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    • Day 103

      Last BBQ together

      June 27, 2020 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We had our last night-BBQ all together, since David will leave next week. And the week afterwards Sofia and (maybe) Tristan! 🤭🤫 Tristans flight back to France got canceled twice already - but that's a different story ...

      The time together in the MUFFIN hostel is coming to an end and therefore we celebrate our times together even more! 🥳

      Bugra started the bbq with Choripan and bread on the grill and Mariel made Rotkohl German Style earlier to go on top of it all 🌭 - DELICIOUS as always ❤️

      I will really miss those get-togethers out on the terrace 😢
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    • Day 99

      Tristans B-DAY

      June 23, 2020 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Today on the 23rd, Tristan is turning 23! 🙊
      Time to celebrate this special day together. 🥳

      David made pancakes in the morning 🥞 and we all had breakfast together, until I had to leave and tutor German classes. 🤓

      Meanwhile, Sofia and Kait organized a scavenger hunt (Schnitzeljagd) for Tristan. They hid notes in the hostel and Tristan had to follow the trail. 🐾
      Step by step, he found a mask, money and, as a final task, should go out with Sofia to buy alcohol for the bday party in the evening.
      We just didn't noticed that the kiosk on the other side of the street was closed. 🙈

      Later that day, we played Twister that Kait & Sofia designed (it's hard to see the colour on the pictures) and we had so much fun!! 😂

      Tristan had wanted empanadas for dinner. We ate together and played other party games afterwards - I don't go much into details, just say balloons 😂🙈😉

      Last but least, we had a no bake birthday cake that I made earlier. Tristan wanted to blow out the candles, but Sofia was accidentally faster. 😂😂😂

      Tristan - HAPPY BIRTHDAY - and may you have a wonderful year without Corona 😑☝️
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    • Day 109

      Au Revoir, David

      July 3, 2020 in Chile ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      The next of the Muffineros Survivors is leaving: David is flying back to France! 😢

      He will stay one night in the capital Santiago with a friend and then take the plane the next day. First to Sao Paolo in Brazil, then Frankfurt in Germany and afterwards to Paris in France. 🛬
      What a trip! 😳 But I guess that is traveling during Corona 🙄

      As a last good bye, I made a no-bake cake with a strawberry and cookie filling and used chocolate and almonds for the decoration around. 🍪🍫
      Actually I wanted to write something on top, but the chocolate letters didn't get hard enough to remove them from the paper. 🤔
      So I IMPROVISED ☝️ and used some left over Pomegranate seeds to form the word "BYE" instead. Sofia helped me to arrange the seeds with chopsticks. 🥢😁

      After eating the cake, we gathered at the door, where David hold a last speech, gave everyone a big hug (I saw some tears here 😭) and left the hostel with Bugra to go to the bus terminal. 🚌

      We all followed his last steps in Valparaiso from the windows of the MUFFIN Hostel and saw how Bugra said his final goodbye to David. 👋

      It's been some days now, David arrived in France all safe & sound and is probably already planning his next trip 🧭😉👍

      Thank you for the last month together, for the good and bad moments, the help when I messed up a dessert, letting me watch TopChef in french with you and Tristan, the Caramel, the hot chocolate, the delicious dinners, the french class on the terrace, the songs you played on the guitar and much more. 😂😂😂

      Tout le meilleur & prenez soin de vous, David! 😘
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    • Day 115

      Au Revoir, Tristan

      July 9, 2020 in Chile ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      The next one of the Frenchis is leaving! 💔
      This morning before 10 am, Tristan left the MUFFIN to travel back to France. 😢

      He left us a note on the board, said goodbye to everone (especially to Sofia 😍) and then started his long travel back (over Frankfurt in Germany).

      He arrived safe and sound at his home and already sent us a picture together with his family, outside in the Garden.

      I hope to see you again one day Tristan, it was a pleasure to meet you, many thanks for all the fun moments together, the good food, also the french classes, the talks and of course our kitchen towel fights!! 😂😂😂
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    • Day 116

      Adiós, Sofia!

      July 10, 2020 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      And today, it was time to say Goodbye and Adiós to Sofia! 😢
      Even tho I know that saying goodbye is always a sad thing, I hope to see Sofia again one day in Mexico! 💃

      Girl, thank you soo much for the wonderful time together at the MUFFIN hostel, the laughs, the tears we shared, the amazing food - Arepas, Gnocchis, Shakshuka, just to name a few! 🤤

      Sofia will first fly to Miami, the same flight that Mariel and I will take next week on our way to the Dominican Republic.
      Then she wants to see her sisters, family and later move to Mexico.
      And since my plan is to go to Mexico too, the chances are really high that we will meet again! ❤️

      Take good care, Amiga 😘
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    • Day 36

      Valparaiso J 1

      February 9, 2020 in Chile ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Hier mes amis quelle catastrophe. Un ténor de variétés qui se prend pour Elvis et pavarotti en même temps, qui hurle dans son micro, avec tellement de réverb et d'écho que tout est inaudible, sans oublier la mise en scène ridicule et un mauvais éclairage... En gros, c'était super! Donc passons.

      Ce matin, réveil à Valparaiso, le premier port du Chili. En effet, dès que nous jetons un oeil par la fenêtre, c'est une ville immense qui nous apparait. Au pied de plusieurs collines toutes recouvertes d'habitations de toutes les couleurs, des quartiers plus récents réunissent les quelques monuments ou bâtiments à voir.
      Pour y accéder, ce n'est pas simple: une fois la passerelle descendue, il nous faut prendre une navette qui nous amène en 5/6 minutes à l'autre bout du port, au terminal des croisières. Mais là, comme il n'y a rien, il faut prendre une seconde navette qui nous mène à une station de métro. De là, nous avons pu marcher un bon moment dans des rue très...typiques et faire un tour dans le marché au puces local. Un peu plus loin, le marché aux légumes, très vaste et toujours aussi...typique. Les chiliens que nous avons croisés se sont révélés très sympas et pas envahissants pour les touristes.

      Anecdote: hier au soir dans notre cabine, une note d'informations nous indiquait qu'il fallait faire attention aux pickpockets qui repéraient les touristes et les croisiéristes. Ok. Ce matin, à la descente du bateau, un cadeau nous attendait: un panama a été distribué à chaque passager. C'est gentil, mais pour la discrétion...

      Cet après-midi donc, excursion. L'occasion de râler un peu. Au lieu de nous emmener dans les points essenntiels de Valparaiso, voilà t-y pas qu'ils nous dirigent vers un musée de la ville voisine, Vina del Mar, puis vers son somptueux bord de mer bordé d'immeubles affreux où il n'y a rien à voir. Enfin, après une promenade collective (« restez groupir! ») nous avons repris la direction de Valparaiso pour nous arrêter sur l'une des places essentielles, la Plaza Soto Mayor. De là, nous nous sommes éclipsés le temps de grimper sur une des collines par un escalier dur-dur. Mais , en haut, celà valait le détour. Et retour au bateau.

      Demain, journée libre. Nous repartirons avec le métro vers la même place et emprunterons un autre escalier ou le funiculaire pour découvrir une autre colline et toutes les fresques qui décorent chaque mur.

      En fait, ils ont tellement la trouille qu'il arrive quelque chose qu'ils évitent tous les endroits qui ne seraient pas sûrs à 120%! Place de la cathédrale... on ne s'y arrête pas.
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    • Day 34

      Sunday Funday at the beach

      April 19, 2020 in Chile ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      After my two German classes in the morning, we had another French class with the Frenchis and spoke about the numbers and learned two new verbs.

      Then I had a small lunch with Mariel on the terrace in the sun. 😎🌞

      Around 4.30 pm I walked to the beach to enjoy the last day of warm weather here. Days are getting colder here now ...🥶 Since #fuckingcorona I have to wear a facemask now 😑

      I met Bugra and Kait and later some of their friends joined us.
      Kait and I decided to run into the ocean and swim a little. But the current was really strong and the water cold, so after a short swim, we returned to the others and enjoyed the sun and later the sunset at the beach. 🌅

      After some hours at the beach, we returned to the hostel for Sofias tomato soup and a round of "time's up" afterwards. 🤗
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    • Day 60

      Drunk Beach Day

      May 15, 2020 in Chile ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      The weather changed from bitter cold to sweet sunshine all day with a beautiful blue sky.
      So we decided to go to the beach 🏖️

      Mariel and Bugra went first and bought some beers, the rest caught up later with lunch.
      On our way, we bought a tequila bottle and took some cans of soda water with us.

      First we eat our chicken and vegetables at the beach, afterwards the girls went for a quick jump into the (still ass cold) ocean 🌊🌊🌊

      We drank the tequila, watched the sunset and even saw a japanese space station 🤔🙄 (not a 100% sure tho)

      At one moment I was so tipsy that I attacked Mariel. Definetly a bad decision, since she grew up with 2 brothers and knows how to defend herself 😵😂😂😂

      My bad - the beach fight was fun tho 🧡
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    • Day 40

      Letzter Tag in Valpo

      November 13, 2016 in Chile ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Die Zeit vergeht so schnell, heute Nacht muss ich schon wieder nach Concepción fahren.
      Wir haben heute das gute Wetter in der Laguna Verde genossen und haben am Nachmittag eine Hafenrundfahrt gemacht, um Valpo mal aus einer anderen Perspektive zu sehen.

      Die Stadt ist der absolute Hammer, sie ist eine Reise wert!

      Das letzte Foto zeigt meinen Sitzplatz im Bus. Habe ich zu viel versprochen? 😋
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    • Day 100


      January 30, 2018 in Chile ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Nicht weit entfernt von Santiago liegt Valparaíso - die kulturelle Hauptstadt Chiles. Geprägt von den vielen bunten Häusern und der Street-Art, hat die Stadt ein ganz eigenes Flair. Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein haben wir eine kleine Hafenrundfahrt gemacht und sind auf verschiedene Hügel mit der Standseilbahn hoch gefahren.Read more

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