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De 10 mest populære reisemålene Zadar
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    • Dag 41

      Day 41: Zadar to Nin

      24. mai, Kroatia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Luv this place. Finally a proper swim. Bloody stones everywhere. Grah was a superstar in the 10m platform but unfortunately perforated his eardrum on entry. I was lucky to find the hottest female doc in town who jabbed him in the but! Visited Nin island. Found an extremely remote spot to sleep but apparently a great place to put your boat in. Not so remote.Les mer

    • Dag 30–32


      2. juni, Kroatia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      The journey from Rijeka to Zadar of 130 miles was a bit of an adventure. From Rijeka city, i cycled only 30 miles that day to a small village called Klenovica with a population of only 300! With a great beach nearby, so of course I jumped in to cool off. My hotel I stayed in over 4 floors and I was the only guest! Following day I carried on south towards Zadar with a 15 minute ferry crossing. It was a 51 miles of riding with absolutely nothing in between just one long empty road with great views the whole way. On route I had 2 random strangers pull over after overtaking me just to say hey and have a chat with me and ask where i cycled from and where I was going which was nice. Soon after the rain came pouring down and I got a bit wet but slowly peddled on. But one small slip in the rain catching the edge of the road I managed to come flying off the bike bending my handle bars and smashing my arm. After a few minutes to pull myself back together and bending the bars back I was on my way again. Jumped on the ferry to the other side of the island called pag, I had a steep climb straight away but once I reached the very top I had a car waiting for me taking photos of me coming over the top of the hill which I found abit strange untill 2 guys were holding water out for me. They asked where I came from and said he was a big fan, took some photos with me and on he went, what great encounter.
      Stayed over night in a tiny town called Gajac, where it was like a ghost town it was so quiet! Last day on the bike before a few days off, it was a straight forward 50 miles all the way to Zadar city!
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    • Dag 44

      Day 44: Zadar to Lokva

      27. mai, Kroatia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      The day was beautiful. Beach time. We swam in front of the Falkensteiner club. Less crowded. A little stony but we found some clear patches. Ate burgers at the Beach bar. Best onion rings and chicken wings. More swimming then the coastal drive on our way to Vienna. Stunning drive. More swim time in a cute town but very average dinner. Watched the sunset at LokvaLes mer

    • Dag 5

      Plitvitce Lakes National Park

      23. september 2023, Kroatia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Along with beautiful waterfalls at this Croatian National Park, one of the remarkable things is this aquamarine water that results from a high mineral content. People in the past would swim here but no more. On a warm 70degree day this made for a thrilling and inspirational hike plus Dave and Betsy were happy with the cool birds they saw.Les mer

    • Dag 5

      Waterfalls and Aquamarine Lakes

      23. september 2023, Kroatia ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      We left Zagreb under mostly cloudy skies with the threat of rain as we drove to Plitvice National Park. A UNESCO World Natural Heritage site, Croatia’s most popular park lived up to its reputation as a beautiful and heavily visited park. Often referred to as one of Europe’s most beautiful parks, the park’s colorful waters - blue, green, aquamarine, turquoise - and the many waterfalls are what bring most visitors to the park. The waters’ changing colors is attributed to the concentration of dissolved organic matter, the concentration of various organisms in water, lake depth, the environment of the lake, weather conditions, the play of light and shadows and the surface water movement. We were pleased that the rain held off until the very tail end of our hike. Adding to our experience were two new birds to me - a Great Tit, which we got a very good look at a couple of them eating some sort of chokecherry- looking fruit (the more colorful bird in the photos), and I heard, but did not see, a Eurasian blackcap. Both photos are from eBird. Tonight we are in Zadar, a city on the Adriatic coast. Tomorrow, we explore Zadar. But first, we sleep.Les mer

    • Dag 6

      Zagreb The Ancient Walled City

      24. september 2023, Kroatia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We walked from the sobe where we are lodging to the old town that is like something from an Instagram post. The stone city is an architectural marvel. It has winding roads (and a touristy feel) but underneath it all it makes you consider that so much happened here you can’t even begin to imagine! I saw a maintenance man with a handmade broom, many tourists and I heard noone speaking English. The shop keepers here speak a little. Prices even here for food is very reasonable.Les mer

    • Dag 7

      The Sea Organ

      25. september 2023, Kroatia ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Sea Organ

      Zadar is a proud owner of a unique blend of architecture and music, the world-famous Sea Organ, which is located right next to another modern installation, the Greeting to the Sun. The sounds that the Sea Organ produces are a result of the release of sea energy, or rather waves and tides.

      The Sea Organ was broken off and then gently shaped and returned to the sea. It stretches out over about seventy metres of the Zadar waterfront, below which, at the level of the lowest low tide, 35 pipes of various lengths, diameters and slopes have been installed. I love the sounds coming from it and with the moon illuminated, it was spectacular. I wish I was there with a group of quiet people doing shavassana however but it was a ok otherwise.
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    • Dag 7

      Meet Djana and a Zadar Neighborhood

      25. september 2023, Kroatia ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      I hope you’ve seen the Hulu movie “the last tourist” . It encourages green tourism as does Rick Steves. We had the great bounty to stay with this woman who has built a beautiful home with very nice accommodations. She had the small house outside her house as an extra space for her family - which she gave us a tour of. Her neighbor gave us oranges when I smiled at her in the street. I will remember this woman Dyana who works very hard with her business . It’s a different experience than just staying at chain hotels and because of that you get memory making moments like these.Les mer

    • Dag 169


      21. september 2022, Kroatia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Gestern habe ich Istrien verlassen und die Kvarner Bucht umrundet, während die kurvenreiche Küstenstraße tolle Ausblicke auf das Meer und die vielen großen und kleinen Inseln bot. In der Nähe von Vinjerac fand ich inmitten einer kargen, baumlosen Landschaft einen abgelegenen Stellplatz mit Blick auf das Velebit Gebirge. Von hier ist es nicht weit bis nach Zadar, dem ich heute einen Besuch abstatte.
      Die Altstadt liegt auf einer schmalen Halbinsel und weist in Folge der massiven Kriegszerstörungen ein sehr heterogenes Bild auf. So stehen profane Nachkriegsbauten direkt neben romanischen und venezianischen Kulturschätzen.
      Die Stadt hat auch in Sachen Landschaftsarchitektur einiges zu bieten. Auf den ehemaligen Befestigungsanlagen wurden schöne Grünanlagen errichtet und die zeitgenössische Gestaltung der Uferpromenade bietet spannende Highlights wie die Meeresorgel und eine große solarbetriebene Lichtinstallation.
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    • Dag 15


      30. juli 2022, Kroatia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Glück im Unglück - heute war richtig was los! 😅

      Nach dem gestrigen Ruhetag freute ich mich wieder in die Pedalen treten zu können. Und so verliess ich die offizielle Strasse relativ schnell und fuhr etwas abseits. Das Holpern war heute wohl viel für meinen Esel und so fiel nach nur 10km schon mal das vordere Schutzblech ab. Nach einer Gewitternacht wie gestern brauchte ich dieses aber zwingend - also stoppen und wieder anmachen. Kurz darauf erschien dann auf meinem Schleichweg ein Baustellen-Stoppschild, welches ich nicht wirklich akzeptieren wollte und einfach dran vorbei fuhr. Als dann ein paar Meter weiter die Strasse infolge eines Erdrutsches abrubt endete, gab ich mich geschlagen und musste ein Teilstück zurückfahren.🙈

      Aber das wars noch nicht! Kurz vor Stara Vas konnte ich es auf der Hauptstrasse wieder mal schön sausen lassen, bis plötzlich mein Velo ganz komisch klang und ich eine Vollbremsung hinlegen musste. Na toll, die Halterung des Gepäckträgers war gebrochen und somit eine Weiterfahrt unmöglich. Was nun? Ich versuchte es à la Macguyver mit Haargummi und Schaltkabel, aber so richtig wollte es nicht. Plan B musste hin: also schob ich mein Velo bis zum nächsten Haus, wo per Zufall eine alte Dame einen Käse-/Früchtestand führte. Ich sprach sie auf EN/DE an, sie verstand nichts, aber holte wenigstens ihren Mann. Mit Hand und Fuss erklärte ich ihm, dass ein Teil abgebrochen sei und ich es irgendwie flicken muss. In seiner uralten Garage hat er mir dann das Metallteil geschliffen, ein neues Loch reingebohrt und ich konnte es wieder montiert. Ich glaube trotz Samstagsarbeit war er genau so stolz und glücklich über das Ergebnis wie ich. ☺️🙏
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    Zadar, ዛዳር, Chadra, زادار, Горад Задар, Задар, Ζαντάρ, זאדאר, ZAD, Zara, ザダル, ზადარი, 자다르, Iadera, Zadaras, Zadara, زدار, 扎達爾

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