Kreisfreie Stadt Koblenz

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    • Day 22

      We're Having a Heat Wave

      September 8, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      When we arrived at the Trierer Hof Hotel yesterday, I asked the owner if they had experienced a hot summer this year. "It started off pretty warm", he replied, "but the past couple of months have been cold and wet".

      In that case it must have been just bad luck that saw us arrive smack in the middle of a series of hot and very humid days. In fact the temperature has risen to over 30C for the past few days, and the sequence is set to continue for at least another four days.

      This has come as something of a shock for our team who have just arrived from the Australian winter. The combination of high temperatures, hot sun and enervating humidity really takes its toll. I am just so grateful that our hotel features functioning air conditioning. This is something of an oddity in this part of the world.

      Today the group decided to ride the cable car to the fort on the other side of the Rhine. For those who are afraid of heights, this was something of a challenge, but the views down to the city from the lofty location made the trip worthwhile.

      Maggie and I spent the rest of the day alternating between exploring the old city and retreating to the coolness of the hotel room. At this point of time it is worth making mention of the very big elephant on the room. While I adore the history, culture and scenery of Europe, there is one aspect of European living that literally gets stuck in my throat. That aspect is the cloud of smoke that follows wherever you go.

      While Australia and many other countries have made huge progress in reducing the incidence of smoking, in Europe it is a filthy accepted part of life. Whether you are walking down the street, enjoying a view or eating at an outdoor restaurant, it is impossible to escape being enveloped in a stinking cloud of noxious tobacco smoke.

      From the young to the old alike, they are all equally addicted to a lifestyle revolving around nicotine. Parents think nothing of blowing clouds of poisonous smoke right into the faces of their children. Even when they are not smoking, the stink has penetrated into their clothes, hair, curtains and carpets. You just can't escape that awful smell. At times I really feel like yelling at people to wake up to how stupid their behaviour is.

      I am not sure what the statistics are concerning smoking in the big cities, but from my own anecdotal experience, I would say that it is at least 40%. The rest of the population choose to use vapes instead.

      This afternoon an exciting event took place - our boat arrived at the docks. Although we cannot board until tomorrow, it was fun to have a close up look at the vessel that will be our home for the next seven nights. In the morning we will be checking out of the hotel, and at 3 pm we will be boarding the MS Olympia. The next leg of our adventure will start.
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    • Day 7

      Day in Koblenz, Germany

      September 3, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

      Koblenz, Germany is a fast growing part of Europe due to its central European location and it's cost of living compared elsewhere but this is changing. Many USA companies have European headquarters in Koblenz such as Amazon with 20k associates. Koblenz was a major industrial city and as such, was greatly impacted by WW2. Our tour of the old city was enjoyable!Read more

    • Day 4

      Welcome to Koblenz

      June 13, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Day 1 in Koblenz...
      - Thank goodness for the train app bc that loud system needs some work!
      - Exploring the old city, somehow this place feels more German than the last place...
      - I was reminded to make sure I get in some photos 📸 I need to work on my selfie gameRead more

    • Day 12

      Koblenz - Deutsches Eck

      July 31, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Das Deutsche Eck ist eine künstlich aufgeschüttete Landzunge in Koblenz an der Mündung der Mosel in den Rhein. Ursprünglich nach einer nahegelegenen Niederlassung des Deutschen Ordens so bezeichnet, ist es heute vor allem für das 1897 dort errichtete monumentale Reiterstandbild des ersten Deutschen Kaisers Wilhelm I. bekannt.Read more

    • Von Lahnstein nach Nassau und zurück

      June 13, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Heute waren wir zum 2. Mal in Nassau. Vor ca. 7 Jahren in Nassau (Bahamas) und heute noch einmal in Nassau, diesmal aber in Rheinland-Pfalz 😀

      Eine schöne Radtour von Lahnstein aus, immer an der Lahn entlang, teils schmale Radwege, aber Natur pur.

      Bad Ems macht einen sehr guten Eindruck. Es ist ein Kurort, mit vielen alten und sehenswürdigen Häusern.

      Vorbei ging es an vielen Campingplätzen und dem Dorf Fachbach, wo bis Ende Juni die Lahn-Festspiele stattfinden. Auf einer schwimmenden Seebühne sind zahlreiche Künstlerinnen und Künstler live zu erleben.

      Zurück ging es auf dem selben Weg
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    • Day 21–23

      Winningen Campsite

      September 4, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Another stop on banks of Mosel. Huge campsite no reservations just turn up. €9 per van plus €9pp so €18pn. Dogs €4. With my ACSI card I get 1 dog free 🤣, free electric & free shower tokens Nice gifts for me & Boyz on arrival.Read more

    • Day 3

      Day 2 Frankfurt and Nurnberg

      September 1, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      After quite a few hours sleep it was time to organise the chaos that was our room after just emptying everything out to find what we needed. That took us to about 10am. Nice shower in place with sideways jets so didn’t have to get hair wet.

      So then 2 hours walking around Frankfurt where it was a bit rainy but warm. Went to the mall, interesting that the designer roof had leaks which we noticed when going up the escalator. Went to supermarket bought 1 banana 1 nectarine 1 toothbrush plus toothpaste. Had pretzels for brekkie at Wiener Feinbaker Heberer. And then went back to the Kleinmarkethalle. Bought a few things there including saffron tea with chia seeds and mint. Tasted great at the stall, and first try this evening was pretty nice. Also discovered a really neat wee bookshop which had some fascinating titles. Bookshop was Buchhandlung Walther Konig. Trisha was sorry she didn’t have a big bag to fit some in.

      Then it was time to go back to get our bags and make our way to the train station. Thanks Google for taking through what seemed to be some dodgy streets with lots of strip clubs and dodgy men hanging around. When we got to the station it appeared that the parallel street looked much nicer! I’m pleased I didn’t choose accommodation near this station though, the reviews did not make it sound like a great place.

      We had lunch at the food market at the train station. Sat at a 4 person table as that’s all that was available, but gave it up for a group of 8 later when a 2 person table was available, those people were very appreciative. We both had a salad and I had some roast chicken to go with it, yummy.

      We thought we had our train sussed very early. Got on platform 7, spoke to a lady who said that train was out of service. We thought that might just change when it was time for ours to go. But luckily Trisha read another sign board and it had changed to platform 6. We got on all ok and had a nice 2.5 hours relaxing on the train.

      Arrived in Nuremberg and had decided to walk the 1.8 kms to our hotel. Hmm, didn’t notice the hills on the walk which took us through the old town which looks great, and we had a few rests on the way and finally got here around 7pm. Our hotel is wonderful. Nice separate sleeping areas and we are here for 4 nights so have unpacked everything.

      We couldn’t be bothered going out for tea so have snacked on what we have, did some washing and will be in bed early.
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    • Day 3

      Köln mit Brauhaustour

      June 3, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Nach einem reichhaltigen Frühstück und einer lockeren Velo- und Joggingrunde im Fitnessraum starten wir unseren Stadtrundgang durch Köln - natürlich inklusive Brauhaustour. Da wir nur zu Sechst sind, können wir schon fast eine private Stadtbesichtigung geniessen. Am Abend nehmen wir Kurs auf Dodrecht auf.Read more

    • Day 4


      June 4, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Bei angenehmen Temperaturen und zunehmendem Sonnenschein besichtigen wir die Windmühlen in Kinderdijk und fahren anschliessend zurück zum Schiff nach Rotterdam. Wir erkunden die Stadt auf eigene Faust und flanieren durch die Shoppingstrassen. Herrlich!Read more

    • Day 6

      Düsseldorf und längste Theke der Welt

      June 6, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Heute besuchen wir die Altstadt von Düsseldorf mit der längsten Theke der Welt, bummeln durch die weltberühmte Königsallee und geniessen den sonnigen Nachmittag am belebten Rheinufer mit Sicht auf den Rheinturm. Und wir stellen fest - die Düsseldorfer sind bereits startklar für die Fussball-EM! ⚽️⚽️⚽️Read more

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    Kreisfreie Stadt Koblenz

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