Provincia de Napo

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    • Day 28

      Weiter geht's auf der Südhalbkugel

      June 6 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C


      Es ist schön, wieder mit dem Fahrrad weiterzureisen, denn so lernen wir Ecuador besser kennen. Heute sind uns direkt einige Unterschiede zu Kolumbien aufgefallen:

      - In Kolumbien waren die Orte ziemlich wuselig mit viel Verkehr, viel Trubel, viele Menschen, enge Straßen. In Ecuador wird die Hauptstraße quasi mit mehreren Spuren verbreitert, so dass viel mehr Platz ist für den Verkehr, der durchfährt. Es sind weniger Menschen zu sehen, die Markthalle ist etwas außerhalb des Stadtkerns, auf dem Marktplatz gibt es einen Spielplatz und Statuen von Indigenen und wenn überhaupt deutlich weniger pompöse Kirchen.
      - Der Kaffee ist nicht vorgesüßt, wir können ihn endlich ohne Zucker trinken!
      - Die Menschen hier sind sehr freundlich, aber deutlich weniger emotional als die Kolumbianer. Aber insgesamt sind wir noch nie so oft wie heute von Lastwagen-, Auto- und Mopedfahrern angefeuert worden.
      - Unterkünfte und Essen sind ca. 30% teurer als in Kolumbien, der Lebensstandard scheint zumindest in dieser Gegend niedriger zu sein, wenn man sich die Häuser anschaut.

      Leider begleitet uns weiterhin der (fast) durchgängige Regen, das könnte sich gerne ändern!
      Auf jeden Fall haben wir auch den Äquator überquert und befinden uns jetzt offiziell auf der Südhalbkugel 🌎
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    • Day 30

      Akklimatisierung in Thermalquellen

      June 8 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C


      Beim Aufwachen haben die Vögel gezwitschert - ein Zeichen, dass es nicht regnete. Also haben wir schnell gefrühstückt und sind losgefahren. Keine lange Etappe, aber durchgängig berghoch auf über 3000m. Natürlich hat es auch wieder angefangen zu regnen, aber zum Glück nicht so viel wie die Tage zuvor. In Papallacta haben wir uns dann eine Unterkunft gesucht und in den Thermalquellen hier gechillt. Morgen geht‘s auf über 4000m hoch, daher ist dies hier der perfekte Ort zum Akklimatisieren.
      Auf der Strecke haben wir Juan getroffen, einen Argentinier, der schon seit 1,5 Jahren mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs ist. Nach dem Austausch der wichtigsten Infos zu Campspots, Wasserquellen und Straßenverhältnissen haben wir uns verabschiedet, denn für Juan ging es erstmal bergrunter und dann Richtung Kolumbien.
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    • Day 7

      Casa del Suizo im Regenwald

      October 3, 2019 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Nach einer 5-stündigen Wanderung auf der Wasserscheide zwischen Atlantik und Pazifik und einer Übernachtung bei einem Thermalbad, sind wir heute mit dem Bus in den Regenwald an den Rio Napo gefahren. Das Klima ist sehr warm und sehr feucht. Schweiss rinnt bei jedem Schritt den Rücken hinunter aber es ist ein grossartiges Erlebnis.Read more

    • Day 4


      February 17, 2020 in Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Today was so amazing! We started off by going to Kachiguañuska; a school deeper in the jungle to hold a VBS. When we arrived you could see all the kids faces light up. We got to meet all of the kids and they were so excited to talk to us. We sung songs and had a fun introduction before breaking into stations. I was in the game group so I got to play games with all of the children and teach them fun games such as ultimate frisbee with an american football. A lot of the kids wanted to hold our hands and it was adorable. I had a chain of about 5 kids holding my hand at once and it was so great! Listening to all of their laughs had me smiling all day long. After, we then got to go to Antioch Christian Academy and see the amazing work there that the missionaries have been doing. Listening to how much they have accomplished is such short time with other mission teams helped was so inspiring. We got to work on 2 of the houses that are being built for long term missionaries to live while they are at the academy. When we got back we had time to go swim in the river which was GREAT after sweating all day. Today was a huge eye opener and I thank God so much for putting all of this on my heart and giving me the experience. I can not wait to go back tomorrow and play more games with the kiddos! - Nicole Cardona, card shark.Read more

    • Day 5

      Kachiguañuska day two

      February 18, 2020 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Today we went back to Kachiguañuska for a second day with the school kids. We were able to use two classrooms today which made crafts and the lessen much more effective. The theme and focus was the prodigal son today. We sang together, memorized a verse, made some crafts, played games, and shared the glorious gospel. This is a government school with over 100 kids that shut down for two days and let us come in and let do this with them. What a huge privilege.

      After lunch we went back to Antioquia and worked on a house again so that one of the missionary families can have a place to live. This was another great time for the team to serve and be a small part this growing ministry.
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    • Day 3

      Travel to Tena/Amazon Jungle

      March 20, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      We had a quick breakfast at the hostel with the group before getting on board to our next destination, Tena. We were dropped at a location (which looked like the middle of nowhere) where we changed buses and boarded a ‘public’ bus (better than some Australian coaches!) on our way to the Amazon!
      We arrived at the small town of Tena before switching to a 4WD and heading to the Amazon.
      We had a delicious lunch and checked into our homestay lodge before heading out on a walk to learn about the uses of various plants and then the ‘spa’ where we got very unique clay face masks! We then washed off our masks in the river - our skin was very smooth after that!
      We headed back to our lodge to one of the huts and the local shaman, Delfino, taught us about traditions local to that area of the Amazon including the process of becoming a shaman, local rituals (which include the use of ayahuasca for healing) and marriage (which is arranged for young people to take place at 15 years old). We even saw an example of a shaman's ritual and then participated in a wedding ceremony (where we got married again!) which involved us dressing up and dancing with our "bridesmaids" and "groomsmen". We danced to drums and guitar after trying some local chicha (alcohol made my fermenting yuca- a root vegetable which is local to the area). We had some dinner which included cooked fish which was super delicious (but quite bony!) We enjoyed some drinks and played cards with some of our new friends on our tour group to end our first night in the Amazon :)
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    • Day 5

      Amazon Jungle

      March 22, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      After breakfast, some of the tour group went white water rafting whilst a group of us went on a walk to the blue lagoon. It was a sort of water park where we could swim in natural creeks and jump off rocks into the water - lots of fun! It was a "short" walk of about 1.5 hours there (we are learning that the local people's definition of short may be different to our definition sometimes!! But we love it!)

      On the way back, we caught a ride in the back of a ute back to camp where we said goodbye to our hosts and made our way on bike to the next village for the evening. The bike ride was quite enjoyable and it was mostly flat with some gravel roads.

      On the way, we played a game of soccer at a local school which got quite competitive (imagine a lot of English guys in particular who love their football!). Gab made friends with some local kids and started playing tag with one boy which ended in a lot of running around the school grounds! That was all very exhausting and it was quite humid and hot.

      We finished our bike ride at our new accommodation for the night which is another lodge and we had a much needed shower!

      We then had an awesome chocolate making demonstration where we experienced all the steps of chocolate making starting from picking the cocoa beans which are ready after around 2 years being on the tree. We then worked together to roast the beans over the fire, peel the beans, process the seeds, add sugar and then add powdered milk to make melted chocolate that was around 70%. We then enjoyed our amazing chocolate dipped in strawberries, biscuits and bananas - yum!!

      We then had a fantastic dinner which started with a soup made from unripe papaya, very interesting and yummy! We were very full from all of the food and stayed up for a few hours drinking local beer (Pilsener) and playing drinking games with some of our group!
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    • Day 3

      טיול וחיות אחרות

      March 24, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      זהו, סיימנו לנוח!
      עשינו טיול קטן (2 קמ) כדי לבדוק את העמידות שלנו לגובה.
      היה מקסים - ג'ונגל, זרימה מטורפת של מים וגם... דוב!
      בטבע, קרוב אלינו, אוכל להנאתו.
      אמנם דוב נמלים, אבל בכל זאת נחשב דוב.
      צילמנו אותו בסטילס ובוידאו ובעיקר הרגשנו ברי מזל לפגוש אותו.
      בסוף הטיול הגשם התחזק אז הגענו רטובים ומרוצים למלון.
      עברנו למלון חדש - מוזר באופן מגניב.
      הוא סגול, יש לו עיצוב מיוחד, יש דלתות ישנות משולבות בכל מקום כולל בתיקרה.
      שיחקנו בכל המשחקים שהמלון יכול להציע - פינג פונג, כדורגל שולחן, משחק קלפים uno, ג'ינגה, רמיקוב.
      חופש בהתגלמותו!
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    • Day 229


      April 4, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ 🌧 50 °F

      After three days of hiking (Kyla) and four days of horseback riding (Talia and me), we headed to some thermals baths to relax for a day. Kyla had to work much of the time (so she’s not in the photos), but we all squeezed in some time in the amazing thermal baths and we all got chocolate mud wraps.

      Here’s a description from Talia:

      They covered us only in melted chocolate and then they wrapped us up in three layers. It was like a burrito. Then they left us there for 10 minutes. Then they took us to a place and we needed to do certain steps such as standing facing forwards and standing facing towards the side. They sprayed us with a firehose that was really strong. Me and Mommy with the curly hair had massages. Mommy with the short hair did not.

      In addition to the mud wraps and thermal baths, we went on a nice hike by a river and saw some waterfalls.
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    • Day 341

      Bei Ramon im Urwald

      June 10, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Nach dem kalten Cotopaxi ging es Richtung Amazonas, also due ersten Ausläufer davon im Urwald und es wurde wieder wärmer! Ramon dort ist jetzt glücklicher Besitzer meiner Zipper Hose, denn seine ging bei einem Motorrad Sturz kaputt ....Read more

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