Rio de Janeiro

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10 Destinasi Pengembaraan Teratas Rio de Janeiro
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    • Hari 4

      Rio - Day 3

      2 Julai 2022, Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Had another lazy morning, getting up late. But ambitious plans to hike a local iconic mountain called sugarloaf or in brazilian, pao acucar. Actually, you can only hike up mt urca and you need a cable car ride to get you rest of the way.

      As i started on the path, i came across a sign warning about venomous snakes ! Ok haha. And shortly after, a came across a big family of adorable marmosets. They look a lot like lemurs but different i think too. Cool vid in the pics.

      The hike to the top of mt urca was steep but only about 30 minutes huffing and puffing hard. I was proud of myself; 50 year old on a busy, hard trail, and i passed many younger, fit people and no one passed me. Perhaps i am just more stubborn haha.

      The views from there were fantastic but there was still a cable car ride higher to the top of famous sugarloaf mountain. And what a view. Worth every penny. I hung out there for a few hours taking pictures and writing a blog entry over a beverage. Incredibly inspiring and magical.

      I eventually came back down the mountain, and got myself to a cool beach bar near my hotel in copacabana with live music as the sun went down. Went to a nice restaurant across the street for some food and met more locals who invited me over and i hung out with for a few hours before calling it a night. I feel very blessed by all the friendly souls here. Its such a loving vibe. I am quickly realizing Rio is a very very special place on this planet.
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    • Hari 5


      3 Julai 2022, Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today i picked up my rental car and i was planning to drive to some pretty villages in the interior mountains. But my friend Daniela who i met on my first day in Rio offered to give me a tour along the Niteroi coast, across the bay from Rio. A personal tour from a local is pretty amazing; i gladly accepted. And she is excellent company.

      First we stopped at a few beaches and a museum in the city. And we drove down the coastline of endless beaches and stunning views of the Rio mountains across the bay.

      Stopped at a beach restaurant for a late lunch of fried shrimp and a beverage. And then drove up a mountain to a viewing platform to see the dramatic sunset unfold. Insane colors and very dramatic backdrop of Rio and its mountains.

      And finally back to the town of Niteroi for supper. After that we also went to a place that specializes in craft beers. So far i am very impressed with brazil's craft beer scene and i haven't really sought out places as much as i usually do. I will have to correct that issue this week 😁
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    • Hari 9

      Rio again

      7 Julai 2022, Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Long drive back to Rio today. 6.5 hours according to Google maps. But its such a fun drive over and around mountains all the way. I was about an hour outside of Rio at noon and i pulled over to check out a castle i saw near the highway that has a restaurant but unfortunately it was closed.

      Nearby Petropolis has brazil's oldest brewery, so i went there instead. Had lunch there and then checked out the very pretty town. Tons of mansions and palaces. But i couldn't park because i had already incurred a parking ticket near the brewery (and i got one in mariana too). I pulled over for a few quick pics on one street where i found an opening. But around the corner i saw the parking ticket lady putting tickets on every car, so i scurried back and left. Certainly not the types of towns i imagined before arriving in brazil. Lots of german settlements here and there apparently.

      Made my way to chaotic Rio. Driving in this city requires a certain level of insanity and patience haha. Often there are 4 lanes of traffic and no lines on the road, and everyone is jostling for position like a race track. And my map will say to exit to the right but there will be one ramp going up and another going down. Google maps isn't 3 dimensional, so its a coin flip every time, and I'm losing more than winning :) But i just laugh and recalibrate Google maps for a new route and try again. I can't imagine doing this without google maps.

      Got to my hotel in copacabana. This time i ended up with something much nicer and somehow much cheaper. Got in contact with Daniela again and she took me to a really cool restaurant in Ipanema where you can order off a menu, but i don't recommend doing that. Because, there are waiters circling the establishment with different trays of small plate appetizers every 10 minutes that you can take off their tray and they add it to your bill. You can see the food and decide, whereas i have no idea what anything is in print. Brilliant! And delicious!

      Then we went to a craft beer spot a few blocks away for a little while. She had to be up at 5am and i was exhausted from the long travel day so we both needed to get some rest and get out of there after a quick pint.
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    • Hari 8


      7 Julai 2022, Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Bon, on a bien respecté, on n'est pas sortis depuis 2 jours 😅 ... Je ne sais pas si c'est le retour qui pointe son nez, mais on a plein de trucs à gérer !!!

      1ere visite de Paraty, c'est très très beau, ça sent grave les vacances ici !!!

      Gros stop dans un magasin Havaianas: un choix gigantesque + petits prix + on rentre bientôt = on craque 🥳
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    • Hari 10


      8 Julai 2022, Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      After breakfast, retrieved my car from the coolest garage I've ever seen. Its basically an apartment building for cars with 3 elevators to move the cars up and down and a neat device that grabs the car and pulls it in and out of the elevator.

      Waiting for Daniela to get off work, i went to a craft brewery called Hocus Pocus near Botafogo area and relexed with my book. Eventually Daniela showed up, had a quick bite and then drove to top of a mountain (Mirante Dona Marta) for an amazing view of Rio and the Christ the Redeemer statue.

      Then we fought through traffic for an eternity to escape the city and find a beach town called Buzios, 3 hours north of Rio. Took us 4.5 with the crazy traffic and a few wrong turns. When we arrived, we got delayed even more by the guesthouse owner not opening the door because she had not received the reservation yet. So we stood there for about 30 minutes.

      Finally got in and then shortly after made our way to the streets with countless restaurants and lounges. It was about 10pm by the time we finally sat down for supper. Had an awesome catch of the day meal seaside and walked around a bit before ending a pretty long day. Anxious to see what this place looks like in the daylight.

      Interesting detail, this place got a lot of fame from Bridgette Bardot staying here many years. There's lots of hotels that use the bardot name and a statue of her too.
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    • Hari 130

      Rio de Janeiro | Pre-Wedding (0307-0707)

      7 Julai 2022, Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Am Sonntag hieß es, Tasche abstellen in Ipanema, frisch machen und rüber zur Copacabana zum JGA von Caro. An dieser Stelle gibt es keine Ton- oder Bildaufnahmen, so wie es sich gehört. 🙃 Dafür dass ich bereits seit 4:45 Uhr wach war, hielt ich dann doch besser durch als gedacht bis 2 Uhr. 🥳 (hatte ja auch in Kapstadt sehr gutes Training 🤭)

      Am Montagabend kam dann auch mein „Plus 1“ in Rio an, leider wie andere Hochzeitsgäste auch, ohne Koffer. Die stehen noch in Paris rum. Ganz großen Drücker an der Stelle nach Berlin, wir feiern und trinken für dich mit - und ich pass‘ auf deine bessere Hälfte auf, hihi.

      Am Dienstag gab es die erste größere Zusammenkunft von der deutschen Hochzeits-Gruppe an der Praia Barra da Tijuca inkl. dem ein oder anderen Caipi. Am späten Nachmittag ging es dann noch hoch zur Christusstatue, inkl. eines spektakulären Sonnenuntergangs.

      Einen Tag später sind wir nachmittags in der Guanabara Bay mit einem Boot geschippert und so habe ich weitere bekannte Gesichter endlich einmal wiedergesehen und die neuen noch besser kennengelernt.

      Und wenn man schon einmal in Rio ist, dann muss man natürlich auch die Möglichkeit für einen Besuch im Maracanã nutzen. Dank der brasilianischen Familie von Caro haben wir insgesamt 15 Tickets ergattern können. Ausländischen Menschen ist es offiziell nämlich nicht gestattet, Tickets zu kaufen. Und mit dem Spiel hatten wir einen so unfassbaren Glücksgriff: es handelte sich um das Achtelfinal-Rückspiel der Copa Libertadores, ähnlich der europäischen Champions League. Und Flamengo Rio hat doch tatsächlich 7:1 gewonnen! Wir Deutschen scheinen da ein gewisses Händchen für zu haben 🤭
      Was ein wilder Abend mit einer unfassbaren Stimmung im und um Stadion, ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis. 🇧🇷🙏🏼⚽️

      Der Donnerstag wurde zum Durchschnaufen und Umziehen in einen anderen Stadtteil genutzt, bzw. quälten sich manche auch durch diverse Last-Minute-Shopping-Taten. Am Abend haben wir in (mehr oder weniger) kleinerer Runde Pizza gespeist, sind in den Pool gehüpft und verbrachten einen ruhigen Abend vor dem ganz großen Tag.

      Am Freitag fand in Santa Teresa die Hochzeit von Clemens und Carolina statt, Taschentücher sowie Tanzschuhe waren einsatzbereit! 🥹 🧡 💃🏻

      🎵: Thiaguinho - Cheia de Manias
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    • Hari 11

      Cabo Frio

      9 Julai 2022, Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Started with a quick walk to the Buzios centro beach to see it in the daytime. Then drove to Arraial do cabo and joined an all afternoon boat tour of a nearby island and some different beaches. Striking colors of water everywhere. And gorgeous isolated beaches but certainly not isolated from other boat tours. Wow, there had to be 50 different tours going on at the same time. Felt like a mux of greece and the carribbean.

      Enjoyed relaxing at a few of those beaches and eventually back to the port and then drove further down the coast to Cabo Frio. Arrived just before sundown in time to grab a snack and beer by the waterfront while a hotel search was finalized. Pretty sweet way to cap the exploring.

      After visiting a canal, had a crazy cheesy shrimp and brazillian cheese meal, followed by drinks at a trojan themed bar and then an old rock n roll place. I frequently have to remind myself i am in brazil. I'm not sure what i expected but its such a lively and diverse culture and environment. Very chill place to be once beyond the big cities. The language is the biggest challenge for me. Portuguese is very similar to spanish but also quite different in non intuitive ways :) i learned a few small phrases and otherwise lean heavily on them recognizing my spanish words, which has been a wonderful strategy so far haha. My Spanish is considerably better than a year ago but not really conversational yet.
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    • Hari 12

      Belle beach

      11 Julai 2022, Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Bon, c'est tellement beau ici et on est tellement bien qu'on prolonge d'une nuit 😅 !

      C'est la plus belle plage qu'on ait vue de notre vie ! Elle est trop bien car il y a une partie sans vague, une autre avec des énormes rouleaux, des parties de sables, puis de gros rochers, il y a des cascades, des oasis ... De quoi s'éclater !!!

      Bref, sable fin, eau turquoise, pas une algue, 0 méduse dans un cadre de verdure !! 🤩🤩
      Par contre, l'eau est un peu fraîche -25• ... on ne peut pas tout avoir 😬
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    • Hari 11

      Trindad (sans i)

      10 Julai 2022, Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Même s'il n'y a qu'une petite heure de trajet, on prend notre temps pour rejoindre Trindad qui est un peu plus au sud. Ce qui nous surprend encore une fois, c'est la verdure et la profusion de végétation, est est loin de l'image qu'on se faisait avant de venir ... Le Brésil, c'est super propre avec tri sélectif partout! Et les Brésiliens sont hyper accueillants. On est donc un peu loin de l'image de Bolsonaro en France (ok, il déforeste l'Amazonie mais il y a ici une vraie conscience écologique qu'on n'avait pas encore vue avant !)

      Le logement qu'on a pour les 4 prochaines nuits est assez ... basique ... mais alors cet emplacement est... incroyable !!! On est littéralement sur la plage !
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    • Hari 13

      Piscines naturelles

      12 Julai 2022, Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      On ne connaissait pas ... des piscines naturelles dans la mer ... Trop agréable, top !!!

      C'est un peu l'expédition pour y aller (rando en tong ... c'est dur et risqué) mais ça en vaut la peine, même s'il y a pas mal de touristes locaux car on est loin d'être seuls !!! Le paysage est à tomber ! 😉

      En longeant la mer pour revenir, on se rend compte de 2 choses :
      1, on est au pays du string ... il n'existe rien d'autre
      2, ça joue au foot partout et tout le temps ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
      3, on est au pays de la Caipirinha ... On en trouve partout, même sur les plages !!! Du coup, on goûte !!!

      Une bonne journée se termine forcément par notre cantine! 😀
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    Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Río de Janeiro

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