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    • Dia 27

      Bamberg / Lübeck

      15 de maio, Alemanha ⋅ 🌬 25 °C

      We decided not to go out but to have breakfast in the hotel, and it was the best. It was in a huge, bright room with lots of space, with everything set out along one very long wall. One lady was rather shyly extolling the virtue of her home-made fruit quark, and another was plying people with pots of coffee or tea.

      We walked to the station and waited, and waited for the ICE to Hamburg. It was about 15 minutes late when it arrived. It had lots of spaces for luggage, seats weren’t a problem, the wifi was great (but no power points…) and raced along at 230kmph. The speed showed up on a monitor, and on a dedicated ICE computer link that also had all the connecting trains at all the stations, complete with platform numbers and time to get there. At one stage the train was 25 mins behind schedule, but by Hamburg (14:22) it was 1 minute ahead of time. We had to change platform for the regional train to Luebeck, and arrived around 3:15. We are getting to nbe very good at arriving at towns and hotels in the early afternoon. I have never done it before.

      Our hotel in Luebeck (Radisson Park Inn) is on an island between the station and city (5 mins to each). We walked into the city/town, and went up a lift to an observation platform in an old church tower, then walked up to the Rathaus and another huge church. In the 1200s Luebeck was the second largest city in Germany (after Cologne) and, even though not the home of kings or emperors, it was probably the richest, and it stayed that way for centuries, all due to trade. The old buildings were meant to show wealth and power – like the seven enormous steeples in town, and the fortified gates on the roadways. Unlike Bamberg, with its colours and Baroque/Rococo flourishes, Luebeck was austere Calvinistic simplicity, and still is.

      The Dom in Luebeck has two huge cathedral bells in pieces on the floor after a 1942 bombing raid and subsequent fire. It was almost as dramatic seeing them this time as in 1975… except it is the first church we have visited so far that sells tickets at the door. Hardly the dour Protestant approach… or maybe it is.
      Lots of walking around to find a restaurant off the very strong tourist track, but we could not find anything other than kebab shops, so we had dinner by the river with the hordes. It wasn’t bad at all.

      16,000 steps, 12.1km and 7 flights.
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    • Dia 28


      16 de maio, Alemanha ⋅ 🌬 25 °C

      We had breakfast at the hotel at around 8:45am. The original idea was to save time, but it was also very good. Perhaps the best yet, apart from not quite having the personal touch of the people in Bamberg, and having a table of noisy, probably Chinese women. It was a large room, but ignoring them was easier said than done.

      having seen some of the centre of town yesterday, we walked anti-clockwise around the town, starting in the greenery along the river, then we criss-crossed the town just being impressed by all the buildings we found. One large church – St Giles in English – was not touched in WW2, so it still looked as it had in the early 1800s, and largely as it was in the 1600s, and parts might have been similar to the 1400s or even when it was built in brick in the 1200s. At some time in the distant past the inside was whitewashed, and in patches the old wall paintings are visible, but they have left that for future generations. It was one of the lesser churches - but this was in Luebeck, a city powerful enough for its army to defeat the armies of Denmark in a battle in around 1227.

      Then the Cathedral, which was bright and huge. It was started at the same time as Notre Dame in Paris, and is still an engineering challenge. The 115m high towers are not straight. The right tower leans to the right (2m!) and the left to the left (1.8m), and both a bit forward (2m). When one looks at the other towers in the photos, none of them are straight, and it is not an optical illusion. There is no stone in the ground here, so the foundations must sit on clay. It also means they build with bricks and mortar, and the mortar weakens and cracks over time (as do some bricks). There were engineering displays in the Cathedral showing the age of the different area of brick, as well as the angles and cracks. They were almost as grand as the old altars and the 500 yo tombstones underfoot, and the bells at midday. Curiously, the cathedral's towers are not the city's highest, even though it was always the most important building for the pious. One of the other churches has a tower that is slightly higher after some age-old local political power struggle.

      Lunch in a park by the river, then we walked around the other side of the town, saw Germany’s oldest station of the cross (12th C), and at 5:45 we met Wiebke.
      Anne’s (and my) niece, Fiona, has a German partner, Philipp, who grew up in the middle of Germany. On the train yesterday Anne messaged Fiona and mentioned we were heading to Luebeck, as decided 12 hours earlier. It turns out that Philipp’s younger sister, Wiebke, lives in Lubeck, but is going away tomorrow. Many messages later, the arrangements worked and we met in a café at 5:45. It is a small world, as they say. Wiebke is lovely. She speaks wonderful English, having lived in NZ for a year, and being a teacher of English in primary school. It was nice to hear about her family, and all the dirt on her brother Philipp.

      Dinner afterwards in a small Italian restaurant she recommended, and an early night.

      29,471 steps, 23.1km, 6 flights.
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    • Dia 19

      Wunderschöne Überraschung Lübeck

      18 de outubro de 2022, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Heute war ein Mix-Max Tag. Mal Sonne, mal Regen, mal Wind, mal Steigung, mal Senkung... Alles enthalten.
      Und nun möchte ich auch schon aufhören mit der ständigen Wetter Durchsage.
      Sprechen wir über die Fahrradwege in Deutschland... Ich war verwöhnt. Obwohl ich mir Deutschland mit dem Fahrrad schon sehr gewohnt war, war ich nach Holland, Schweden und Dänemark nun überrascht in was für einem schlechten Zustand die sind. Bäume wachsen unten durch und bilden eine halbe Engelberger-Skischanze (man munkelt, dass ich gerne übertreibe). Mit ein wenig turbo (weil es ja auch abwärts gehen kann) ist eine Achterbahn lächerlich dagegen 😆 noch schlechter sind da ja wirklich nur noch die Fahrradwege in der Schweiz... Ah moment... Welche Fahrradwege? Ihr versteht was ich meine 😉
      Lübeck ist eine Empfehlung von einer Freundin von Mami. Und es ist wirklich wunder schön. Es ragen 3 grosse Krichen aus der schönen Altstadt und bietet einem einen wunderbaren Empfang. Danke Lübeck.
      Mit wehmut blicke ich auf Morgen. Officiell mein letzter Fahrrad-Tag meiner Tour. Nun gings dann doch schneller als erwartet.
      Danke Aarios für deine wunderbare Unterstützung. Du bist mit abstand das beste Fahrrad auf der Welt und mein treuster Begleiter ❤️ ganz viu Liebi für di ❤️
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    • Dia 4


      1 de junho, Alemanha ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nous quittons nos hôtes Servas d'Hambourg à 11h alors que nous devions partir à 9 heures. Encore un problème logistique: j'ai changé de support téléphone pour pouvoir prendre des photos et le remettre facilement. Après recherches approfondies sur le net j'ai pris le support le plus détestable. Il a même falu tout démonter pour récupérer le téléphone. Heureusement notre hôte s'est mis en quatre pour nous trouver un support. Voilà comment on perd du temps et de l'argent!
      Au programme 70 km pour rejoindre Lubeck, sous la pluie mais avec des éclaircies
      de plus en plus longue.
      A Lubeck nous sommes reçus chez Britta et Piet, les parents d'une jeune Warmshower, qui veulent rendre l'hospitalité dont leur fille a bénéficié. Ils habitent dans un pavillon disposant d'un très joli jardin. Lui est récemment retraité d'une entreprise qui fabrique des lasers et elle travaille dans le social.
      Nous avons pu échanger avec eux mais ils étaient absent toute la journée. Confiance totale, ils nous ont laissé les clés de leur maison.
      Nous avons visité Lubeck sous le soleil en suivant leurs recommandations.
      Jolie ville ancienne entourée d'eau, De nombreux touristes en ce samedi.
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    • Dia 15

      Lübeck- Bad Gandersheim

      20 de junho de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Unserem Abendpatz in Lübeck ist gerade am Kanal👍👍👍und nur 20 minute vom Zentrum entfernt also beschlossen wir gegend Abend noch in der Stadt zu gehen.. es hat guterhaltene Monumente.. am Kanal entlang hat es Liegen und Bäizli Laden fürs apero ein🍹das Glandorpsquartier mit seinen bepflanzten Innenhöfen ist in seiner Art einmalig. Die Bewohner sitzen draussen und sind sehr komunikativ und eine davon hat sogar ein Tischli mit eigener marmelade verkauft … wo ich natürlich auch 2 davon gekauft habe als souvenir 🤗Unseres Endziel für heute ist der Stellplatz “Rio Grande” leider nicht in Mexico 🥲 wo wir uns festlegen für Übernachten .. ein kleines Dörfli im grünen schade das die Brombeeren noch nicht reif sind😋Leia mais

    • Dia 26

      Questione di equilibrio

      10 de agosto de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Siamo a Lubecca da ieri sera e finalmente vediamo un po’ di sole!
      Stamattina andando a fare la doccia riflettevo sul fatto che questa vacanza è tutta una questione di equilibrio! Equilibrio fra di noi, fra di noi e il cane, fra i posti meravigliosi e la difficoltà di raggiungerli, ma soprattutto equilibrio mentre fai la doccia, cercando di non cadere mettendoti la crema o infilando i calzini, in equilibrio appunto, su una gamba sola! Stamattina ho fatto una sfilata in accappatoio per il campeggio perché avevo dimenticato le ciabatte.
      Lubecca è bella, una via di mezzo l’atmosfera nordica e quella delle nostra città.
      Siamo diretti ad Amsterdam! Non vedo l’ora di vederla, non ci siamo mai stati….
      A domani
      Sirù: canzone del giorno - Vasco Rossi “Sally”
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    • Dia 34

      Zwischenstopp in LÜBECK

      14 de setembro de 2022, Alemanha ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Lübeck erfordert zwingend einen Halt. Schon nur wegen dem Niederegger Marzipan und den hervorragenden Konditoreiprodukten, welche weltweit bekannt sind. Ich bin schon das zweite Mal hier und werde mir immer wieder wenn ich in der Gegend bin, eines der gewaltig leckeren Kuchenstücke einverleiben.
      Auch sonst ist Lübeck sehr sehenswert und man sollte sich durchaus etwas Zeit lassen diese Stadt zu erkunden.
      Leider war mein körperliches Befinden an jenem Tag durchwachsen, so dass ich leider keine Musse verspürte dies zu tun.😪🤷‍♀️
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    • Dia 148

      Lübeck, SH, Germany

      25 de novembro de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ☀️ 5 °C

      # Deutsch
      Das ist nun also Lübeck. Hauptstadt der Hanse, eines Städtebundes, der weder ein Gründungs- noch Auflösungsdatum kennt, und die Stadt doch sagenhaft reich gemacht hat. Im Nebel der Geschichte im 12. Jahrhundert entstanden, und in eben jenen im 17. Jahrhundert wieder verschwunden. Bis heute zeugt eine prächtige Altstadt von der vergangenen Grösse. Diese hat der Stadt sogar den UNESCO - Weltkulturerbe - Titel eingebracht. Auf den berühmten Weihnachtsmarkt muss ich leider verzichten, denn traditionell öffnen dieser, wie in vielen Orten Deutschlands, erst nach dem "Totensonntag", eine Woche vor dem 1. Advent. Aber da kann einem das leckere, berühmten Lübecker Marzipan bestimmt darüber hinweg trösten.

      # English
      So this is Lübeck. The capital of the Hanseatic League, a union of cities that knows neither the date of its foundation nor the date of its dissolution, and yet has made the city fabulously rich. It emerged in the mists of history in the 12th century and disappeared again in the 17th century. To this day, a splendid old town bears witness to its past greatness. This has even earned the city the UNESCO World Heritage title. Unfortunately, I have to miss out on the famous Christmas market, because traditionally, as in many places in Germany, it only opens after "Totensonntag", a week before the first Advent. But the delicious, famous Lübeck marzipan can certainly make up for that.
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    • Dia 8

      Brauberger zu Lübeck

      22 de maio, Alemanha ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Brauberger zu Lübeck. Ein Gasthaus mit geselliger Atmosphäre und Speisen, die nicht nur satt, sondern auch zufrieden machen. Dazu verschiedene Biergestalten. Süffig.

      Ansonsten regeneriert man auch gerne einen Tag lang, ohne nichts zu tun und alles zu vermeiden und unterlassen. Dolce far niente, wie der Franzose sagt.

      Es regnete wieder einmal, spät am Nachmittag, heftig. Die Sommergewitter stehen vor der Tür.

      Tja, das Outdoor Leben geht weiter.
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    • Dia 16


      18 de agosto de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      10km sinon train

      Vu l'arrivée en avance sur notre plan, on vise la ville de Lübeck proche de la côte de la mer baltique.

      Vraiment bel endroit riche en histoire et dont le centre se situe sur une île entre 2 bras d'un canal. On fait une virée à pied, picnic dans la zone industrielle et virée à vélo de nuit.

      Je remarque aussi que ma selle commence à se décoller et devient quasi plus utilisable sur la durée. Je vais donc la changer ici.

      Aussi le moment de faire un bilan avec Mathilde et pour moi de préparer la suite, rentrer en Suisse de puis Hambourg.
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Lübeck, Luebeck, لوبيك, Горад Любек, Любек, Lubecca, Λίμπεκ, Lubeko, Lubeca, لوبک, Lyypekki, ליבק, リューベック, ლიუბეკი, 뤼베크, Lübeca, Liubekas, Lībeka, Либек, ल्युबेक, Lubeka, Lubëcca, Lybeku, ลือเบค, 吕贝克

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