Landkreis Calw

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Los 10 mejores destinos de viaje Landkreis Calw
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    • Día 12

      Im Schwarzwald acho

      2 de agosto de 2018, Alemania ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Nach ere längere Fahrt über Stuttgart, si mr im Schwarzwald acho. In Stuttgart hei mr ou ändlich üses Päckli mit dem Sonnedach chöne abhole u heis da natürli sofort ufgstöut😉 Gmüetlich gnüsse mr da na üsi letschti Abe vo dere Reis u fahre morn id Schwiiz zrögg.Leer más

    • Día 55

      Unsere Reise beginnt!

      22 de septiembre de 2021, Alemania ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Die letzten vier Tage haben wir bei Freunden in der Nähe von Böblingen verbracht.

      Obwohl wir unsere Wohnung immer dabei haben, bestand das Pärchen darauf, dass wir statt in der Hofeinfahr im Wohnmobil, in ihrem Gästezimmer schlafen. Das hat uns gefreut und irgenwie war die Vorstellung mal wieder in eine richtigen Zimmmer mit Betten zu schlafen sehr reizvoll.

      Wir schlossen viele neue Bekanntschaften und verbrachten eine tolle Zeit zusammen.

      Es war für uns jedoch eine Bestätigung, dass wir den richtigen Weg gewählt haben. Besonders wir Erwachsenen sind in der Wohnung schnell an unsere Grenzen gestoßen. Ein beklemmendes Gefühl machte sich breit und wir fühlten uns eingeengt. Es hatte etwas befreiendes, mit dem Wohnmobil zum nächsten Ort zu fahren.

      Verrückte, wie schnell wir uns an das Leben draußen gewöhnt haben.

      Jetzt stehen wir in Wildberg an der Nagold auf einem schönen Platz ganz in der Näher der Klosteranlage.

      Das Wetter ist einfach traumhaft. Wir sitzen vor dem Wohnmobil und genießen das Rauschen des Baches.

      Auf dem Weg zur Klosteranlage entdecke wir ein Mühlrad. Weiter geht unser Spaziergang durch einen toll gestalteten Park mit einem Teich samt Springbrunnen, verschiedenen, liebevoll gestalteten Insektenhotels und einem großen Spielplatz, der keine Wünsche offen lässt.

      Auch ein paar Bäume müssen zum klettern herhalten.
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    • Día 143

      Tag 142 & 143

      12 de octubre de 2022, Alemania ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      -TAG 142 & 143-

      Nach ca. 6 Kilometern bin ich in Pforzheim und suche den Einstieg zum Westweg, dem ältesten Fernwanderweg Deutschlands, der viele der höchsten Gipfel im Schwarzwald berührt.

      Der letzte Weg auf meiner gesamten Tour, dem ich folgen werde. Fast 300Km geht es jetzt durch den Schwarzwald bis nach Basel. 😁

      Liebe Grüße, Gena
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    • Día 100

      Von Pforzheim zum Holoturm

      8 de junio de 2023, Alemania ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Stadt, Hotel und Frühstück sind jeweils nicht die besten, die ich auf den letzten gut 2950 Kilometern NST hatte. Aber geschenkt. Denn der Westweg hält, was mir versprochen wurde. Aber schön der Reihe nach.

      Erstmal geht es noch ein Stück durch die Stadt bis zur und dann entlang der Enz. Ein Stück vor der Pforte zu den Schwarzwald-Wanderwegen spricht mich von hinten jemand an. Leicht zu erkennen als Fernwanderer. Ja, ich gehe auch den Westweg. Er hat vier Tage und will mindestens bis zur Badener Höhe. Er ist mit Hängematte und leichtem Gepäck unterwegs. Ist schon viel in Schottland gewandert. Da können wir uns eine ganze Weile drüber unterhalten. Am NST ist er auch sehr interessiert. Als wir von der Pforte weggehen, kommen schon die nächsten Viertages-Westwegwanderer. Die wollen heute bis Dobel. Wir treffen uns noch mehrmals unterwegs. Und so geht es den ganzen Tag. So viele Fernwanderer habe ich noch auf keinem Weg getroffen. Viele interessante Gespräche. Man trifft sich während der Gewitterschauer am Nachmittag in den Hütten, die es reichlich gibt.

      Zunächst geht der Weg noch sehr urban durch Vororte von Pforzheim und entlang des lauschigen Enztals. Auf halber Strecke nach Dobel komme ich durch Neuenbürg. Das hat eine schicke Burg und ein Wanderheim. In beiden kann man essen und trinken. Ich tanke etwas Flüssigkeit im Wanderheim. Danach geht es bergauf und man taucht schon ganz ordentlich in den Schwarzwald ein. Am Nachmittag erreiche ich Dobel. Dort gibt es noch ein Stück Kuchen, Kaffee und Hefeweizen. Eben ein Hikergedeck. Vom Turm aus kann man eigentlich weit gucken. Der Pfälzer Wald ist aber wegen der Wolken und dem immer noch leichten Regen nur schemenhaft auszumachen. Den Kalmit finde ich.

      Es geht weiter bergauf. Und jetzt nur noch Wald. Langsam schaue ich nach Hütten zum Übernachten. Sind aber alle besetzt. Also weiter. Ist auch noch gut Zeit. Das Wetter und die Ausblicke werden super. Ich bin auch schon auf knapp tausend Metern Höhe. Schließlich geht es noch am Skigebiet Kaltenbrunn und dem Hochmoor und den Seen dort vorbei zum Holoturm. Und Überraschung. Ich hab dir Hütte und den Turm für mich allein. Super. Der Ausblick vom Turm ist großartig. Leider verschwindet die Sonne vor ihrem Untergang hinter Wolken.

      Insgesamt wieder ein Supertag. Trotz der Wetterkapriolen.

      Und zu guter Letzt: Der Holoturm markiert genau die 3000 Kilometer-Marke des NST 🍻
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    • Día 188

      First glimpse of the Schwarzwald

      4 de agosto de 2019, Alemania ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      It would just be too much of a shame to spend over a month in Baden-Württemberg and not come anywhere near the Black Forest! So Bad Wildbad was our destination today, being one of the more accessible entry points by public transport. The quaint little village was reminiscent of Kitzbühel, right down to the proximity of trails up the mountain and delicious local Kuchen.

      We finally managed to drag Meg up the 45-minute hike to Sommerberg, where the tree-top walking path started. At the far end of the path was the giant winding slide and a super cool adventure playground - highlights included the green trampoline and rope climbing parcours, as well as the dragon swing. Great work by Meg and Davy, who were both really courageous and determined to complete the rope parcours, even if Mommy and Poppy were a bit freaked out at times.
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    • Día 52

      Bad Wildbad

      1 de junio de 2018, Alemania ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      Impressive thunderstorm around midnight last night. Thunder, lightening and hard rain for a good hour. Not conducive to much sleep. But humidity and temps are down, ~70 with much sun today. I had a "locals" list of 3 things I wanted to do so started with that list today - crossed off 2 of them. Finally did the Treetops walk - really beautiful and so much fun. I thought it might be too "touristy" but it is a lovely walk high above the treetops in the forest. Beautiful views in all directions. Lots of fun things to do along the way, it goes for about 3/4 mile until it gets to the tower. Then unbeknownst to me (I had always wondered what that tube in the middle of the tower was) you can walk to the top and tube down!! I debated for awhile and then said to myself, "what the hell you are not getting any younger" and off I went. It goes fast !! Kind of like an amusement park ride. They put you on a carpet kind of "slip pad" with your feet in a pocket at the bottom of the carpet and tell you not to try to stop yourself and off you go. :-) (Big smile)

      Back to my "home" for a salad lunch and off to the park in town. (Kurpark) I was so very impressed. I think it if the most beautiful City park I have ever seen. Kurpark is long and narrow and has every conceivable amenity you would ever want in a park. I parked at the far end - I think it runs about 1.5 miles long - and walked the length. A small, but beautiful river, runs the length and there are numerous bridges so that you can wander back and forth on both sides. A water wheel, gazebo, tennis courts, duck pond, lounge chairs in the grass, places for kids to walk in a tiny stream, rose garden (most roses gone) and so much more. Just a peaceful and tranquil spot in the world. Walked for an hour and a half or so, taking pics, and then found a secluded lounge chair and took a nap. :-)

      Home for more pasta for dinner and off to a concert in town tonight. I lovely evening in a beautiful building in Bad Wildbad. Concert was light opera, mostly music from Operettas - mostly German composers. (Go figure). Two violins, cello and piano.

      Miles: 6.6
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    • Día 50

      Bad Wildbad

      30 de mayo de 2018, Alemania ⋅ 🌧 72 °F

      A very lazy morning after 2 full days of tourism. Did not get started until about 1PM. Then off to check out a couple towns in the area. Read an article on the 10 best towns in the Black Forest so started on that list. The town of Calw (no idea how to pronounce) was noted as one of the most picturesque in the forest so decided to start there as it was only about 20 miles from my current home. What a treat! Good roads, easy to get to and easy to park. A combination not found frequently in Europe.

      A town full of half timbered houses set along the Enz River! If you love to see tons of this type of architecture, this is the place for you. Every color combination imaginable. Lovely to walk around and the usual cafes and shops. An interesting church with a butterfly as the focal point, could not find out what that was all about. (Sometimes it pays to go on a tour.) Wandered around for a couple hours, taking pictures and enjoying an apple sparkling water by the riverside. Good find.

      Then to check out another town, Kaltenbroon - mainly because I want to hike to there tomorrow. By foot through the forest its about 7 miles to get there from "home", by car its 14 miles !! Checked it out, got a map and have decided to drive over there in the AM and walk from there. There is a big nature preserve there as well as a couple lakes I would like to see and it looks like a nice walk. Weather has been warm (up to 80) but some of the humidity from the last couple days is gone. And always cooler in the forest.

      Back to town for a grocery store stop and home for pasta.

      Miles: 3
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    • Día 54

      Bad Wildbad

      3 de junio de 2018, Alemania ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      Lazy AM catching up on "paper" work. Needed to check in flight to London, ensure all set for Home Away in London, and figure out how to get from Gatwick to the last apartment on this trip. Also starting to look at theater in London. Then off for the day.

      First a walk in the woods out the back door to find the bridge that my host mentioned when I first got here. The bridge is a newly built 1km long pedestrian suspension bridge in the forest that is just being finished. The dedication is scheduled for mid July. The bridge is on the Fairy Tale trail in the woods. Lots of Fairy Tale iconography in this area as the Brothers Grimm, revered for their telling of fairy tales, lived and wrote here. I followed the trail a short ways and found the bridge, quite an engineering feat. It starts and ends in the woods but spans over open space with terrific views of the towns below for about 1K other 0.65 mile. Though it does look like they still have a ways to go to be ready for 7/15. Another amazing thing to see and do right out of my front door. I really just lucked out on this place - wanted to be in the forest but had no idea where. Since I wanted 11 days, lots of other places not available for that long. Sometimes luck is better than skill. Walked a bit more and came across a Hang-gliding take off spot. Watched one fellow got ready and took off - have a video but you cannot put videos into this blog. Not sure I could just run out and jump off a mountain. :-)

      Then off for a ride. Target was Baiserbroon - about 30 miles away. I have found a good website -… -- and I am knocking them off one by one. Have done the top 3 so today is number 4, about 30 miles South of me. The town itself was nice but the terrain in this area was beautiful. There is more open space from the forest so you see pristine, steepled towns in the distance when you turn every corner. Also visited an old (built in the 9th Century) monastery, lovely grounds and garden - Benedictine monks. Found a place to park and just picked a path and walked for an hour+. Paths everywhere and lots of folk out for Sunday afternoon walks but still not hard to get away. Back to home to get the last half hour of sunshine in the back yard garden. Relaxing Sunday.

      Pasta for dinner - last meal I will cook here. Finished a book I have been listening to - The Exile - Richard North Patterson - very good. And then finished the first season of Berlin Station on Netflix. Very good as well.

      Miles: 5.9
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    • Día 10

      Baumwipfel des Schwarzwalds

      22 de agosto de 2017, Alemania ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Hoje o passeio foi ao norte da Floresta Negra no Baumwipfel em Sommerberg, uma passarela que permite caminhar sobre as copas das árvores, observando a floresta por cima.
      O passeio culmina numa torre de observação a uma altura de 40 metros, com uma vista espetacular de 360 ​​graus sobre as intermináveis ​​florestas e impressionantes vales da Floresta Negra.Leer más

    • Día 49

      Bad Wildbad

      29 de mayo de 2018, Alemania ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      Off to Heidelberg via train on the 8:35. Heidelberg is only about 50 miles away but decided to take the train to save the hassle of constant GPS navigation and parking once I was there. Turned out to be a questionable decision. :-)

      I had always wanted to go back to Heidelberg, a city that I just drove through once and thought it looked pretty and worth coming back to. Train schedules from here (a small town) usually have multiple transfers to get to anything over 20 miles away. I looked on line (very good and user friendly website) and found one that only had one transfer so took that. My host told me that if I parked in Calmbach, a town about 2-3 miles from Bad Wildbad, I would not need to pay for parking. Bad Wildbad has virtually no street parking, all in large parking garages. So left from Calmbach, the train stopped every 5 minutes, filled with commuter folk and those just going to the grocery store. Found a new "best friend" in a kid who worked in one of the towns along the way but was on his way back home to Romania for vacation. 20 something very social and loved to talk about what he was doing. 20 something and speaks 3 languages !!! The 2nd train was a bullet train and sped right along to Heidelberg.

      Arrived at the train station, a big and busy place. TI right outside to get a map and transit information. Transportation is cheap here as this is primarily a university town, The famous Heidelberg University. Bus/tram ticket only about $1.60. I took a tram to the Old Town - a large area where most of the tourist sites are located. Walked the Old Town, took the Old Bridge across the Neckar river which flows through the City. Climbed to the top of one of the old churches (Protestant) and great 360 views. Pictures not great as it was cloudy. Sun came out at 4PM. Warm and sticky. Heidelberg castle on the hill above the town is a major tourist attraction. Did not go up there, chose instead to walk across the river to the Philosopher's walk - a lovely wooded walk high on a hill across the river from the Old Town. Known as the Philosopher's Walk as it is where the professors and philosophers from the university could converse in the beautiful green way and enjoy the views of the Old Town and Castle across the river. A truly beautiful spot. Checked out a lot of buildings that are a part of the university. Heidelberg population is 20% students and of the 25,000 students, about 20% are international. I heard a lot of English being spoken from the kids. Also found a place to get my nails done!!

      Back to train station for my 7:30PM train - which, when it showed up on the board was going to be 90 minutes late. So I had to get another set of trains that had 2 transfers and did not leave until 8:10PM. One of them only had 8 minutes to get from one train to another. Needless to say a bit stressful but all went well and was home only an hour later than I planed. A very busy day. A day off from tourism tomorrow.

      Miles: 8.5
      Floors Climbed: 38
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