t all develop pneumonia because there were a lot of germs on that train, coupled with very sketch mask wearing techniques. We all wear our masks on the trains, except while eating. We found our way to street level and walked the few hundred meters to the hotel with no cobblestones in sight. The rooms weren’t ready yet, so we put our luggage in the secure lock up room and went out to find some lunch. This area has virtually nothing but apartment and office buildings. We finally found a little Italian place and had really good salads and pizza. Fed and watered, we went back to the hotel at 2:30 p.m. and found that our rooms were indeed ready.

      And the drama began again – just like in Dresden. Although the reservation had clearly stated that we needed twin/separate beds in all rooms, we got two mattresses pushed together on one frame in all three rooms. The dormitory/triple room also had a pull-out couch with a very thin foam mattress. The staff just sort of shrugged their shoulders and said there was nothing else available, and that we would have to put up with the arrangements. The double rooms are so small that there is no possibility of putting a cot/roller bed in them. There is a very slim chance that we might be able to move to a bigger room tomorrow. So, we are living pretty close to another for the night.

      Sheilagh and Mary Ann decided that they would like some quiet time, so they stayed back while the other five set out. We have cards that give us access to the metro/tram system, so we hopped on the metro and went a couple of stops to Stephansplatz which is the area around St. Stephen’s Cathedral. St. Stephen's Cathedral is the mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Viennaand the seat of the Archbishop of Vienna. The current Romanesque and Gothicform of the cathedral, seen today in the Stephansplatz, was largely initiated by Duke Rudolf IV (1339–1365) and stands on the ruins of two earlier churches, the first a parish church consecrated in 1147. The most important religious building in Vienna, St. Stephen's Cathedral has borne witness to many important events in Habsburg and Austrian history and has, with its multi-coloured tile roof (covered with 230,000 coloured tiles), become one of the city's most recognizable symbols. St. Stephen is generally considered to be the first martyr of Christianity. According to the Acts of the Apostles, he was a deacon in the early Church at Jerusalem who angered members of various synagogues by his teachings. Accused of blasphemy at his trial, he made a speech denouncing the Jewish authorities who were sitting in judgment on him and was then stoned to death. Saul of Tarsus, later known as Paul, a Pharisee and Roman citizen who would later become a Christian apostle, participated in Stephen's martyrdom.

      We went into the church while there was still some light as stained glass generally looks better in daylight. This church, oddly enough, doesn’t have a lot of stained glass. We couldn’t walk up the main aisle, but we could get a sense of the grandeur and magnificence of the building - all built without the benefit of power tools or computers. We lit a candle and said some prayers and headed back out.

      Christmas Market stalls are located on two of the four sides of the cathedral. We found the merchandise to be better quality than in Prague, but more expensive. We found some good items.

      The whole ambiance of the square changed between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m. with dusk and then darkness. There are many streets that fan out from the square like the spokes of a wheel. Many of them are illuminated with elaborate overhead displays which look incredibly beautiful in the dark. We checked them out and ducked into interesting (mostly high end shops). I made a major purchase in the Läderach Chocolate Shop. We are going back tomorrow. Over the past two days, I have lost the right glove from both of the pairs of gloves that I brought, so I bought red gloves with fake rhinestones in the hope that they will be noticed if I drop them.

      Vicky suggested, that given our late lunch, that we pick up dinner fixings in a grocery store and have a picnic in the dormitory room. We took the metro back to the main station and found the grocery store and picked up sandwiches, fruit and wine. We had a grand old picnic with chunks of decadent chocolate for dessert, and mapped out tomorrow’s activities.

      Tomorrow, December 8th, is Lukas’s birthday – he is Angela’s oldest son, and he is turning 30 tomorrow. He is a bit under the weather. We have a lunch reservation at 1:00 p.m. at a lovely little café. Hopefully he’ll be able to join us. Angela will check in on him in the morning.

      I have booked a walking tour for all of us - a group of four and a group of three - under two different names for 3:00 p.m. I am wise to the ways of the booking system now. The tour will finish at St. Stephen’s Cathedral at 5:00 p.m. when the lights will be so magical. Everyone will be able to enjoy them. We also downloaded a commentary to accompany a tram ride that circles the old part of the city. It will show us many of the main sights. We will know a little bit about the city before we start the walking tour.

      Breakfast will be at 8:30 a.m. That will feel better than this morning’s 6:30 a.m. meeting. We all need a bit of a sleep in. Travel days, we are finding, are quite tiring, especially when the hotel reservation isn’t correct.
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    • Dag 3

      Breakfast and coffee

      5 mei 2022, Oostenrijk ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Good morning!
      Sleeping score 100! ☺️

      As the hotel breakfast was independently reviewed as not worth the price, we shot out to explore the neighborhood. Turned out this hotel Mercure is very well located, a short walking distance away from the pedestrian street Mariahilfer Straße. Maybe not all about the high-end brands but a lot of shops and boutiques to easily spend half a day exploring.

      The superfood Deli was a “google find” and although on the expensive side, the smoothie bowls and coco-lattes were very enjoyable.
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    • Dag 16

      Tag 16 // Sightseeing kompakt

      18 september 2019, Oostenrijk ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Nicht mal ne Quadriga haben die hier auf ihrem Tor. Enttäuschend...
      Spass bei Seite, Wien ist natürlich eine der Städte, in der man eine Woche Urlaub verbringen kann und nur einen Bruchteil der Stadt gesehen hat. Insofern war unsere Besichtigungsrunde in wenigen Stunden äußerst ambitioniert. Nichtsdestotrotz haben wir es, auch dank der Räder, geschafft in recht kurzer Zeit einen ganz guten Eindruck von der Stadt zu gewinnen. Von Osten kommmend sind wir über den Prater eingefahren nebst Pflicht Stopp am Riesenrad. Im Park wirft das 1:59 Projekt von INEOS bereits seine Schatten voraus. Im Oktober wird Eliud Kipchoge dort versuchen den Marathon unter 2h zu laufen, auf jeden Fall eine spannende Location nachdem der erste Versuch in Monza auf der Rennstrecke statt fand.
      Nächster Stopp Hundertwasser Haus und anschließend Schloss Belvedere, das Bellevue Wiens. Das Schloss ist umgeben von tollen Gartenanlagen, die leider alle Fahrrad freie Zone sind. Insofern blieb es bei einem kurzen Blick mit abwechselnde Wache an den Rädern.
      Danach ging es erstmal in unsere Wohnung, eine geräumige 1-Zimmer Wohnung im Museumsviertel, mehr oder minder direkt hinter der Hofburg. Wie auf dem Land kommt man auch durch die Stadt sehr gut mit dem Rad. An den großen Straßen sind durchgängig Radwege nebst dazugehörigen Ampelanlagen und die meisten Einbahnstraßen sind für Radfahrer in beide Richtungen befahrbar. Wir standen tatsächlich im Fahrradstau an einigen der Ampeln. Und wie zu sehen ist, waren wir heute 2 von knapp 5.000 Radfahren auf einem der Radwege.
      Die zweite "Touri Runde" starteten wir zu Fuss in der Hofburg. Ein beeindruckender Komplex in dem heute die verschiedensten Museen untergebracht sind. Unter anderem ein Sisi Museum. Das haben wir uns aber fürs nächste Mal aufgehoben.
      Auf dem Weg zum Stephansdom schlenderten wir noch ein wenig durch die Innenstadt. Mit Sportschuhen und ADAC-Regenjacke fühlten wir uns schon fast fehl am Platz zwischen allen teuren Boutiquen. Da war Bratislava im Vergleich deutlich bodenständiger, aber dadurch am Ende auch etwas einladender.
      Zum Abendessen ging es zum Naschmarkt. Schon vom Namen einfach passend. Neben vielen verschiedenen Marktständen hat es dort zahlreiche kleine Restaurant die für so gut wie jedem Geschmack etwas zu bieten haben. So haben wir dann auch den Sightseeing Abend gemütlich ausklingen lassen bevor es in der Wohnung noch das Champions League Spiel der Bayern zu sehen gab.
      Ab morgen liegt dann wieder der volle Fokus auf dem Radfahren. Da die Entfernung nach Hause nun immer kürzer wird hat der Rückweg offiziell begonnen. Nur hoffen, dass der Wind es etwas gnädiger mit uns meint.
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    • Dag 2

      Jungen Mirtilli 🫐

      7 december 2023, Oostenrijk ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

      Alle 2.20 finalmente il nostro taxi si ferma davanti all’ostello, ad accoglierci un viennese ubriaco che fa allegramente la pipì illuminato dai nostri fari. Entriamo e compriamo gli asciugamani che useremo. Tristemente ci confermano che non saremo in camera insieme, le nostre strade si separano, Eli piano uno e letto di sotto, Cochi piano 2 e letto di sopra. Svegliando tutte le persone che sono in entrambe le nostre camere ci prepariamo per dormire e finalmente il primo giorno termina. La prima notte non può che essere accompagnata dagli incubi sui bagni in comune che useremo la mattina seguente.
      Guten Nacht
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    • Dag 132


      29 juni 2023, Oostenrijk ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      שמחתי להגיע סוף סוף לוינה. הגעתי עם ציפיות גדולות ולא התאכזבתי. המוזיאוני אומנות היו יפים ועם עבודות אומנות מוכרות, הבניינים היו גדולים ומפוארים והאווירה הייתה נעימה וסוציאלית. האכסניה שלי בוינה הייתה במיוחד חברתית ובמיקום מעולה. גם ממש שמחתי שהייתה לי כאן חברה כי היא הראתה לי גם קצת את הצד המקומי של העיר.
      באמת שישה ימים מאוד מוצלחים ❤️😆
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    • Dag 2

      Schnitzelwirt, azaz ez sorbanállós nap

      8 april 2023, Oostenrijk ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Az akvárium után már mindenki elfáradt és megéhezett szóval irány a közeli wienerschnitzel kuriózum étterem a Schnitzelwirt 52. Maya és Sabrina szerint nagyon jó a kaja, és nagy adag, ráadásul nem drága annyira, szóval hajrá. Próbáltunk délután asztalt foglalni, de nem vették fel a telefont, így elindultunk háthával.

      Mikor közelítettünk a helyszínhez az első gondolatom az volt hogy whatthehellisgoingheretoday? Mindenki oda megy ahova mi?
      Az étterem előtt ugyanis egy ismerős jelenség, és a Haus des Meere-ben szerencsére terráriumban lakó ragadozó képe jelent meg (sajnos nem csak lelki) szemeim előtt, a kígyó-zoo-sor. Iszonyat tömeg itt is. Mikor jeleztük az ajtóban hogy 11-en lennénk azt mondták 2-3 óra múlva lesz ekkora asztaluk szabadon. Akkor mondtuk hogy nincs az az isten, pedig sörük is van, szóval akkor szétválunk, kell egy 4 fős, meg egy 6 fős asztal, az hátha gyorsabb.

      Itt már csak kb fél óra volt és bejutottunk. Az ajtóban már láttam, hogy csak cash-t fogadnak el, szóval majd számolgatunk, mert kp-ban csal 100 EUR-t hoztunk.

      Az étlapot nézve azért megnyugodtunk, hogy 1-1 óriás bécsi "csak" 10 EUR, szóval elég lesz a százas.
      A kiszolgálás már elég gyors volt, bár a pincérnőnk nem vett részt sose a világ legkedvesebb felszolgálója versenyen, és valószínűleg azért mert amilyen pofákat vágott egy-egy kérdésnél az alapján már a selejtezőben kiesett. A kedvencem az volt, amikor már az asztalon halmokban álltal az óriás bécsi szeletek, meg a sültkrumpli és valaki megkérdezte hogy kérhetne e ketchup-ot, mire a reakció egy látványos ima volt az ég felé, meg egy nem halkan elejtett "ketcup, mi ez bakker pizza?" kérdés, aztán egy asztalra csapott flakon volt 😀

      A lényeg hogy mindenki jól lakott, a borravaló pedig itt nincs beépítve a végösszegbe, szóval azt nem kapnak 😀

      Még egy kis buszozás, egy kis metró, és már 8:30-ra haza is értünk. Persze újra elő kell kapni az úszószemüvegeket, pezsgőfürdő és irány az ágy...a srácoknak, mert mi szereztünk 1 üveg bort a ma esti footprint-hez 😀😀

      Büszke vagyok a fiúkra, nagyon jól bírták ezt a napot, pedig a sorok közt, nem olvasva hanem állva már én is majdnem feladtam párszor. Alakul ez a kis csapat rendesen... 😀😀
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    • December 9 - 2nd full day in Vienna

      9 december 2022, Oostenrijk ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      Lukas was feeling better, so Angela went into full Mama Bear mode and went to visit him after breakfast. The rest of us, with a day’s training on the metro, set off on our own to show Angela that we could find our way without her. The train/metro station has a full mall within it, so we did some exploring (kitchen and home décor stores seem to be the favourites) before jumping on the metro. We worked our way to the Opera House and got on Tram #2. It covers about half of the ringstrasse that goes around the old part of the city, making a big circle around St. Stephen’s Cathedral. We had a commentary to follow by Rick Steves, but it was hard to coordinate it with the tram’s progress, so most of us just enjoyed the view. About halfway around, we jumped off the tram to see the Danube River – this is actually now just a canal (the Little Danube) as the main river has been rerouted to better suit modern transport requirements.

      We then jumped on Tram #1 to take us back to the Opera House. Angela had said to meet her at a fabulous vintage shop around 2:00 p.m., but again, we were peckish. You’d think we never eat at breakfast but trust me, we do. Angela had recommended a little café across from the vintage shop called Vollpension. So, we set off. Any trip takes at least twice the estimated time on the GPS because of the window shopping and store detours. We found a flea market place, stuffed to the rafters with little shops offering anything and everything – little cafés, wines, cheese, meat, fish, fruits, veggies, candy, souvenirs – you name it, they had it.

      We got to Vollpension just as the rain forecast for the day begain. Vollpension is like going to have cake at your granny’s house. Had we had time, we could have taken baking lessons from the grannies who run the café. There were six of us, so we ordered six yeast buns with custard sauce and used our three granny coins to select three desserts from the display cabinet – an apricot tart, an eggnog cheesecake and a chocolate cake. Hands down, our favourite was the yeast bun in the custard sauce. (MA and I love anything dripping with custard sauce.)

      After our allotted hour (which keeps people from hogging the tables), we joined Angela and Lukas at the vintage shop. I am not a vintage aficionado, but this store I would rank as pretty much the ultimate in the vintage experience. The owners had brough special items from their warehouse for Angela who had contacted them a couple of weeks ago. She bought some items which I’m sure she will rock in her typical cool style.

      We had some time to use up before our dinner reservation at 6:00 p.m., but by now it was raining hard, so Lukas guided to an indoor mall. We split up and did our own things, and reassembled shortly after 5:00 p.m. We all wonder how the very upscale shops in the mall survive because the foot traffic was very light, and the prices were very high.

      We got to Sixta Café for 6:00 p.m. Unlike some places where we have dined, the service here was superb. Lukas had researched good restaurants when Angela and Peter had come to visit a few months ago. Good choice. When the waiter heard us mention that yesterday had been Lukas’s 30th birthday, he brought pear schnapps shooters for everyone along with a huge candle. The food was great; the atmosphere was delightful; the laughs were plentiful; and the food was delicious. A memorable end to our time in Vienna.

      We are on a train at 9:15 a.m. tomorrow. We should be in Nuremberg by 1:30 p.m. See you back in Germany!
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    • December 8 - A full day in Vienna

      8 december 2022, Oostenrijk ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Posting is one day late because of the power blackout fiasco.......

      After a leisurely breakfast, we set out about 10:00 a.m. Lukas was still under the weather, so Angela changed our lunch reservation to a dinner reservation which gave us the whole day to explore.

      We are getting quite adept with the transit system. We have 72-hour Vienna Cards which give us easy access to all buses, trams and subways. There is no need to swipe or show tickets. If asked, we just have to show our electronic card and corroborating identification. It allows the system to move thousands of people per hour quickly and efficiently.

      Our first stop was at the Karlsplatz metro station where there was a Christmas market, but it wasn’t going to open for another couple of hours. But right beside it was the Karlskirche, a Baroque style church dedicated to St. Charles Borrromeo, one of the great counter-reformers of the 16-the century. Today is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception which is a national holiday in Austria. Mass was underway, so we couldn’t tour the whole church, but we could certainly appreciate its beauty. It is widely considered the most outstanding baroque church in Vienna, as well as one of the city's greatest buildings.

      Our next objective was to get to the biggest Christmas Market in Vienna at the Rathaus (Town Hall). We could have taken transit, but it was a good day for walking, so off we went. There was plenty of window shopping along the way. We stumbled across another market at the Marie Theresien Platz. What a good market!

      Maria Theresa Walburga Amalia Christina who lived 13 May 1717 – 29 November 1780 was ruler of the Habsburg dominions from 1740 until her death in 1780, and the only woman to hold the position suo jure (in her own right). She was the sovereign of Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia, Transylvania, Mantua, Milan, Lodomeria and Galicia, the Austrian Netherlands, and Parma. By marriage, she was Duchess of Lorraine, Grand Duchess of Tuscany and Holy Roman Empress.

      From there, we kept on towards the Rathaus. We stopped briefly at the Volksgarten which is famous for its beautiful rose gardens with over 3,000 rose bushes of about 400 different cultivars of roses. They all seem to have dedication plaques on them, remembering loved ones who have passed on, or milestone birthdays, or major wedding anniversaries. How touching! They were all wrapped in old burlap coffee bean bags for the winter, so the place looked like something from a cult horror movie. It must be a splendid display of colour in the summertime. Guess we will have to come back!

      By this time, it was 1:30 p.m. and we were getting peckish. Angela suggested lunch at Café Landtmann, a traditional Viennese café. We had planned on doing a walking tour at 3:00 p.m., but we decided that eating at Freud’s favourite café was going to trump two hours of hearing about architecture and history, so I cancelled our bookings.

      In the fall of 1926, Café Landtmann was purchased by Konrad and Angela Zauner. In 1929, the couple had the coffeehouse expanded and completely renovated, hiring famed architect and professor Ernst Meller, who was responsible for designing numerous Viennese coffeehouses of that time. It was during this renovation that Café Landtmann received its extravagant and lavish interior decorations, which are still preserved to this day, including the four wooden columns at the entrance, sculpted by Hans Scheibner. Under the Querfeld family's management, Café Landtmann was completely renovated at significant financial cost in 1982, and then again in 2001 and 2002. During its long history, Café Landtmann has served as a meeting place for many of the leading industrialists, politicians, thinkers, and artists in Austria, and was the preferred coffeehouse of Sigmund Freud, Gustav Mahler, Peter Altenberg, Felix Salten, and Emmerich Kálmán.

      The place was oozing with charm and grace and grandeur, manned by waiters in crisp black suits, all perfectly coiffed and schooled in the art of perfect customer service. And to think that this café had the pleasure of hosting the Seven Sisters Loud and Crazy Team! We chortled and giggled our way through the experience. We ordered tea/coffee/hot chocolate and seven of their most decadent desserts. We passed the plates, sampled each offering and decided on our favourite. Oh my gosh, what an experience!

      Right across the street from Café Landtmann is the Rathaus with its Christkindlmarkt. This is the biggest market in Vienna, with its hugely popular skating rink, a Ferris wheel, numerous illuminated displays and a very lovely display of nativity scenes. Quite by chance, we saw a group of Krampus. The Krampus is a horned, anthropomorphic figure in the Central and Eastern Alpine folklore of Europe who, during the Advent season, scares children who have misbehaved. The kids all flocked for a photo op, so the whole scaring thing seems to have not affected them.

      It was time to eat – again! This time it was at Café Pruckel. They have bamboo sticks to hold newspapers so you can eat and drink and peruse the headlines in style. Tim Hortons needs these sticks! We chortled our way through yet another meal. The schnitzel was given very high marks. The washrooms were given a barely passing grade with their plumbing from the early 1900s. And oddly, the café takes cash only. (Cash is far more prevalent here in Europe than in Canada.

      We headed home like pros on the metro. Then the drama began. I plugged in an electrical adaptor which blew a fuse, and we lost all power in the room. The reception desk ladies here are cold and aloof. Two hours later, after two room changes and absolutely no help from the staff, Sue and I finally were able to turn in for the evening. We felt as if we were acting out a scene from the Grapes of Wrath as we trundled through the halls with all our earthly possessions under our wings. It was the worst case of hotel customer service that I have ever experienced in all my years of traveling. We will be providing frank feedback to the travel agent who booked this hotel. Its location near the train station is its only redeeming quality.
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