Krong Kep

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    • Dag 15

      Auf dem Weg nach Kep

      12 januari, Kambodja ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Heute sind wir mit dem Bus nach Kep gefahren.
      Kep war früher ein idyllischer Badeort und beliebt bei den französischen Kolonialisten.
      Es gibt hier einen berühmten Krabbenmarkt und den erkunden wir auch noch.Läs mer

    • Dag 20

      Auf dem Krabmarkt von Krep

      17 januari, Kambodja ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Der Krabmarkt von Krep ist nicht irgendein Fischmarkt. Das Besondere hier ist, daß man sich alle Delikatessen sofort grillen oder kochen lassen kann.
      Es gibt nur Problem.
      Wer mag morgens schon gekochte
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    • Dag 177


      30 december 2016, Kambodja ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Kep war der letzte Stopp vor Vietnam, wo wir zum einen das rege Treiben am Krabbenmarkt auf uns wirken ließen und zum anderen die Kambodscha-Etappe bei einer Seafood-Platte für zwei und Sonnenuntergangsstimmung ausklingen ließen!Läs mer

    • Dag 23

      Leaving paradise

      3 november 2018, Kambodja ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Leaving our little bit of paradise this morning back to phnom phen, have accomodation booked at FCC more to come on that in the next day or two, my son has challenged me to a selfie a day those who know me will prob be a little surprised that I even know how to take a selfie 🤳 here are couple first standing in front of the desk in my villa at verandah resort the second outside the entrance to the villa, haha bit serious looking but I'm sure they will improve, there u are my son one a day but started with two 😍Läs mer

    • Dag 13

      Monkey business...

      14 januari 2016, Kambodja ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Idag hade vi sovmorgon dvs ingen väckarklocka som störde. Kevin o Charlie hade åkt på någon dum bakterie. Lite lätt magsjuka. Började på en restaurang när helt plötsligt Kevin spydde 5 min senare kom det från Charlie. Det var bara att dra sig därifrån. Tur man åker tuk-tuk öppna fönster... 😷
      Natten gick bra för Charlie men Kevin fick springa till dass några gånger.
      Men nu börjar det plana ut på kvällen.
      Jag och grabbarna åkte upp till bergen för att träffa en dam i skogen som hade lite apor, medan J åkte till stranden. Det var ett tips jag fick av en tysk här i Kep. Ett mycket trevligt möte med denna äldre kvinna. Hon hade 2 skadade apor samt en kungspyton som hon tog hand om. Intressant att höra hur hon hade räddat dessa från vara en turistfälla. i närheten låg det en fjärilsfarm perfekt avrundning på förmiddagen. Sedan var det sol o bad. Samt möte med vilda apor som var vid stranden.
      Nä dags för middag för imorgon blir det båttur igen...
      Tills vi hörs igen. Krama varandra i trafiken.
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    • Dag 54


      15 november 2014, Kambodja ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      OK, we reconsidered the part with the nice hostel. Party all night long, giant cockroaches and the air full of weed ;). Oh and as we are writing a big spider crawled along our wall.

      Today, we walked through a complete national park! That sounds like a very impressive feat, but Kep national park is possibly one of the smallest in the world. It was a very nice walk through a habitat of scorpions and giant spiders - none of which we actually encountered.

      In the afternoon we rented a tuktuk to take us to some places. Just the ride on the streets and bumpy roads through green rye fields would have been worth it. Beautiful! First, we went to some old French houses destroyed by the Khmer rouge and not yet restored. After that, we visited the salt fields of Kep. In the dry season, which is officially about to start in a couple of weeks although we didn't have rain for more than a week, sea water is taken here for evaporating and leaving behind its salt. The highlight of the tour was the visit of a organic pepper plantation. We learnt about the differences between green, black, white and red pepper and some tricks of growing pepper. We'll get to that when we come back. The last stop was a little cave where different stalactites took on shapes roughly resembling animals. On the way there dozens of kids where already running and cycling next to our ride offering their guidance through the cave. So you have to pick one but like 5 come with you anyways. The lonely planet says they're practicing their school english which is complete and utter bullshit. They only repeat the phrases they learned which is cute enough and allows them to earn a little extra on the side.

      Only downside on Cambodia so far: fucking dogs!
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    • Dag 107


      12 mars 2022, Kambodja ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      He mensen, we wilden vandaag een klein uitstapje doen naar Kep, een stad/provincie in de buurt. Kep was vroeger een plek waar de Fransen leefden, en waar ook veel Franse peper vandaan kwam. Kep staat naast zijn peper en zout ook bekend om de vis-en krabbenhandel. We gingen dan ook naar een krabbenmarktje, waar allerlei visjes, garnalen krabben en inktvissen op een niet zo heel diervriendelijke manier uitgesteld lagen. Wel erg interessant om te zien en te ruiken. Verder was Kep niet zo heel bijzonder: Een redelijk vies strand, in een oud koloniale buitenpost waar niks meer van te zien is. De rotondekunst was wel leuk, en de standbeelden bij het water ook. Het krabbenbeeld is een landmark van deze piepkleine provincie, vandaar dat we besloten op de eerste foto een krabbetje na te doen. Verder zie je op de 5e foto nog Jonas ontbijt, en de foto daarna bevat een kleurrijke foto van Ruben.
      Tot snel.
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    • Dag 6

      Crab town

      4 oktober 2017, Kambodja ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      The bus journey was surprisingly uneventful until David panicked, having realised we had underestimated how far we had to travel once getting off the bus by a margin of around 100km. We buried our heads in the sand and went back to sleep to then be woken in Sihanoukville by 4 locals crammed in the single bed opposite. We departed the bus in the pouring rain with the plan to find another bus to get to Kampot, part of the way we needed to go. Due to being tired and wet we instead bartered with the local taxi mafia and secured what we thought was an aircon car. As we were led to our next mode of transport we realised the last 5 dollars we bartered got us the downgrade to a new form of tuk tuk - the modified car tuk tuk - for the three hour drive, which included a stop to pick up a mysterious white bag from a lady and a second to drop it off next to a temple, at this point realising it was a large dead bird in the bag. No words were exchanged to explain this.
      We finally arrived to our next home, a wooden shack on stilts with open windows and cracks, only cold water and a non-flushing toilet. The bed had holey mosquito net around it which we hid our bags under. We headed for the shower to find a family of frogs occupying it...we were unsure if we were laughing or crying.
      After cooling and cleaning off we headed out to explore the new town. Kep is a cute sleepy seaside town famous for its crab market. We wandered through the main stretch of the town to find breakfast/lunch - stopping at the first decent place this time, filled with locals watching a Chinese movie and one other tourist group.
      By the time we got to the end of town we had acquired a young follower - a local girl obsessed with saying hello and goodbye to us - who we said our final bye to as we hopped into a tuk tuk back to our bungalow. Despite our bodies begging for rest, we then headed back out on a hike through the national park to a temple on a hill which gave us a perfect view over the town and sea. We got back before dark to cool off again before having a drink before dinner. The owner of the place arranged for us to get a free pick up to one if the famous crab restaurants that had a seaview. David got 3 crabs with local black pepper and sweet chilli sauces, which he smoothly ate with a little help from wikipedia. Kerry was more cautious and got the chicken with the local green pepper sauce. We headed back to our wooden shack to get some shut eye ready for next day of surprises.
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    • Dag 53


      14 november 2014, Kambodja ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      This morning we got on the boat from Phu Quoc to Ha Tien, the Super Dong (ba dum tss)! Then we asked one last time if Dong was an acceptable payment method for goods and services. Upon confirmation we got our Dong out and paid (ba dum tss, ba dum tss!). Imagine childish laughter here...we also estimate that the total of like 3 people will understand and/or laugh about this joke ;).

      Between Vietnam and Cambodia we had to wait a while. We had lunch with an English couple which actually made it worth the wait. On the border we experienced the usual try to gain the additional dollar here or there from us. Boy did the border guard look disappointed ad we whipped out our vaccination certificates without which you allegedly have to pay an extra fee to enter Cambodia. 1 Dollar saved. Yessssssss!

      Now we are in Kep, Cambodia and this is one nice but very small and sleepy town. We are in a very nice hostel which is swarmed by French people. To the nonexistent city center it is quite far but we decided to walk nonetheless until the famous crab market (It was so far that the tuktuk ride back cost us 3 USD). But Claire is allergic to seafood and Karsten doesn't like it, so we had fish and chicken with pepper sauce which was DE-LI-CIOUS. Now we still have to find out what to do here ;).
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    • Dag 17


      28 februari 2022, Kambodja ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Aujourd'hui direction Kep, ville voisine de 30 kilomètres vite avalés par le scooter et son pilote extraordinaire !

      La cité fut fondée en 1908 pour servir de retraite balnéaire aux riches colons français (appelée jadis Kep-sur-Mer !!) et fut le repaire de la haute société cambodgienne dans les années 60.

      Le midi nous nous installons sur une petite échoppe du "Crab Market" pour y déguster du poisson et calamars au barbecue cuits juste devant nous. C'est rustique mais très bon !

      S'en suit un petit trek dans le parc national de Kep pour arriver au "Sunset Rock" qui nous propose une superbe vue sur le Golfe de Thailande.

      Pour finir une baignade bien méritée car la marche en pleine jungle nous a bien fait transpirer et une petite bière (bien méritée aussi!) devant un charmant coucher de soleil !
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    Du kanske också känner till platsen med följande namn:

    Krong Kep, រូបភាពក្រុង, Kep

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