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    • Hari 7

      Città di Pingyao

      2 April, Cina ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Città murata che risale al XIV secolo, Pingyao, oltre che a conservare gran parte dei suoi edifici antichi (caso raro in Cina), è stato il luogo in cui è nata la “Rishenshang”, la prima banca della Cina.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 11

      Pingyao, ancient city

      10 Maret, Cina ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Die historische Stadt Pingyao wurde im 14. Jahrhundert in Form einer Schildkröte (=Symbol für Langlebigkeit) erbaut. Zu dessen Hochzeit war Pingyao eine der wichtigsten Städte Chinas, da hier die ersten Banken des Landes eröffnet wurden. Pingyao wurde 1997 vor allem wegen seiner noch sehr gut erhaltenen Stadtmauer zum Unesco-Weltkulturerbe erklärt.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 26

      27 Tag Datong Pingyao

      7 Mei 2018, Cina ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Heute war ein wunderbarer Tag (für mich). Wir waren wieder in so einem Schmudelzug und da trafen wir eine Holländisch Familie mit zwei Jungen und einem Mädchen. Wir verstanden uns wunderbar. Das Mädchen ist nicht auf dem Foto, weil die Jungen davor etwas gesagt haben und das Mädchen weggegangen ist (sie sagten es auf Holländisch) Sie vertrugen sich nachher wieder und alle waren froh, dass wir sogar im gleichen Hotel sind. Und am Abend spazierten wir noch durch das Städtchen.

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    • Hari 28

      Tag 27 Datong / Pingyao

      7 Mei 2018, Cina ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Der heutige Tag ist ganz dem Zugfahren gewidmet. Wir waren uns ja bereits von der Ersten Zugfahrt einiges gewohnt, aber diese Fahrt hat unsere Erwartungen nochmals übertroffen🙈. Auch wenn wir es nicht für möglich gehalten haben, war es nochmals hässlicher. Die Betten waren alle schon von unseren Vorgänger gebraucht und unsere Plätze waren im ganzen Zug verteilt. Uns blieb nichts anderes übrig als eine Pritsche zu Dritt zu nutzen. Patrik hat sich dann für einen komfortablen Fenstersitz entschieden. Als dann noch unsere Bettnachbarin angefangen hat, irgendwelche Riesencrevetten zu sezieren war unsere Stimmung auf dem Nullpunkt. Der Toilettengang ist eine Mutprobe und man muss ziemlich geübt sein im Luftanhalten. Man gewöhnt sich irgendwie trotzdem an alles und wir hatten mit viel Humor, lustige sechs Stunden Zugfahrt hinter uns gebracht und sind nun happy, dass es durch ist😀.
      Für Levin war es ein Traum. Er hat Holländerjungs kennengelernt und die sechs Stunden mit gleichaltrigen Jungs ganz fest genossen. Kind glücklich - Eltern glücklich.
      Als wir die schöne Altstadt in Pingyao sahen, haben wir uns wieder mit China versöhnt🤗.
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    • Hari 4

      View from a window .

      7 November 2017, Cina ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We've by on the train for about 2 hrs now. After the first 150 or so km the air quality improved dramatically and we could see across the plains of fields to tower blocks and distant towns. We had a long pause at one station and after that mountains appeared. For a few minutes we passed extensive quarrying works; entire mountains being chewed up. For the last 15 minutes we have been in a tunnel, at 200km/hr (the speed has dropped in here) that is a long tunnel. I suspect that the scenery we can see from the windows is the scrubby mountains we saw from the air. Some dramatic valleys and rivers appear occasionally but mostly it seems to be just hills/mountains and the odd sign of human lives.
      Meanwhile the overhead screen shows a variety of information.... All about how the trains and tracks are built. Some tourist type info. Some adverts. How to exercise in your seat. How jade ornaments are produced and of course some behavioural and political messages.
      Travelling more slowly now less than 200km /hr and arriving in a huge industrial city, factories, cooling towers, cement works (for all the stone from those quarried hills) and lots of identical new tower blocks and lower level apartment buildings.
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    • Hari 30

      Pingyao 2. Tag - Wang Castle

      15 September 2018, Cina ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Vormittags besuchen wir das etwas südlich von Pingyao liegende Wang Castle, eine Art Stammsitz dieser regional lange sehr bedeutenden Familie. Mit 100 Innenhöfen und über 300 Räumen ein beeindruckendes Ensemble mit vielen hübschen dekorativen Details, Möbeln und Bildern.
      Nachmittags bummeln wir durch Pingyao und besichtigen neben dem Tempel Shuanglin auch die Residenz. Hier lebte und arbeitete über viele Jahrhunderte der jeweils für die Provinz zuständige Richter. Wir sehen Richter Di aus unseren chinesischen Kriminalromanen durch die Räume schreiten...
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    • Hari 87


      1 Agustus 2018, Cina ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      370 km nach Pingyao, Temperatur 34 Grad, Sonne.

      Auf der Strecke hatte man noch einmal einen wunderschönen Blick auf ein Stück große Mauer.

      Ansonsten ist hier Kohleanbaugebiet.

      Pingyao ist 1997 als Weltkulturerbe anerkannt worden und die Altstadt ist mit kompletter Stadtmauer erhalten geblieben. Morgen ist Stadtbesichtigung.

      Wir stehen im Innenhof eines kleinen Hotels. Direkt an der Stadtmauer.

      Ann geht es leider noch nicht viel besser, wahrscheinlich ist eine Entzündung im Fuß.

      Die Schweizer laden heute zum Nationalfeiertag ein. Abends gab es noch ein Führung für die Dorfjugend.
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    • Hari 5

      Evening in Pingyao

      8 November 2017, Cina ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      So after the abortive magnet hunt we sought the consolation of street food: A waffle type thing filled with green tea ice-cream and jam. Then an amble back to the hotel resisting taking yet more photographs, it is a breathtaking place and every corner offers another view or something of interest. Back to the hotel for Dad's power nap (which is when I do some of this - I have barely opened a book this holiday!). Refreshed we went in search of dinner, straight there no getting lost, a place recommended by Marina. Packed out, well organised we were handed an iPad which was both menu and ordering system. Dinner was accompanied by a large beer, the dust and smoke had caught in my throat. It is pretty horrendous when the breeze drops and once they light their coal stoves in the early evening it is quite chewy. Food was good and plentiful. Crispy noodle wrapped shrimps for Dad, pork balls in Sweet and sour sauce for me (but nothing like we get at home these were lovely unbattered spheres, scattered with sesame, we skipped rice in favour of fried eggplant. After dinner we walked the long way back to our hotel. On to Xi'an tomorrow.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 5

      Pingyao Wandering

      8 November 2017, Cina ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      So we wandered on to South Street aiming to look at tourist tat and debate lunch. All of a sudden we were mobbed a party of 30-something (rather than easily amused teen) Chinese people grabbed us and used us as their photo prop. Swapping people in and out as they clicked away. No idea what it was about, it made them laugh a lot though! Weird but funny.

      After that we needed lunch, the rejected but recommended restaurant from last night. Very good, shrimp and cashew nuts for dad, I had chicken in a sharp sauce with peanuts. We got a bonus dessert... Something fried... A sweet bean filled dumpling and one that might have been sweet potato....
      We had to share our table - with the cat. After some fuss he curled up on my jacket whilst we ate. As soon as our chopsticks went down though it was a game to keep him from being all over the remains of our dinner.
      Next we aimed to wander to the Temple of the Household Gods via tat. I had lots of fun haggling over a brass bust of Chairman Mao. The place is fascinating; the very centre is tourist oriented but outside that you get a sense of a normal life being lived. When doors are open you can peer into courtyards and glimpse real life; cabbages, electric scooters, and drying washing.
      The sun disappeared by early afternoon today it has been very still and so the air quality has dropped considerably. Visibility is significantly reduced and back here in the hotel now I can taste dust and smoke. Pingyao may be pretty but the surrounding area is full of industry and it is notoriously dry so the air quality is poor. All the cars have a film of dust on them and the Temple Gods are filthy.
      Post Mao we went to the Temple of Household Gods. This includes the land God, three gods of wealth, a kitchen God and a door God amongst others. All the gods looked like they hadn't been cleaned ever but it was a working temple incense in the burners, candles were lit and offerings of fruit were stacked in front of the gods. One of the gods seemed a little neglected - the God of project managers.... (See the photo), I need to hunt now for the God of Application Engineers....
      A brief sit in the grounds watching leaves being diligently swept off the grass (in China grass is not for walking on or picnicking on apparently - it is there to be looked at!) and then we were back on the wander... I want a tasteful fridge magnet. I found one but the vendor and I could not agree a price.... But I was confident that I would soon find more. Unfortunately though the evidence suggests he has a monopoly on the fridge magnet market... I may have to go back and renegotiate.
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    • Hari 5

      A morning tour of Pingyao

      8 November 2017, Cina ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      A beautiful sunny day and we met our guide Marina in the hotel at 9:30. Our first stop was the ancient government building. Although largely rebuilt (some was lost/destroyed during the cultural revolution) the core was 1300 and included tax offices, a prison and the magistrates courts. It also included the government tower which gave great views over the city. Overall very interesting if a bit grim, prisoner human rights not being high on their agenda. I must read some more of the Judge Dee stories when I get home.

      Whilst wandering we talked to our guide about Pingyao, this area is known as two black, two white based on the chief products: black vinegar, black coal, white noodles, white wine. Coal is still the key fuel source, when we were wandering in alleys last night we could smell the coal.

      After this we headed onto the city walls which form a 6km circuit round the old town. Again a good opportunity to peer into courtyards. The views managed to encapsulate old and new Pingyao, old towers in the foreground and new construction in the background. After this short walk we descended to the Confucius Temple, which was our guide's High School until 2003! The central hall was there then but students were charged 3¥ to go in it! Now they have reinstated the temples and the surrounding buildings and the fences and some walls are Apparently in prayer ribbons bearing the name of students taking exams or thanking Confucius for their achievements... So it rather confirms the idea that however hard people try to suppress belief systems they just go underground until that passes (Putin's Russia?).

      Our guide also wanted to discuss schools and exams - this arose out of the government house visit and her temple high school. Apparently she had to get up at 6 to be ready to go to school at 6:30, a half hr bike ride. On arrival at 7am they read for half an hour, then ran for 30 mins. Then an hour for breakfast, lessons till 12:30, two hours for lunch then back for lessons till 5:30-6pm, tea and then a final session 7- 9pm. She said it was hell, I wouldn't argue! She also mentioned that really the cultural revolution wasn't much taught about in school which concentrated on history from 3000 bce to 1900 or so. On reflection it makes sense... I doubt our curriculum includes much from 1950 onwards....

      Our final stop was the first Chinese bank founded in 1823. They were dyers with 6 branches across the region until they decided that financial services were more lucrative. So instant bank with 6 branches! They were clever, inventing watermarks that could only be seen in light from a specific lamp and a coding system that used ordinary characters from a poster on the walll to hide details of transactions and dates so that if info was lost it was useless.

      After this Dad and I went for a drink (freshly squeezed apple juice) and arranged to meet Marina tomorrow for our ride back to the station. The rest of the day was ours to wander.
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    Anda mungkin juga mengenal tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Gutao, Pingyao, Pingyao County, Xian de Pingyao, 平遥県, Пинъяо, 古陶

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