Porto de Galinhas

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    • Dag 16

      Porto de Galinhas

      23. juli 2022, Brasilien ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Eine kleine touristisch geprägte Stadt mit herrlichen Atlantikstränden...
      Der Name der Stadt bedeutet einfach nur "Hühnerhafen", hat jedoch auch noch eine tiefere Bedeutung: Zur Zeit des Sklavenhandels in Brasilien wurden Sklaven in Hühnerschiffen geschmuggelt. Wenn es am Hühnerhafen also hieß, neue Hühner sind eingetroffen, wusste jeder, dass damit eigentlich Sklaven gemeint waren...
      Aufgrund der schönen Strände und der alt-erhaltenen Stadt ohne Wolkenkratzer ist dies jetzt ein sehr beliebter Urlaubsort für Brasilianer, Argentinier und sogar einige US-Amerikaner.
      Auch unsere Freunde aus Lajeado sind diese Woche hier im Urlaub. So haben wir nochmal 2 schöne Tage gemeinsam verbracht, waren gut essen und hatten heute einen sehr schönen und ausgiebigen Strandtag zusammen.
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    • Dag 10

      Life is better at the beach 🌊

      25. juni 2023, Brasilien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      We spent our final days at the beach “Porto de Galinhas”. 🐓
      Not much happened these days 😌💆‍♀️💆☀️🏝️
      We read a lot, enjoyed the beach, good food and played with the waves and decided to learn surfing in the future. 🏄‍♂️
      There was rain on Tuesday all day long. 🌧️Much rain. So we decided to rent a car 🚗 in short notice at a very serious looking car rental station and drove to an amazing waterfall, 1,5h away. 🫧

      Tonight we are heading back home. ☹️ ✈️

      Our takeaways from Brazil in a nutshell:
      - fruits are fruitier around here🍍
      - rain doesn’t make the air cold
      - we felt save all the time 🛡️
      - mosquito protection did its best but Kathi got over 50 mosquito bites 🦟
      - Brazil seems not to have postcards, stamps and post offices at all 😆 🤷‍♀️📪

      - special thanks to our amazing guides in the jungle, Carlos and Jerry 🐒
      - thank you Igor for the great restaurant recommendations and your English speaking ability, which is hard to find around here 😅 🍝
      - deepL translator was very helpful on many occasions, especially by renting a car
      - google photo translator was very helpful by ordering food in a restaurant with only having a Portuguese Menues 🇵🇹

      We are looking forward to explore more countries in Middle and South America 😊 But first, learning Spanish (which would have been a little more helpful here than englisch)🤪 🇪🇸
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    • Dag 82

      Recife & Porto de Galinhas

      29. oktober 2023, Brasilien ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      A família ist da! Gemeinsam haben wir uns ein paar schöne Tage in Recife und dem Urlaubsort Porto de Galinhas gemacht. Der Norden ist bekannt für paradiesische Strände mit kristallklarem warmen Wasser. In den Naturpools von Porto de Galinhas haben wir es uns 3 Tage gut gehen lassen 😎 jetzt gehts zurück ins turbulente Rio!Læs mere

    • Dag 14

      Recife - Porto de Galinhas

      19. januar 2017, Brasilien ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Willkommen in Brasilien!

      Nach 4 Tagen auf See (welche erstaunlich schnell vergangen sind) sind wir heute in Recife angekommen. Um 8 haben wir uns dann mit dem Bus auf den Weg nach Porto de Galinhas gemacht.

      Hat bisschen was von Lignano, nur dass das Meer wärmer und die Hintern größer sind. 😅

      Es ist einiges los und es gibt viele von diesen Strandverkäufern, die sind aber nicht aufdringlich und haben teilweise echt witzige Sachen dabei. Von Meeresfrüchten über Maiskolben bis hin zum Holzboot und den Sonnenbrillen ist alles dabei.

      Vor kurzem hat sich auch eine 2 Mann Band vor uns niedergelassen, mit Mikrofon und Lautsprecher bewaffnet lauschen wir angenehmer Brasilianischer entspannungsmusik. Echt coole sache. 😊

      Die "Taxis" sind kleine Strandbuggys mit nettem Sound 😁

      Abschließend noch ein Foto von der Speisekarte. Ein Euro wird in den Wechselstuben mit 3 Real entlohnt. Die Preise sind also recht deftig. Allerdings bekommt man sobald man etwas zu essen bestellt einen Schirm und drei Sessel "gratis" dazu. Das ist an diesem Strand Gold wert.

      Um 4 gehts dann wieder zurück aufs Schiff und am Abend geht's wieder auf See.
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    • Dag 10

      Porto de Galinhas

      7. december 2021, Brasilien ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Já mudamos o plano várias vezes, aliás não temos um plano fixo por isso qualquer variável, qualquer conversa ou blog lido e mudamos o caminho. Ontem tínhamos decidido alugar o carro por 14 dias e hoje passar o dia perto da praia dos carneiros. Hoje chegamos a rentacar, mudamos o aluguer de 14 para 23 dias e por causa de uma conversa com um taxista fomos almoçar ao Peixe na Telha em Porto de Galinhas. Deram nos o contrato do carro em espanhol...

      Não posso dizer que fiquei fascinada com esse sítio, até porque as piscinas naturais só funcionam com maré vazia e chegamos já a maré estava a encher. O restaurante era agradável, os peixes eram tudos servidos numa espécie de telha estava bom mas não era incrível.

      Depois de almoço vamos andar de jangada, uma pequena embarcação de madeira que se movia apenas com uma vela. O objectivo era fazer snorkling numa piscina natural, mas com maré cheia não se via a piscina natural, o mar estava todo remexido porque as ondas já passavam por cima do recife por isso a visibilidade era bem reduzida.

      Ao final da tarde seguimos para Tamandaré, numa paisagem verde de km de campos no meio das colinas de cana de açúcar.
      O hostel que tínhamos reservado, era muito acolhedor, com uma decoração e uma vibe super agradável. Estávamos apenas nós e 5 voluntários, uma professora de inglês (paulista), um artista plástico (carioca), um profissional de IT (nordestino), uma hospedeira de cruzeiros e o Hugo (paranaense). Tinham gostado deste sitio e trabalhavam 5h por dia com folga em troca de casa. Cada um com a sua especialidade, tinham arranjado uma harmonia entre eles.

      Ficámos na conversa a beber caipirinhas de seriguela até as 23h, hora de fechar o bar. As 23h daqui parecem 2h da manhã daí. Tudo fecha entre as 22h e as 23h.

      Quase que nos convenciam a ficar mais uma noite aí.

      A professora de inglês quando nos ouviu a falar entre nós pensava que falávamos francês, isto porque com eles falamos muito devagar para nos entenderem.
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    • Dag 11

      Porto de Galinhas

      13. februar 2017, Brasilien ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Porto de Galinhas is about a 2 hour public bus ride south of Recife and claims to be one of the most beautiful beaches in Brazil. I think having been to Jericoacoara and visited probably one of the best beaches ever, everything else is a bit of a let down in comparison. Porto is nice but very commercialised and aimed for the Brazilian family holiday rather than the gringo trail.

      We are staying in Che Legarto hostel which I hate. The woman behind reception makes me irrationally angry, the wifi doesn't work, air con doesn't work, nothing seems to work and the kitchen and bathroom are dirty. All in all, I'm looking forward to getting out of this hostel and on to somewhere with a bit more soul.

      The place itself however is nice. On our first night, Lizzie and I went out for a really nice dinner and drinks. We ended up meeting these Brazilian guys who were a lot older than us but really funny and we ended up having drinks with them. After our 3am night we were tired and decided to lie on the beach.. all day. This is what I quit my job for. It was a really chilled day but I still somehow managed to get burnt even with factor 50 on 🤔. In the evening I was completely knackered and just booked hostels for Salvador and Pipa.

      The next day we were supposed to be going on a buggy ride to all the different beaches for R$50. We waited in the hostel until 1.30pm only to be told that the other couple we were supposed to be going with wanted to go alone and so it would cost us another R$50 each for another buggy (another hostel fuck up). Instead we decided to get a motor taxi to this beach called Maracapie where the river meets the sea. It was slightly overcast and I ended up sleeping on the beach for most of it, or listening to podcasts. We also got caipis on the beach and managed to get back to the motor taxi before the tide came in too far and cut us off from the path back. In the evening we just chilled mostly and ran a few errands like laundry...

      When we left we had a 9 hour trip north to Praia de Pipa which is beautiful..
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    • Dag 105

      Porto Galinhas

      7. marts 2019, Brasilien ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Or chicken port. Formerly Porto Rico. I'm told that when the slave trade was made illegal here, plantation owners started importing chickens. Turns out the chickens were the top level and slaves were underneath. Unloading was at night. These are various pics along the shore and out on the sandstone reef with it's tidal pools. I was there just after low tide. If you look closely at the last pic, you will see a small land crab.Læs mere

    • Dag 105

      Projeto Hippocampus

      7. marts 2019, Brasilien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Seahorse conservation project based in the Porto Galinhas region. Hippocampus us the genus for seahorses. After hatching, young are released into the mangrove swamps around the area. The seahorses in pics 4&5 are pregnant.Læs mere

    • Dag 15

      Porto de Galinhas

      14. september 2019, Brasilien ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Heute hatte ich mich mit den Deutschen von gestern Abend zu einem Tagesausflug nach Porto de Galinhas verabredet. Dieser kleine Touristenort hatte leider zeitlich nicht mehr als eigene Station in meine Routenplanung gepasst. Deshalb freute ich mich umso mehr drauf, doch noch hinzufahren.
      Die Anfahrt war mal wieder sehr interessant.
      Um 8:20Uhr sollte der Bus starten, im Endeffekt fuhr er um 8:50Uhr. Nach einer halben Stunde mussten wir aus irgendeinem Grund den Bus wechseln. Und in diesem reichten dann die Sitzplätze nicht, großartig. 45Min stehen mit Erkältung macht richtig Spaß! Hab mich also ganz pragmatisch nach 10min auf den Boden gesetzt. Auf der Fahrt informierte ich mich schon mal ein bisschen über Porto, die Strände dort und was ich später essen könnte. So konnte ich auch ein bisschen die Führung übernehmen, als wir dort waren. Nachdem wir den extrem überfüllten, lauten Teil des Strandes hinter uns gelassen hatten, war es auch sehr schön! Die unzähligen Strandverkäufer mit Glöckchen, die einem irgendwelche Dinge andrehen wollten, wichen der Ruhe. Hier waren nur noch vereinzelt Menschen anzutreffen. Wir badeten ein bisschen im warmen Wasser, ließen uns von der Sonne trocknen und genossen den weißen Strand und das türkisblaue Meer. Später trafen wir noch weitere von der Freiwilligengruppe, mit der die Deutschen hier sind. Wir aßen Pasteís zum Mittag und ich trank Zuckerrohrsaft dazu. Richtig lecker! Außerdem kaufte ich mir noch eine fruchtige Açai-Bowl.
      Am Abend schauten wir alle zusammen noch den Sonnenuntergang an.
      Mittlerweile bin ich wieder zurück in Recife und bin sehr müde! Ich hab schon ein bisschen was für meine Weiterreise nach Praia da Pipa am Montag vorbereitet und brauche jetzt ein bisschen Ruhe um mich richtig zu erholen. Morgen geht's nämlich turbulent weiter!
      Am Strand von Recife findet eine Gay Pride Party statt, zu der Thuany und ich und wahrscheinlich einige von den Freiwilligen gehen werden. Das wird sicherlich richtig cool. Ich hoffe, dass die frühe Nachtruhe heute hilft und ich morgen wieder gesund bin.
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    • Dag 291

      Recife e Porto de Galinhas

      16. oktober 2020, Brasilien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      13 hours spending in the bus was nothing compared to the time Iuli had to sit quite until she arrived in Rio.
      Once I arrived in Recife I was lucky the bus stopped at the airport close the district Boa Viagem so it took me zero time to check into the hostel. However that hostel I booked was pretty strict. I could drop my backpacks but had to wait 5 hours until the official check-in time. So what I basically did was just walking along the beach and looking for a nice coffee shop. After an hour of walking the worst shops opened and I could kill three hours in there until it was time for the check in.
      Now let’s go forward to where it gets a bit more interesting. In the evening I ordered an Uber and went downtown for some nice skyline photography. All passengers who crossed my way were absolutely nice and so I didn’t have to worry if someone is going to knock me out and steel my camera which was mounted on the tripod.
      Now that’s all thanks for subscribing.

      Ok one more thing. On day two I went to Porto de Galinhas where I snorkeled for almost two hours. Obviously the color of my back changed its color but the day was absolutely fabulous. A good swim a wonderful lunch and a bit of sightseeing in a scenic little tourist village. In the evening, back in Recife I decided to end my stay and figured a way to move towards Natal. But on my google maps application there were two pinned locations in between the way from Recife to Natal. I picked out the more promising one and booked my bus to this very next place.
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