Landkreis Rastatt

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10 Destinasi Pengembaraan Teratas Landkreis Rastatt
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    • Hari 34

      B A D E N . B A D E N

      13 Jun 2022, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Après mes déboires d'hier soir, je me réveille de troooop bonne humeur car aujourd'hui je retrouve mon petit chat Morad !
      Les rayons du soleil au petit matin mettent une belle ambiance dans la chambre, je me motive à prendre le petit dej sur la terrasse avec une jolie vue sur un petit bout de forêt noire ~
      Mon hôte me dépose gentiment à la gare de Sankt Goergen d'où je prend le train pour Baden Baden
      Je chope un caddie abandonné car mes épaules et mon dos de sont pas encore remis des 8-9km dans la forêt noire en fin de journée KO complet !
      J'avoue ça m'a mis bien, j'en ai profité pour faire des petites courses ~
      Arrivé à l'appart une belle surprise m'attend ; la douche de l'appartement qu'on avait résa est cassée donc la propriétaire nous filé un autre appartement au moins 3x plus grand ! Y avait même un couloir ! UN COULOIR WEY ! On a appelé cet endroit le Palace ~
      Sincèrement même l'appart était plus enjaillant que la ville, donc je me suis fait une petite journée chillax/apéro avant de partir retrouver Morad a la gare vers 21h30

      Le lendemain matin on part avec regret de notre magnifique et somptueux Palace, et on se met en route pour Berliiiiin ~
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    • Hari 39


      17 Julai 2023, Jerman ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Day 38:
      Distance: 34.49 km (1,259.41 km)
      Steps: 48,577 (1,796,299)
      Move time: 7h38 (285h30)
      Spend: £20.23 (£600.36)

      🇩🇪 Baden-Baden to Schönmünz. 🇩🇪

      Don't get me wrong, an adventure like this can give you some unforgettable experiences, but it's very much an anti-holiday. Some of the discomforts I have put myself through already have been pretty, well... uncomfortable, to say the least. So, after taking a break from mission mode to be a normal tourist for even a day, I did find it a little difficult getting back into the headspace to make ground this morning. But it was actually a very therapeutic day of meandering the oh-so-quiet mountains of the Black Forest. And yes, you did read that right: mountains! Surely the first actually legally recognised up-and-down mountains of the trip, peaking at 991 m for one arboreal summit. Looks like the honour of the first 1000 m + elevations will have to wait until the Alps...Baca lagi

    • Hari 114

      Von Forbach bis zum Ochsenstall

      31 Oktober 2023, Jerman ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Heute 22km.

      Guten Abend. Dies war ein sehr kalt-nasser, windig-boeiger Tag mit vielen Steigungen. Er endet gut (wie immer) im Ski- und Wanderheim Ochsenstall an ner warmen Heizung und Gulasch mit Späzle.
      Gestern bin ich zunächst die Horizontale Baden-Baden/Stuttgart gekreuzt. Zudem habe ich nach 21.5km noch die 2700km überschritten. Es geht voran. Trotz Herbst.
      Heute an Happy Hello-Wien noch die Diagonale Baden-Baden/ Calw.
      Im Ochsenstall bin ich home-alone aber nicht wie Kevin sondern wohl behalten in mollig-warmem Zimmer, was auf 1030m ü. N. und bei 3° Aussentemperatur durchaus hilfreich ist. Morgen soll es dann bis zum Spätnachmittag trocken bleiben. Da bin ich dabei! Morgen Abend bin ich noch zum Essen verabredet. Hoch oben im Schwarzwald. Wer der glückliche ist, erfahrt ihr Morgen.
      ANicht zu viele Geister und eine guten Rutsch in den November wünscht Euch Sutje von der Höhe.
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    • Hari 2

      Quer durch Frankreich/Teil 1

      8 September 2022, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Heute Nacht, so gegen 01:30 🕜 sind wir ohne Staus und wohlbehalten in Drusenheim angekommen. Der Platz war spärlich besetzt, mit uns waren es dann 3 WoMos.
      Nach einem gemütlichen Frühstück mit Rheinblick ging es über Nancy und Orléans weiter nach Meung-sur-Loire. Sonne und Wolkenbrüche haben uns abwechselnd begleitet.
      Kurz nach Orléans wurde kurz ein Intermarché geplündert, denn ohne französischen Käse und Pasteten macht die Reise durch Frankreich 🇫🇷 nur halb so viel Spaß.
      Hier stehen wir kostenfrei an der Loire und genießen den Abend. 🍷🍸
      Morgen geht’s weiter an den Atlantik … 🌊
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    • Hari 18

      18. Luxembourg - Baden Baden

      22 Februari, Jerman ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      We woke up to quite possibly our rainiest day yet and that means it's really rainy with the weather we have had so far.. 😂☔

      We decided to head to Luxembourg city to take a look but unfortunately all the parking was a nightmare... After 3 drives around the city attempting to park and then going down a road definitely not designed for a van, we decided to move on as we weren't desperate enough to go to a park and ride into the city. It was still very pretty even in the rain.

      We then decided to slowly meander down to Baden-Baden, which is the start of Germany's Black Forest.
      This route (half motorways) took us through France and Germany on the way down. We arrived just as the sun set in the distance and made camp at a local park up. The next few days we are slowly driving down towards Switzerland, 40 miles of the route is supposedly one of the best roads in Europe to drive so we are looking forward to the adventures to come.

      We took Maddy on a walk through the woods with many signs about the aggressive Wildschwein, (wild boar) They would be with us as we have a got a German frankfurter sausage risotto for tea. We have no instructions on how you cook the sausages and no signal so we are going to attempt to boil them... If no penguins uploaded tomorrow we have both died peacefully of food poisoning or attacked brutally by a wildschwein 😂😂
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    • Hari 1

      Ziellinie Grenze überschritten

      29 Ogos 2022, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Nach der letzten Reise habe ich soviel positive Rückmeldungen erhalten, dass ich wieder schreiben muss 🙂, und ich mache es nur zu 89% wegen euch, der Rest für mich als,Andenken.
      Dieses Mal war uns Corona nicht wohl gesonnen, die letzte Woche hingen wir beide drinnen, heute früh war nur ich noch positiv. Mir geht es aber gut und im Womo sind wir ja sehr isoliert, deshalb geht es wie geplant los. Das,Auto haben wir in Zella Mehlis gemietet, dort ist schon Nachsaison. Dank 9 Euro Ticket konnte Lutz es alleine abholen, ich darf ja noch nicht. 16 Uhr starten wir, viel Verkehr, gegen 19 30 Uhr sind wir am angepeilten Platz. Furchtbarer P, zwar bei einem Badesee mit klaren Wasser aber nicht unser Ding. Über den Rhein gleich rein ins gelobte Land, in einem kleinen Ort stellen wir uns neben das "Stadion ". Eine Frauenmannschaft hat Fußball Training. Heute gibt es Reste, dann versuchen wir anzukommen, aber weil es schon nach 22 Uhr ist gehen wir ins Bett u d nehmen uns vor, morgen alles gelassener anzugehen. Schaun mer mal...Baca lagi

    • Hari 2


      12 Oktober 2019, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We just arrived to Germany! French police officers check that we didn't have drugs in the car, or more than 10.000€. Nice people!
      We feel so energised!!! Listening happy songs and keeping the vibes so so high! In around 3h we will make it to the town of our business partner Eliza! Can't wait to meet her again 😁!
      We will sleep there and visit her town tomorrow. Life is good 🤩.

      Saavuttiin just Saksaan! Ranskan poliisi tsekkas ettei kuleteta huumeita tai yli 10 000 euroa. Kivoja tyyppejä.
      Meillä riittää energiaa!!! Kuunnellaan hyvää musaa ja pietään energiatasot korkeella. Noin 3h päästä saavutaan meiän kaverin ja bisneskumppanin Elizan luo! En malta oottaa et tavataan taas 😁!
      Nukutaan siellä yö ja huomenna katellaan paikkoja sen kylässä. Elämä on kivaa 🤩.

      Hemos llegado a Alemania! Unos policias franceses han revisado que no tuvieramos drogas o más de 10.000 euros. Buena gente!
      Nos sentimos tan bien! Escuchando buenas canciones y manteniendo la energia alta! En unas 3h llegaremos a la ciudad de nuestra amiga y compañera de negocio Eliza! Qué ganas de verla otra vez!
      Dormiremos allí y visitaremos la ciudad mañana. La vida es guay 🤩.
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    • Hari 27

      We had a great breakfast which was provided by our Airbnb host. Then we explored a little bit around Sélestat as they were setting up for the women’s Tour de France. We also stopped by for a quick visit to Tabitha, and Warmshower host from our trip in 2019. We pedaled along in the sunshine to reach the Rhine river canal and head north to Strasbourg. Strasbourg Is a huge tourist destination with beautiful buildings, restaurants, a huge Street market, and the giant cathedral. We had a picnic lunch and navigated through the crowd, Spending about two hours in the city. We then continued on to cross the Rhine and back into Germany. We continue to enjoy looking at the variety of produce fields including, corn, grapes, apples, pears, tobacco, cabbage, korza, sunflowers, and soybeans. Some other of our favorite things to enjoy looking at during our rides are; the architecture of the homes and buildings, roadside temples/shrines, graffiti, the huge number of steeples that we see as we look across the horizon, and the changing landscape. We reached our Warmshower hosts, Rudolf and Hecky, at 6 PM, and had a great quiche baked dinner followed with ice cream and wine from the region. We sat around the dinner table chatting about trips, and sharing stories until about 11 PM.Baca lagi

    • Hari 53

      Forests and open air museum

      12 Mei, Jerman ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Perfect pitch up at edge of glorious mixed forest in a strangers beautiful country...but, look, Scotland beckons! Head north my vagrant child!
      All morning at Vogtbauernhof open air museum; fascinating. You can go inside the huge, old style, wooden farmhouses and houses.Baca lagi

    • Hari 3

      Baden Baden

      5 September 2022, Jerman ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      For the second day of our honeymoon we drove from Fontainebleau just over the border into Germany, to the German spa town of Baden-Baden. Here theremal spring water at 60-odd degrees has meant that there's been some settlement or other here for many centuries. It's good money that there were Roman baths here. It's the sort of thing they'd do. The main star of this town is the Friedrichsbad spa, a so-called "Roman-Irish Bath." It turns out that one Dr. Richard Barter from 1800's Co. Cork pioneered a Roman-inspired bath house concept of dry air and cool pools and, crucially: nudity; for general health and wellness, which caught on in a big way in Germany and Switzerland. The more we didn't know. Friedrichsbad is one such famous example. Friedrichsbad has a strict 17-stage process of showers, cold pools and increasingly warm saunas, all in a beautiful ornate building that opened in 1877.

      Our plans for today largely revolved around visiting this spa. Having found a nice spot to park a ten minute cycle from the town, we headed in to Baden-Baden proper and had our first ice creams of the trip. This was followed by some good mooching and a beer in a beautiful-if-over priced beer garden in the old town. Suitably emboldened, we entered the spa where we were assigned lockers and a towel and told to remove our clothes. The Germans have a refreshing outlook on nudity: it's just a naked body. We all have one. Get over yourselves. Wandering around an array of showers, saunas and splendid ornate swimming pools surrounded by naked people young and old has never seemed so normal or refreshing. Suitably relaxed and calmed, we finished our evening with a pizza and then a few beers on one of the plazas before heading home on our bicycles along the wonderful cycle paths back to the van.
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