Kampong Thom

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    • Dag 25

      Temples and Fishing

      14 september 2018, Kambodja ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      This afternoon we took an hour bus ride away from the ship to another temple. The area had both a new temple and a temple from the 11th century as well as a huge statue of Buddha .

      On the way back we stopped at a small village along the river to watch some fishing boats using extremely large nets, families fishing from the bank and selling their catch on the roadside.

      Also for sale were frogs, crickets and silk worm cocoons and John tasted a cricket and silkworm cocoon.
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    • Dag 20

      Kampong Thom

      8 november 2018, Kambodja ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      What's up here ?

      Aujourd'hui, nous avons découvert un complexe de temples, soit disant les plus anciens temples du Cambodge, datant du 7eme siècle. Ça nous a permis de faire une nouvelle fois du scooter et de découvrir ces ruine d'édifices dans le calme et la tranquillité. En effet, rare sont les visiteurs qui s'aventurent dans cette zone. Les gens vont souvent directement de Phnom-Penh à Siem Reap pour voir le complexe de temples d'Angkor. C'est d'ailleurs notre prochaine étape. Mais revenons-en à nos temples. Ils se trouvent dans l'arrière pays Cambodgien, à 35km de la ville. Ils tronent calmenent au milieu d'une foret clairsemée et paisible.
      Paisible ne veut pas dire sans vie, loin de là. Elsa s'est faite férocement attaquée par une sorte de colonie de fourmis particulièrement agressive. Elles ont attaqué sa tongue et y on planté leur mandibules munies de crochets tranchants et ne l'ont lachée qu'après avoir été écrasées sur un tronc. La tongue en garde encore les traces. Si vous savez de quelle espèce il s'agit, dites le nous, Nans souhaiterait en savoir plus sur ces insectes.
      Cette journée nous a également permis de découvrir le mode d'ingestion de la bière au Cambodge : Un verre rempli de glace pilée et un bière chaude versée dedans. Le résultat est tout bonnement affreux.

      A très vite pour de nouvelles aventures !
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    • Dag 140

      Kampong Thom/ Sambor Prei Kuk

      8 augusti 2019, Kambodja ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Wir lassen das eine Kampong hinter uns uns machen uns auf ins nächste, nach Kampong Thom. Hier in der Nähe befindet sich die Tempelanlage von Sambor Prei Kuk (im 7 und 8 Jahrhundert die Hauptstadt des Königreichs Chenla). Die Natur hat sich hier einen Großteil zurück erobert, die letzten Überreste versucht man nun vor dem endgültigen Zerfall zu retten und zu erhalten.Läs mer

    • Dag 2


      19 november 2018, Kambodja ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Started the morning with a bus journey to Phnom Chiso temple. The ride was great as got to see a lot of the countryside en route. The rainy season has just finished here so everything is beautiful - lush greenery, rice in the fields and flowers of every colour. I wanted all of them for my garden! Passing through the villages was interesting and our tour guide told us a lot about the struggles the Cambodian people have been through which puts thing into a bit of context. It's cliche but it does remind you of how lucky you are as a Westerner to have a social safety net and healthcare even though it's a bit shit sometimes. The temple was lovely. Our group had it almost entirely to ourselves which always makes it a bit more atmospheric. Built in the 11th century, the temple was subsequently abandoned but is now worshipped in and well kept. After that we headed to Kampot after a brief interlude when our tyre blew and we had to sit in a service station Amazon cafe. (Who knew they still existed? Finally my 90s childhood goal was realised when I got to go). In Kampot we went for a sunset cruise which was sadly lacking in sunset as the clouds drew in. So no sunset but this was more than made up for by seeing some fireflies, which were like little fairy lights in the trees (please no-one tell me these are just fake ones planted by the boat ride company. Let a bitch live).Läs mer

    • Dag 188

      Nachtbus in Kambodscha

      2 februari 2022, Kambodja ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Eine schräge Nachtbusfahrt quer durch Kambodscha in Bildern.
      Wenn man nicht zu zweit unterwegs ist, muss man mit einer fremden Person in einem Bett schlafen😱das ist kein Witz. Welch ein Glück, dass wir zusammen sind.
      Dziwna przejażdżka nocnym autobusem przez Kambodżę na zdjęciach.
      Jeśli nie podróżujesz w parach, musisz spać w łóżku z nieznajomym😱 to nie żart. Jakie szczęście, że jesteśmy razem.
      A weird night bus ride across Cambodia in pictures.
      If you're not traveling in pairs, you have to sleep in a bed with a stranger😱 that's no joke. How lucky we are together.
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    • Dag 12

      Auf dem Weg nach Phnom Penh

      31 mars 2023, Kambodja

      Mit dem Bus immer geradeaus… nicht eine Kreuzung oder Abbiegung begegnet uns, nur abgebrannte Reisfelder und Dörfer.
      Und, dieser süße Wasserbüffel 🐃 💦

    • Dag 69

      Bus to Siem Reap

      11 augusti 2018, Kambodja ⋅ 🌧 82 °F

      I'm on a bus to Siem Reap, the location of Angkor Wat (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angkor_Wat). I'm planning to stay for just a couple of days, which should be plenty of time to see the temple and other smaller but impressive sites in the surrounding countryside. I'll go back to Phnom Penh before heading south to the coast.

      Yesterday = 🛋️🥔.

      Out for now. ✌️
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    • Dag 1

      There is more than Angkor wat

      30 maj 2016, Kambodja ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Third day in Cambodia. First impression? 'Khmer national kitchen', 'Khmer dance show'- who the hell are khmers?? I new there is Angkor wat in Siem reap, did they opened a new tourist attraction place called khmers? So for yours and mine information, khmers are predominant ethic group in cambodia, accounting for approximately 90% of 15.2 million people of the country. And yes, to confirm the fact - I visited Angkor wat. Secondly - I'm very pessimistic about touristic places but this huge area where Angkor is with all surrounding temples is just beautiful. Also went to khmer dinner show - wanted to touch the base of their national dishes and dances. It was actually basic buffet, nothing special, and the dances didn't impress a lot - repetitiveness in music and some mystical explanation hidden under each dance. In general I feel like a food in Cambodia is a mix between vietnamese, Chinese and local cuisine (actually they mostly add local spices to foreign dishes and call them 'cambodian'). The only truly different dishes I had was lok lak and amok. Both were ok but nothing magical. Siem reap as a town didn't leave the big impression - it's just ok. Still lots of tourists (and it's not the high season!), children begging for money, Pub street for tourists and local girls saying they are not interested in Cambodian boys. What surprised me the most? It seems that there exists just three price groups - 1 dollar (for tuk tuk, basic food and drinks), 3 dollar (bigger main meal) and 15-20 dollar for tourist attractions. And dual money system - dollars go along with Cambodian riel which makes it a bit difficult to understand. Also they all speak amazingly good English. Time to leave Siem reap and start my journey around Cambodia. Yay!

      P.s. I take my word back of saying 'nothing magical' in Cambodian dishes - I had the most amazing fish amok tonight in Battambang, Nary kitchen! Total orgasm.
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    • Dag 420

      Heiß, staubig, flach und geradeaus

      22 februari 2017, Kambodja ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Wir haben kein kambodschanisches Geld, daher fahren wir erst einmal bis in die nächste Stadt, wo wir sicher Geld abheben können.
      Es ist heiß heute, die Luft ist staubig von Baustellen, es geht immer geradeaus. Andi zählt zwei Kurven in den ersten 50 Kilometern.
      In Kampong Chang gibt es nur US-Dollar, denn Kambodscha hat quasi den US-Dollar als Währung und führt die eigene Währung nur als Wechselgeld - ein Dollar sind 4000 Riel. Schnell wird uns klar, warum in Kambodscha alles mindestens einen Dollar für alles kostet. Man verhandelt nur, wieviel man für den einen Dollar bekommt.
      Nach dem Mittagessen geht es weiter - schnur die Straße entlang. Die Luft steht. Wir kämpfen gegen den Schlaf. Ab und zu gibt es etwas Abwechslung auf der Straße. Zum Schluss werden wir an einer Buddhawerkstatt noch mal komplett weiß eingestaubt. Augen zu und durch.
      Am Abend übernachten wir in einen kambodschanischen Provinzort. Immerhin ist es hier kein Problem mit Englisch durchzukommen: Es gibt " Fish Amok", das kommt gleich auf meine Favoritenliste: Curry, Kokos, Fisch und verschiedene Gewürze. Bier gibt es ab jetzt Angkor oder Cambodia - das ist hier fast eine Glaubensfrage:
      Angkor: My Country, My Beer.
      Cambodia: Proudly Brewed in Cambodia.
      Unser Geschmackstest geht unentschieden aus.
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    • Dag 4

      Phom Penh to Siem Riep

      7 november 2016, Kambodja ⋅ 🌫 24 °C

      A mini bus from Mekong Express arrives just before 6:45am. It’s a battered and bruised van but the aircon is cranking and the driver negotiates the traffic slowly. We do loops of the city collecting other passengers headed to Siem Riep on the 7:30am bus.

      At $US13 the bus ride is comfortable, safe and efficient. There’s only 40 passengers, each with allocated seating, individual aircon vents and curtains to block the sun of you desire. An English-speaking guide ensures all passengers are comfortable and provides basic information about the duration of the trip and the midway rest stop.

      Once we leave Phom Penh the landscape outside the bus becomes rural. There’s no congestion and chaos. Just small houses on stilts amidst rice paddies, cattle and ever encroaching jungle plants.
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