Hainaut Province

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    • Day 52

      Fairly quiet relaxed day

      November 4, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      We had planned to take Emma and Sohan to Chocolate Nation in Antwerp today, however, poor Emma wasn’t well, in fact she started getting a sore throat on Thursday which was her birthday. With our excursion to Antwerp off we had a pretty lazy day, did a bit of reading and watching Netflix. Brigitte has introduced me to The 100 and although I enjoyed the first couple of seasons, the 3rd season is not doing it for me. It could be that I am watching it in French so that I can improve my language skills, but the storyline is getting more and more complicated which makes it much more difficult for me to keep up.

      As I said Sohan has been staying with us and we have done a few activities with him, but he seems most interested in playing on his Nintendo or tablet and gets grumpy when his grandmother suggests he is on it too much. We came to an impasse- all Brigitte wanted to do was discuss some boundaries, he shut down, got hysterical and wouldn’t talk. In the end his Dad came to get him mid-afternoon and I must say it was a relief when he left. Brigitte and I think he is addicted to playing on his screens and I think he will have a big adjustment to make when he returns to school next week.

      We decided we needed some air so we went for a lovely late afternoon walk to the forest that is at the end of Brigitte’s street. It was lovely to get out into the fresh air, we met loads of people walking their dogs which was nice. We just had a light dinner after I had been pigging out on these Paprika Bugles which are so moorish and delicious, I don’t think I have seen them in Oz which is probably good for me as I find it hard to stop eating them.

      After the dramas of the day we were both pretty tired and so we had an early night.
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    • Day 49

      Lovely Day in Limal

      November 1, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Had quite the sleep in this morning and a very slow start to the day. I got my washing done, we had lunch and then Brigitte and I went for a lovely walk in the woods which are just up her street. We took a different path to see if we could locate the wood carvings that had been done by local artists in honour of a friend who had passed away from a brain tumour over a year earlier.

      After initially missing the path as we were talking we doubled back and found a few carvings along a path, plus the place where his ashes were scattered. Brigitte thinks some of the carvings have been removed which is terrible as they were done to honour Dominique and his contributions both to society and the arts.

      Nonetheless we had an enjoyable walk in the beautiful clean air of Limal and tonight Nathalie, Steph, Sohan and Emma are coming for dinner.
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    • Day 7

      Relaxing Day in Limal

      September 20, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      After the big day visiting Gent yesterday, today is going to be a nice relaxing day hanging around home and getting some jobs done. I had left a whole bunch of stuff at Brigitte’s place last year as I had intended to spend several months in Europe this year - plans change and now that extended stay won’t be for a couple of years. So I packed up all my warmer gear and posted it back to Australia.

      The weather is still very mild, although some cooler and wet weather is forecast over the next couple of days. Stéphane, Brigitte’s son has created a wonderful garden that produces so many vegetables, so today more produce was picked from the garden including pumpkins, zucchini, potatoes, onion, cucumbers and tomatoes. The zucchini are huge and plentiful so I decided to show Brigitte how to make zucchini slice. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the slice - something they had never had, but will now make as it is a great way to use up zucchini.

      I also spent some of today reading my second holiday novel - Dreaming in French by Vanessa McCausland - it is such a good read I am afraid it will be finished in a couple of days!
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    • Day 3

      Museum la Piscine

      April 29, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      De échte reden dat we naar Roubaix zijn gefietst was museum La Piscine. Inderdaad een museum in een voormalig zwembad. Leuk om te zien. Wel veel te veel kunst voor ons aan het eind van een volle dag. Dus na een snelle rondgang verlaten we het pand weer en fietsen weer naar de auto. Lang leve Google Maps!Read more

    • Day 16

      Visit with Lieke!

      August 20, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Everyone meet Lieke! Lieke is my dad's cousin who lives in Brussels :) I made a quick stop to visit and boy was it fun! We started by walking around Brussels, saw the main square, ate muscles, and saw the arch at night (it was raining lol). Lieke is also a big salsa dancer and recommended seeing the street salsa dancing under the arch. So cool! Then the highlight. Saturday morning Lieke took me to meet her horse, Mourenna, who is lovely. She is currently training her so we practiced in the ring. It is amazing that all of the commands are done by expression. Just inhaling tells the horse to start to trot and exhaling tells the horse to slow to a walk. Amazing! We also went for a quick little bareback which was great :) we ended off with a walk in the park and had some YUMMY pastries and Belgian chocolate 🥰 love family❤️

      Now off to Amsterdam! 🇳🇱
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    • Day 60–62

      1970 - 71

      May 19 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Memories. We lived in Overijse, Brussels, for a year. It was such an adventure for us all as a family. It was where Mum was so happy. We keep returning, albeit at ever greater intervals and fewer numbers. The house looks the same, the school many times bigger, Valerie's nursery still there, petrol station by the school bus stop where we collected 3d animal cards closed, Delhaize supermarket still going strong.Read more

    • Day 4

      Nerorock and Grape Festival Hoeilaart

      September 17, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      This afternoon we headed over to the village of Hoeilaart for Nerorock and Grape Festival. There was a carnival, flea market, food stalls and lots of beer options, the Belgians do love their beer.

      My cousins wife Geertje was born in Hoeilaart and so I got to meet her siblings, nephews and nieces etc, it was a real family affair. We wandered through the flea market, stopped for a drink and to sample some of the local fare.

      There was a large stage set up in the park and we watched one of the bands - the Meltheads - a young, local, energetic punk band, that I quite enjoyed. The weather has been unseasonably warm and very humid. It was a pleasant way to spend the afternoon.
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    • Day 2

      Tag 2: der Start

      May 9 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Der zweite Tag auf meiner abenteuerlichen Reise startete vielversprechend, aber mein Glück scheint ein Morgenmuffel zu sein – es verließ mich schneller, als ich 'Croissant' sagen konnte. Nach einer Nacht in einem Hotel, das mit zwei Gästezimmern und einer Gemeinschaftstoilette eher an eine gemütliche Wohngemeinschaft erinnerte, wurde ich direkt vor der Haustür von einem freundlichen Seelenretter aufgegabelt und zur nächstgelegenen Autobahnauffahrt chauffiert. Dort erwischte ich schnell eine Fahrt Richtung Lille, nur um festzustellen, dass diese Auffahrt wohl eher zur Dekoration diente – kein Auto weit und breit, das hier anhielt!

      Also nichts wie ab in die Metro und ab in die Innenstadt von Lille. Zwei Stationen später und mit einem knurrenden Magen ließ ich mich in das lokale Flair fallen und gönnte mir ein Baguette – wenn in Frankreich, dann richtig! Doch schnell wurde mir klar: Die Rückkehr auf die Autobahn würde kein Spaziergang. Die Lösung? Ein Uber brachte mich flugs zurück auf die Überholspur, direkt zum nächsten Rastplatz.
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    • Day 2

      Paris, Paris wie umfahren Paris

      April 26, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Nach einem guten Frühstück, auch für die RAMs (0,68€/L LPG) geht es mit Fahrerwechsel nach Paris.
      Ach ne, lieber doch nicht. Zuviel Verkehr und "low emission zone". Also wird es ein kleiner Umweg ohne Eiffelturm. Mal gucken wie weit wir fahren. Grobes Ziel: Poitiers (F)Read more

    • Day 5


      July 12, 2020 in France ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Chili con Carne uit blik, wraps en een lauw colaatje. Het klinkt misschien niet zo, maar na een lange dag op de fiets smaakt het als een sterrenmaaltijd! Ik geniet nog even verder in het zonnetje. Eet smakelijk!Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Province du Hainaut, Provinz Hennegau, Hainaut Province, Hainaut, Henegouwen

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