Cox Bay

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    • День 78

      Vancouver Island - Tofino

      22 сентября 2022 г., Канада ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Acht Tage später verabschieden wir uns von Tofino. Acht Tage, ja ihr habt richtig gelesen. Wir sind selber ganz überrascht das wir es so lange an einem Platz ausgehalten haben. Aber an diesem Platz war das auch nicht schwer, wir standen auf einem Campingplatz der nur durch paar Bäume getrennt von Meer war. Timo hat sich morgens in der Dämmerung immer aus dem Bus geschlichen und ist Surfen gegangen 🏄🏼‍♂️ und danach gab es Frühstück. Mit dem Radel war es 7km zur nächsten Stadt (Tofino) die von Surfshops und super süßen kleinen Läden geprägt ist. Natürlich haben wir hier eigenes an Geld liegen lassen 😅 Surfbrett, Mitbringsel, Postkarten, Magnete etc. wir finden eben immer etwas 😂 An einem Tag ging es noch nach Ucluete (etwas südlich) auch ein nettes kleines Städtchen allerdings sehr viel weniger touristisch und dadurch nicht ganz so viel los. :)
      Gestern gab es zum Abschied an die schöne Zeit noch selber gemachte Kässpätzle 😍
      Hier sind Kässpätzle kein Essen für arme leut…
      12 Eier ca. 6-9$
      2kg Mehl ca. 6$
      320gr Käse 10$
      Lebensmittel hier in Kanada sind wahnsinnig teuer. Aber zu den Preisen und unserem Budget gibt es mal einen anderen Post. 🤑

      Für uns geht es jetzt weiter südlich richtig Viktoria auf Vancouver Island.
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    • День 15

      Jump start Ruby… again and again

      24 сентября 2022 г., Канада ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Parksville -> Mt Horne -> Tofino

      Wir sind mal wieder vor dem Sonnenaufgang wach und genießen die Ruhe und die Stimmung am Strand von Parksville zu dieser einzigartigen Golden Hour während alle anderen noch schlafen. Heute stehen eine lange Autofahrt und eine lange Wanderung an, also wollen wir früh aufbrechen.
      Leider hat es uns schon wieder erwischt, Ruby springt nicht an… So kann es nicht weitergehen, also lassen wir uns von unseren Campingnachbarn beraten und kaufen eine neue Autobatterie für Ruby.
      Am Autoteile-Laden wird noch wild rumtelefoniert, um dann letztendlich Mike zu finden, der sie uns einbaut (das Ganze war leider auch komplizierter als erwartet). Mike macht schon Andeutungen, dass die Solarbatterie nicht von der Autobatterie richtig entkoppelt scheint. Egal, wir wollen schnell weiterfahren zum Hike hoch hinauf zum Mount Horne mit Blick über den Lake Cameron und am Gipfel auch 360 Grad Blick über die ganze Insel. So traumhaft! Der Weg war extrem kraxelig und rutschig kieselig, aber es hat sich gelohnt! Am Ende des Hikes bestaunen wir noch einen 76 m hohen Baum beim Cathedral Grove.
      Weiter geht's nach Tofino… oder auch nicht, denn dreimal dürft ihr raten… Ruby springt wieder nicht an. Wolf schafft es die neue Batterie mit der alten ausgebauten Batterie zu laden und eeeeendlich kommen wir am unfassbar genialen Camp Ground vom Cox Bay Beach bei Tofino an und werden von einem einzigartigen Sonnenuntergang belohnt. What a day…
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    • День 259

      Alaska 2. Teil und Kanada 1. Teil

      13 июня 2023 г., Канада ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      In Sitka besuchten wir das Fortress of the Bears (Bären) und das Alaska Raptor Center (Greifvögel). Letzteres gefiel uns sehr gut und war von viel schöner Natur umgeben. Später landeten wir noch in der Stadt. Da war es uns aber etwas zu touristisch und mit noch 3 anderen Kreuzfahrtschiffen auch sehr voll. Der geplante Halt in Ketchikan fiel leider den Kanadischen Behörden zum Opfer. Deshalb landeten wir schon früher auf Vancouver Island als geplant und konnten schon mal ein bisschen Victoria vorab erkunden. Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein konnten wir noch etwas das Schiff und die schöne Stadt genießen.
      Am nächsten Tag mussten wir dann in Vancouver, unserem letzten Stop, Abschied nehmen von der Queen und sehr netten, neu kennengelernten Menschen. Jetzt hieß es erst mal, den neuen fahrbaren Untersatz abholen und bewohnbar machen, einkaufen und am nächsten Tag mit der Fähre wieder Richtung Victoria. Hier haben wir eine Whale Watching Tour in einem Zodiakboot gemacht und endlich 2 Wale richtig schön sehen können. Das war toll! Leider haben die Waldbrände auch Vancouver Island erreicht und dazu geführt, dass einer unserer Wunschorte (Tofino) nur sehr schwer erreichbar ist. Wir haben es trotzdem versucht. Das war nicht so lustig. Ca 100km Schotterstraße mit unserem Motorhome. Wir sind meistens so 30 km/h gefahren. Insgesamt waren wir mit Pausen 10h unterwegs. Dafür fast am Ende der Fahrt ein toller See zum Baden, und zum Schluss der erste (Schwarz-) Bär in freier Wildbahn am Straßenrand. Wir zum Glück im Auto, das soll in Zukunft bitte auch so bleiben 🙈.
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    • День 19–22

      Naar Vancouver Island

      4 августа 2023 г., Канада ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Vandaag hadden we een volle reisdag. We vertrokken al vroeg uit Whistler om de camper in te leveren in Vancouver. Daarvandaan met een shuttle naar het vliegveld om de huurauto op te halen, door naar de ferry en daarna nog een rit van 3 uur op Vancouver Island met het nodigde oponthoud naar de eindbestemming an vandaag.

      Het eerste deel van de route (de sea to sky) blijft schitterend.
      Na de drukte bij het inleverstation van Fraserway voor de camper en het vliegveld genieten we even van de rustige zee tijdens de overtocht naar Vancouver Island.

      Het is hier een lang weekend dus er zijn ook veel Canadezen onderweg. Drukte op de weg en als er dan nog een ongeluk gebeurt, staan we een hele tijd stil. Maar we moeten nog een pittige route over hwy 4.
      Uiteindelijk komen we pas laat en in het pikkedonker aan in Tofino bij een mooie cottage.
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    • День 18

      Bears (and an eagle)

      13 августа 2017 г., Канада ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      Had to be checked out and in Tofino for bear watching boat trip by 9.30. Decided to go and breakfast there, though we ate up remaining rolls and bagels from previous night. Left a bit after 8 for 35 minute or so drive. Got parked up in spot without any restrictions. Ed picked a few blackberries though wouldn't eat them. Found shop serving drinks that was open and had coffees etc, good job not relied on it for breakfast wasn't anywhere to get food that was open. Went to Adventure Tofino office for 9.30 and met our guide, a Norwegian chap. Used loo few times as none on boat and got dressed in our survival suits. Bit overkill on warm day like today, but included life jackets and kept water out if we fell in. Also given gloves and hats if we should need them.

      5 minute walk down to boat, little further than usual due to excavation of harbour channels closing part of dock. Boat was a 12 seater rib, 11 of us on this trip. Three kids sat in front row, Sam and I and their dad row 2 then others in subsequent two rows. Captain at the back. We started off slowly then sped up when out of harbour. About 20 minutes to the bear area. Was grey and some low cloud on mountains but sun beginning to come through and it soon did making a lovely bright warm morning. First place we stopped we saw a bear. Was amazing, only few metres away on shore just going about turning over rocks and looking for shellfish. Very strong and can overturn really big rocks. This bear was a juvenile male. They get hot in sun and he went into water to cool down, then got out and had shake like a dog. We watched for 10 minutes or so then decided to move on. The different boats talked to each other on radio and shared bear sightings. A mum and two cubs had been seen so we headed there. No luck, but we moved around different inlets and saw a second bear on opposite side to where he had been sighted a few minutes before. Another male. Watched him for a bit then went off again. Nothing doing so headed back and saw this bear again but on the other side of a small island.

      Tried one last foray into an inlet visited before and were rewarded with what we thought was a cub. Was a young bear but as it was on its own, must have left its mum, happens at about 18 months old when mum will then have another one, work in about a 2 year cycle for each cub. So this guy was likely 18 months to 2 years old. Very cute, like a Labrador size. Time was up and we blasted back to harbour.

      Ed had got hot in suit so we spent some time during quiet moments trying to unzip it for him, eventually successful. Then in ride back he was cold! It was quite windy to be fair. At the harbour we bent away from dock, I thought to miss some kayakers, but turns out there was a bald eagle sitting imperiously in a tree just looking around. Great to see that too. They dive down for fish from the tree and sometimes go for something too big, if they then get too wet trying to pick it up they can't fly out of the water and end up having to swim back to shore using wings as paddles! Then headed into harbour, over all too quick. Got out of suits, said goodbyes. German family we were with had been whale watching in the storms yesterday, pleased we didn't do that! Ed keen on sea monster noodle bat next door so went there for lunch. Made nice change and was very tasty. Then walked into town to browse shops.

      Found ice cream and sweet shop first. Lady was very keen to know what popular British sweets were as she imported them to sell. She had some boxes of caramac and Bourneville that just weren't selling! Got some pick and mix, fruit pastille, about twice the price of back home for them and some ice cream. Ate in sun then went into gallery. Ed and Tash got some nice prints by the artist Mark `Hobson. Some of his larger originals went for 20 to 30k.

      Moved down through various souvenir shops and galleries. Nice eclectic mix of shops. Bought some. more prints, magnets and Tash tried on bikini but decided no in the end. Needed coffee and found nice shop, then went in one more for a magnet and Tash ended up with pyjama bottoms with horses on them. Drove back to hotel and hit the beach. Was warm but very windy. Kids went in sea which was not too bad and I rented them body boards which they loved. After hour and half or so Sam and Tash went back and Ed and I stayed. Had only been able to book dinner for 8.15. Had thought about going to lantern festival in botanical gardens but decided beach was more fun. Ed built a village in the sand and told me the whole​ back story about the different areas and why they were like that. Great imagination to make up story like that on spot. Went back after another hour and went in not tub, very soothing.

      Dinner was good in big dining room overlooking beach, sun was setting view was impressive. Service was a bit slow but food was nice. Back to cottage about 10. We had whole cottage here, with kids in upstairs room with two double beds and Sam and I downstairs where there was also big lounge. Was bit like centre parcs style room, very spacious. Could have spent more time here and used facilities like surf club etc more - another time.
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    • День 19

      Tash is 14, off road day trip

      14 августа 2017 г., Канада ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      So Tash turns 14. Where did the time go! Opened up her cards that we had brought with us then headed to hotel for breakfast. Were down there about 7.40 but it took them a while to bring the food - was proper service not buffet. Was geared up for leisurely time whereas we were in bit of rush, needing to meet the off road guy Blain at Pacific Rim visitor Centre about 25 minutes away at 8.45. Ended up getting there about 8.55. Blain was waiting with his pickup with two rzr' s on it. A German/Austrian couple were also waiting and did the trip with us, they had two seater, us a four. We went to loo, Blain said was last proper one before we went wild for rest of day. Tasha's face was not impressed by this news!

      We followed Blain about 5 minutes down road to a small parking lot with gravel road going off it. We filled in waivers again while he unloaded the 4 by 4's. Germans had a practice in theirs, then we got in ours. Basically same as ones we had driven in Whistler. Blain gave slightly scary speech about what to do and not to do, then we had a practice run. Ours had tendency to stall when you came to halt we were told, so bst to try and keep some revs on and slow slowly. Wasn't really a problem when we got used to it, it did stall but just restarted. Blain wanted much more distance between us than in Whistler where it had been a car length apart. 30m here, much more comfortable! Then we set off. Me and Tash in front, Ed and Sam in back. We drove along a reasonable gravel road for maybe 20 minutes and stopped on a wooden bridge over Kennedy river. Hadn't been that exciting so far and I think we all wondered whether we had signed up for the wrong thing. Ed was miserable as his helmet was uncomfortable hitting the seat back. Blain talked about Kennedy lake and Kennedy river and lots of cars came past, apparently a piece of land down road is used as overflow basic i.e. No facilities campsite where people end up when they arrive in Tofino and find everything better is full! Noticed one car had toilet roll in front window. Ed swapped to front and we pressed on. Road got bumpier and less maintained but continued at 50 to 60 km/h. Not too much dust unlike Whistler. Things were more exciting now as bumpier and the overnight rain had left puddles in the track, which I decided to aim for to spice things up. First one was bigger than I expected and we got a big wave of water up over the front of the vehicle. No windscreen so we all got wet. Ed loved this and think Tash did too and wanted to hit every puddle and get very wet, which we duly tried to do.

      After a while we stopped at viewpoint across the inlets and islands where we had bear watched yesterday. Was still but overcast. Quite few flies about, most we had encountered I think. Took opportunity to use facilities! Blain said road had been improved in last year or so for big logging trucks to get down, filled whole road and stacked high. Hard to imagine bringing lorry down that track. We swapped again Ed in back Tash in front and pressed on with road getting bumpier, quite a few narrow bridges over creeks. And quite a lot of puddles. The others were avoiding them, which gave me an indication of where to drive to hit them!. About 2 hours in we stopped and turned around, we were at Virgin Falls. Short walk through woods to base of falls. Spectacular, better given the rain night before. Small pool at bottom which even Ed declared too cold to paddle in - he did try with shoes and socks off. Certainly not swimmable though we had brought costumes in case.

      Lunch was set up on a fallen tree (huge) across the beach area. Very tasty. Rolls, ham, roast beef and mayo and mustard. Blain's wife had packed avocado for Sam instead of butter/mayo to spread on. Lettuce, cucumber with skin off. Tasted great in wild and even kids ate it. Cookies too which kids devoured and peaches, nice and ripe. Loads of bottles of water to drink. Ed climbed along the fallen tree and explored the roots - got a bit stuck trying to get down roots so Blain went across and rescued him. Really nice man. No one else was there and it was very peaceful. Good place to have a memorable birthday lunch.

      Back in vehicle we retraced steps. We followed Blain and Germans behind this time. They had great fun watching us hitting the puddles. One deep one spanned the path and I accelerated through it, water went right over top and continued to drip through gap,in roof onto Sam and Tash for a while.

      I let both kids steer as I did accelerator which they enjoyed, Tash more than Ed, who wa bit nervous of going wrong. At one point we took a wrong turn, upper rather than lower fork. To be fair Tash had steered right way but I had overruled. Could have carried on but didn't know that at time so reversed and rejoined. Back at start Blain refuelled then we crossed the highway and went down path the other way. It narrowed and we met a couple of logging trucks loaded down. Had to steer into verge and park at an angle to let them past, Ed felt he was falling out. Went higher up mountain and then hit track that barely looked like a path. Was very overgrown on each side and barely wide enough for vehicle. This meant we got hit in helmet with foliage and quite a lot of branches ended up in the vehicle. Ed and Sam in the back in particular were holding various branches by the end, Ed thought it hilarious. At some points we crossed streams not much water but quite uneven. At one Blain went through but told us to stop and he came back to give me instructions on line to take in case we tipped over. He offers to drive it himself but I declined. First go got it little wrong and seemed like we might tip, Blain came in to support vehicle if it did and we let it roll back and readjusted and went through fine, though quite rocky and Ed was worried. The two seater was easy to get through as much shorter wheelbase.

      Trail got narrower until everntually opened out into little clearing, with great views over Barkley Sound and the Broken Group of islands. Blain talked about wanting to come up here with a tent and watch the sunset and sunrise. We also talked about salmon fishing and fact Fisheries Ministry controlled fishing numbers based on predicted numbers returning. Got it wrong this year. Thought would be low number but already exceeded. Also talked about First Nation guys. Blain has remote house he uses on their land so has dealings with tribal chief. Tribe used to be 5000 or more, now about 300,

      Had some great cheese (a cheddar called English Tickler) crackers and beef jerky. Slightly spicy with Korean spice. Tash didn't like the spice despite liking jerky. Sam and I loved it and we all loved the cheese.

      Retraced route, Ed in front this time. More foliage and easier to get through tricky section this way, though still needed Blain's advice on line. We blitzed back to base and Tash managed to fall asleep in back - she can sleep in any moving vehicle!

      Said our goodbyes and headed back to Long Beach Lodge. Got back about 4.30 and changed and went to beach. Ed went in with hoard but declared it much colder than day before. Wind was less so was warmer on beach but day had not been as sunny so water not warmed up I guess. He had a coupe of surfs then decided to build in sand. Sam and Tash come down but headed straight back as Tash tired and they dropped boards back.

      Ed built a turtle in the sand then we went back and into hot tub. Had good soak for 40 minutes or so (Ed less) almost fell asleep. I got out and Tash got in for 15 minutes or so then we headed off to her birthday dinner at Wolf in the Fog. This turned out to be a cool place using local produce and funky menu with really friendly staff. I had put birthday on booking so they mentioned it straight away when we sat down and continued to mention it to Tash. They did mocktails, Tash had three different types. The crockery and cutlery was all old chine, none of it matching, you just got what came. We had some great food, shared some starters - foie gras for me with hinit of earl grey was great. Scallops and pork belly for Tash which Ed also loved. Herring for Sam - little daunting as whole herring skewered on sticks.

      Halibut main for Tash - waiter checked as was experimental dish with unusual things on it, but she was fine with it, apart from not eating the veg obviously. Sam had beef, I had green soul, which was bubble and squeak with other veg and a vinegar sauce. Ed had kids chicken fillets and chips. We all struggled to finish as was filling. Then desserts, only 3 so had them all, Tash had brown ice mousse cake, Ed lemon biscuits with dulce de Lethe cheesecake. I had coconut creme brûlée, which was excellent and fairly light given how full I was. Tash's came with a candle in it for her birthday.

      We tipped them well as they had been great and was good end to birthday.
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    • День 71

      Tag 20 - Vancouver Island - wir kommen

      8 июля 2018 г., Канада ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Schade, dass wir die schöne FeWo schon nach einer Nacht verlassen müssen, da die Fähre von Earls Cove erst 12:55 Abfuhr hatten wir reichlich Zeit und konnten ausschlafen und ausgiebig Frühstücken.
      Die Fährenpreise sind trotz des super Service von BC Ferries recht teuer (ca. 70 CAD), aber sind auch jedes Mal 1h Fahrt.
      17:00 ging dann die 2. Fähre von Powell River nach Vancouver Island, von hier waren es noch 200km bis nach Tofino ins Pacific Sands Beach Resort, so dass wir erst 21:00 hier waren. Aber es war gutes Reisewetter, Sonne und um die 20°C.
      Ein kleinen Strandspaziergang am Hausstrand haben wir noch gemacht, morgen erkunden wir Tofino und die Strände am Pacific Rim Park.
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    • День 71

      Tag 21 - Tofino - Vancouver Island

      8 июля 2018 г., Канада ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      ... Traumhaft!!!
      Der Tag hat mit einem leckeren Frühstück in Tofino begonnen, danach sind wir zum Long Beach und haben einen schönen Spaziergang am Strand unternommen. Sogar einen Weißkopfadler haben wir entdeckt 😀. Wunderschöne Stimmung am Strand... Zum Mittagessen sind wir nach Ucluelet gefahren und sind danach etwas am Pacific Wild Trail gewandert. Auch den Rainforest haben wir uns angeschaut - beeindruckend!
      Nach dem Abendbrot am Strand in unserem Resort haben wir es uns am Abend am Strand vom Tonquin Park gemütlich gemacht und den Sonnenuntergang genossen.

      Schönes Werbevideo unseres Resorts:
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    • День 14

      Long Beach, Tofino, Vancouver Island

      18 августа 2017 г., Канада ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Traumhafter Strand, zum Schwimmen aber etwas zu frisch. Dafür jede Menge Treibgut und Meerestiere zu sehen (oder was davon übrig ist).

    • День 6

      Paddling Around

      7 июля 2019 г., Канада ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Up early again today so that we could drive Brad to Cox Bay for day two of surfing and so that we could drive to Middle Beach for paddle surfing lessons!

      We met our instructor, Skola from France, and got into our wetsuits before getting a lesson about safety on our paddle boards. Now Evan and I have been paddle boarding before, but this was paddle surfing, which as we would come to understand is pretty different than just leisurely paddling around a calm lake in Manitoba.

      Evan and got on to our boards and Skola showed us basic strokes and how to do 360 turns and how to fall off our boards. Then, out of nowhere, a seal popped his head up about 5 feet from our boards! Even Skola was surprised! After our visitor left, we started out for the open water. The waves kept lolling around us and keeping our balance was challenging! Evan fell in in about the first 15 minutes, but started to get his footing after that.

      Skola had us paddling around rocks and into coves as the tide was out. We even portaged across a sand bar while the tide was out so that we could get to another area. The wind was calm, so we were able to paddle out quite far. At one point, Skola pointed out three whale watching boats that had stopped and he casually turned and said, “We should watch out for whales.” Yikes! Luckily, we didn’t see any whales while on our boards, but we did see lots of starfish and even a fish that jumped out of the water by Evan’s board!

      With a few minutes left in our lesson, Skola showed Evan how to do crazy surf moves on the paddle board. Lots of people go out into the surf with their paddle boards here. Evan was actually quite adept to doing these quick moves!

      We got out of gear and went to pick up Brad, who had been promoted the green waves on his second day of surfing!

      We decided to grab a picnic style lunch from Summit Bread Co. and Picnic, which sells cheeses, meats, and other delicious picnic style foods. We went back home with our haul and enjoyed our fresh breads and charcuterie.

      Feeling exhausted, we decided to have a quick nap before heading out to hike a few small paths. We found ourselves in the rainforest again, but without the rain this time. Seeing the old growth was very cool, but I was less excited about seeing a huge banana slug (named for its size and colour).

      After our hiking, we went back to town and went to Tofino Brewing to enjoy a flight. I got to have their kelp porter, which is indeed made with kelp.
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