Kreisfreie Stadt Dresden

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    • Dag 7

      Besichtigung von Dresden

      15 mars, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Am heutigen Tag wollen wir mit dem Bus und zu Fuss Dresden besichtigen. Es wird uns schnell bewusst, dass es sich dabei nur um einen ersten Einblick handeln kann. Viel zu viel schönes ist und wäre zu sehen. Wir beschränken uns nebst der Rundfahrt auf ein paar Sehenswürdigkeiten wie den Theaterplatz mit Zwinger und Oper, Residenz und Frauenkirche am Neumarkt.
      Am Fluss befinden sich die Elbschlösser und wunderschön erhaltene Villen. Es würde sicherlich Spass machen einfach aufs Velo zu sitzen und dem Elbe Radweg zu folgen.
      Wir kommen wieder….
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    • Dag 15

      Dresden Day 2

      25 september 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Today we joined a walking tour that gave a little history in the time of Augustus the Strong, through to the GDR until current day restoration. The guide also elaborated on the destructions caused by the allied forces bombing of Dresden and what and how the buildings have been restored.

      After the tour, we visited the Historical Green Vault to look at Augustus the Strong's collection of jewellery, furniture, and what he had on exhibition in the 1700.

      We came back to the accommodation after being bedazzled by the exhibition and amazed at the historical sights around Dresden.

      Total walking distance 13.1 km
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    • Dag 4


      13 juni 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Erster Stopp, süße Altstadt, alte Gebäude (Frauenkirche, Zwinger, Semperoper, Residenzschloss), überall Straßenmusik, romantischer Spaziergang an der Elbe entlang mit Musikbegleitung, Abends sagen wir im Club Kobalt - einer Bar direkt am WasserLäs mer

    • Dag 15

      Dresden Day 1

      25 september 2023, Tyskland ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      The train journey from Decin to Dresden was very picturesque. We passed farms, orchards, vineyards, small towns with towering church spires and more rock formations.

      Albertinum was our first gallery visit.
      We had an excellent guided tour by a lovely man who said that there were no English tours, only German but because there were only us and one other also very nice lady who could understand English, he did the tour in English.

      The Albertinum was an artillery storage that is now an art gallery for the works from late 1800 till now. It maps the change in styles from the early romanticism, impressionism expressionism, new objectivity to contemporary.

      The guide pointed out some poignant parts of history that explained some of the works and made me aware that what I thought was blurred photos hanging as art were actually paintings done by Gerhard Richter. He also pointed out a tryptic done be Otto Dix titled The War that was symbolised the crucifixion without the resurrection. Very interesting gallery.

      Next stop was a free concert at the Church of the Holy Cross. It was a concert that was both moving and professional. It was the 9 th interfaith peace concert.
      There was an orchestra, a large choir and some soloist with mandolin, erhu, violin and clarinet.
      There was some classical pieces, some Hebrew, Sufi, and a medley at the end with what sounded like a call to prayer, then finishing with Hebrew and Christian lyrics.

      It was moving because it was lovely to see the religious tolerance displayed when a Jewish man conducted the Sufi and both Jewish and Muslim were the presenters. We think the concert was to promote religious harmony across all faith.

      Our last stop was a lovely candlelit pub just a little away from aldsatdt that served really good marinated local fish in cream sauce and garlic pasta.

      Total walk for the day was 14.2 km
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    • Dag 16

      Dresden Day 3 Old Masters

      26 september 2023, Tyskland ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Today we started the day at the Zwinger art gallery of the Old Masters. We were there for 4 hours and could have been even longer if not for the organ recital that we had planned to go at 3pm. It was just a free 15 minute church pipe organ recital, and the beautiful sounds lulled Ruby and I to a restful nap.
      The gallery was well laid out in sequences of periods of painters with an audio guide. Despite the 4 hours there, we had to still rush through the Flemish and Dutch Masters.

      Included in our ticket was the visit to the porcelain and mathematics galleries. King Augustus the Strong was a great collector, he loved art, porcelain and clocks, globes, instruments and machines. We came back to the porcelain and mathematics galleries after the organ recital. The porcelain collection was interesting but the clocks and time pieces were truly beautiful.

      The day was finished with a meal at Schmidt's, a Michelin star restaurant deep in the suburbs of Dresden, a half hour tram ride away. The food was divine, exquisite and most of all filling. As we had to do laundry, we were already late for our reservation when we got off the tram. We still had a 950m walk to the restaurant. We weren't sure if where Google was taking us so we asked a lady standing at the front of her house saying goodbye to someone. She seemed so helpful and welcomed us straight away into her home. This we thought to mean a short cut out the back of her house. Instead, she enthusiastically beckoned us to come in to see her Chinese antiques, which we gleaned was a collection that her father left her. Then we got the story of how her father went to China and became a professor of music there during GDR, whilst China was under Mao, and Dresden was part of East Germany. She then proceeded to take us down her street with her front door still slightly ajar, to show us the directions to Schmidt's. On the way she wanted us to see her "drawing" gallery and gestured pointing to her watch. We said sorry, but we were late for our reservation already pointing back to our watches. It was really opportune meeting her because she lead us to a short cut. We were almost half an hour late, but it table was still waiting for us. We call people like her our travel angels.

      Total distance walked 10.2km.
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    • Dag 15


      5 augusti 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      This was the day the boys were looking forward to forever. Dresden is a city known for its beautiful architecture and over 90% of the city was destroyed in the war. It’s got lots of great history, and more importantly it has the Military History Museum. This was one of the best museums I have ever been to. The boys had researched it and knew all about it. It was very modern (and air conditioned-a plus). They had hands on parts at each exhibit. For example, one had a cupboard that had a scent machine and when you smelled it, it smelled just like the trenches in the First World War. It was so neat. The boys got to see tanks and planes and boats. It was so fun to listen to their excitement and their knowledge. The museum did a nice job of not glorifying war or weapons, but teaching about the damage that they have caused.Läs mer

    • Dag 420

      Dresden Germany

      2 juli 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Dresden is the capital city of the Saxony state of Germany. It's known as "Florence on the Elbe" for its beautiful Elbe River that snakes through the city. It's lined with beautiful architecture both baroque and Renaissance and is lined with art and city museums. It's also a very green city known for its plentiful parks scattered through the perimeter of old town.

      Dresden celebrated its 800th birthday in 2006 as its quite an old city. Sadly it was bombed heavily during WW2 with only 25% of the buildings surviving. It was first rebuilt immediately following WWII. It lost the remnants of its historic buildings as East Germany tried to turn it into, the "model socialist metropolis." It undertook a second reconstruction in the 90s where creating a new historic Dresden began. It also has the largest paddle steamer fleet in the world that run along the river.

      It was a beautiful city with a mix of architectures, old world charm, colorful buildings and modern cafes. The tourism although busy was not overwhelming which made this a very pleasant summer stay.
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    • December 3 - Day 2 in Dresden

      3 december 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

      We woke up to find a sugar dusting of snow had fallen overnight. It has added a lovely touch to the city. We had breakfast at 8:30 and set out for the day shortly after 10:00. First stop was back at the Strieizelmarkt. The crowds were lighter than yesterday, and we found it easier to navigate in the daylight. There was some good, strategic purchasing done.

      From there, we headed back to the Neumarkt that is located by the Frauenkirche. We had hoped to see inside the Frauenkirche, but it had been closed for a noon-time concert and the lineup to get in was quite long, so we moved on. This church is the symbol and soul of the city. When completed in 1793, this was Germany’s tallest Protestant church. It was firebombed on Feb 13, 1945 and smoldered for two days before finally collapsing. The pile of rubble was left on site and was turned into a peace monument. After reunification, the decision was made to rebuild but with very specific guidelines: stay true to the original design; use as much of the original material as possible; avoid using any concrete or rebar; maximize modern technology; and make it a lively venue for 21st-centurey-style worship. The remnants of the destroyed church were fitted together like a giant jigsaw puzzle with about one-third of the original stones placed in their original spots. The project cost $130 million euro, of which over two-thirds was donations from around the world. It reopened to the public in 2005. A heartening story of triumphant.

      Our next stop was the Parade of Nobles (Fürstenzug). It’s a mural painted on 24,000 tiles of Meissen porcelain. Longer than a football field, it illustrates seven centuries of Saxon royalty. It was built to commemorate Saxon history and heritage after Saxony became a part of Germany in 1871. The artist, Wilhelm Walther, studied armour and clothing through the ages, accurately tracing the weaponry and fashions for seven centuries.

      Before going into another market, we climbed up a set of steps to the Brühlsche Terrase. This delightful promenade that overlooks the river was once a defensive rampart overlooking the Elbe River. Later, it was given as a reward to a Saxon minister named Brühl who had been a really dedicated tax collector, so Frederick Augustus II was happy with his efforts. It the early 1800’s, it was turned into a public park with a leafy canopy of linden trees and was given the nickname “The Balcony of Europe”. Dresden claims to have the world’s largest and oldest fleet of historic paddleboat steamers. We could see several of the nine boats from the 19th century. From the terrace, we could also see Augustus Bridge which has connected Dresden’s old and new towns since 1319 when it was the first stone bridge over the river.

      Two street performers (guitar/singer and drummer) were singing in the square. It made our Canadian hearts swell with pride to hear them doing Leonard Cohen's "Alleluia". We sang the chorus loudly and proudly.

      Nearby, we found the Medieval Christmas Market called the Stallhof. This market had a distinctly different air to it. I saw a blacksmith, a glass blower, a brush maker and a rope maker and there were artisans dressed in medieval garb. There was a minstrel playing music and joking with the crowd. I declined the opportunity to take a selfie while wearing armour. It was time for a warm drink and a snack so several of the group had warm wine (elderberry, blueberry) to wash down spiral-cut potato chips. We are hitting all the good food groups on these travels.

      We hiked over to where the Hop On Hop Off Bus starts its route. The tickets were included in our package. The tour was almost two hours long and covered most of the city. It’s hard to get good photos from the aisle seat of a bus, so I didn’t try. It was almost dusk too, so the lighting wasn’t ideal. We learned more about the resiliency of the city and its inhabitants in the rebuilding after the February 1945 raids that destroyed three-quarters of the old city. Stone by stone, the old buildings were rebuilt. It was eerie to see old style buildings on one side of the road and new buildings on the other side. You could almost track where the bombs had fallen on those fateful days.

      We all declared that we were done for the day, so we hiked back to the hotel and hit the grocery store near it. We stocked up on drinks (wine, gin and tonic) and snacks (chips, pretzels, crackers) and met in Sheilagh and Vicky’s suite for predinner socialization because the earliest we could get a table in the restaurant in the hotel was 8:00 p.m. (There are no other restaurants in the area.) But the dining fairy smiled on us, and Angela got a call about 6:30 p.m. that they could accommodate us. It was an Italian restaurant. I had really good salmon, and others had pizza; Angela had a whole fish. We retired back to the party suite for post-dinner drinks with a plan to meet for breakfast at 8:00 a.m. The breakfast buffet gets really busy between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. so we want to get in before the rush.

      All in all, a very good day. We are off to Prague tomorrow for more adventures and shopping.
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    • Dag 10

      Dresden barock

      5 oktober 2019, Tyskland ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      Irgenwann holt dich jede Regenfront ein. Am Samstag war es soweit. Es goss in Strömen. Damit ist man automatisch zur - selbstverständlich eh eingeplanten 😜 - kulturellen Fortbildung bereit.

      Ich genehmige mir gleich eine Doppelration in Form von Führungen in der Semperoper und und Residenzschloss.

      Dresdens Stadtzentrum wurde im zweiten Weltkrieg großflächig zerstört. Der Wiederaufbau dauert bis heute an. Und da sich dieser nun schon über mehrere Jahrzehnte erstreckt, findest du in naher Lage barocke Originale, wieder aufgebaute klassische Gebäude und sozialistische Monumentalarchitektur.

      Die Dresdner Oper ist ein grossartig wiederhergestelltes Baujuwel. Die sehr entzückende Dame, die für uns die Guidance machte, war extrem überzeugend. Man könnte glauben, sie hätte sämtliche Aufführungen der letzten n Jahrzehnte gesehen 😄

      Zur zweiten Führung ging ich in das Residenzschloss. Hier gibt es seit nicht mal einem Monat einen neu eröffneten Teil zu besichtigen. Neu heißt einerseits wieder aufgebaut und andererseits so neu, dass die Räume noch nach Farbe riechen 😷. Außerdem geht hier noch ein Rahmen um ein Gemälde. Neu heißt auch, dass der erste Muster schon jetzt nicht mehr funktioniert. Ob das noch eine Kinderkrankheit oder schon Altersschwache ist, könnte unser Guide nicht beantworten. Es war ihre erste Führung in den neuen Räumen🥇.

      Mein Tipp: auf keinen Fall sollte man die Semperoper nicht verpassen.
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    • Dag 6

      Weiterreise nach Dresden

      14 mars, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Nun ist es soweit und wir reisen heute weiter nach Dresden.
      Die Fahrt zeigt uns vor allem sehr viel flaches Land mit Wäldern und Wiesen.
      Nebst sehr vielen Windkraftwerken ist die Gegend Oberfranken und nun Sachsen eher dünn besiedelt. Wir beziehen Zimmer im Künstler Hotel Penck unweit der Elbe. Ein erster Spaziergang zeigt, dass wir nicht weit vom „Zwinger“ und der Semper Oper wohnen.Läs mer

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