This is our last stop in Brazil before crossing Atlantic Ocean to Africa.
Initially we did not want to go anywhere today. We have been in this city before.
Well, I have to go somewhere when the shipRead more
This is our last stop in Brazil before crossing Atlantic Ocean to Africa.
Initially we did not want to go anywhere today. We have been in this city before.
Well, I have to go somewhere when the shipRead more
Fortaleza (meaning fortress) is the capital of the state of Ceara since 1799 and located in the Northeastern corner of Brazil and South America with a population of over 4.1 million. A city ofRead more
Nous continuons notre route de Jericoacoara vers Fortaleza en passant par les belles plages de Combuco, de Morro Branco et de Canoa Quebrada.
La côte brésilienne du nord est est trèsRead more
New-to-us Port: #19 … I am not counting yesterday in Natal, since we did little more than visit a handicraft market.
We still had about two hours to go before arriving in Fortaleza this morning. IRead more
Mit einer Stunde Verspätung losgeflogen. Der Flug war turbulent, aber durch das Air France Entertainment recht kurzweilig.
Jetzt noch unser Auto holen und dann ca 2 Stunden nach LagoinhaRead more
What a change since our first visit here. The city itself is just another modern city of Brazil but still has retaining historic areas. Visited Meireles Beach, where a triathlon was in progress. SinceRead more
Von Ilha do Guajiru 3 Stunden nach Fortaleza. Ein kleiner Abstecher zu Sabi‘s Mami an der Praia do Futuro und danach 2 Stunden zum Casa Graf in Parajuru. Und jetzt noch 2 Stunden wieder hoch nachRead more
Ci svegliamo e facciamo colazione in ostello. La mattina é da dedicare a questioni organizzative: io e pardo dobbiamo prelevare, la Clari va in giro per negozi. Dopo lunghe camminate in giro perRead more
Decidiamo di spendere l'ultima mattinata facendo snorkeling a Praya do Mejo e Praya de Conceicao: bello snorkeling anche qui dove vedo una tartaruga, un pesce nero con zigomi gialli indicato da ClariRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Fortaleza, فورتاليزا, Форталеза, ফর্তালিজা, ফোর্টালেজা, Fortalezo, فورتالزا, פורטלזה, フォルタレザ, ფორტალეზა, 포르탈레자, Fortalaetia, फोर्तालेझा, Форталезæ, ฟอร์ตาเลซา, 福塔雷萨