Landkreis Sigmaringen

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Landkreis Sigmaringen
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    • Day 1

      Anreise bei Sturm und Regen

      October 1, 2022 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      Lange haben wir gegrübelt und überbelegt was wir in unserem Herbsturlaub machen möchten. Wie immer die Qual der Wahl... Eine Fernwanderung mit Zelt? Fernwanderung mit Hotel? Hotelurlaub oder eine Ferienwohnung? Oder anderes? Wie immer viel Gesuche, Pro und Contra Listen, der Blick auf die 16 Tage Wettervorhersage.
      Nach arbeitsreichen und anstrengenden Monaten ohne richtige Erholung fiel die Wahl dann letztendlich auf eine moderne Ferienwohnung in einem Gebiet mit vielen schönen Premiumwanderwegen. Quasi ein Garant für einen erholsamen Urlaub mit viel Natur, Kultur und auch kulinarischen Highlights. Wir haben uns für die südliche schwäbische Alb (oberes Donautal) bei Sigmaringen entschieden und werden von unseren Abenteuern hier berichten.

      Die Anfahrt verlief leider nicht so schön. Bei Sturm und Regen lagen 600 km bei vollen Autobahnen mit dem kleinen Smart vor uns. Vor Fahrtbeginn das übliche minimalistische Packen und Gepäck Tetris beim Beladen. Auf der Strecke dann insgesamt vier Mal Stau.

      Ziemlich erschöpft kamen wir gegen Abend an und wurden aber von einer super modernen Ferienwohnung überrascht, die genau das hält was die bisherigen durchweg positiven Bewertungen im Vorfeld versprochen haben.
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    • Day 3

      Donaufelsenläufe - Bettelküchenfährte

      October 3, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Heute ging es auf die erste Premiumwanderung hier um Sigmaringen. Im Gebiet gibt es mehrere der sogenannten Donaufelsenläufe. Wir sind bewusst mit der Runde gestartet, die sowohl vom Wanderinstitut (56 von 100 möglichen Erlebnispunkten) als auch von Wanderern auf Outdooractive am schlechtesten bewertet wurde. So können wir uns in den nächsten Tagen dann noch deutlich steigern 😀

      Die Tour verlief auf ihren knapp 11 km zum großen Teil auf Forstwegen, was uns aber nach den starken Regenfällen der vergangenen Nacht sogar sehr Recht war. Aber gerade zu dieser Jahreszeit war die Strecke durch den schönen Mischwald, vorbei an beeindruckenden Felsformationen ein gelungener Auftakt. Auch haben wir so gelernt, was eine Bettelküche ist. Ein trockener Platz unter einem Felsvorsprung, der bis ins 19. Jahrhundert dem fahrenden Volk und Bettlern als Rast- und Lagerplatz diente.

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    • Day 2

      Der fürstliche Park Inzigkofen

      October 2, 2022 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Nachdem wir am Samstag nur die Anreise und einen Einkauf bewältigen konnten, haben wir uns mit fast 10 Stunden erstmal eine ordentliche Portion Schlaf gegönnt. War wohl offenbar sehr nötig. Oder es liegt an der absoluten Ruhe hier 🤔.

      Heute ging es auf Grund des Wetters noch auf keine Wanderung sondern es war "Nahfelderkundung" zu Fuß angesagt.

      Das Kloster Inzigkofen und der fürstliche Park liegen fußläufig von unserer Unterkunft entfernt. Durch den Park verläuft auch der Rundweg Kloster-Felsenweg und der Fernwanderweg Donau-Zollernalb-Weg. Zumindest den Rundweg werden wir in den nächsten Tagen bei besserem Wetter komplett gehen.

      Der fürstliche Park hat uns bereits absolut positiv überrascht! Es gibt dort auf einem kleinen Gebiet so viele Highlights zu bestaunen! Schmale Pfade auf Wurzeln und Steinen, Grotten, Felshänge, eine Kapelle, die malerische Donau, und noch vieles mehr. Bereits nach dieser kurzen heutigen Spazierwanderung wissen wir, dass wir uns für eine Gegend entschieden haben, die uns viele schöne Wandermomente bieten wird! Und wir werden in der kurzen Zeit nur einen Bruchteil der gesamten schwäbischen Alb erkunden können, da diese sich ja über eine Länge von 220 km und 80 km breite ausdehnt.

      Nach der kleinen Erkundung gab es noch zünftige schwäbische Küche aus dem Holzofen: Dennetle (schwäbischer Flammkuchen).
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    • Day 5

      Donaufelsenläufe - Kloster-Felsenweg

      October 5, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Heute ging es direkt ab der Ferienwohnung los. Mal kein Auto bewegen. Denn direkt in Inzigkofen führt der Premiumweg Klosterfelsenweg her. Wieder ganz großes Wanderkino mit vielen Highlights. Diesmal wieder schöne Aussichten, alte Burgruinen, gespaltene Felsen, Grotten, erratische Blöcke. Das ganze verbunden durch malerische Wege bergauf und bergab. Teilweise Singletrails über viele Wurzeln und Steine, die erhöhte Wachsamkeit erfordern. In Laiz dann direkt am Weg das Backhaus Mahl mit sehr leckerem Käsekuchen. Was für Glücksmomente!

      Ein rundum gelungener Tag! Wobei die Gegend nicht ganz unbekannt zu sein scheint, so sahen wir doch heute einige Wanderer und kamen teilweise nett ins Gespräch.…
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    • Day 4

      Donaufelsenläufe - Donaufelsengarten

      October 4, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Nach der Einstiegstour gestern ging es heute auf die kleine, aber sehr feine Runde, den Donaufelsengarten Rundweg.

      Wir starteten heute damit genau auf der anderen Seite der Donau, auf der wir gestern gewandert waren und uns war direkt klar, dass es damit in ein felsiges Gebiet geht.

      Ab dem Startpunkt geht es direkt knackig bergauf und man erreicht schon nach ein paar hundert Metern den ersten tollen Aussichtspunkt. Im weiteren Verlauf ist der Weg bis auf einen kurzen Abschnitt durch ein enges Tal, wirklich großes Wanderkino. Insgesamt erreicht man auf teilweise alpin anmutenden Pfaden mehrere Aussichtspunkte und kann sogar mit dem Rabenfelsen einen Felsen besteigen (Schild: Nur für Geübte!). Dort kommt wirklich ein bisschen Alpen Feeling auf und man muss echt aufpassen, dass auf den glatten Steinen der Urlaub nicht schneller zu Ende ist als geplant.

      In Summe eine wirklich traumhafte Runde, bei bestem Wanderwetter! Zur Belohnung gibt es im Anschluss in der Hofkonditorei Seelos ein Stück leckere Hohenzollern Torte.

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    • Day 11

      Donaufelsenlauf - Witbergrunde

      October 11, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Heute mal eine Spazierrunde. Die Witbergrunde ist genau richtig, wenn man mal nicht den ganzen Tag wandern möchte. Daher heute Vormittag diesen kürzesten Donaufelsenlauf, anschließend in Sigmaringen bummeln und noch leckere Torte mitgenommen 😋

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    • Day 9

      Wilde Täler - fürstliche Höhen

      October 9, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Heute ging es wieder in der näheren Umgebung auf den Donaufelsenlauf "Wilde Täler - fürstliche Höhen".

      Dazu gibt es nicht so viel zu sagen, als dass es eine ausgesprochen ausgewogene tolle Runde von knapp 13 km ist. Die Abwechslung bezieht sich dabei auf die Wegbeschaffenheit und auch die Aussichten. Mal geht es über schmale Trails, mal weichen Waldboden, dann über leichte Forstwege. Mal gibt es Weitsicht, ein schönes Tal. Das ganze sehr mit kurzen Abständen und immer garniert mit Bänken und Relaxliegen.

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    • Day 8

      Traufgang - Wacholderhöhen

      October 8, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Auf geht's wieder auf Premiumwanderwege. Diesmal wieder etwas nördlicher bei Albstadt auf den Traufgang Wacholderhöhen. Mit 9,3 km eine kleine Runde, da wir uns vor und nach der Tour noch dem Thema Nähen widmen (Albstoffe Outlet und das Maschenmuseum).

      Der Weg beginnt sehr kurios mit der Passage einer bzw. mehrerer Mountainbike Downhill Strecken. Es herrscht reges Treiben. Besonders spannend ist zu sehen, wie die Biker per Schlepplift den Berg hochgezogen werden. Die vielen dick gepolsterten Bäume zeugen davon, dass Downhill Mountainbike zu den Risiko Sportarten gehört. Wir bleiben dann doch lieber beim Wandern 😀.

      Nach dem interessanten Auftakt geht es erstmal lange Zeit an der Traufkante entlang durch Wald. Teilweise mit tollen Ausblicken in Richtung der verschiedenen Teile von Albstadt. Gegen Ende passieren wir einen Spielplatz mit einer besonderen Begebenheit. Ein Karussell von 1934, welches seit 2012 nicht mehr in Betrieb ist wegen Sicherheitsmängel. Da es aber direkt zum Kleindenkmal erklärt wurde, darf es auch nicht entfernt werden.

      Interessant wird es, als der Weg in Richtung seiner Namensgebung abbiegt. Die Wacholderhöhen. Eine tolle offene Landschaft, auf der wir auch die natürlichen Pfleger dieser antreffen. Dutzende Schafe halten das Gras hier flach und die Wiesen in dem einmaligen Zustand.

      In Summe eine gelungene Runde, ohne viele Highlights, dafür mit viel Ruhe und einer tollen Herbststimmung.

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    • Day 15

      David Summits the Eiger (by bicycle)

      September 8, 2016 in Germany ⋅ 15 °C

      Thursday September 8th
      In Which David Summits the Eiger by Bicycle

      Over the past ten years I have had the privilege of experiencing some amazing cycling experiences around the world, however it would be hard to remember any ride that could surpass the natural beauty of today's ride from Donaueschingen to Beuron. We first assembled the team and bikes in the car park of the Zum Hirschen Hotel to undertake the obligatory group photo. This has become an essential tradition at the start (and end) of every extended ride.

      The weather had provided us another perfect cycling day with not a cloud in the sky. The early morning air high in the Black Forest of Bavaria was clear and cool. I could not imagine better conditions for being on a bike.
      We first began by riding to the official start of the Danube Bike Path and then followed a lovely shady path right on the bank of the Brigach River.

      We started with 26 riders but soon managed to reduce this to a much more manageable size of 12 riders when a large proportion of our peloton missed my signal and headed off in the wrong direction. Our reduced peloton rode on along the riverbank, looking for the confluence of the Brigach and the Breg Rivers. We found it about a kilometre out of town. The other group found it also, except they were on the other side of the river ! It was a bit little the Keystone Cops of Cycling, but somehow we all rejoined together to form a long snaking line of riders as we resumed the ride.

      From the moment these two small rivers combine, the river now bears the name the Danube (or Donau). This is the beginning of Europe's second longest river , winding almost 3000 km on its way to the Black Sea.

      I was surprised that the bike path at this point was absolutely smooth bitumen, making for effortless riding. I was also pleasantly surprised with the quality of the bikes we had been supplied. They were comfortable, quiet and well maintained - perfect for this type of cycling.

      We maintained a great degree of self control and pelotonic discipline, that is until we reached the first town with a coffee shop.

      Although it was still early in the morning, about half the peloton was already ready for a coffee break. The others had a deadline to meet and decided to push on at a punishing pace. "I'll see you at the hotel", I shouted as they rode off into the distance, heads down and bums up. That statement turned out to be quite accurate.

      Once again our peloton was reduced in size and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves cruising along, chatting happily and stopping for pictures along the way. In this region the young Danube river does a quite remarkable thing. At certain times of the year the entire flow of the river seeps into the porous limestone rocks and actually flows underground, before gradually re emerging and reforming on the surface several kilometres further on.

      We took a short detour from the bike path to walk on the dry bed of the river. Markers on the banks showed the heights the water can reach in times of flood, but today it was completely dry.

      We reached the large town of Tuttlingen early in the afternoon and decided it would be a perfect place for lunch. We found a suitable Bakerei and sat in the shade to enjoy lunch and a drink.

      When the time came for us to resume the ride, Mary was so keen to get going that she rode away without paying for her coffee. No wonder the Ghostriders have earned such a bad reputation all around the world. As Mary happily made her daring escape, her bill was paid by an anonymous admirer. At least we didn't have to worry about being chased by the German police.

      A little further on we reached the small Bavarian town of Mulheim. As we were carefully navigating through the town's streets, I noticed that David was keen to take over a position at the front the group. With a flurry of pedals and a rush of testosterone he was soon disappearing into the distance. The only problem is that it was the wrong distance. Somehow in the excitement he had ignored both his GPS and common sense and started pedaling frantically up the first big hill we had seen so far in Europe. I chased after him, shouting at him to stop, but it was to no avail. He had obviously switched off his hearing aids in order to cut out all distraction in his quest for the polka dot climber's jersey

      After a couple of kilometres of chasing and shouting, I was getting no closer and just making myself hot and bothered. I stopped and turned back. Surely David would realise that he was going the wrong way and that no one was with him ? Actually he didn't.

      I rode back down the hill and told the others the bad news. Carol could not stop laughing. "He does this sort of this all the time", she explained. We had no alternative other than to mark David as "missing in action" as we resumed the ride along the correct path. In the meantime David was battling up an enormous mountain of Biblical proportions, fearful of taking a backward glance in case he might be overtaken by one of the non existent chasers.

      He actually maintained this same strange behaviour all the way to our hotel at Beuron. It was only then that he looked behind to see that he was all alone. The rest of us were having a thoroughly delightful ride through idyllic countryside. We did have a few small undulations, but nothing that could be called a serious climb.

      A little further on we met up with Paul and Jan who had abandoned the racing group and decided to enjoy the ride instead. Around 10 km from our hotel we discovered a lovely roadside resting place, serving cold drinks and ice cream. It was an ideal place for another stop. It was here that we met a young Australian family who were riding around Europe with their three young children.

      All their bikes were heavily laden with panniers and luggage. The young boy looked at me and boasted "We rode over 100 km yesterday". I looked back at my own very lightly loaded bike (and at my speedo which only registered around 55 km for the day) and replied "Yes but we are all very old". Take that youngster.

      Gael must have been keen to get to the hotel because she jumped on the first red bike she could find and started pedalling. It might have looked a bit like hers, but it was actually nothing like hers. It was Douglas' bike. He had no choice but to jump on her bike and chase her down. It's never easy riding with very old people. They do this sort of thing all the time.

      The final section to Beuron was a little challenging with a series of climbs and descents. The late afternoon was growing quite warm and we were starting to feel a bit tired. Beuron is an interesting Monastery town with a huge monastery and a number of other religious buildings. A prominent statue also testified to the fact that it is also a stop on a pilgrim route. Which pilgrim route ? Sorry, I do not know as the writing was all in German.

      It had been a glorious start to this leg of the Odyssey ride and has left a very high standard for the rest to live up to.
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    • Day 16

      The Best (and Worst) of Days

      September 9, 2016 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Friday September 9th
      In Which it had been the Best (and Worst) of Days

      According to Charles Dickens in the opening to A Tale of Two Cities, it was "the best of times, it was the worst of times". In a similar fashion, today was the best of days and the worst of days. It certainly started on a positive note with yet another perfectly cloudless sky and pure, cool air as clear as crystal. I went to the bike garage to collect my bike, but no matter how hard I looked, it was not to be found anywhere. I tried not to get anxious, but there was no sign of it. I checked all the bikes again and found one that looked like mine, but it had David's GPS, water bottle and panniers on it.

      The search continued for another 10 minutes, until I decided to use the scientific approach. I knew my bike had a horizontal bar. That eliminated about half the bikes. My bike had a GPS attachment, That eliminated most of the remainder. I looked more closely at David's Bike. It had cable ties exactly like mine. Hang on a minute - it WAS my bike.

      I was not happy. I told David that he was a bare faced thief and took all his junk off. He tried to cover his guilt by looking helpless so I couldn't stay angry for too long, after all I had already mixed up the bikes on numerous previous occasions.

      When we were ready, we cycled back up the hill to the bike path. We looked around. We were two riders short of a peloton. Gael and Gerry were missing. At about this time the two riders in question were just arriving at the bike garage. When they saw the door firmly shut, they congratulated themselves on being the first to come down. In fact they were the last. Of course when they opened the door, they realised their error.

      With the peloton finally all present we started off along the trail. The first section of the day's ride followed the Danube Gorge and we were fenced in on both sides by towering limestone cliffs. Much of the riding was in the shade of the overhanging trees and the cool air was an absolute delight. We crisscrossed back and forth several times and our ride was also punctuated by a series of quite strenuous climbs. I could imagine how different the scene would be when the river was in flood.

      I have had the privilege of cycling in some of the best cycling routes around the world, but I would have to say that the region we were riding through over the past couple of days ranks with the very best I have ever experienced.

      On numerous occasions we stopped to take in the beauty that was about us on all sides.

      By 10 am we had split into two groups again. I was happy to ride with the rear group and just enjoy every sensation, smell and sound along the way. By 11 am we were getting ready for a coffee and started looking for a suitable rest break. We found a lovely looking trackside cafe and settled down to coffee and cheesecake. After a lengthy break and a chat with the proprietor, we resumed our ride.

      I had only gone a short distance when I heard the dreaded cry of "Rider down". We turned back to find that Gael had taken a heavy fall from her bike and was quite stunned. Fortunately the staff at the cafe sprang into action, dressed her wounds and found a place for her to lie down. Of course I was worried about concussion, especially when she was rather confused about what had happened.

      Gerry stayed with her and told the rest of us to go ahead. I assumed that they would have chosen to catch the nearby train instead of riding any further. Our reduced peloton was now down to 7 riders as we continued on our way to Sigmaringen and its imposing castle.

      That's where we stopped for lunch. After a brief discussion we quickly decided that none of us really wanted to see the inside of the castle. It really is a case of "if you have seen a couple of dozen musty castles, you have probably seen them all".

      We climbed back on the bikes and continued the short distance to our next stop at Scheer. You can imagine our utter surprise when we discovered that Gael had made a miraculous recovery and she had somehow made it to the hotel before anyone else. Perhaps this was a true miracle of the pilgrim trail after all.

      The Hotel Donaublick is a very comfortable hotel, which used to be the original train station. I guess that explains the proximity of the train line and the fact that the trains race by at high speed every 15 minutes. Personally I didn't mind the trains as they helped to add character to the scene. It had really been a fascinating days of contrasts.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Landkreis Sigmaringen, Zemský okres Sigmaringen, Distrikto Sigmaringen, Arrondissement de Sigmaringen, Circondario di Sigmaringen, Powiat Sigmaringen, سگمارنگن, Districtul Sigmaringen, 锡格马林根县

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