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Top 10 Travel Destinations Saarland
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    • Day 8

      Remembering Uncle Paul

      June 1, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Today I wore a shirt that says "F.R.I.E.N.D.S don't let friends fight cancer alone" on the front and then Uncle Paul's name on the back.

      I hope he would proud of me for maximizing the number of countries I went to today for him. I think he would be proud of my "thinking smarter, not harder". I wouldn't be able to take this trip without my Uncle Paul so this trip is dedicated to him!!!

      *Pics from Luxembourg, Germany, and France and the pic I posted earlier was in Belgium!
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    • Day 33


      July 11, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Day 32:
      Distance: 25.80 km (1,072.71 km)
      Steps: 36,429 (1,531,675)
      Move time: 5h53 (244h02)
      Spend: £6.71 (£473.45)

      🇩🇪 Saarlouis to Saarbrücken. 🇩🇪

      Jesus christ, do you see the size of that thing?! I thought this was urban Germany, not the Seren-fucking-geti. Eine lange schlange indeed. At 34°C though, the worst trouble of the day came again in the form of the heat. And you know what they say, if you can't handle the heat then get out the kitchen. So I did. Except in my case, the kitchen is, well... the direct sunlight? I mean, look at me, I'm a pasty white ginger boy, I practically burn from turning on the oven. So yes, the distance today might be a little disappointing, but frankly, who cares when you have the pleasure of being hosted by Tobias to look forward, my first host from couchsurfing: a man with real style and chharm, having lived madnesses such as solo kayaking the Yukon and owning an entire library's worth of vinyl records. Kindnesses don't come much greater as I've even been served dinner, and allowed the pleasure of cracking open a cold one with him. And just as well btw, as a hailstone spewing storm has come menacing over. Big thanks to the Begemann family!Read more

    • Day 1


      July 16, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Wir sind auf dem Stellplatz der Saarland-Therme, in Kleinbittersdorf, angekommen. Anreise verlief sehr gut. Kurze Pause in Marmoutier (F) gemacht. Der Stellplatz ist sehr gross und mit 13€ sehr günstig.Read more

    • Day 145


      August 21, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      📍 Schlossberghöhlen Homburg- we met Eva, Michael and Levi at these cool underground sand caves. Levi insisted on wearing his koala t shirt even though it’s very big saying “I want to wear it for Mathilde” haha very cute

      They were built in the 17th century and were used by the French when they occupied this area for food and ammunition storage. Later the Germans would use this as bunkers in WWII.

      📍 Valentins Biergarten- we stopped here on the way back from the caves for a snack and a drink. Bratwurst and beers are the norm now 😂 this time with a side of salad. Cute little beer garden with a playground, bike track and picnic tables. Levi played in the playground for an hour whilst we drank our steins.

      We spent the afternoon relaxing and playing in the pool with Levi. Margit was offering the full German hospitality with some hand delivered beers to the pool 😂 Levi had fun squirting everyone with the water pistol & playing “tennis” with Jacques!

      Typical German dinner with Leberknoedel (like meatballs), sauerkraut, saumagen (like pork terrine served hot with potato pieces inside), Bratwurst and delicious jus that Frank made. After dinner, Margit got out the huge communal stein and filled it with beer, we all had to take a drink from it 😂

      A really nice sunny day with the 🇩🇪 fam.
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    • Day 162


      September 7, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Morning working bee for us this morning! Jacques did the hedging, whipper snippering and mowing the lawns whilst I cleaned Margit’s car. It was nice to help after they have looked after us so well ❤️

      We had a delicious lunch before heading over to Eva’s house for the afternoon; spaghetti bolognaise with pasta from Toscana and yum fried zucchini and fresh salad from their garden. Jacques played in the pool and drew pictures with Levi. We relaxed in the sun awaiting Marlu’s arrival (dad’s second cousin on Pop’s side).
      It was so good to see Marlu after eight years when I was here last.

      📍 Saarwellingen (Marlu’s House)- we enjoyed beer and wine on Marlu’s back deck along with snacks. We had a great night catching up and sharing stories. Marlu is very funny and her English is amazing! She is very hospitable and we very much felt at home ❤️

      Looking forward to staying with her the next few days and seeing Celine again after seeing her in Melbourne 6 months ago and Cedric whom I haven’t seen since last time I was in Germany.
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    • Day 165

      Marlu’s House

      September 10, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Relaxing day at Marlu’s.

      A few coffees on the back deck was nice again sitting out looking into the forrest. We FaceTimed Martin and Julie to say gday and so they could see Marlu. We also skyped Nan so it was nice for Marlu to see Mathilde on video as she usually chats to her on the phone.

      We met Marlu’s partner Thomas which was nice, he showed us photos of his sons and his grandson who is really cute.

      The afternoon was nice- playing cards with Celine and relaxing watching Germany win the Basketball World Cup- very exciting! 🇩🇪

      Cedric and Caterina came over for a BBQ dinner. Delicious bratwursts, cheese sausages and salads 🤤 We had a great night having a few drinks with many laughs 😆 Marlu brought out the photo album from when she visited in 2001, along with all the photos my mum sent over from when we were younger 🥰

      It was really nice to see Marlu, Celine and Cedric again and to meet Caterina and Thomas. It was sad to say goodbye but we had a lovely 3 days in Saarwellingen catching up with everyone. Looking forward to seeing them again in future years ❤️
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    • Day 3

      3rd day beginnings

      July 16 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      As a kind of a rule the 3rd day of a bike tour usually is where things start to hurt and doubts creep in.
      Starting on a cloudy day with wet roads and lots of broken branches reminded me that opting for a hotel was a good idea.

      Anyway so far the road along the river Saar sounded much more romantic than it turned out to be. Lot of industrial crap, the Germans wanted to push to the edge of the country.

      However, life is good is Saarbrücken… apparently.
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    • Day 2–3

      Blieskastel, Glashütter-Weiter

      July 17 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Van de planning afgeweken en na het bezoek aan Trier doorgereden naar Bladkastel in Duitsland. We hopen zo sneller in Zwitserland te zijn zodat we het weekend misschien door kunnen brengen aan het Vier Woudstedenmeer/ Isenthal. We staan hier op een parkeerplaats naast een gezellig klein meertje in de bossen. We hebben voor het eerst gekookt op onze nieuwe skottelbraai. Lekker: mexicaanse wraps!!

      Kilometerstand: 59605
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    • Day 2


      July 12, 2020 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Dimanche, 12 juillet 2020
      La nuit était calme. Les nombreux bateaux qui passent l’écluse ici, ne font pas de bruit. Nous nous mettons en route en direction Saarland. Le parc des sculptures de Sankt Wendel se prête bien pour notre pause-dîner. Nous passons le reste de la journée chez Melanie et Georges à Oberkirchen. Après deux ans que nous ne nous sommes pas révus, il y a des choses à raconter. Melanie nous gâte avec un superbon souper. La cave de Georges recèle des trésors auquels nous ne pouvons guère résister. Que du plaisir de retrouver nos amis après des mois d'incertitudes. Heureusement qu'il ne nous faut que qq mètres pour retrouver notre lit au camping-car.Read more

    • Day 328

      Nein, wir fahren nicht ins Outlet

      September 8, 2020 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Heute war Wäschewaschtag in Pirmasens. Auf unserer weiteren Tour fahren wir am Zweibrücker Outlet vorbei. "Nein, da müssen wir nicht hin", schüttel ich den Kopf. Wir fahren weiter auf einen Waldparkplatz und verbringen eine ruhige Nacht. Nein, wir fahren nicht ins Outlet, nein wir fahren nicht ins Outlet.🥴Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Saarland, Sarre, سارلاند, Saarland suyu, Саар, Саарланд, জারল্যান্ড, زارلاند, Sársko, Saarlandska, Σάαρλαντ, Sarlando, Saarimaa, Saarlun, Saarlân, An tSárlainn, חבל הסאר, सारलैंड, Saarska, Posaarska, Saar-vidék, ザールラント州, ზაარლანდი, 자를란트 주, Saravia, Saro kraštas, Zāra, Сар, Заарланд, जारलांड, सारल्यान्ड, Saarlande, ਜ਼ਾਰਲਾਂਡ, Saarlond, Saara, سارلینڈ, Posarje, Сарланд, Saarlound, Saar, รัฐซาร์ลันด์, Sarlän, 沙亞, 薩爾蘭

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