Blanck EU Adventures

мая - ноября 2022
Our family trip to Europe. Читать далее
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  • День 43

    Addy's Birthday, Croatia

    12 июля 2022 г., Хорватия ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Addy turned S E V E N in Croatia! Her celebration began on the 11th, but her birthday is actually on the 12th.

    Happy birthday Adalynn Elissia! This girl is full of spunk & jokes. She's thoughtful, generous, colorful and fashionable.

    On birthdays we let the birthday girl choose what we eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We borrowed this tradition from our North Carolina cousins. Addy wanted a cinnamon roll of sorts for breakfast, bread with lots of butter, cucumbers & grapes for lunch, and a steak with lots of butter for dinner. As a toddler, she would find butter and sneak it by the handful. We finally figured this out when she left cute, tiny finger marks one day.

    We had to figure some food things out quickly, because we were in a new place, on foot and we were "not in Kansas anymore Toto." She was hoping for a vanilla cake, but they seem to put chocolate in everything. We mistakenly booked a place with a kitchenette, instead of a full kitchen for two weeks, so we could not bake her one. We were on the hunt for this birthday girl.

    I'm jumping a bit ahead, so let me back up. We arrived via overnight train and started with an early morning walk through the graffitied city of Zagreb. Our train arrived before 0600 and our expected walk was about four miles away. It seemed as if every part of the city that was reachable from the ground had some kind of graffiti on them, but some were kinda artsy. Several graffiti markings made it clear they were over covid restrictions, all of which have been lifted now.

    Then as we made it to the edge of town, we stopped in a lovely, green space that had a giant playground and huge trees. A pirate ship that they captained for a bit, slides, spiderweb climber things, a treehouse to explore, hammocks, swings and more. It reminded me of White Rock Lake with a smaller lake.

    We found this fun place called Amazinga along the way, so we popped in. This place was a mash up between Shenanigans and Urban Air with trampolines, obstacle courses, VR games, bounce houses, bumper cars, rock climbing and a "pizza master." We appreciated that no one else was allowed to cook the pizza and it was very tasty. Addy was excited that this place started with the same letter as her name. They played so hard that two out of three fell asleep.

    A bus and fifteen bazillion steps later we made it to our cottage just outside the city. It is a very cool place and the owners are so friendly. They have given us tips for fun things to do with our kids around town and invited us to have Turkish style coffee with them. We essentially have our own tiny house tucked away from the city with a kitchenette, a dog our kids can enjoy, and an outdoor play area.

    Since we are quite a walk from most things here, Seth gave in to his girls and got a CAR on Addy's actual birthday. The girls kept saying "Addy got a car for her 7th birthday!" Ha ha. And it seems silly, but this car was the means to this momma being able to do what I know to do to make her birthday special. We searched many places for cake with no luck, but Seth saved the day with this car. We ended up finding a great grocery store with a buttery, vanilla bundt cake for Addy! Yay!

    We never found a cinnamon roll, but she was happy with a fresh, buttery croissant. And Seth managed to find this awesome place for steak that had horses too. It was a lovely short drive through the country side with purple mountains in the distance. The place was called Cowboy Western Ranch Restoraunt. We felt a little cliche eating steak here, but it was stinkin' amazing. On top of this incredibly high quality, perfectly cooked 42 oz steak that was unbelievably well priced, the grounds offered horse back riding on certain days, a playground and an obstacle course in the woods. We could have spent all day here!

    I think she had a memorable 7th birthday in Croatia. Now to sleep for a day after all that travel!

    Next up...
    Our conversations about traveling north or south are quite comical. They go something like this - "We need to plan, because we leave in seven days." Seth says " Don't worry. It's going to be a surprise. I haven't even told myself yet.". Sometimes I laugh and sometimes I wanna cry. Luckily, that day it was laugh. Learning to roll with it.
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  • День 44

    Velika Mlaka, Croatia

    13 июля 2022 г., Хорватия ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    We are still in Croatia... The language here sounds more Slavic than our previous spot in this country. In Croatia, they seem to really like to add the letter J and L to words whenever they can. This makes sounding things out for me impossible. Different, but similar to how the English language makes total sense when you try to sound things out. Ha ha!

    We are staying here for two weeks after that long bit of travel waiting on Seth's passport stuff to finish up. We are still needing to stay out of Shengen countries to ensure we do not overstay our visa days. This spot has been so great, especially with a car for excursions.

    As I mentioned before, we basically have our own tiny house with some extras. The kids have all this garden and courtyard space to play. They have a trampoline, scooters, balls and a golden retriever on the premises. In addition to that, there are flowers, berries, wild plums, and spices growing all around. We get fresh hydrangeas every few days for our dining table too. Demi found a lavender, rosemary and curry plant. Then she made her own floral arrangement of things she found around the property. All these wonderful plants attract bees and mosquitoes. Although we are teaching the girls to not freak out over bees, currently they do. The mosquitoes love me! The girls and I do our best to squish the mosquitoes guts out.

    We have also had the pleasure of meeting new people from several countries. The girls have played with several groups of kids from Croatia, Germany, and Denmark. Their favorite part would definitely be getting to play with other kids.

    One day we took a little excursion to a local lake called Cice Beach (pronounced Chee-Chay and means uncle in English, if my translation app is correct). It was small, but warm for swimming and had a rope swing. I prefer small with littles anyway, so I can keep a closer eye on them. Demi definitely enjoyed the rope swing. Addy and Mabel focused on catching fish and hanging on to Seth. This fresh water lake was very blue, but not as clear as the sea so the girls stayed much closer to us in hopes they would avoid all the sea monsters and sharks.

    Coming up next, I get stung by a bee on a mountain and Demi tries to feed her shoe to the fish in the most gorgeous lake I have ever seen! Also, Seth and I keep hunting for a place with a pool or kids waterpark for our next stop. When searching the interwebs for house with a pool, so many random things pop up. Such as places that list a pool, but don't actually have one, water pumps, wells, pool tables or just the sea. I'm thinking this plan to find a pool might be a bust.
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  • День 46

    Sljeme Peak

    15 июля 2022 г., Хорватия ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    We are so thankful to have a car for excursions! Most places we have stayed were just fine on foot or with buses, but the car has allowed us to see places a bit further away and easier with littles.

    We rode a gondola to the top of Sljeme Peak inside Medvednica reserve area just at the edge of Zagreb. This was the longest gondola ride I have been on. We just kept going up and up and up. I think it lasted nearly twenty minutes. The girls thoroughly enjoyed seeing the forest from this height. Once we reached the top, we felt as if we could see forever. There had seemed to be so much city before, but from this distance it looked like a sea of green. So many types of trees and we even spotted a deer.

    We hiked around a little and grabbed a snack. Then we played on this hill that is a ski slope in the winter, so it was quite steep. The girls successfully ran down it multiple times without face planting. Demi and I raced up it once. Let's just say if there was a bear, I would have been eaten. Ha ha!

    I grabbed Addy for a photo in the plush green grass, but should have thought it through a little more. A few moments before we had been watching these bumble bees fly all around in the grass buzzing from flower to flower. Well, I took the photo and then felt a sting and burn on my back. It has been a while since I have been stung by a bee. Take my advice and don't lay on bees. It might make them mad. That burn kept building! Ouch! Luckily, it was a short lived pain and I am glad it got me instead of Adalynn.

    Before we headed back down, we ate a quick bite with a gorgeous view of the miles of mountains. The girls were tuckered by the end of our day, but mustered enough energy to climb some bears.

    Another day making memories, but we miss all our people something fierce.
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  • День 49

    Plitvice Lakes

    18 июля 2022 г., Хорватия ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Plitvice Lakes is one of the many stunning natural wonders of Croatia. This park consists of hiking trails, boat rides, lagoon blue lakes and waterfalls galore! The water was just UNREAL!

    Fun fact for your faces - We have found that if a European tells you how long it takes to get somewhere, you should add 50% to whatever they said. Pretty funny, but it has been true in every country so far. Also, we seem to drive slower than the locals. That being said, we drove two hours and twenty minutes to Plitvice Lakes after being told it was just over an hour. However, these waterfalls and lakes were so worth the extra drive time.

    We arrived to this gorgeous forest and could hear the rushing water of the many falls close by. There was a nice temperature drop and I ended up wearing a sweater some of the day. Instead of feeling like a sweaty summer day, it felt more like spring weather.

    We began our hike and hit the first bridge with this incredibly clear water and tall grass waving in the breeze. The girls stopped with excitement as they noticed the fish trying to swim up stream. So many fish and you could see them all. Then we heard a PLOP. What was it you ask? DeMille tried to feed a fish her right shoe! Not really, but in the midst of excitement her shoe fell off. I don't multitask very well and felt like keeping Mabel from falling in the river took priority. My first thought was that our hike was over, then I wondered if she would be willing to hike barefoot all day. But if you know Seth, you know his superpower is problem solving. He and Demi laid on the bridge and watched the flow of the rushing water. They determined the direction and moved down stream. Seth grabbed Demi and lowered her into the water just in time to grab the shoe before it disappeared out of reach. Our day was rescued and we were off to see more of these lakes.

    We hiked a bit, then road a boat across a lake and hiked some more. I think we hiked roughly four hours limited by the speed of the littles. Demi could have hiked much longer. As you can tell by the photo of Seth carrying two girls, the two blondies could not have hiked more.

    On the he drive home, all the girls fell asleep in a leany pile. The roads were narrow, windy and shady, which made Demi a little car sick. We passed a field of sunflowers taller than me, which is really not that tall. Ha ha! And we have noticed here that despite the Texas like heat, nearly every home keeps healthy, colorful flowers alive somehow. They drape them so beautifully in such a way that it makes them appear to be a part of the windows, rails and walls. They seem to find creative ways to add pops of color just about anywhere they can put them.

    P.S. - The area in the last video, the girls called "magical fairy land." They thought that spot was the coolest.
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  • День 53

    Last Days -Velika Mlaka, Croatia

    22 июля 2022 г., Хорватия ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Last post from Croatia, for now...

    We had read that people in the Balkan countries were very kind, friendly and hospitable. This nearly two weeks stay has proven that to be true. The owners of the home we stayed in just outside of Zagreb were very considerate and made us feel at home. They checked on our girls while playing, baked us cake, gave us parting gifts (an angel to keep us safe along pur travels and a Stari Jansen keychain) and had coffee with us.

    We also had to go to a doctor, which I was really nervous about, but as usual, God totally took care of us. I found a list of doctors that speak English near us from the US Embassy website. The doctor checked on Demi for a bad bladder infection and on Mabel regarding her allergy cough. We have had Mabel on an inhaler daily for a few months now. We are trying to remove wheat, dairy and egg from her diet. I say trying because traveling causes us to encounter new things constantly and we have to figure each ingredient list out in another language. We try to stick to oatmeal, tortilla chips, honey, fruits, veggies and meat. I think it's helping.

    The doctor was thorough and friendly. He even took the time to talk to the girls to make them feel comfortable. I really like it when doctors do that. He prescribed what we needed and gave us an extra script for both girls, because we are still traveling. He must have felt my momma concern in the midst of all the unknowns of how the medical system works in each country. He put my concerns to rest and we appreciate having a backup script just in case. Another encounter with this region's kindness.

    Well, we spent our last few days taking it easy and it got hot!! The high on our last day neared 108 degrees.

    The girls used their creativity to design a doll house with beds, blankets, couches and more. I love that they just used nature and other resources around them to make the day fun! The best kinda fun - outdoors and imaginative!

    We hit the Cice Beach one more time and had it all to ourselves. We got pool noodles this time and that added some extra fun. We brought peanuts in their shell for a snack and the girls enjoyed making fairy boats out of them. They also cleaned rocks for a cool rock display. I love watching them play!

    We enjoyed our time here and all our excursions in Croatia. The Guesthouse Stari Jasen tiny house is a great place to stay! We will have to pass through again to catch a train sometime, but for now we say Tschüss, Chao, and Bye to Croatia.

    It took hours of research for us to decide to head further southeast. We ruled out the train system, because they have a terrible reputation. Big buses were kind of an unknown for us, but did not sound great with kids. Car rental companies have lots of rules about which countries you can use their cars in. We had a hard time finding one for our next country. Seth finally found a car rental place that would allow us to cross multiple boarders, so off we go continuing our adventure in a fancy rental.
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  • День 55

    Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

    24 июля 2022 г., Босния и Герцеговина ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Things we have learned about Bosnia and Herzegovina:
    *Don't drive or hike unmarked areas (due to landmines)
    *They drive very fast and aggressively (driving looks intense)
    *You must leave your headlights on at all times while driving
    *Don't pet stray dogs
    *Don't drink the water
    *Do not cross the road without REALLY looking
    *Lays claim to last jungle in Europe
    *Known for best lakes, rivers, and waterfalls
    *11th in world in coffee consumption

    We set off for our just under 3 hours drive in our orange VW T-Cross. Searching online for information on local things here, in southeastern Europe, has been unreliable at best. We couldn't find very much information on border crossing and anticipated about an hour. We just built in a little buffer, knowing that things usually run slower. Little did we know that we underestimated our buffer time by a lot. We waited 3 hours and 45 minutes in a line of cars 1.5 kilometres long with our AC fighting the 108 degrees outside. Then, we realized that was to the turn and we had another 400 or so meters to go.

    Then we saw the sign "Welcome to Bosnia." Funny way to welcome us to your country. We are still curious if this was a normal day, lunch break time, or if it's the one crossing point you should avoid. We will never know, because the internet knows nothing.

    We made it to another country and headed for a city called Banja Luka. The podcast we were listening to stated that it is a good place to pick a wife, because it's been told they have the prettiest women in all Europe and ratio of 7: 1 women to men. Our goal for this country was to see several parts and break up the drive into shorter segments. We chose our cities based on me searching top cities to visit. Very official research on this one! (Sarcasm)

    After our much longer than planned day on the road, we were ready to chill in our apartment. We have primarily been using to find places to stay, which has served us well. This place was rated 9.3 out of 10. This place was FAR from that rating, so much that Seth almost just walked out to get another place. We were all too tired of being in a car for that, so we stayed because it was only for one night. We tolerated this bachelor pad that had a faint smell of smoke & air freshener for one night and survived. I did hear graffiti artists at work below shaking their paint cans during the night. Luckily, we were on the 6th floor, so I couldn't yell at them. Here, we received a great bargain on the adventure rating for the Blancks.

    This is the second biggest city in Bosnia and it's known for some waterfalls, an umbrella street and Christ the Savior Orthodox Church. This church was bombed by the Germans during WW2, then ordered to be deconstructed completely during socialist Yugoslavian reign and then rebuilt many years later with travertine straight from Mesopotamia. In the 90's there was a great religious war involving many Balkan countries, which much of the countries are still recovering from. There are still strong disagreements over beliefs and languages, so much so that the national anthem is wordless. There isn't even an official language for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Despite all that, the people we have actually interacted with have all been warm and kind.

    With our day shorter than we planned due to travel delays, we opted to hit the highlights. We arrived at the "umbrella" street to find they had replaced them with lamp shades. Demi said it looks more her style with lampshades than umbrellas anyway. She has lots of style preferences these days and it's fun. We found a place to eat and I laugh because it's basically all meat and who knows what kind. I keep thinking one day I will eat mostly plants again. It did have a cabbage slaw that was very tasty and something for everyone to enjoy.

    We were heading back as the sun was setting and we heard the girls simultaneously squeal "awwwe." This usually means they spotted something little and cute, typically an animal. On the top portion of a pharmacy several small black cats/kittens were playing tag. They scaled the side of the building and would surprise each other by popping in and out of these holes. The girls thought this was hilarious and wished their friend, Olive, could see it.

    The girls played at a park until they all reached melting points. Then we were off to sleep in our bachelor pad. We ended up all sleeping together on this huge pull out couch and the girls loved it. Making memories is what the adventure is about anyway. They seem to always see the good, well, unless you are making them walk all day. Ha! We hoped the next place was closer to the ratings it has received.
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  • День 55

    Jajce, Bosnia and Herzegovina

    24 июля 2022 г., Босния и Герцеговина ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    The drive away from the city was just beautiful! The highways were lined with stunning mountains, rivers and tunnels for us to hold our breath through. Poor Seth had to suffer through intense driving on the tiny switchbacks roads, lots of exclamation point signs warning of falling rocks, speedy drivers and people who prefer to drive in both lanes instead of just their own.

    We made it safely to the city of Jajce and our home by the river for the night. This house was a two bedroom with a stone terrace out back by a river. We even had fresh red currants fresh for the picking and eating on the property! We sat out on that terrace drinking coffee enjoying the sound of the rushing water until the kids became rambunctious and ready to go exploring. Let's be real, I was ready to explore and they were busy playing.

    We experienced Turkish coffee at a nearby restaurant. I think it's my new favorite! They make a strong, thick black coffee with a sugar cube on the side to dip. They dip the sugar, bite off the dissolving portion and then sip coffee over the sugar. It was very bold in flavor, but smooth with no bitter after taste. They usually grind the beans by hand and leave a large amount of grinds in the bottom, leaving a sludge you do not drinking. We liked it! I like it best just black though.

    Next, we headed to see more waterfalls! First, we had ice cream, of course. Then we headed to check out Pliva Falls. The big girls moved as close to the edge as they could to enjoy the massive wind from the intense waters and spray off. Demi was nearly soaked. I nervously tried to help Mabel avoid the edge because the smooth marble like stone was wet and the railing did not exactly meet safety codes. Let's just say a small elephant could slip through it.

    Then we took the girls for a chilly dip in the Kupaliste Brana. It was cold enough to make the girls' teeth chatter, but not too cold to detour them from playing in it. The bigs slid down the slippery sloping falls, floated down stream with noodles and swam with all their might trying to make it back up stream. My favorite part was watching the two bigs work as a team to try to swim their hardest upstream. Sweet moment! Mabel stayed in the shallows with Seth, while I guarded the goods (really lucky to not be cold, because it is one of my least favorite things in this world). The littlest blondie mostly danced to other people's music up and down the falls. Demi mustered the courage to climb high in a tree and jump into the lake with Seth on the ground ready to catch the moment on video, but still close enough to save her. The girls played until they were too cold to play anymore. On our way home we stumbled upon some old water mills called Mlincici. Very old and very cool!

    We retired to our home by rushing river for the night and got ready to head out again to another spot in the morning.

    P.S. - It was very difficult to take pictures at the river because of the sun, but they were just so cute.
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  • День 56

    Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

    25 июля 2022 г., Босния и Герцеговина ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    This city was HOT and sticky!! Mostar is a city known for its Turkish culture and famous for its bridges. It has one old bridge called the Crooked Bridge and the famous Stari Most. The Stari Most is a large bridge that was destroyed during the war in the 90's and then rebuilt from the rubble. It is now the gateway to the historic old market with its smooth, slippery stone pathway (death trap slippery, but very cool looking - type of limestone) and serves as a diving platform for the trained adventure seeker in need of some cash. A team of men walk the ledge of the bridge in their speedos repeatedly preparing to jump, then asking for money for "the show." It was fun to watch, but you have to be patient as they work the crowd. It is roughly 72 feet from the tip of the bridge to the surface of the water. Taking this leap began in 1664 and became somewhat of a tradition in that a boy must do this at the age of 16 as a symbol he is coming of age. If he did not do this, his life would be a complete failure or so the story goes. Mabel has told us multiple times that when she grows up, she is going to jump off that bridge and we are going to take her picture. That girl has goals and evidently she won't be a failure! :). They also have dive platforms of varying height nearby.

    We stayed in a great apartment in a central location near the city's sights. Everytime we walked into town, DeMille and Seth would pick a ripe fig for us to eat. Yummy! We meandered through the old town that was rebuilt after the war and checked out the markets. The scars from the war still show through with broken down buildings and bullet splattered walls. The market has been re-established and now sell many handmade trinkets unique to this region. We really wanted to get a Turkish coffee set, but it's not practical for us to stow in our bags. One day we will own one.

    We ended the scorching day with dipping our toes in the Neretva River and eating outside as we watched more bridge jumpers. There is much more history to discover about this cool town, but seriously don't slip on the smooth paths. It was ridiculously smooth.

    On to the next country...

    P.S.- Mabel told us she does not like lemonade because it makes her close one eye (meaning it's sour). She also told us "I can say yes, ma'am, but not yes ma'am chicken butt." I replied you are correct.
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  • День 58


    27 июля 2022 г., Черногория ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    What a whirlwind! We hit three cities in five days in the country of Montenegro, but the highlight was most definitely Dobra Voda.

    We crossed yet another border! This time we got through in less than half the time, about an hour and a half. We stayed somewhere one night just inside Montenegro and honestly it was a blur, because we were anticipating our next destination with two pools that some Germans passing through Croatia recommended. I do remember it was scorching hot and the girls pet a kitten.

    We arrived at the place with two pools called Apartment Spa & Beganovic and it was even cooler than expected! This was the first time all summer the girls have gotten to swim in a pool. The girls swam morning, noon and night! My favorite was the salt water rooftop pool with a view of the Adriatic Sea. The night time swimming added an extra layer of fun! It was a little chilly at night, so Seth would take the bigs into the sauna to warm them up. There were lots of pool shenanigans happening such as - racing, diving, coin finding, girls being thrown, and balancing on Seth cheerleader style. Mabel practiced floating on her back, blowing bubbles and putting her face under water. Fun, fun and more fun!

    The grounds were just gorgeous too! All apartments were made from this beautiful stone. In the center, they kept a large garden with fruit trees we were encouraged to eat from, and they even had a play area for kids. In addition to that, they kept sheep, ducks and chickens on the premises. They utilized their garden and farm animals to make fresh meals for guests daily. Pretty cool place! FYI... In this country if you order a salad, you most likely will be brought a plate of very fresh sliced cucumber, sliced tomatoes, sliced peppers and mild sauerkraut. Yummy, just not what this American expected.

    While at the hotel in Dobra Voda, I had conversations with a girl who worked there. She spoke of her hopes of going to America. She said it is very difficult to get a visa. You can make roughly the equivalent income of one month's pay in Montenegro in just 5 days in America. It made me think about how grateful we should be to live with such privilege at our finger tips. We too often take these opportunities to achieve and succeed for granted.

    Our last night there, we ate dinner with two families from Germany that we met while in Croatia. The same ones that recommended the hotel. It was extra special, because they have six kids for our girls to play with! After a late night with new friends and great food, we headed home to pack for our trip closer to the border.

    We stopped up in the mountains for one more Montenegro stay, so we would be prepared for the unknown length of time at the border crossing. Little did we know, this resort was high in the mountains, five kilometers further up the mountain than the map showed. Seth drove on a ridiculously narrow single lane road that zigged and zagged back and forth continually. Not to mention, he had to dodge cars that raced too quickly around corners. It was an adventurous drive without a map to guide us or a signal to look it up. We eventually found our way.

    The mountain weather brought rain and cooler weather. We lucked out and got there just in time to enjoy watching the dark clouds roll over the mountain. As we settled in to our room, the rain began to pour. God was kind to us with that perfect timing. We were also blessed by this place having an indoor and outdoor pool. Since it was raining, thundering and chilly, the girls just swam inside.

    See ya later, Montenegro!
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  • День 62

    Zlatibor, Serbia

    31 июля 2022 г., Сербия ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    T E N countries and T W O months into this adventure!

    Driving down the mountain in Montenegro was even more interesting than going up. Seth tried to find a path through (remember we are off the map) instead of going back six kilometers away from the border. We ran out of pavement and continue on a gravel road of switchbacks. Once the gravel ran out, it was a narrower dirt road. We came to a muddy section from the previous night's storm and decided that was the end. Now to travel back the almost eight kilometers. First he had to back up about 500 meters to get to a switchback wide enough to turn around. While he backed down the hill on this narrow road lined with trees and ditches, Addy closed her eyes nervously. He eventually found a place to turn around and we made it down without incident.

    As we left Montenegro and entered Serbia, we saw many stray dogs roaming around. I believe at the border alone, we saw eight. Most homes we passed in smaller towns or in the country looked seemingly unfit to live in and potentially dangerous, but they seemed to get by. We saw people toting empty jugs and buckets to fill at water spickets everywhere we went. I am not sure if the source is a lovely, magical spring or if possibly their homes are not fully plumbed. We have read the tap water is drinkable, but who knows. Maybe we will test this information.

    We drove passed a few large fallen rocks and many more small ones that would really have been a bummer if they hit us. We managed to brave the mountainous highways of Serbia unscathed. Due to the mountains, we trekked through lots and lots of tunnels. I mean a lot! No matter what was happening in the car at the moment we met a tunnel, everyone would take a deep breath and hold it until the end or as far as we could. These tunnels were quite possibly the only time we heard silence the entire trip, so far. Funny, but true! Mabel often somehow "held her breath" through every tunnel beating us all. She would declare she made it with great pride. She was keeping her cheeks puffed up and completely silent, pretty stinkin' cute!

    We entered into Zlatibor Hills area, which is a ski town. Wow! This town was a stark difference from the communities we just drove through.

    This place was very nice, clean and surrounded by fields, forests, hiking paths and a few cows. The weather was drastically cooler and all our ladies needed their sweaters. We meandered around town, ate some treats, rode some random fair rides, and hiked through the woods.

    We let the girls each choose a treat as we walked through the city. Demi was considering something called a Bubble Waffle. This was a waffle that looked as if it was baked in one of those kid's Pop It toys rolled up with ice cream and cookies inside. It looked delicious, but she still wanted to look around before ordering. After looking at all the options, we returned to get this unique tasy treat, but they were closed!!! We waited and waited just in case they were just on a break. Seth told her jokingly that often the trick is: go buy another treat from a different place, once you can no longer have the thing you really want, then it will magically be open again and you can't get it. We finally gave up after about 20 minutes. They walked to get another treat at the opposite end. They had us wait and watch Bubble Waffle, just in case it opened. It DID! Addy ran to tell them and caught them just before ordering from the other place! Demi got her special treat after all and Seth was right! Ha ha!

    The fields and woods were just so peaceful and offered options for hiking just steps away from our apartment. The girls had so much fun exploring. Mabel road a "horse" named Appoloosa, as shown in the pictures. She has said on several occasions, when pretending to be a horse, that she wished that Appoloosa was her real name. Then she changed her horse into a fighting stick to face the wolves. She said, "Mom, if a wolf comes, I am gonna fight them, but only the means ones."
    She is hilarious.

    Addy knew I wanted to capture some photos near the woods and was adorable taking initiative to help me by posing readily for me.

    Demi and Seth raced ahead of us deeper into the woods. "Appoloosa" did not want to run and had to drink some water, so we moved slothfully. Demi gathered pine cones. Demi decided to spell out DeMille and Dad on the forest floor. She adores her Daddy.

    I think we all could have stayed a little longer in Zlatibor Hills with the lovely location, great apartment, perfect weather and gorgeous woods around us, BUT we were off to see more of Serbia!

    Oh ya, I forgot... This is the first country where someone got the Princess Bride movie reference on Seth's shirt. "My name is Inigi Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die!" Several people have commented on it, but not gotten it. This girl must be cool too, because she feels that all people should watch that movie and we agree.

    P.S. - I keep having to correct myself, because my brain wants to say Siberia.
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