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Os 10 melhores destinos Alb-Donau-Kreis
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    • Dia 14

      Anmeldung - perfekt

      13 de maio, Alemanha ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      … ein herzlicher Empfang wird mir geboten - alle Formulare sind gut vorbereitet - unterschreiben - und schon steht ein Getränk freier Wahl da … 🥹

      … so etwas habe ich in dieser Preisklasse noch nicht oft gesehen!


      Kloster Obermarchtal
      Klosteranlage 2/1
      89611 Obermarchtal

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    • Dia 5


      9 de maio de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      🌍Donaueschingen - Tuttlingen - Sigmaringen - Riedlingen
      📈123km, 470Hm
      🗒️Von Donaueschingen über Tuttlingen und Sigmaringen nach Riedlingen an der schönen Donau entlang.
      Abends ein süßer kleiner Campingplatz auf dem Bauernhof gefunden, nur mit Zelten aber ohne Wohnmobile 🙂.Leia mais

    • Dia 4

      Tag 4

      25 de julho de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Von Sigmaringen nach Obermachtal
      Ein sehr schöner Weg der trocken begann...und bis auf einen kräftigen Guss sind wir auch gut trocken geblieben...
      Heute waren auch einige Höhenmeter zu bewältigen und an unseren Ziel gibt es eine große KlosteranlageLeia mais

    • Dia 9

      8. Etappe

      18 de abril de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      8. Etappe
      Sigmaringen - Obermarchtal
      55km, 330hm
      Die Donau führt nach den letzten Regentagen viel Wasser und flutet die vielen Ausgleichsflächen, in den sich viele Weissstörche tummeln. Kurz nach Sigmaringen öffnet sich das Tal und wir fahren über eine breite Ebene bevor es kurz vor Obermarchtal wieder enger wird. Wir kämpfen heute heftig gegen den Wind.
      Und wer meint, der Donauradweg führt nur abwärts, der täuscht sich mächtig. Heute standen wir vor dem hoffentlich steilsten Anstieg der Tour.
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    • Dia 1


      26 de junho de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      In Donaueschingen starteten wir unsere Velotour an der jungen Donau. Nach wenigen Kilometern kamen wir an den Zusammenschluss der Breg und Brigach die zur Donau werden und etwas später, vor Immendingen zur Donauversickerung. Sehr schön war die Fahrt im Donautal mit den Kalkfelsen.
      Unsere Unterkunft wählten wir etwas abseits des Radweges. Zum Glück haben wir gut und viel zu Mittag gegessen, denn am Abend gabs dort ausser einem Stück Kuchen für Thomas, nichts😉🤷‍♀️Dafür war das Frühstück sehr lecker und frisch! Von der Unterkunft waren es nur gute 2 Km zur Mittelalter Klosterbaustelle Camus Galli.
      10 Jahre sind die Freiwilligen und Festangestellten schon am Bauen. Es wird aber 50 Jahre dauern bis die Klosterstadt steht. Alles mit Mitteln wie sie damals zur Verfügung standen.
      Danach mussten wir Gas geben, der Weg war noch weit……. auch ein unfreiwilliger Umweg kam dazu weil wir einem falschen Pfeil gefolgt sind🙈doch wir erreichten unser Tagesziel rechtzeitig👍
      und jetzt gibts Nachtessen😋
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    • Dia 36

      A Foretaste of Winter

      22 de setembro de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      It certainly was an alarming sight. When I came down to reception to check out of our hotel, I discovered that David was running to and fro with a crazed and confused look on his face. While some that know David well would well contend that he always looks that way, I quickly ascertained that something horrendous must have happened.

      "I've lost our room key", he shouted at the poor lady behind the desk. "I've searched everywhere, unpacked our luggage and ransacked the room', he added, "and it is absolutely nowhere". David seemed convinced that some sort of paranormal phenomenon was responsible.

      I am not sure what the accepted fine for losing a hotel key is, but David is already racking up quite a litany of stolen keys, unpaid drinks bills and room damage. I left David running around in ever diminishing circles, while I went to cram my own huge pile of clothing into my suitcase. This is a recurring problem on these trips.

      In the meantime another problem had arisen - outside it was pouring rain. OK, some smart alecs might comment that it seldom ever rains inside, but this was something of an unwanted development. Up to now we had managed to ride in a continuous sequence of glorious fine days. That had now come to an end.

      In Europe the last day of summer is officially counted as September 21, making today the first day of autumn. If the cold and wet conditions were any indication, it looked like winter had gotten tired of waiting and had jumped over autumn in the seasonal queue.

      For two of our riders, the decision had already been made. Carol enjoyed her train trip so much that she has decided that it is a favourable alternative to sitting on a bicycle seat. Maggie had suffered a recurrence of her back problem and was barely able to walk, let alone ride for 65 km.

      A bit of research indicated that it would be possible to catch a train from nearby Mengen, about 5 km further along the trail. By 9 am we were ready to move. One person was acting unusually quiet. I asked the obvious question "David, did you find the missing key ?". He did not want to talk about it, probably because I discovered that the key that had caused such panic earlier in the morning had been safely resting in his own pocket the entire time. Sometimes I really do wonder why I keep taking these people on adventure travel experiences, when it is obvious that even a trip to Fountain Gate shopping centre would be too challenging for most of them.

      We headed out in drizzling rain and cold conditions. The short sleeves of the previous days had been replaced with rain jackets and plastic (oompa loompa) pants. The first day of autumn had certainly brought a drastic change in our peloton.

      The first challenge was to find the station in Mengen. This was simple enough. The next challenge was to work out which platform to wait on. Much harder. The biggest challenge was to figure out how to use the automated ticket machine. Almost impossible.

      David and I spent several minutes feeding handfuls of Euros into the greedy machine, while the correct train came and went. By the time the machine had robbed us of over 40 Euros for 2 tickets for a 15 minute journey, we all had to wait for the next train.

      When the train did come, we discovered that we had to manhandle the 2 ebikes up 4 steps to get them onto the train. It was an almost impossible task to achieve without incurring further bodily damage to ourselves and the bikes.

      Then it was time to ride to Ehingen. This was the longest ride of this section and also the most hilly. When you toss continuous rain into the equation, the overall level of difficulty went up exponentially. Although the rain was not heavy, it just would not stop. It kept on for the entire ride, gradually soaking into every item of clothing.

      I am sure the scenery was amazing. At least it would have been, if we could see it. Unfortunately the low cloud and the rain on my glasses meant that I was looking through a blurry haze for the whole ride. The rain even seemed to effect my GoPro camera, so that I could only take a small number of photos for the entire day.

      During the day we meandered near and far from the Danube River, but each time we rejoined it, you could see how it had grown in size. The Danube we had seen as a small stream in Donaueschingen is now a substantial and quite beautiful river.

      We eventually reached the destination city of Ehingen about 2 pm in the afternoon. The city welcomed us with a huge, ugly chemical complex on the edge of town. It had a towering chimney that belched out a veritable volcano of fumes into the atmosphere. When we rode closer we were also met by a wall of foul smelling gases and industrial noises. It would have to be one of the ugliest factories I have ever seen , and certainly did not give a welcoming impression of the city.

      Fortunately, the centre of the city is much more appealing than the outskirts. Its large central square is surrounded by majestic medieval buildings on all sides.

      Tomorrow we complete this ride by riding the rest of the way to Ulm.
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    • Dia 22

      Tag 22 // Wie Sie sehen...

      24 de setembro de 2019, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      ...sehen Sie nichts. So ging es uns heute morgen beim Blick aus dem Fenster. Dichter Nebel, immer noch besser als Regen. Kühl war es auch, insofern ging es sich eingepackt los Richtung Ulm.
      Inzwischen sind wir durch Ulm durch uns sitzen bei Brot und Keksen an der Donau. Ein paar Meter von uns entfernt stehen bestimmt ein Dutzend Leute mit Ferngläsern und Kameras. Wir fuhren sehr gespannt hoch auf den Deich um Nichts zu sehen. Für uns Banausen ist nichts zu erkennen, ausser ein fast ausgetrocknetes Flussbett.
      Um erst gar nicht in Nöte zu kommen haben wir unsere Unterkunft schon am Morgen gebucht. Gestern Abend hatten wir bereits gesehen, dass die Auswahl recht übersichtlich ist. Insofern, sicher ist sicher. Das bedeutet noch 60km bis ins Tagesziel.
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    • Dia 30

      Cinderella’s Castle

      25 de outubro de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ 🌧 54 °F

      Drove to Neuschwanstein Castle today the ride was beautiful. We parked and took the shuttle to the top. We hiked in and it was so beautiful. Couldn’t go inside it’s under renovation and the tickets they do sell are booked out till November. Hiked out caught the shuttle and headed towards Munich. Stopped and had the most wonder lunch and a fabulous view. Headed out and we are staying in Senden Germany.
      Thank you God for views that were breathtaking 🙏 and no rain just a sunny day.
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    • Dia 16

      Wohnmobilstellplatz Ulm / Neu-Ulm

      15 de outubro de 2022, Alemanha ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Großer Wohnmobilstellplatz gut geeignet für die Durchreise...
      Allerdings recht voll... Es gibt aber genug Ausweichstellplätze nebenan an der Eissporthalle... Dort hin hat es uns heute Nacht auch verschlagen... Haben aber gut geschlafen....Leia mais

    • Dia 38

      Free Day in Ulm

      24 de setembro de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Ulm is a most attractive city, with its twin centres of the Old City and New Ulm divided by the Danube River. The old city, and indeed most of the new city is dominated by the huge Ulm Minster. Although it is not officially classed as a cathedral, it is a mammoth structure, that took over 600 years to be finally completed. Its spire is an eye watering 161 metres tall, making it the highest church steeple in the world. In fact, for a time the Ulm Minster was actually the highest man made structure in the world (higher even that the Great Pyramid).

      If you have the stamina and enthusiasm to climb the 700 steps of the staircase, you can get the best panoramic view of the city and the surrounding countryside. Since I have climbed this staircase twice before, and since I am now 7 years older, I decided to give it a miss this time.

      Maggie is still struggling with her back, so we had a rather leisurely day wandering the historic Fishermen's Quarters and walking alongside the Danube, interspersed with several coffees along the way. The low light of the day was the time spent in the Laundromat, catching up on the ever increasing mountain of dirty laundry.

      On the other side of the ledger, the highlight was watching a traditional German band playing to an enthusiastic crowd near the hotel. It was the perfect way to sample the rich culture of this place.

      Tomorrow we leave the Danube and head to Lake Constance.
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