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Los 10 mejores destinos de viaje Puteaux
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    • Día 138

      Paris and home!

      15 de junio de 2018, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      The first thing we did in Paris was ride along the Seine on our loaded bikes past almost every great monument.  It was a great way to enter the city.  When we stopped to see Notre Dame Cathedral, (which was amazing and surrounded by throngs of people) we were approached by a woman from Vancouver about to depart on a bike tour with her family and I just happened to ask if she knew someone, and sure enough we both know Marnie and Denise in Vancouver.  It was great to share stories and tips, and it felt as if we were passing the torch. 

      Paris is like a museum. I'm sure the inside of the museums are fabulous, but the outsides, and all the monuments, squares, and old apartment buildings are just as interesting.  Although Paris has 20 times the population density of New York (and that doesn't include the tourists) they have enormous squares like football fields and lots of green space.  We did a day trip on the train to Disneyland and had some good rollercoaster rides, but it did not live up to all the hype, far from it.  We perhaps saw another side of Paris.  We camped in Bois de Bologne, an expansive park only  20 min bike ride from the Eiffle Tower, shopped at the grocery store in the neighborhood across the Seine and rode our bikes all over Paris just looking at everything.   On our trip to find the Catacombs (old limestone quarries now under the streets where 6 million parisian bodies were deposited in the 1800s in order to clean up the cities overcrowded cemeteries)  we came upon a community market that they hold only twice a year and it was 10 blocks long, full of antiques and junk and music and all sorts of people.  Caleb and I loved it, and it drove Marty crazy!  We did not actually go into the Catacombs as the lineup was hours long.  Like I said, the sights of Paris are overcrowded with tourists, and the lineups frightened us away from most places.  We did perservere with the Eiffle Tower, giving up one evening, but returning the next morning. We walked up the stairs to the second level and then went right to the top on the elevator and it was spectacular!  It is 1000 feet tall, and was the tallest building at the time (around 1889).  Mr Eiffle built it for the Paris Expo, and he not only designed it but his factory built it, and he financed it!

      Biking in Paris is quite normal.  Men ride in their fine suits with ties flying behind them, and women in their skirts and heels fly long in the bike lanes (shared with the buses), or on the bike paths. We figured out how to bike everywhere, and to navigate the traffic circles, only resorting to the cross walks on some of the bigger ones, like Arc d'Triumph (I would love to see the last part of the Tour de France when all the bikers come towards the arch with the crowds roaring).  We ate croissants every morning, watched several of the World Cup games, and were excited to be going home. 

      Our last adventure was going to the airport where the cab that we had specially ordered was too small, and so Marty went to the airport with the first cab and our bikes and gear, and the kids and I waited for a second cab.  It was morning rush hour, and there were none available, so we took the shuttle bus, and transfered to the airport bus. After 45 minutes on the bus I was concerned, and checked for the location of CDG airport and couldn't find the "I am here" dot.  Because we were on the wrong bus going to a different airport.  We raced back in a Taxi to the correct airport, but had missed the flight cut off. Marty had been waiting by himself, with no contact, for 3 hours thinking the worst.  Oh dear...  another flight 2 hours later.

      So now we are Ontario bound, for a family visit, then Vancouver and driving home.  It has been quite the journey.  Jorja, loving being with her family, Caleb learning to live within it.  We loved the biking, the old stuff, some of us loved the languages, but it was a long time to be away. We have missed family and friends and our projects and look forward to rejoining our communities and moving forward. 
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    • Día 1

      Ein Tag in Paris

      11 de mayo de 2019, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      So nun ist ein anstrengender Tag in Paris vorbei mit sehr vielen Stufen und einigen Kilometern zu Fuß konnten wir doch echt viel sehen. Vom Louvre, zur Notre Dame dann zur Basilika Sacré-Cœur zum Eifelturm. Nun erstmal wieder im Zimmer und den Ausblick zum Eifelturm bei Nacht genießen.Leer más

    • Día 1

      Day One

      13 de julio de 2016, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Arrived at the hotel 'Melia Paris Le Defense'. It is located in the ultra modern business district of Paris.
      Things I've learnt so far...
      1. Summer in Paris still requires long pants and a jacket, well today anyway🌦
      2. A latte in a cafe comes in a parfait glass and a straw! ☕️
      3. When filling the sink the bathroom, first check how to empty it! I now have a sink full of water and no idea how to remove the plug!🛁
      4. You dont know what tired is until you have travelled half way around the world, bouncing from airport to airport! 🛫🛬
      5. How good a warm shower is! 🚿
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    • Día 2

      Day Two

      14 de julio de 2016, Francia ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Just got back to the hotel after a long day walking! Check out my fitbit log for today.
      Things I learnt today....
      1. When you still can't empty the bathroom sink, solution - change rooms 😜
      2. Public transport in Paris on public holidays is just like Melbourne, routes can change at a moments notice. Very proud though I managed both the Metro and the Bus system today.
      3. Don't trust that the signs you are following to the Museum D'Orsay are correct! Added a kiometre or two in back tracking😩
      4. The French really know how to celebrate and put on a parade! The aerial parade of fighter jets, commercial jets and small aircraft was impressive. Loved the fighter jets that let out the plumes of smoke in the french colours, impressive, but i wasn't quick enough with the camera!😤
      5. Getting to the museum at 10:30am is the best time to avoid lining up for hours. Line up time less than 10 min. When I left at approx. 1:00pm the lines were massive! Score!😄
      6. The Museum D'Orsay is very impressive. To be up close an personal with some very famous paintings by Degas, Monet, Cezanne, Van Gogh was amazing! 👍🏼
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    • Día 3

      Day Three

      15 de julio de 2016, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Last night was our first official tour pre-dinner drinks and group dinner. It was really great to finally meet my travelling companions. Everyone is really friendly. Then we made our way to the roof top bar at our hotel where we were treated to an amazing fireworks display on the Eiffel Tower. It was an earlier start today as we had a bus tour of the tourist attractions in Paris, then had lunch at a typical Parisian bistro. The afternoon was our own to continue to explore this amazing city!🇫🇷
      Things I learnt today/last night....
      1. Just when you think the fireworks display is over it's not! Almost an hour of fireworks🗼🎆
      2. It is impossible to take a photo of any of the attractions without getting people or traffic in them! 🚙🚕🚗🏃🏻
      3. Plan your exploring better otherwise you get lost! Lucky I was able to retrace my steps and thank god for breadcrumbs!🤔🍞
      4. Chicken is either a very popular dish in Paris or just cheap? Chicken for dinner last night and again for lunch today! 🍗🐓 Mix up the menu si vous plait!
      5. Always check what is inside your shoes before putting them on in the morning or at least remember that you stored your sockettes inside your shoes when you packed = very sore toes! 👟👎🏼
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    • Día 13

      Day 4: First day in Paris

      18 de mayo de 2017, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      When we first got on the train to go to Paris, I was excited because I was going to have two hours to rest before our first day in Paris. When we walked out of the metro and into the streets of Paris I was mesmerized and feel in love right away. I have heard before that Paris is beautiful, but it's not the same to experience it in person. I felt very overwhelmed with Love and aww of how beautiful this city is, London doesn't compare. After visiting the Norte Dame we headed out to find a place to try real Paris crepes and we did, let me just say all the others that I've tried do not compare. After that we decided to go to Shakespeare and Company and I took the most wonderful picture of me grabbing a book 😀Leer más

    • Día 2

      Mark Rothko

      21 de marzo, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      The main reason we are here in Paris is because we (I) wanted to see this exhibition before it closed. Interesting to see early works of the New York subway.

    • Día 78


      10 de noviembre de 2021, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      09. og 10. November
      Landevejen mod Paris blev langsomt mere og mere trafikeret, men vi opdagede ikke rigtig, at vi var på vej mod en storby, før vi pludselig kom ud af en tunnel og havde Eiffeltårnet foran os, og området La Defence (skyskraberne ved den nye triumfbue). Og så var vi nærmest også ved campingpladsen; Camping de Paris i Boulogneskoven. Vi overnattede her også på vores første tur for to år siden, og den er rigtig praktisk, når man kommer i autocamper, og skal besøge nogen i Paris eller bare vil se byen, og så har vi plads direkte ned til Seinen, hvor vi kan se flodpramme sejle forbi.

      Den første eftermiddag tog vi ind mod Notre Dame og latinerkvarteret, hvor Michel bor. Det blev en rigtig hyggelig eftermiddag og aften, hvor vi kiggede gamle billeder fra Grønland og snakkede om fortiden, fremtiden og nutiden. Michel er 94 år. Hans far kom til Frankrig fra Rusland som ung. Hans mor var fra Granville i Normandiet. Han er selv en person, der virkelig kender sin historie og bærer den med sig. Han har oplevet en masse i sit liv - selvfølgelig, og samtidig lever han stadig et engageret liv i nutiden. Og så spiller han scrabble med sin underbo, som er 102 år gammel!
      Vi var hjemme ved campingpladsen omkring midnat, men i en storby som Paris er der jo liv på gaderne hele natten.

      Næste dag viste Paris sig endnu en dag fra sin smukke side, med sol fra en klar oktoberblå himmel, selvom vi nu er i november måned! Vi gik igennem hele Boulogneskoven. Det tager ca 1 time på stier til gående og cyklende. Vi fortsatte til fods til Seinen, og et stykke langs med denne, forbi Eiffeltårnet, Jardin des Tuilleries, Louvre og derefter op til Montmartre og Sacre Coeur. Så havde vi næsten gået ligeså mange skridt, som på en god dag i Alperne, men der mangler jo lidt i højdemeter! Vi havde først en aftale med Jackys fætter Abdelwahab om aftenen, når han kom retur fra Rouen, hvor han underviser, så det blev til endnu en sen aften i Paris.
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    • Día 37


      14 de agosto de 2021, Francia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Wir haben einen Campingplatz im Bois de Bologne gebucht. Liegt zentrumsnah an der Seine und in etwa 20 Minuten ist man mir dem Rad im Zentrum. Perfektes Wetter, warm und sonnig! Wir lassen uns treiben und genießen das Flair der Metropole.
      Champs-Elisee, Menschenmassen, die sich für ein Messi-Trikot anstellen 🤪
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    • Día 5

      Schlimmer geht immer

      1 de abril, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Nachdem wir die letzten Tage im Sumpf standen, stehen wir jetzt im Schlamm. 😱
      Camping de Paris

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    Puteaux, پوتو, ピュトー, Пюто, 퓌토, Puteolus, 92800, Пито, PUT, 皮托

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