Muḩāfaz̧at al Jīzah

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    • Dag 27

      Arrived Cairo

      29. oktober 2022, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Just walked into my room and opened the drapes! OMG. This can't be real.

      Left Haifa at 6am to return the rental car back to Ben Gurion airport and catch the only direct flight from Israel to Cairo on Egyptair. I had arranged a pickup through the hotel and had no trouble finding him after first picking up a SIM card at the Orange storeLes mer

    • Dag 28


      30. oktober 2022, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Woke up to check -- yep the pyramids are still there! Breakfast was served at 7 on the rooftop terrace so I got to the ticket booth at 08:02. In to see the site without crowds.

      The Great Sphinx of Giza is from the reign of King Khafre (2575–2465 BCE) and depicts his face. It is 73 metres long and 20 metres high. It features a lion’s body and a human head adorned with a royal headdress. The statue was carved from a single piece of limestone, and the entire Great Sphinx was originally painted. It would have taken about three years for 100 workers, using stone hammers and copper chisels, to finish the statue.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      First day

      5. desember 2022, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      Overslept 😬, got a first glimpse of a pyramid, stopped at the Papyrus museum, then the Essential oils and aromatherapy museum then an Egyptian cotton store, then a jewelry store. We stopped for lunch at Dar Darak.Les mer

    • Dag 6

      Saqqara Necropolis

      8. desember 2022, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      Today we visited a sacred burial grounds for Egyptian royalty, the step pyramids at Saqqara. Inside the underground tomb you can see a man etched in the wall only when light is shining on the wall. They don’t know how this tomb was constructed.Les mer

    • Dag 6

      Egyptian carpets

      8. desember 2022, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      We stopped at a carpet making school. It was family run. It was interesting to see little kids learning how to make carpets. 1 carpet can take anywhere from 1-2 months to several months. The prices ranged from $700+ for wool, $1300+ for Egyptian cotton, $3000+ for silk carpets.Les mer

    • Dag 6

      Silk carpets

      8. desember 2022, Egypt ⋅ 🌙 66 °F

      Silk carpets are unique because when looking at them from one direction the are dark in color and flipped to the other direction they are light. They feel very soft and smooth. They are the most expensive.Les mer

    • Dag 9

      The Pyramid of Djoser

      29. desember 2022, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      From the Sphinx, we drove for about 45 minutes to reach the Pyramid of Djoser, aka the stepped pyramid.

      Built in the 26th century BC, this pyramid is thought to be the oldest man-made structure in the world. It is quite incredible to contemplate that thought!

      It is located in the Saqqara archaeological site, a necropolis northwest of the ruins of Memphis. The 6-tier, 4-sided structure was built during the Third Dynasty for the burial of Pharaoh Djoser.

      We were there just as the sun was beginning to fade so the light was great for photos.

      After the visit, just as we were all beginning to feel faint from hunger (it was a long time since our 7am breakfast!), we went for a delicious, if expensive, lunch!
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    • Dag 9

      Die Pyramiden von Gizeh und Sphinx

      9. april 2023, Egypt ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Die Pyramiden und die Sphinx habe ich mir für den letzten Tag aufgehoben. Am Morgen fahre ich zu den Pyramiden, welche schon von weitem beeindruckend aussehen. Auf dem Gelände angekommen mache ich eine Tour mit dem Kamel um die Pyramiden, immer wieder kommen schöne Aussichtspunkte, um die Pyramiden zu bestaunen. Anschließend geht es zur Sphinx, auch diese Größe ist sehr beeindruckend wenn man direkt davor steht. Nach dieser langen Tour besuche ich noch den Abdeen Palast, den ich aber nur von außen besichtigen kann, da er während Ramadan nur sehr begrenzte Öffnungszeiten hat. Also ist etwas Zeit, um durch die Gassen zu schlendern, ich esse Shawarma und Koshary (ein Mix aus Nudeln, Kichererbsen, Gewürzen, Tomatensauce, das habe ich schon die Tage davor gegessen und es ist wirklich sehr lecker, Preis für die große Portion 1€. In meinem Hostel esse ich dann nochmal mit dem Personal des Hostels, die mich zum Fastenbrechen einladen, auch sehr lecker 😋. Abends geht dann mein Flug nach Assuan. Es stellt sich heraus, dass mein Taxifahrer am Flughafen arbeitet und mir bei der Wiederbeschaffung meiner Drohne helfen will, fast eine Stunde diskutiert er mit den verschiedenen Leuten am Flughafen, er probiert sie am nächsten Tag zu senden, ich bin gespannt 😉. Der Flug hat Verspätung und erst 1 Uhr Nachts komme ich in meinem Hostel in Assuan an, schnell ab ins Bett, denn in eine paar Stunden beginnt am frühen Morgen das Programm meiner Nilfahrt, praktisch der Hauptteil meiner Reise 🤗.Les mer

    • Dag 2


      25. april 2023, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      On file direct à 25km au sud de Guizeh sur la route de Memphis 🎵 pour le site de Saqqarah, où fut érigée la toute première construction monumentale jamais réalisée par l' pyramide a degrés de Djéser conçue par Imhotep avec ses 6 plateaux et ses 60m de haut.

      Le site est immense on fait donc rapidement un plan de bataille : en plus de la balade extérieure on choisit d'ajouter des billets supplémentaires (si vous prévoyez un voyage en Égypte attention ça casque vite) pour pouvoir voir l'intérieur de la pyramide d'Ounas, et les mastabas de Mérérouka et de Kagemi.

      Dès le mur d'enceinte on en prend plein les yeux . On rentre par une colonnade où les pierres sont encore lisses et brillantes merci au mélange blanc d'œuf huile d'olive dont elles sont enduites. On arrive directemznt sur la fameuse pyramide à degrés. Juste waou!

      On joue ensuite les Tomb Raiders en descendant dans la pyramide de Ounas pour voir notre premier sarcophage et nos premiers hiéroglyphes ! Youyou

      Nous enchaînons sur 2 tombeaux superbement décorés par des scènes d'offrandres ou de pêche.

      On prend 5000 photos mais on a sacrément la dalle donc on se résout à quitter le site et à aller manger !
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    • Dag 111

      Cairo - pyramids and cattle?

      19. april 2023, Egypt ⋅ ☁️ 91 °F

      Egypt was originally just supposed to be a layover from South Africa to Morocco but we decided early on to extend it for a few days just to see Cairo and Giza. It was a bit more than we bargained for and my least favorite place so far (more due to the nature of the tours)- but still definitely worth the stop.

      Our hotel, located in Giza in a non touristy neighborhood off a dirt road, was very unique. It has narrow stairs and hallways was located up on just the 13-15 floors of a large building. This hotel happened to have a spectacular view of the pyramids on its rooftop and we were served traditional Egyptian breakfast each morning - with cooked eggplant, fruit slices, egg and bread.

      Our trip happened to coincide with the tail-end of Ramadan and as you can imagine not many restaurants were open during the day. We were lucky we got the breakfast! We had to survive on thai chili Cheetos and way too many cashews and dried apricots for our digestive tracks during the day. In addition, the owner of the hotel was extremely kind in inviting all of us to break fast with them on the last night of Ramadan - so we had a fabulous Egyptian meal while overlooking the pyramids.

      However, the tours felt different here. I felt for the first time since a zip lining tour in Costa Rica in January, like we were cattle getting pushed along all day. In Costa Rica, there were tons of people zip lining so while it was super fun, we got pushed on each zip line quickly. There was no rest. Here in Egypt it was the sites - “Go see this quickly and we got the best seat just for you!” “Then let’s go across town and we chose this best thing for you…” “Oh and my manager said that if you want, after this whole day tour, to hop on an overnight bus (12 hours!!) to do another tour tomorrow in Luxor and then another overnight bus back - we can help you pack and go in 2 hours” - ah heck no!! I just want to rest.

      While I am surprised frequently by our experiences in new countries, I’m usually happy to encounter these surprises - things that are different from our expectation. Why? Because I like when my preconceived notions are incorrect! If they’re positive or negative - I’m constantly learning and adjusting my way of thinking.

      That said, Cairo has 30 million people and it’s massive highways don’t have ANY markings to separate individual lanes - basically their highway reminded me of a bumper car ride where the track starts and cars basically go in which and all merge and sway - except in this case - miraculously no bumping! My eyes were wide open in the back watching this phenomenon / kids asleep on my shoulders. (They have become seasoned travelers for sure)
      Anyhow we just completed ANOTHER overnight flight and have landed safely in Morocco.

      Many of you may not know but Brian is cutting his trip short to help out with some things at home…so we are all parting ways on Tuesday April 25th to start making his way home.

      The girls and I will continue on for another month and then will head home a bit early as well!
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    Muḩāfaz̧at al Jīzah, Muhafazat al Jizah, Giza

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