Cantón Sucre

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    • Dag 16

      Up the Coast to Canoa

      3 september 2022, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      We took a road trip 5 hours north to Conoa this weekend, hunting for sun.

      We only found a little sun, but we had a bunch of interesting learning experiences. Perhaps most importantly, we learned that Charles (my mom’s travel agent/cardiologist gentleman caller) or Addie (renown Airbnb expert) should book the rest of our travel arrangements. We are not wimpy travelers, but this weekend we realized that we are not 20 years old and that accommodations advertised on may not be for us.

      That said, we really enjoyed lots about the weekend. The changes in topography in our road trip—cacti, rice paddies, palm trees, crazy huge trees, sea, hills and mountains - were really cool. We saw so many weird and amazing micro climates in such a short period of time. Unfortunately, Talia missed most of the drive because, heeding warnings from travel books, we gave her a Dramamine to help with car sickness (the roads are very curvy, and in some places, sort of in the ocean). It’s possible that we went overboard with the Dramamine because she was OUT for the ride.

      After the long ride, we spent one night in Canoa, but between the late night dance party next door to our accommodation (“hotel” is not quite the right word) and a group of nocturnal roosters on the street outside, none of us slept well. We had planned a day trip to an organic farm not far from Canoa, but decided to check out of the dance-party-and-rooster hotel in order to stay at the peaceful farm. The farm was certainly beautiful, and the food - all grown on site - was amazing…but the abuelo at the neighboring farm down the road happened to turn 72 this weekend, so the family played dance music until 6am and of course a group of roosters cockle-doodle-doo’ed from 3am until the sun rose. Additionally, while I’m excited about all of the biodiversity in Ecuador, I’m beginning to think it’s mostly diversity in insects—despite the the mosquito nets, the enormous bugs didn’t help our sleep.

      Notwithstanding the lack of sleep and excessive encounters with strange bugs, we had a good time. Talia loved all of the farm animals— she enjoyed riding another horse, feeding pigs and chickens and hanging with a dog named Mango. She especially liked the cat, Mousey, which made me love her a tiny bit less (where’s her dog loyalty?!?).  We all learned a lot about sustainable farming (and compostable toilets), plus Talia learned how to harvest cocoa beans and make chocolate. To top it off, she made a necklace and a ring from local plants, which involved her using a saw and various other dangerous tools with minimal supervision. Of course, she’s most excited to tell her grandparents about this. In good news, no one lost any fingers.

      Before we left, the abuelo from the farm down the road brought us some birthday cake to make up for the noise from the wild geriatric party the night before. The adventure continues…


      Oh wait! This just in! A guest post narrated by Talia:

      Hello everybody! I am happy that you guys read our blog. Right now I’m at a farm and I fed pigs and chickens, and I also did more horseback riding. I’m eating my breakfast at the farm while mommy types. Oh, I also fed chickens and roosters. We have a cat at the farm named Mousey. She’s very sweet. Also, there are dogs named Mango and Rosa. They are super cute and always come into our little house.

      We slept in little nets so we would be safe from mosquitos. Actually, beetles swarmed all around us. There were 3 million of them. My mommies put me in my net first and then they got into their net. And my mommies heard a noise at night and Mango barked and barked. He was guarding us, which was sweet. Yeah, that’s it from Ecuador. I hope school is fun! Bye! Love, Talia.
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    • Dag 213

      Cañoa - familia pequeña

      31 mars 2023, Ecuador ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Canoa ist eine kleine Küstenstadt in der Provinz Manabí im Westen Ecuadors. Sie ist bekannt für ihre ruhigen Strände und das entspannte Surferleben. Als ich in Cañoa angekommen bin, waren meine Gefühle gemischt. Es ist ein sehr kleiner Ort, der auf den ersten Blick sehr ruhig und verlassen wirkt. Aber nach "meinen" 48h hatte ich direkt meine kleine Familie gefunden. Ich habe hier so nette und herzliche Menschen kennenzulernen dürfen. Ob Hostel Gäste oder Locals, alle sind zu einer großen Gruppe zusammengewachsen. Die Tage verbringe ich hier so entspannt und habe dennoch jeden Tag neue Abenteuer. Höhlenschwimmen, wandern, surfen, CAMBIO, Salsa, reageton und sehr viel gutes essen.
      Leider gibt es auch Schattenseiten, gestern musste ich einen kleinen Welpen finden der im Sterben lag und ich konnte ihm nicht helfen. Er war der jüngste und schwächste aus dem Wurf und bekam somit keine Futter, er verhungerte quasi neben seinen Geschwistern. Die Locals sagten mir zwar das sei der Kreislauf des lebens, ich kann das jedoch nur schwer ertragen. Am nächsten Tag bin ich erneut dort hin und habe der Familie Futter gebracht, in der Hoffnung sie füttern ihn.

      Zusammenfassend kann ich aber sagen, dass Canoa ein wunderschönes Reiseziel ist, das viel zu bieten hat. Mit seinen entspannenden Stränden, aufregenden Abenteuern und reichen Naturleben ist es ein Ort, den ich unbedingt auf meiner Reise-Liste haben wollte.
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    • Dag 17


      27 mars 2019, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Heute Abend geht es schon wieder Richtung Berge und ich werde das Meer eine Zeit lang nicht mehr zu Gesicht bekommen. Nach knapp 1,5 Wochen Strand und Hitze freue ich mich aber auch schon wieder auf etwas Abkühlung in den Bergen. :-)
      Anbei ein paar Eindrücke meiner Zeit in Canoa.
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    • Dag 75


      26 december 2015, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      It took 7 hours and 3 buses to get to Canoa but totally worth it, we loved it so much that we extended our stay with an extra day. Fantastic little beach town, the Pacific ocean is smooth and surprisingly warm with big waves. Even to managed to have our first proper night out on the 24th. Stayed out almost until 1:00! To be fair also started at 3 pm. Had lots of cocktails, beer, wine before we left for dancing where made some new local friends who's great idea was to share a bottle of tequila...
      The beach was fantastic even managed to surf, had a 3 hours lesson (was suppose to be 1, but the guy was cool) and we were just professionals. Our faces are still so burnt and hot but had an amazing time. It's gonna be difficult to leave tomorrow from the relaxed little town where we spent our first Christmas together...
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    • Dag 194


      9 juli 2017, Ecuador ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      In Canoa I met up with Luis and his friend Ryan. It was nice to know I would be around people I knew as I didn't really know what to expect from the small surf town Canoa in off season. But as it turned out the hostel was really social and a nice place to get back in the water. But the absolute highlights were their two puppies! I couldn't stop cuddling them.
      As they overbooked their dorm rooms I got an upgrade to a little private room with my own bathroom for the price of the dorm.
      We hung out at the hostel the first day catching up and only went to town for dinner.
      There was a nice couple volunteering in the hostel and I went surfing with them the next morning. The waves weren't perfect but I was happy I was able to catch some and had a lot of fun - and that's all what surfing is about.
      The hostel had a shared BBQ that night for which everybody was supposed to bring something. As most people were preparing salads and other vegetarian dishes we decided to buy some chicken. As it turned out this meant we had to go to San Vincente the next town. We caught a bus and after the guys had a quick lunch we went to the market to buy a whole (dead) chicken. It came with feed and intestines but we told the lady from the market she could keep that. Luckily she also cut the chicken in its parts which made it a lot easier for us.
      When we got back to the hostel everybody was already busy in the kitchen. It was amazing what people were preparing! There were lots of salads, skewers, prawns, hummus, fresh french fries, quesadillas and lots more!
      It was a really nice night with everybody eating together!
      The next morning when I got ready to leave I suddenly felt the earth shaking. As I was by myself in my room I wasn't sure if I had just imagined it. But when I came down for breakfast the guys asked me immediately: "Did you feel the earthquake?"
      Later on the bus a guy next to me told me that the "terremoto" was measured 5.7 in the next town. That's how I got to know a new word. terremoto = earthquake. At least I thought I learned a new word. Turned out later it needs a few more occasions for me to remember a word properly.
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    • Dag 4

      Day 2 von Mindo nach Canoa

      4 oktober 2021, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Nach einem super Frühstück ging es zeitig los bei 13 Grad und Regen. Die Strecke ging durch die Anden, über eine Hängebrücke bis zum Äquator. Danach durch die Shrimpfarms entlang der Pazifikküste bis zu unserer traumhaften Unterkunft in Canoa direkt am Strand. Insgesamt 300km voll toller Eindrücke.Läs mer

    • Dag 18

      Beach San Clemente, Ecuador

      30 januari 2017, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Nach 1,5 Stunden erreichen wir das Hotel mit dem Strand San Clemente. Wir werden freundlich mit einem Glas Orangensaft erwartet. Es schüttet wie aus Eimern, aber das hält uns nicht davon ab, bei 26 Grad Wasser- und Lufttemperatur im Pool und im Meer schwimmen zu gehen. Das kälteste Nass kommt von oben...Läs mer

    • Dag 315


      26 februari 2022, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Mompiche und unsere Unterkunft gefällt uns außerordentlich gut....leider kommen hier die Tage keine Wellen mehr an, also ziehen wir weiter

      Ziel ist heute Canoa, hier erreicht der aktuelle swell wieder die Küste und somit haben wir kleine aber feine Wellen 😁

      Hier angekommen wundern wir uns warum alle Unterkünfte plötzlich ausgebucht ist und erfahren auch hier wird der Karneval gefeiert 😂
      Wir haben ein Zimmer in einen schönen hostel mit viel Holz und Bambus gebaut, es liegt nur 2 Straßen vom Strand entfernt und etwas ab vom Trubel, weil auch hier wird die Musik gerne voll aufgedreht 🙃
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    • Dag 6

      The Wedding!

      14 juli 2018, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      So came the big wedding day of my little sister, who is the reason we went all the way to Ecuador in the first place: she is marrying her Daniel from Quito.

      We had had a quite troublesome night with the kids and got off to a bad start but the breakfast made it all up. The lady had made the effort to make freshly squeezed orange juice, omelette with ham, spinach and mushroom and she served it in a home made bread with maize and chia seeds. For the kids she made pancakes with maple sirup. Viggo slept to 10 so we took turns at the table but boy was it good!

      After that we switched to the hotel where the wedding took place later in the evening. They had a pool, which made the kids so happy!

      Things concerning the wedding, like the time to meet up, get the hair done or how long a wedding ceremony would was expected to be was, what we called, "ecuadorian fluent". Meaning five minuters could be anything from 15 minutes to 45 minutes. We were suppposed to get our rooms at noon but they were ready att 1:30 pm. And the girls were flower girls and were supposed to get their hair fixed and their time changed from 2:30 to 4 and then it was delayed another 30 mins. No worries, i get it, it's hard to keep things exact and at a wedding people work in a very complex time schedule but still, i notice that cultural difference regarding time. 😊

      Anyway, everything went smoothly and with just 45 minutes delay the wedding started. The merging between the secularized Sweden and chatolic Ecuador, two continents united. The ceremony was beautifully executed on the beach and at the point where Daniel had a chosen bible verse read and Martina had a personally written poem read, the sun broke free of the clouds and painted the sky in a rosey pink sunset. It was all together lovely!

      After the ceremony the food was delivered very efficiently and i detected a trace of passion fruit through all courses. We heard less speaches than in a normal Swedish wedding but on the contrary everyone joined in the dance. Old and young, shy and exhibitionist all in one great mixture. Tilde turned out to be the dancing queen of the party and rarely sat down at all.

      I put the two younger to bed at 11, Freja was complaining over headache and pain in her eye and Viggo went unwilling but fell asleap as soon as his head hit the pillow anyway. The rest of us headed back home an hour later. The dancing area and the music equipment was just outside our main bedroom and im surprised we managed to sleep at all. But we did. A good ending of a wonderful day. I quote Tilde: "Ecuadorians know how to party, this was the best day of my life!"
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    • Dag 11

      Canoa - short overnight stay

      15 augusti 2021, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Travelled today round about 2-3 h up further north from Manta to the small beach town Canoa.

      On the way I found beautiful nature (dry forest, trees looking like out of a Tim Burton movie…) but was too lazy to stop and take pics 😉. Was a pleasure driving through that environment, on the other hand the streets are getting more difficult to drive on as further north I make it due to the worsening quality. Luckily I have a good all terrain bike at hand 😎, which I definitely recommend for making this route!

      Arrived pretty late in Canoa and was lucky finding a place to sleep in Cocoa Inn (20 USD per single) due to public holidays in Ecuador. The view of the terrace on the ocean was really nice, got a safe parking spot and the people super friendly 👍…even though the weather turned out pretty cloudy.
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