Arrondissement de Bonneville

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Arrondissement de Bonneville
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    • Day 7

      What's white & black & blue?

      March 2, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      Dave Barry said " If you’re looking for a vacation concept that combines the elements of outdoor fun with the element of potentially knocking down a tree with your face, you can’t do better than skiing.”

      Let's just get this out the way. Skiing is HARD work! If you're a beginner like me, you'll be amazed at what you were not prepared for ....

      First you have to buy all this gear which is pretty expensive. Then, every morning you need to put on these 16 layers and still breathe. Then you have to rent snow boots which are unbelievably difficult to put on and then, when on, your feet will feel like they are caught in the jaws of a crocodile.

      Then, each boot weighs 2kg and its uneven on the bottom and now you need to learn how to walk in them whilst in the shop. And it then it turns out it's harder to walk in them on the pavement and really interesting to actually walk in them in the snow!

      Then you have to learn how to carry 2 poles in 1 hand and 2 heavy metal skis over your shoulder with your helmut and goggles on your head. Now you need to walk to the bus, get on the bus with all this kit and get off, squashed with all the other skiers.

      Now you've arrived at the ski resort . So now you need to carry all of this stuff, eventually put it down, and learn how to clip yourself in and out of your skis. And just when you do that you realise that the icy ground beneath you is taking your skis in one direction while you try and manoevre your skis and poles (which are as tall as you are) in another direction, but the 4kg boots are weighing you down and brain is screaming WTF and then..... then you look at the baby slope and you think " not a F am I going up there, I can hardly keep my balance standing straight"

      The above is accurate and was repeated every day for the last 3 days.
      Along with the embarrassment of watching 2 year olds speed past you.

      If it wasn't for my handsome ski instructor (Karl 😉) to painstakingly and slowly teach me, I would have given up because it's hard for a beginner who has never ever walked on snow and hates anything where the ground beneath her moves or is uneven 🤣

      Just a warning though... make sure your relationship is rock solid so when you do lose your sense of humor, and you know it's just temporary ☺️

      It's been 3 days and I am proud to say I can get down a green slope slowly and can turn and snow plough.
      Just for the record though, this was not possible without a couple of tumbles. I stopped counting at around 6 times.
      Which is why I am posting today. Today I cannot ski, I am so sore and a little battered and bruised. I will spare you all my bruise photos, but there are many! So it's rest and a hot soak in the bath.

      On the plus side, it is SPECTACULARLY beautiful up there and makes for some gorgeous pics! The best part (for now) is still that beer at lunch time though!

      Now I can manage sort of on my own, Karl is free to do his runs and get some proper skiing in. No idea what the next 3 days have in store, but gonna take it easy and just practice practice practice.... ⛷️⛷️⛷️

      My closing 5 top ski tips for beginners

      1. You will look good, but you will fall- it's law
      2. You will fall, sometimes it's not even on the slopes!
      3. The FIRST technique you must learn is how to stop and/or slow down, else you will fall.
      4. Never ski more than 3 hrs a day, after this your legs won't work, and you will fall
      5 Pack some Epsom salts for a bath later because you will have fallen
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    • Day 30

      Sixt-Fer-A-Cheval: A Lovely Place

      October 18, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      We spent our last full morning yesterday wandering around the lovely little mountain town of Sixt-Fer-A-Cheval. This is probably the only place I’ve been that I felt I most at home at - no crowds, gorgeous mountain scenery with sweet old buildings, lots of hiking trails … my kind of place. That being said, my home in Colorado’s mountains awaits, and today that’s where we are heading - home. Au revoir!Read more

    • Day 14

      Still in Switzerland, at Triente

      September 14, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Hiked a 16km day. Rained a bit just enough to get a bit of use of the waterproof gear we’ve been lugging everyday. These alps are so so high. We see some people trail running them which is astounding we feel. Walking up is tough enough. Height gain 850m, height loss 1040m. This means we’re down low in a valley and the only way out is up! 😩😬Read more

    • Day 29

      Refuge Moëde Anterne bis Samoëns

      July 21, 2022 in France ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Der Tag war wieder voller Eindrücke, die so verschieden sind, dass wir kurz vor dem Etappenziel erst einmal rekapitulieren müssen, was alles war.
      Der Aufstieg zum Col, der Kaffee mit zwei entgegenkommenden Wanderern, das lange Warten auf die letzte Möglichkeit, den Montblanc nochmals durch das Wolkenmeer zu sehen (was für 20 Sekunden auch schließlich klappte), der recht warme Badesee im Hochtal, das Omelett und der warme Heidelbeerkuchen an der Refuge weiter unten oder der Weg durch den ehemaligen Flusslauf.
      Eine abwechslungsreiche Tour , die am Ende jedoch auch wegen einer Umleitung ihre Längen hatte. Etwas müde und durch die Sonne ausgelaugt schlagen wir das Zelt auf einem Campingplatz am Fluss auf und planen die letzten Tage.
      Es waren am Ende 1730 m Abstieg und knapp 25km, wenn man die Tour zum Einkauf am Ende hinzugefügt, Die Beine sind schwer und morgen geht es wieder 2000 Höhenmeter nach oben.
      Wir freuen uns aufs Zelt 😊
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    • Day 29

      I hiked to the end of the world!

      October 17, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We had the immense delight of spending some time in the French Alps hamlet of Sixt-Fer-A-Cheval today, and then hiking the End of the World trail near the Cirque du Fer a Cheval. What a magnificent place to hike, with numerous waterfalls all around. The trail ended with a steep climb to the base of a line of mountain ridges that form the border between France and Switzerland. The cirque is part of the Sixt-Passy National Nature Preserve and was a wonderful place to enjoy a simple lunch of cheese, baguette and apples. A long stretch of warm weather delayed the arrival of fall-like temps, so the mostly deciduous forests in these mountains - so different than Colorado’s mountains of predominantly coniferous forests - are just showing a hint of color. Today was really the first day since arriving in Europe a month ago that felt like fall - which is one of my top four favorite seasons.Read more

    • Day 28


      October 16, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Now these are the Alps I’ve always heard about. Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in the Alps and Western Europe at 4809 meters (15,778 feet), is an impressive mountain. We are visiting friends who live in the very picturesque - and pleasantly uncrowded right now - mountain town of Samoens. They took us on a hike to a place with a spectacular 360 degree mountain view for the sunset, with snowy Mont Blanc as the highlight.Read more

    • Day 30

      Samoëns bis Lac Vert

      July 22, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Heute ist Schweiz-Tag und wir feiern das gerade am Ende der Etappe bei einer Refuge mit Rivella und alkoholfreiem Feldschlösschen Bier. Doch nach 1900 Höhenmetern und 25 km haben wir uns das verdient.
      Wir starten mit Respekt vor den drei Pässen in den Tag, denn seit Chamonix sind wir bereits 2500 m hochgestiegen. Und der lange Abstieg gestern ist noch in den Beinen zu spüren, die heute bei uns beiden zum ersten Mal etwas schwer sind.
      Doch nach einem Frühstück mit Pain au Chocolate um 6.30 Uhr und dem Vesper Einkauf um 7.30 Uhr kommen wir schneller voran als erwartet. Die Wege sind heute größtenteils breite Schotterwege, wo wir oft nebeneinander laufen können - das war bisher eher selten bzw. nur auf einzelnen Teilabschnitten so. Manchmal allerdings teilen wir den Weg mit dem Mountainbike-Trail!
      Der zweite Pass markiert die Grenze zwischen Frankreich und Schweiz (Kanton Wallis). Auf einer Alpage (mit Schweizer Flagge 🇨🇭 😊) stärken wir uns mit Kaffee und Kuchen und dann laufen wir durch neue Landschaften und über einen letzten Pass zur wunderschön gelegenen Refuge Chésery und genießen den friedlichen Abend am See.
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    • Day 38

      Heading high

      July 13, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Chance to restock and have a coffee at 8am in lovely in village
      Again very hot.
      Allen keen to get a move on so left us early. We saw him briefly at 3pm and 5pm. Only thing that slows him down is an opportunity for a beer😄.
      We camped near a refuge while Allen pushed on for an hour. Bivouac was very high. Some snow around and a freezing morning.
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    • Day 31

      Exkurs: Unsere Ausrüstung

      July 23, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Seit einem Monat hat sich nun unsere Ausrüstung bestens bewährt. Heute stellen wir euch diese in zwei Videoclips vor - wegen der Datenmenge sind das Links auf YouTube.

      Im ersten findet ihr alles, was Reinhard trägt für den Abend und die Nacht:

      Im zweiten stellt Rafaela vor, was unter „Sonstiges“ fällt:

      Viel Spaß!
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    • Day 58

      Day 56 - Aigle to Saint Maurice

      June 14, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      A really mixed bag of walking today; vineyards, forests, riverside (La Gryonne and the Rhone), railway line side, and, of course, minor country road ways. I got some good climbing in and saw the most beautiful wooden sculptures along a path called Sentier du Pelerin (Pilgrims Path). Now I'm in Switzerland, I have to remember to keep looking up - my sun hat prevents that, so that I don't miss the mountains all around me. I'm staying tonight with the Franciscans - a commercial enterprise that seems to be doing very well. Note how pale the Rhone looks. As I was walking next to it, I could feel the chill in the breeze.Read more

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